# Fraunhofer.Fit.IoT.LoraMap (Lora-Map) Program that displays items with coordinates from Mqtt on a map. This readme is meant for describing the application. ![Picture of the Application](Lora-Map.jpg) ## Getting Started The project documentation is available on the [Wiki](https://github.com/MONICA-Project/lora-map/wiki). ## Deployment This repository is only for containing the code from Lora-Map. If you want to develop, please goto the [Map-Project](https://github.com/MONICA-Project/map-project). This repository contains all references as github submodules, even this one. ## Development * Versioning: Use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) and tag the repository with full version string. E.g. `v1.0.0` ### Prerequisite This projects depends on different librarys. #### Linking to ##### Internal * BlubbFish.Utils ([Utils](http://git.blubbfish.net/vs_utils/Utils)) * BlubbFish.Utils.IoT ([Utils-IoT](http://git.blubbfish.net/vs_utils/Utils-IoT)) * BlubbFish.Utils.IoT.Bots ([Bot-Utils](http://git.blubbfish.net/vs_utils/Bot-Utils)) * BlubbFish.Utils.IoT.Connector.Data.Mqtt ([ConnectorDataMqtt](http://git.blubbfish.net/vs_utils/ConnectorDataMqtt)) ##### External * litjson * M2Mqtt * CordinateSharp ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. Please fork, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first and discuss it with the other authors. ## Affiliation ![MONICA](https://github.com/MONICA-Project/template/raw/master/monica.png) This work is supported by the European Commission through the [MONICA H2020 PROJECT](https://www.monica-project.eu) under grant agreement No 732350.