402 lines
11 KiB
402 lines
11 KiB
* DropKick
* Highly customizable <select> lists
* https://github.com/JamieLottering/DropKick
* © 2011 Jamie Lottering <http://github.com/JamieLottering>
* <http://twitter.com/JamieLottering>
(function ($, window, document) {
var ie6 = false;
// Help prevent flashes of unstyled content
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) < 7) {
ie6 = true;
} else {
document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className + ' dk_fouc';
// Public methods exposed to $.fn.dropkick()
methods = {},
// Cache every <select> element that gets dropkicked
lists = [],
// Convenience keys for keyboard navigation
keyMap = {
'left' : 37,
'up' : 38,
'right' : 39,
'down' : 40,
'enter' : 13
// HTML template for the dropdowns
dropdownTemplate = [
'<div class="dk_container" id="dk_container_{{ id }}" tabindex="{{ tabindex }}">',
'<a class="dk_toggle">',
'<span class="dk_label">{{ label }}</span>',
'<div class="dk_options">',
'<ul class="dk_options_inner">',
// HTML template for dropdown options
optionTemplate = '<li class="{{ current }}"><a data-dk-dropdown-value="{{ value }}">{{ text }}</a></li>',
// Some nice default values
defaults = {
startSpeed : 1000, // I recommend a high value here, I feel it makes the changes less noticeable to the user
theme : false,
change : false
// Make sure we only bind keydown on the document once
keysBound = false
// Called by using $('foo').dropkick();
methods.init = function (settings) {
settings = $.extend({}, defaults, settings);
return this.each(function () {
// The current <select> element
$select = $(this),
// Store a reference to the originally selected <option> element
$original = $select.find(':selected').first(),
// Save all of the <option> elements
$options = $select.find('option'),
// We store lots of great stuff using jQuery data
data = $select.data('dropkick') || {},
// This gets applied to the 'dk_container' element
id = $select.attr('id') || $select.attr('name'),
// This gets updated to be equal to the longest <option> element
width = settings.width || $select.outerWidth(),
// Check if we have a tabindex set or not
tabindex = $select.attr('tabindex') ? $select.attr('tabindex') : '',
// The completed dk_container element
$dk = false,
// Dont do anything if we've already setup dropkick on this element
if (data.id) {
return $select;
} else {
data.settings = settings;
data.tabindex = tabindex;
data.id = id;
data.$original = $original;
data.$select = $select;
data.value = _notBlank($select.val()) || _notBlank($original.attr('value'));
data.label = $original.text();
data.options = $options;
// Build the dropdown HTML
$dk = _build(dropdownTemplate, data);
// Make the dropdown fixed width if desired
'width' : width + 'px'
// Hide the <select> list and place our new one in front of it
// Update the reference to $dk
$dk = $('#dk_container_' + id).fadeIn(settings.startSpeed);
// Save the current theme
theme = settings.theme ? settings.theme : 'default';
$dk.addClass('dk_theme_' + theme);
data.theme = theme;
// Save the updated $dk reference into our data object
data.$dk = $dk;
// Save the dropkick data onto the <select> element
$select.data('dropkick', data);
// Do the same for the dropdown, but add a few helpers
$dk.data('dropkick', data);
lists[lists.length] = $select;
// Focus events
$dk.bind('focus.dropkick', function (e) {
}).bind('blur.dropkick', function (e) {
$dk.removeClass('dk_open dk_focus');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
// Allows dynamic theme changes
methods.theme = function (newTheme) {
$select = $(this),
list = $select.data('dropkick'),
$dk = list.$dk,
oldtheme = 'dk_theme_' + list.theme
$dk.removeClass(oldtheme).addClass('dk_theme_' + newTheme);
list.theme = newTheme;
// Reset all <selects and dropdowns in our lists array
methods.reset = function () {
for (var i = 0, l = lists.length; i < l; i++) {
listData = lists[i].data('dropkick'),
$dk = listData.$dk,
$current = $dk.find('li').first()
$dk.find('.dk_options_inner').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 0);
_setCurrent($current, $dk);
_updateFields($current, $dk, true);
// Expose the plugin
$.fn.dropkick = function (method) {
if (!ie6) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || ! method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
// private
function _handleKeyBoardNav(e, $dk) {
code = e.keyCode,
data = $dk.data('dropkick'),
options = $dk.find('.dk_options'),
open = $dk.hasClass('dk_open'),
current = $dk.find('.dk_option_current'),
first = options.find('li').first(),
last = options.find('li').last(),
switch (code) {
case keyMap.enter:
if (open) {
_updateFields(current.find('a'), $dk);
} else {
case keyMap.up:
prev = current.prev('li');
if (open) {
if (prev.length) {
_setCurrent(prev, $dk);
} else {
_setCurrent(last, $dk);
} else {
case keyMap.down:
if (open) {
next = current.next('li').first();
if (next.length) {
_setCurrent(next, $dk);
} else {
_setCurrent(first, $dk);
} else {
// Update the <select> value, and the dropdown label
function _updateFields(option, $dk, reset) {
var value, label, data;
value = option.attr('data-dk-dropdown-value');
label = option.text();
data = $dk.data('dropkick');
$select = data.$select;
reset = reset || false;
if (data.settings.change && !reset) {
data.settings.change.call($select, value, label);
// Set the currently selected option
function _setCurrent($current, $dk) {
_setScrollPos($dk, $current);
function _setScrollPos($dk, anchor) {
var height = anchor.prevAll('li').outerHeight() * anchor.prevAll('li').length;
$dk.find('.dk_options_inner').animate({ scrollTop: height + 'px' }, 0);
// Close a dropdown
function _closeDropdown($dk) {
// Open a dropdown
function _openDropdown($dk) {
var data = $dk.data('dropkick');
$dk.find('.dk_options').css({ top : $dk.find('.dk_toggle').outerHeight() - 1 });
* Turn the dropdownTemplate into a jQuery object and fill in the variables.
function _build (tpl, view) {
// Template for the dropdown
template = tpl,
// Holder of the dropdowns options
options = [],
template = template.replace('{{ id }}', view.id);
template = template.replace('{{ label }}', view.label);
template = template.replace('{{ tabindex }}', view.tabindex);
if (view.options && view.options.length) {
for (var i = 0, l = view.options.length; i < l; i++) {
$option = $(view.options[i]),
current = 'dk_option_current',
oTemplate = optionTemplate
oTemplate = oTemplate.replace('{{ value }}', $option.val());
oTemplate = oTemplate.replace('{{ current }}', (_notBlank($option.val()) === view.value) ? current : '');
oTemplate = oTemplate.replace('{{ text }}', $option.text());
options[options.length] = oTemplate;
$dk = $(template);
return $dk;
function _notBlank(text) {
return ($.trim(text).length > 0) ? text : false;
$(function () {
// Handle click events on the dropdown toggler
$('.dk_toggle').live('click', function (e) {
var $dk = $(this).parents('.dk_container').first();
if ("ontouchstart" in window) {
$dk.find('.dk_options_inner').addClass('scrollable vertical');
return false;
// Handle click events on individual dropdown options
$('.dk_options a').live(($.browser.msie ? 'mousedown' : 'click'), function (e) {
$option = $(this),
$dk = $option.parents('.dk_container').first(),
data = $dk.data('dropkick')
_updateFields($option, $dk);
_setCurrent($option.parent(), $dk);
return false;
// Setup keyboard nav
$(document).bind('keydown.dk_nav', function (e) {
// Look for an open dropdown...
$open = $('.dk_container.dk_open'),
// Look for a focused dropdown
$focused = $('.dk_container.dk_focus'),
// Will be either $open, $focused, or null
$dk = null
// If we have an open dropdown, key events should get sent to that one
if ($open.length) {
$dk = $open;
} else if ($focused.length && !$open.length) {
// But if we have no open dropdowns, use the focused dropdown instead
$dk = $focused;
if ($dk) {
_handleKeyBoardNav(e, $dk);
})(jQuery, window, document);