65 lines
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65 lines
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USB-Example: User defined USB device
(c) 2011 Reusch Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rainer Reusch
Homepage: http://products.reworld.eu/index.htm
Main Form
Borland C++Builder 6
Created: 2011-05-30
Changed: 2011-05-30
#ifndef UnitMainH
#define UnitMainH
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
#include "usb.h"
#define MY_VID 0x0001 // Vendor ID of the device
#define MY_PID 0x0001 // Product ID of the device
class TFormMain : public TForm
__published: // Von der IDE verwaltete Komponenten
TStatusBar *StatusBar1;
TButton *ButtonOpen;
TButton *ButtonVersion;
TLabeledEdit *LabeledEdit1;
TLabel *Label1;
TLabel *LabelData;
TButton *ButtonClose;
TLabel *LabelVersion;
TButton *ButtonExit;
TButton *ButtonTransfer;
void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall FormCloseQuery(TObject *Sender, bool &CanClose);
void __fastcall FormDestroy(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall ButtonOpenClick(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall ButtonVersionClick(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall ButtonCloseClick(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall ButtonExitClick(TObject *Sender);
void __fastcall ButtonTransferClick(TObject *Sender);
private: // Anwender-Deklarationen
struct usb_dev_handle *dev;
usb_dev_handle *open_dev(void);
public: // Anwender-Deklarationen
__fastcall TFormMain(TComponent* Owner);
extern PACKAGE TFormMain *FormMain;