asyncapi: 2.0.0 info: title: Lora-Internal-Flow version: '1.0.0' description: | Internal Communication for: * Lora-Gateway * Lora-Map license: name: LGPL3 url: servers: production: url:{port} protocol: mqtt description: Lora-Broker security: - userPassword: [] variables: port: description: Secure connection (TLS) is available through port 8883. default: '1883' enum: - '1883' - '8883' defaultContentType: application/json channels: lora/data/{deviceID}: description: Topic witch contains the tracking data. parameters: deviceID: $ref: '#/components/parameters/deviceID' subscribe: operationId: loradata message: $ref: '#/components/messages/loradata' lora/panic/{deviceID}: description: Topic witch contains the tracking data, when the panic buttons was pressed parameters: deviceID: $ref: '#/components/parameters/deviceID' subscribe: operationId: lorapanic message: $ref: '#/components/messages/loradata' lora/status/{deviceID}: description: Topic witch contains status of the devices parameters: deviceID: $ref: '#/components/parameters/deviceID' subscribe: operationId: lorastatus message: $ref: '#/components/messages/lorastatus' components: messages: loradata: name: trackerData title: Positionsdata summary: Informs you about a Position and Status of a Tracker contentType: application/json payload: $ref: "#/components/schemas/loradataPayload" lorastatus: name: loraStatus title: Statusdata summary: Informs you about a Status of a Tracker payload: $ref: "#/components/schemas/lorastausPayload" schemas: loradataPayload: $ref: "#/components/schemas/loradataObject" lorastausPayload: $ref: "#/components/schemas/lorastatusObject" lorastatusObject: type: object properties: Bandwidth: type: integer description: Bandwidth on witch the Signal was recieved minimum: 7800 maximum: 500000 BatteryLevel: type: number description: Voltage of the battery from the device minimum: 2.5 maximum: 5 Calculatedcrc: type: integer description: The calculated CRC Codingrate: type: integer description: The Codingrate in witch the Signal was recieved minimum: 5 maximum: 8 Crcstatus: type: string description: Shows the CRC-Status in a Field enum: - Ok - Bad - No DeviceStatus: type: string description: Shows the internal state in a Field enum: - Startup - Powersave - Shutdown Frequency: type: integer description: The Frequency on that the Message was arrived FrequencyOffset: type: integer description: The internal offset to the base frequency, to compensate cheap china rf modules Host: type: string description: Name of the Gateway that Recieves the Data IpAddress: type: string description: IP-Address of the device, for debug default: "" format: "[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]" Name: type: string description: Name of the GPS-Tracker, must be unique between every Device format: "/[a-z]{2}/i" PacketRssi: type: number description: Recieve Signal Strength Index for the whole LORA-Messgae Receivedtime: type: string description: Timestamp of the Gateway, when it recieves the LORA-Message format: dd/mm/YYYY hh:MM:ss default: 01/01/2019 12:00:00 Recieverinterface: type: integer description: Internal virtual Radio of the Gateway, witch recieves the LORA-Messange Recieverradio: type: integer description: Internal Radio of the Gateway, witch recieves the LORA-Messange Rssi: type: number description: Recieve Signal Strength Index for the LORA-Message Snr: type: number description: Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Snrmax: type: number description: Maximum Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Snrmin: type: number description: Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Spreadingfactor: type: integer description: The Spreadingfactor of the LORA-Message minimum: 7 maximum: 12 Time: type: integer description: Internal Timecounter of the LORA-Reciever Version: type: integer description: Software-Versionsnumber of the Device WifiActive: type: boolean description: Status if the Device successufly connect to a wifi WifiSsid: type: string description: SSID of the WIFI witch the device connects to. loradataObject: type: object required: - BatteryLevel - Gps - Name - Receivedtime - Rssi - Snr properties: Bandwidth: type: integer description: Bandwidth on witch the Signal was recieved minimum: 7800 maximum: 500000 BatteryLevel: type: number description: Voltage of the battery from the device minimum: 2.5 maximum: 5 Calculatedcrc: type: integer description: The calculated CRC Codingrate: type: integer description: The Codingrate in witch the Signal was recieved minimum: 5 maximum: 8 Crcstatus: type: string description: Shows the CRC-Status in a Field enum: - Ok - Bad - No Frequency: type: integer description: The Frequency on that the Message was arrived Gps: type: object description: Gps-Data of a Message required: - Fix - Hdop - Height - LastGPSPos - LastLatitude - LastLongitude - Latitude - Longitude properties: Fix: type: boolean description: Status of the Tracker, true if it has GPS-Signal Hdop: type: number description: Dislocation from GPS-Reciever minimum: 0.8 maximum: 25 Height: type: number description: Height of the GPS-Reciever LastGPSPos: type: string description: Timestamp when the GPS-Reciever has its last position format: dd/mm/YYYY hh:MM:ss default: 01/01/2019 12:00:00 LastLatitude: type: number description: Last Latitude of the GPS-Reciever default: 50.7 LastLongitude: type: number description: Last Longitude of the GPS-Reciever default: 7.2 Latitude: type: number description: Latitude of the GPS-Reciever default: 50.7 Longitude: type: number description: Longitude of the GPS-Reciever default: 7.2 Time: type: string description: Timestamp of the GPS-Reciever, that it gets from the Satelites format: dd/mm/YYYY hh:MM:ss default: 01/01/2019 12:00:00 Host: type: string description: Name of the Gateway that Recieves the Data Name: type: string description: Name of the GPS-Tracker, must be unique between every Device format: "/[a-z]{2}/i" PacketRssi: type: number description: Recieve Signal Strength Index for the whole LORA-Messgae Receivedtime: type: string description: Timestamp of the Gateway, when it recieves the LORA-Message format: dd/mm/YYYY hh:MM:ss default: 01/01/2019 12:00:00 Recieverinterface: type: integer description: Internal virtual Radio of the Gateway, witch recieves the LORA-Messange Recieverradio: type: integer description: Internal Radio of the Gateway, witch recieves the LORA-Messange Rssi: type: number description: Recieve Signal Strength Index for the LORA-Message Snr: type: number description: Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Snrmax: type: number description: Maximum Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Snrmin: type: number description: Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio of the LORA-Message Spreadingfactor: type: integer description: The Spreadingfactor of the LORA-Message minimum: 7 maximum: 12 Time: type: integer description: Internal Timecounter of the LORA-Reciever securitySchemes: userPassword: type: userPassword description: Using Username and Password to connect to online broker parameters: deviceID: description: The ID of the streetlight. schema: type: string