openapi: "3.0.0" info: version: 1.0.0 title: Lora-Map description: Swagger-File for the API of the Lora-Map contact: name: Philip Schell email: license: name: LGPL 3 url: servers: - url: http://localhost:8080 paths: /api/json/camera: get: description: Get related data to Cameras tags: - api responses: 200: description: ok content: application/json: example: Counter: Haupteingang: Lastcameradata: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Name: "Camera 1" Total: 50 Incoming: 35 Outgoing: 15 Density: Hauptflaeche: DensityCount: 10 TimeStamp: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" AverageFlowMagnitude: 5.2 AverageFlowDirection: 175.2 LastUpdate: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Fights: Kneipe: LastUpdate: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" TimeStamp: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Situation: "fight" FightProbability: 0.7 /api/json/position: get: description: Get related data to Positions tags: - api responses: 200: description: ok content: application/json: example: Positions: AA: Rssi: 5.2 Snr: 3.2 Lorarecievedtime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Recievedtime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Latitude: 50.2 Longitude: 7.8 UTM: MGRS: "32U MA 14357 61557" Base: "32U MA" FieldWidth: "14" FieldHeight: "61" Width: "357" Height: "557" Hdop: 1.2 Lastgpspostime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Battery: 4.2 Batterysimple: 4 Fix: true Height: 60.2 Name: "AA" Icon: null MenuIcon: null Group: null Alarms: AA: Rssi: 5.2 Snr: 3.2 Lorarecievedtime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Recievedtime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Latitude: 50.2 Longitude: 7.8 UTM: MGRS: "32U MA 14357 61557" Base: "32U MA" FieldWidth: "14" FieldHeight: "61" Width: "357" Height: "557" Hdop: 1.2 Lastgpspostime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Battery: 4.2 Batterysimple: 4 Fix: true Height: 60.2 Name: "AA" Icon: null MenuIcon: null Group: null ButtonPressed: - "04/08/2021 00:20:31" /api/json/sensor: get: description: Get related data to Sensors tags: - api responses: 200: description: ok content: application/json: example: Enviroments: Sensor1: Name: "Sensor1" Rssi: 50.2 Snr: 11.2 Temperature: 23.4 Humidity: 43.2 Windspeed: 12.5 Lorarecievedtime: "04/08/2021 00:20:31" Weather: Warnungen: - Body: "Es tritt leichter Frost zwischen -2 °C und -5 °C auf. Vor allem bei Aufklaren über Schnee sinken die Temperaturen auf Werte bis -9 °C." From: "2021-04-08T13:54:00Z" Headline: "Amtliche WARNUNG vor FROST" Id: "Warnungen_Gemeinden.808111000." Instructions: "" Level: "minor" Location: "Stadt Stuttgart" To: "2021-04-09T07:00:00Z" Type: "frost" /api/json/settings: get: description: Get related data to Settings tags: - api responses: 200: description: ok content: application/json: example: Startloclat: 50.2 Startloclon: 7.2 Grid: Major: - from: - 50.2 - 7.2 to: - 50.2 - 7.1 Minor: - from: - 50.1 - 7.2 - to: - 50.1 - 7.1 FightDedection: fight: Alias: "fightcam" Level: 0.7 Polygon: - - 50.2 - 7.2 - - 50.1 - 7.2 - - 50.2 - 7.1 DensityArea: dens: Alias: "denscam" Maximum: Polygon: - - 50.2 - 7.2 - - 50.1 - 7.2 - - 50.2 - 7.1 Sensors: temp: Coordinates: - 50.2 - 7.2 Level: 20 Alias: "Temperatur" Layers: online: title: Online Map url: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' minZoom: 1 maxZoom: 19 GeoLayer: {} /api/time: get: description: Get the current server time tags: - api responses: 200: description: ok content: application/json: example: utc: "04/09/2021 21:55:37" /api/svg/marker.svg: get: description: Get a complete marker for the map tags: - marker responses: 200: description: ok /api/svg/person.svg: get: description: Get an person icon tags: - marker responses: 200: description: ok /admin/login: post: description: Login into the Admin pannel, is needed for every other /admin reqeust. Returns a session cookie tags: - admin responses: 307: description: Redirect to /admin if login was successful and to /admin/login.html if not. /admin/api/json/name: get: description: Get the raw content of names.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Returns the raw content 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos. put: description: Save the raw content to names.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Ok if valid json in the request 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos. /admin/api/json/geo: get: description: Get the raw content of geo.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Returns the raw content 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos. put: description: Save the raw content to geo.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Ok if valid json in the request 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos. /admin/api/json/setting: get: description: Get the raw content of settings.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Returns the raw content 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos. put: description: Save the raw content to settings.json tags: - admin responses: 200: description: Ok if valid json in the request 403: description: You are not logged in, see /admin/login for infos.