Make icon transparent if there is no data update #12

opened 2019-05-03 21:34:57 +02:00 by BlubbFish · 2 comments
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BlubbFish changed title from icons ausgrauen wenn kein update seit x to Make icon transparent if there is no data update 2021-03-24 21:45:05 +01:00

Remove the icon of a person if the there is no data update since 20min

Start make it Transparent with 1m
Make it Transparent to 90% after 5m
70% after 15m
50% after 30m
25% after 60m

Make it linear with no steps

Remove the icon of a person if the there is no data update since 20min Idea: Start make it Transparent with 1m Make it Transparent to 90% after 5m 70% after 15m 50% after 30m 25% after 60m Make it linear with no steps

Implemented in 1.2.8

Implemented in 1.2.8
BlubbFish added this to the Improve UI milestone 2021-03-24 21:52:53 +01:00
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Reference: Lora/Lora-Map#12
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