6f69e40726Update go-sec added auth and jsonld featureBlubbFish2020-06-15 10:56:39 +0200
585c4e744b* configurable networking interface for dns-sd * corrected type in dns-sd log message * added catalog response context and type * Simplified context and added 'Catalog' to it * Details: #7BlubbFish2020-06-04 12:55:53 +0200
e3b7fdcab9[1.0.1] Update to the new ConnectionDataMqttBlubbFish2019-05-31 16:13:29 +0200
e69596b285[1.8.3] Update to changed ConnectorDataMqtt and remove Scral from code, because its an own project now, that uses the mqtt-backendBlubbFish2019-05-31 12:51:40 +0200
9fb269865e[1.2.6] New Types of marker for personBlubbFish2019-04-29 23:08:14 +0200
22a103c1eb[1.2.5] #10 text Letzer Datenempfang is too long when scrollbar is there and #11 set textsize for every zoomlevelBlubbFish2019-04-29 16:55:13 +0200
b9769fde6f[1.2.4] Can draw Textmarkers on the Map, use MGRS (UTM) on the MapBlubbFish2019-04-28 13:36:59 +0200
0933a84826[1.2.3] #9 display polygons and marker on the mapBlubbFish2019-04-24 20:28:02 +0200
7ee973d364[1.8.2] Bugfix, create also an event for sending normal loradata when update panicBlubbFish2019-04-22 21:10:54 +0200
f0e8be913a[1.2.2] Bugfix, if only recieve panic packet with gps data, update the marker on the map alsoBlubbFish2019-04-22 21:00:36 +0200
cb8d4b0ae4[NF] Huebot 1.1.2 new Bot-Utils and change dependencys [NF] Zwaybot 1.7.3 change Dependencys Lorabot updatedBlubbFish2018-10-29 22:24:06 +0000
51f4a3bbf5Zway-Bot [v1.7.2] Add Logging to some Modules, fixing a bug in overtaker (now it not removes every time all events, so only the latest event are watched) [Utils] Fixing a bug if more than one argument with paramsBlubbFish2018-10-02 14:53:59 +0000
e483f4906bZway-Bot [v1.7.1] Tiny fix for nullpointer exceptionBlubbFish2018-09-29 18:13:17 +0000
c31463993fZway [v1.5.0] Throw Exception if 3 times failed to connect to Raspberry server, add 3 new commandlcasses to IgnoredClasses Zway-Bot [v1.7.0] rewrite to Threaded Modules, edit service file for systemdBlubbFish2018-09-29 12:15:37 +0000
90ecc5b9d8Lora-Bot 1.3.0 Scral now get its config from configfile, make the GW more stable Lora 1.1.0 Now awaiing Battery as Double and fix the sending twise issueBlubbFish2018-09-13 22:02:07 +0000
03bed41188[BF] Forget to copy library partsBlubbFish2018-06-10 20:28:32 +0000
58d079d569[NF] Refactoring Hue-Bot [NF] Now Running as ServiceBlubbFish2018-06-10 19:48:23 +0000
6b2dadb453[NF] Moved CronJob, Overtaker, Statuspolling to Abstract Bot-Utils [NF] Create NSI Script to produce exe [NF] Add License.txtBlubbFish2018-06-09 21:27:15 +0000
0fde6881d6[NF] Add Bot-Utils and rewrite codeBlubbFish2018-06-07 20:49:54 +0000
7e204e9447[NF] Thread that checks if a MQTT Connection exists and if not reopen it [NF] ConnectorDataMqtt now supports user and passwordBlubbFish2018-06-05 16:46:56 +0000
f2ee340fce[NF] zwaybot installation first version workingBlubbFish2018-06-02 19:40:19 +0000