  • Joined on 2019-02-10
BlubbFish released Create Senml Messages for Linksmart at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:27:33 +01:00
BlubbFish released Better levelcheck and Alarmsensor added at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:27:12 +01:00
BlubbFish released Check to avoid megapeaks in Data at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:25:48 +01:00
BlubbFish released Add Alarm and SceneControllerConf at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:25:26 +01:00
BlubbFish released SensorBinary and Fixing at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:24:59 +01:00
BlubbFish released Fixing Json Names at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:24:03 +01:00
BlubbFish released fixing polling once bug at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:23:36 +01:00
BlubbFish released Tiny fix for mqtt at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:22:45 +01:00
BlubbFish released Simpler CommandClass at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:22:09 +01:00
BlubbFish released F4G Faker at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:21:43 +01:00
BlubbFish released Tiny Fix at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:21:16 +01:00
BlubbFish released Massive improvement at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:20:52 +01:00
BlubbFish released First working Version at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:20:26 +01:00
BlubbFish released Init at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:20:02 +01:00
BlubbFish pushed to master at vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:19:28 +01:00
f4aa690038 [1.6.0] Refactoring is the key
BlubbFish pushed tag v1.1.0.0 to vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:19:28 +01:00
BlubbFish pushed tag v1.1.1.0 to vs_projects/Zway 2022-01-15 23:19:28 +01:00