741 lines
36 KiB
741 lines
36 KiB
var AdminMenu = {
Names: function () {
var ajaxnames = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxnames.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxnames.readyState === 4 && ajaxnames.status === 200) {
ajaxnames.open("GET", "/admin/get_json_names", true);
return false;
Overlay: function () {
return false;
Settings: function () {
var ajaxsettings = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxsettings.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxsettings.readyState === 4 && ajaxsettings.status === 200) {
ajaxsettings.open("GET", "/admin/get_json_settings", true);
return false;
ExImport: function () {
var ajaxnames = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxnames.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxnames.readyState === 4 && ajaxnames.status === 200) {
var ajaxgeo = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxgeo.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxgeo.readyState === 4 && ajaxgeo.status === 200) {
var ajaxsettings = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxsettings.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxsettings.readyState === 4 && ajaxsettings.status === 200) {
ExImport.ParseJson(ajaxnames.responseText, ajaxgeo.responseText, ajaxsettings.responseText);
ajaxsettings.open("GET", "/admin/get_json_settings", true);
ajaxgeo.open("GET", "/admin/get_json_geo", true);
ajaxnames.open("GET", "/admin/get_json_names", true);
return false;
var NamesEditor = {
iconeditorcounter: 0,
filterGropus: { no: "immer Sichtbar", fw: "Feuerwehr", sani: "Sanitäter", pol: "Polizei", oa: "Ordnungsamt", si: "Sicherheitsdienst", thw: "Technisches Hilfswerk", crew: "Veranstalter", dev: "Entwickler" },
ParseJson: function (jsontext) {
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "";
var namesconfig = JSON.parse(jsontext);
var html = "<div id='nameeditor'><div class='title'>Namenseinträge in den Einstellungen</div>";
html += "<table id='nametable' class='settingstable'>";
html += "<thead><tr><th width='60'>ID</th><th width='250'>Name</th><th width='65'>Icon</th><th width='150'>Filter Gruppe</th><th width='50'></th></tr></thead>";
html += "<tbody>";
for (var id in namesconfig) {
if (namesconfig.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var nameentry = namesconfig[id];
html += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + id + "</td>" +
"<td>" + nameentry["name"] + "</td>";
if (nameentry.hasOwnProperty("marker.svg")) {
html += "<td>" + this.ParseIcon(nameentry["marker.svg"]) + "</td>";
} else if (nameentry.hasOwnProperty("icon")) {
html += "<td><img src='"+nameentry["icon"]+"'></td>";
} else {
html += "<td><img src='../js/leaflet/images/marker-icon.png'></td>";
var gfilter = typeof nameentry.Group === "undefined" ? "no" : nameentry.Group;
html += "<td rel='" + gfilter + "'>" + this.filterGropus[gfilter] + "</td>";
html += "<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Edit(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>" +
html += "</tbody>";
html += "<tfoot><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><img src='../icons/general/add.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Add()' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Save()' class='pointer'></td></tr></tfoot>";
html += "</table>";
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html + "</div>";
ParseIcon: function (markerobj) {
var url = "../icons/marker/Marker.svg";
if (markerobj.hasOwnProperty("person")) {
url += "?icon=person&marker-bg=hidden";
if (markerobj["person"].hasOwnProperty("org")) {
url += "&person-org=" + markerobj["person"]["org"];
if(markerobj["person"].hasOwnProperty("funct")) {
url += "&person-funct=" + markerobj["person"]["funct"];
if(markerobj["person"].hasOwnProperty("rang")) {
url += "&person-rang=" + markerobj["person"]["rang"];
if(markerobj["person"].hasOwnProperty("text")) {
url += "&person-text=" + markerobj["person"]["text"];
if (markerobj["person"].hasOwnProperty("typ") && Array.isArray(markerobj["person"]["typ"])) {
for (i in markerobj["person"]["typ"]) {
url += "&person-typ=" + markerobj["person"]["typ"][i];
return "<object data='"+url+"' type='image/svg+xml' style='height:50px; width:50px;'></object>";
BuildIconJson: function (url) {
var query = this.SplitQueryIntoObject(this.SplitUrlIntoParts(url).query);
var markerobj = {};
if (query.hasOwnProperty("icon") && query["icon"] === "person") {
markerobj["person"] = {};
if (query.hasOwnProperty("person-org")) {
markerobj["person"]["org"] = query["person-org"];
if (query.hasOwnProperty("person-funct")) {
markerobj["person"]["funct"] = query["person-funct"];
if (query.hasOwnProperty("person-rang")) {
markerobj["person"]["rang"] = query["person-rang"];
if (query.hasOwnProperty("person-text")) {
markerobj["person"]["text"] = query["person-text"];
if (query.hasOwnProperty("person-typ")) {
if (Array.isArray(query["person-typ"])) {
markerobj["person"]["typ"] = new Array();
for (var i in query["person-typ"]) {
} else {
markerobj["person"]["typ"] = new Array();
return markerobj;
Add: function () {
var newrow = document.createElement("tr");
newrow.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 55px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 245px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/icon_edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.IconEditor(this.parentNode)' class='pointer'> wähle Icon</td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td>" + this.CreateSelectBox("", "item", { item: "" }, this.filterGropus, null, null, true);
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='NamesEditor.SaveRow(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
Save: function () {
var rows = document.getElementById("nametable").children[1].children;
var namejson = {};
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
if (rows[i].children[0].children.length === 1) {
alert("Bitte zuerst alle Zeilen speichern oder Löschen!");
var id = rows[i].children[0].innerText;
var name = rows[i].children[1].innerText;
namejson[id] = { "name": name, "Group": rows[i].children[3].attributes.rel.nodeValue };
if (rows[i].children[2].children[0].hasAttribute("data")) {
namejson[id]["marker.svg"] = this.BuildIconJson(rows[i].children[2].children[0].data);
var savenames = new XMLHttpRequest();
savenames.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (savenames.readyState === 4) {
if (savenames.status === 200) {
alert("Änderungen gespeichert!");
} else if (savenames.status === 501) {
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten (invalid JSON)!");
savenames.open("POST", "/admin/set_json_names", true);
Delete: function (el) {
var name = el.firstChild.innerHTML;
var answ = window.prompt("Wollen sie den Eintrag für \"" + name + "\" wirklich löschen?", "");
if (answ !== null) {
Edit: function (el) {
var id = el.children[0].innerText;
var name = el.children[1].innerText;
var url = null;
var gfilter = el.children[3].attributes.rel.nodeValue;
if (el.children[2].children[0].hasAttribute("data")) {
url = el.children[2].children[0].data;
el.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 55px;' value='" + id + "'/></td>";
el.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 245px;' value='" + name + "'/></td>";
if (url === null) {
el.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/icon_edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.IconEditor(this.parentNode)' class='pointer'> wähle Icon</td>";
} else {
el.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/icon_edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.IconEditor(this.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <object data='" + url + "' type='image/svg+xml' style='height:50px; width:50px;'></object></td>";
el.innerHTML += "<td>" + this.CreateSelectBox("", "item", { item: gfilter }, this.filterGropus, null, null, true);
el.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='NamesEditor.SaveRow(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
Abort: function (el) {
SaveRow: function (el) {
var id = el.children[0].children[0].value;
var name = el.children[1].children[0].value;
var url = null;
var gfilter = el.children[3].children[0].selectedOptions[0].value;
if (gfilter === "---") {
gfilter = "no";
if (el.children[2].children.length === 2) {
url = el.children[2].children[1].data;
el.innerHTML = "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
"<td>" + name + "</td>";
if (url === null) {
el.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../js/leaflet/images/marker-icon.png'></td>";
} else {
el.innerHTML += "<td><object data='" + url +"' type='image/svg+xml' style='height:50px; width:50px;'></object></td>";
el.innerHTML += "<td rel='" + gfilter + "'>" + this.filterGropus[gfilter] + "</td>";
el.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Edit(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='NamesEditor.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
IconEditor: function (el) {
var url = "../icons/marker/Marker.svg?marker-bg=hidden";
el.id = "icon_edit_" + this.iconeditorcounter++;
if (el.children.length === 2) {
url = el.children[1].data;
var query = this.SplitQueryIntoObject(this.SplitUrlIntoParts(url).query);
var ie = document.createElement("div");
ie.id = "iconeditor";
ie.innerHTML = "<div class='innerbox'>" +
"<div class='preview'><object id='markerprev' data='" + url + "' type='image/svg+xml' style='height:200px; width:200px;'></object></div>" +
"<div class='controls'>" +
this.CreateSelectBox("Typ", "icon", query, { "person": "Person" }, null, "iconeditor-type-") + "<br>" +
"<div id='iconeditor-type-person' style='display: " + (query.hasOwnProperty("icon") && query["icon"] === "person" ? "block" : "none") + ";'>" +
this.CreateSelectBox("Organisation", "person-org", query, { "fw": "Feuerwehr", "thw": "Technisches Hilfswerk", "hilo": "Hilfsorganisationen, Bundeswehr", "fueh": "Einrichtungen der Führung", "pol": "Polizei, Bundespolizei, Zoll", "sonst": "Sonstige Einrichtungen der Gefahrenabwehr" }) + "<br>" +
this.CreateSelectBox("Funktion", "person-funct", query, { "sonder": "Sonder", "fueh": "Führung" }) + "<br>" +
this.CreateSelectBox("Rang", "person-rang", query, { "trupp": "Trupp", "grupp": "Gruppe", "zug":"Zug" }) + "<br>" +
"Text: <input onchange='NamesEditor.ChangeLinkPreview(\"person-text\",this.value);' value='" + (query.hasOwnProperty("person-text") ? query["person-text"] : "") + "'><br>" +
this.CreateSelectBox("Typ", "person-typ", query, { "loesch": "Brandbekämpfung/Löscheinsatz", "sani": "Rettungswesen, Sanitätswesen, Gesundheitswesen", "betreu": "Betreuung" }, true) + "<br>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='save'><button onclick='NamesEditor.SaveIconEditor(\"" + el.id + "\"); '>Schließen</botton></div>" +
CreateSelectBox: function (title, key, query, options, muliple, group, noonchange) {
var html = title !== "" ? title + ": " : "";
var onchange = "";
if (!(typeof noonchange !== "undefined" && noonchange === true)) {
var eventtext = "NamesEditor.ChangeLinkPreview(\"" + key + "\",this.selectedOptions);";
if (typeof group !== "undefined" && group !== null) {
eventtext += " document.getElementById(\"" + group + "\"+this.value).style.display = \"block\";'";
onchange = " onchange='" + eventtext + "'";
html += "<select" + onchange + (typeof muliple !== "undefined" && muliple !== null ? " multiple" : "") + ">";
if (typeof muliple === "undefined" || muliple === null) {
html += "<option>---</option>";
for (var value in options) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(key) && query[key] === value) {
html += "<option value='" + value + "' selected>" + options[value] + "</option>";
} else if (query.hasOwnProperty(key) && Array.isArray(query[key])) {
var notinqueryarray = true;
for (var i in query[key]) {
if (query[key][i] === value) {
notinqueryarray = false;
html += "<option value='" + value + "' selected>" + options[value] + "</option>";
if (notinqueryarray) {
html += "<option value='" + value + "'>" + options[value] + "</option>";
} else {
html += "<option value='" + value + "'>" + options[value] + "</option>";
html += "</select>";
return html;
SaveIconEditor: function (id) {
var cell = document.getElementById(id);
cell.innerHTML = "<img src='../icons/general/icon_edit.png' onclick='NamesEditor.IconEditor(this.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <object data='" + document.getElementById("markerprev").data + "' type='image/svg+xml' style='height:50px; width:50px;'></object>";
SplitQueryIntoObject: function (query) {
if (query.indexOf("?") !== -1) {
query = query.split("?")[1];
var queryobj = {};
var pairs = query.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i].split("=");
if (queryobj.hasOwnProperty(decodeURIComponent(pair[0]))) {
if (Array.isArray(queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])])) {
queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])].push(decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ""));
} else {
var tmp = queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])];
queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = new Array();
queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])].push(decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ""));
} else {
queryobj[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || "");
return queryobj;
JoinObjectIntoQuery: function (queryobj) {
var query = new Array();
for (var id in queryobj) {
if (Array.isArray(queryobj[id])) {
for (var i in queryobj[id]) {
query.push(encodeURIComponent(id) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(queryobj[id][i]));
} else {
query.push(encodeURIComponent(id) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(queryobj[id]));
return query.join("&");
SplitUrlIntoParts: function (url) {
var parts = url.split("?");
return { "file": parts[0], "query": parts[1] || "" };
ChangeLinkPreview: function (key, val) {
var cur = this.SplitUrlIntoParts(document.getElementById("markerprev").data);
var query = this.SplitQueryIntoObject(cur.query);
if (typeof val === "object") {
query[key] = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
if (val[i].value === "---") {
delete query[key];
} else {
if (val === "---" || val === "") {
delete query[key];
} else {
query[key] = val;
document.getElementById("markerprev").data = cur.file + "?" + this.JoinObjectIntoQuery(query);
var Settings = {
ParseJson: function (jsonsettings) {
if (typeof jsonsettings.StartPos === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.StartPos = { lat: 0, lon: 0 };
if (typeof jsonsettings.CellIds === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.CellIds = [];
if (typeof jsonsettings.GridRadius === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.GridRadius = 1000;
if (typeof jsonsettings.FightDedection === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.FightDedection = [];
if (typeof jsonsettings.CrwodDensity === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.CrwodDensity = [];
if (typeof jsonsettings.Counting === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.Counting = [];
if (typeof jsonsettings.Sensors === "undefined") {
jsonsettings.Sensors = [];
var html = "<div id='settingseditor'><div class='title'>Einstellungen</div>";
html += "<div class='startloc'>Startpunkt: <input value='" + jsonsettings.StartPos.lat + "' id='startlat'> Lat, <input value='" + jsonsettings.StartPos.lon + "' id='startlon'> Lon</div>";
html += "<div class='wetterwarnings'>CellId's für DWD-Wetterwarnungen: <input value='" + jsonsettings.CellIds.join(";") + "' id='wetterids'> (Trennen durch \";\", <a href='https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/opendata/help/warnungen/cap_warncellids_csv.html'>cap_warncellids_csv</a>)</div>";
html += "<div class='gridradius'>Radius für das Grid um den Startpunkt: <input value='" + jsonsettings.GridRadius + "' id='gridrad'>m</div>";
html += "<div class='fightdedection'>Fight Dedection Kameras: <br>" + this._renderFightDedection(jsonsettings.FightDedection) + "</div>";
html += "<div class='crowddensity'>Crowd Density Kameras: <br>" + this._renderCrowdDensity(jsonsettings.CrwodDensity) + "</div>";
html += "<div class='sensorsettings'>Sensors: <br>" + this._renderSensorSettings(jsonsettings.Sensors) + "</div>";
html += "<div class='savesettings'><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.Save()' class='pointer'></div>";
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html + "</div>";
Save: function () {
var ret = {};
ret.StartPos = {};
ret.StartPos.lat = parseFloat(document.getElementById("startlat").value.replace(",", "."));
ret.StartPos.lon = parseFloat(document.getElementById("startlon").value.replace(",", "."));
ret.CellIds = document.getElementById("wetterids").value.split(";");
ret.GridRadius = parseInt(document.getElementById("gridrad").value);
var rowsf = document.getElementById("fighttable").children[1].children;
var fightjson = {};
for (var i = 0; i < rowsf.length; i++) {
if (rowsf[i].children[0].children.length === 1) {
alert("Bitte zuerst alle Zeilen speichern oder Löschen!");
var id = rowsf[i].children[0].innerText;
var coords = rowsf[i].children[1].innerHTML.split("<br>");
var polyjson = [];
for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) {
var coord = coords[j].split(";");
polyjson[j] = { "Lat": this._filterFloat(coord[0]), "Lon": this._filterFloat(coord[1]) };
fightjson[id] = { "Poly": polyjson, "Alias": rowsf[i].children[2].innerText, "Level": this._filterFloat(rowsf[i].children[3].innerText) };
ret.FightDedection = fightjson;
var rowsc = document.getElementById("crowdtable").children[1].children;
var crowdjson = {};
for (i = 0; i < rowsc.length; i++) {
if (rowsc[i].children[0].children.length === 1) {
alert("Bitte zuerst alle Zeilen speichern oder Löschen!");
id = rowsc[i].children[0].innerText;
var num = this._filterFloat(rowsc[i].children[1].innerText);
coords = rowsc[i].children[2].innerHTML.split("<br>");
polyjson = [];
for (j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) {
coord = coords[j].split(";");
polyjson[j] = { "Lat": this._filterFloat(coord[0]), "Lon": this._filterFloat(coord[1]) };
crowdjson[id] = {
"Poly": polyjson,
"Count": num,
"Alias": rowsc[i].children[3].innerText
ret.CrwodDensity = crowdjson;
var rowss = document.getElementById("sensortable").children[1].children;
var sensorjson = {};
for (i = 0; i < rowss.length; i++) {
if (rowss[i].children[0].children.length === 1) {
alert("Bitte zuerst alle Zeilen speichern oder Löschen!");
id = rowss[i].children[0].innerText;
coord = rowss[i].children[2].innerHTML.split(";");
sensorjson[id] = {
"Poly": {
"Lat": this._filterFloat(coord[0]),
"Lon": this._filterFloat(coord[1])
"Level": this._filterFloat(rowss[i].children[3].innerText),
"Alias": rowss[i].children[1].innerText
ret.Sensors = sensorjson;
var savesettings = new XMLHttpRequest();
savesettings.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (savesettings.readyState === 4) {
if (savesettings.status === 200) {
alert("Änderungen gespeichert!");
} else if (savesettings.status === 501) {
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten (invalid JSON)!");
savesettings.open("POST", "/admin/set_json_settings", true);
_renderSensorSettings: function (json) {
var ret = "";
ret += "<table id='sensortable' class='settingstable'>";
ret += "<thead><tr><th width='150'>ID</th><th width='150'>Alias</th><th width='250'>Koordinaten</th><th width='150'>Warn above</th><th width='50'></th></tr></thead>";
ret += "<tbody>";
for (var id in json) {
ret += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + id + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Alias + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Poly.Lat + ";" + json[id].Poly.Lon + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Level + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditSensor(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>" +
ret += "</tbody>";
ret += "<tfoot><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><img src='../icons/general/add.png' onclick='Settings.AddSensor()' class='pointer'></td></tr></tfoot>";
ret += "</table>";
return ret;
_renderFightDedection: function (json) {
var ret = "";
ret += "<table id='fighttable' class='settingstable'>";
ret += "<thead><tr><th width='150'>ID</th><th width='250'>Koordinaten</th><th width='150'>Alias</th><th width='150'>Alertlimit</th><th width='50'></th></tr></thead>";
ret += "<tbody>";
for (var id in json) {
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json[id].Poly.length; i++) {
coords[i] = json[id].Poly[i].Lat + ";" + json[id].Poly[i].Lon;
ret += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + id + "</td>" +
"<td>" + coords.join("<br>") + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Alias + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Level + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditFight(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>" +
ret += "</tbody>";
ret += "<tfoot><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><img src='../icons/general/add.png' onclick='Settings.AddFight()' class='pointer'></td></tr></tfoot>";
ret += "</table>";
return ret;
_renderCrowdDensity: function (json) {
var ret = "";
ret += "<table id='crowdtable' class='settingstable'>";
ret += "<thead><tr><th width='150'>ID</th><th width='200'>Personenanzahl</th><th width='250'>Koordinaten</th><th width='150'>Alias</th><th width='50'></th></tr></thead>";
ret += "<tbody>";
for (var id in json) {
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json[id].Poly.length; i++) {
coords[i] = json[id].Poly[i].Lat + ";" + json[id].Poly[i].Lon;
ret += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + id + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Count + "</td>" +
"<td>" + coords.join("<br>") + "</td>" +
"<td>" + json[id].Alias + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditDensity(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>" +
ret += "</tbody>";
ret += "<tfoot><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><img src='../icons/general/add.png' onclick='Settings.AddDensity()' class='pointer'></td></tr></tfoot>";
ret += "</table>";
return ret;
AddSensor: function () {
var newrow = document.createElement("tr");
newrow.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 250px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowSensor(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
AddFight: function () {
var newrow = document.createElement("tr");
newrow.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><textarea style='width: 240px;height: 60px;'></textarea></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowfight(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
AddDensity: function () {
var newrow = document.createElement("tr");
newrow.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 195px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><textarea style='width: 240px;height: 60px;'></textarea></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><input style='width: 145px;'/></td>";
newrow.innerHTML += "<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowdensity(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
Abort: function (el) {
SaveRowSensor: function (el) {
var coords = el.children[2].children[0].value;
var coord = coords.split(";");
var fail = false;
if (coord.length !== 2) {
fail = true;
} else if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[0])) || isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[1]))) {
fail = true;
if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(el.children[3].children[0].value))) {
alert("Die Eingabe des Alertlevel erwartet einen Float");
if (fail) {
alert("Die Eingabe der Koordinaten ist nicht Korrekt!\n\nBeispiel:\n50.7;7.8");
el.innerHTML = "<td>" + el.children[0].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + el.children[1].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + coords + "</td>" +
"<td>" + this._filterFloat(el.children[3].children[0].value) + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditSensor(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
SaveRowfight: function (el) {
var coords = el.children[1].children[0].value.replace(/\n/gi, "<br>");
var coordscheck = coords.split("<br>");
var fail = false;
for (var i = 0; i < coordscheck.length; i++) {
var coord = coordscheck[i].split(";");
if (coord.length !== 2) {
fail = true;
if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[0])) || isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[1]))) {
fail = true;
if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(el.children[3].children[0].value))) {
alert("Die Eingabe des Alertlevel erwartet einen Float");
if (fail) {
alert("Die Eingabe der Koordinaten ist nicht Korrekt!\n\nBeispiel:\n50.7;7.8\n50.6;7.9");
el.innerHTML = "<td>" + el.children[0].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + coords + "</td>" +
"<td>" + el.children[2].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + this._filterFloat(el.children[3].children[0].value) + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditFight(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
SaveRowdensity: function (el) {
var coords = el.children[2].children[0].value.replace(/\n/gi, "<br>");
var coordscheck = coords.split("<br>");
var fail = false;
for (var i = 0; i < coordscheck.length; i++) {
var coord = coordscheck[i].split(";");
if (coord.length !== 2) {
fail = true;
if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[0])) || isNaN(this._filterFloat(coord[1]))) {
fail = true;
if (fail) {
alert("Die Eingabe der Koordinaten ist nicht Korrekt!\n\nBeispiel:\n50.7;7.8\n50.6;7.9");
if (isNaN(this._filterFloat(el.children[1].children[0].value))) {
alert("Die Eingabe der Maximalen Anzahl der Personen ist nicht Korrekt, erwarte eine Zahl.");
el.innerHTML = "<td>" + el.children[0].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + el.children[1].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td>" + coords + "</td>" +
"<td>" + el.children[3].children[0].value + "</td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/edit.png' onclick='Settings.EditDensity(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Delete(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
Delete: function (el) {
var answ = window.prompt("Wollen sie den Eintrag für \"" + el.firstChild.innerHTML + "\" wirklich löschen?", "");
if (answ !== null) {
EditSensor: function (el) {
el.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[0].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[1].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 250px;' value='" + el.children[2].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[3].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowSensor(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
EditFight: function (el) {
el.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[0].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><textarea style='width: 240px;height: 60px;'>" + el.children[1].innerText + "</textarea></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[2].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[3].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowfight(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
EditDensity: function (el) {
el.innerHTML = "<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[0].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 195px;' value='" + el.children[1].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><textarea style='width: 240px;height: 60px;'>" + el.children[2].innerText + "</textarea></td>" +
"<td><input style='width: 145px;' value='" + el.children[3].innerText + "'/></td>" +
"<td><img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='Settings.SaveRowdensity(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'> <img src='../icons/general/remove.png' onclick='Settings.Abort(this.parentNode.parentNode)' class='pointer'></td>";
_filterFloat: function (value) {
if (/^(\-|\+)?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|Infinity)$/.test(value)) {
return Number(value);
return NaN;
var ExImport = {
ParseJson: function (jsonnames, jsongeo, jsonsettings) {
html = "<div id='eximport'><div class='title'>Ex- und Import der Einstellungen</div>";
html += "<div class='names'>names.json (Namen und Icons)<br/><textarea id='ex_names'></textarea> <img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='ExImport.SaveNames()' class='pointer'></div>";
html += "<div class='names'>geo.json (Layer on the MAP) <a href='https://mapbox.github.io/togeojson/'>Kml Konverter</a><br/><textarea id='ex_geo'></textarea> <img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='ExImport.SaveGeo()' class='pointer'></div>";
html += "<div class='names'>settings.json (Settings of the Map)<br/><textarea id='ex_settings'></textarea> <img src='../icons/general/save.png' onclick='ExImport.SaveSettings()' class='pointer'></div>";
html += "</div>";
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html;
document.getElementById("ex_names").value = jsonnames;
document.getElementById("ex_geo").value = jsongeo;
document.getElementById("ex_settings").value = jsonsettings;
SaveNames: function () {
var savenames = new XMLHttpRequest();
savenames.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (savenames.readyState === 4) {
if (savenames.status === 200) {
alert("Änderungen an names.json gespeichert!");
} else if (savenames.status === 501) {
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten (invalid JSON)!");
savenames.open("POST", "/admin/set_json_names", true);
SaveGeo: function () {
var savegeo = new XMLHttpRequest();
savegeo.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (savegeo.readyState === 4) {
if (savegeo.status === 200) {
alert("Änderungen an geo.json gespeichert!");
} else if (savegeo.status === 501) {
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten (invalid JSON)!");
savegeo.open("POST", "/admin/set_json_geo", true);
SaveSettings: function () {
var savesettings = new XMLHttpRequest();
savesettings.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (savesettings.readyState === 4) {
if (savesettings.status === 200) {
alert("Änderungen an settings.json gespeichert!");
} else if (savesettings.status === 501) {
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten (invalid JSON)!");
savesettings.open("POST", "/admin/set_json_settings", true);
}; |