2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
/ *
CoordinateSharp is a . NET standard library that is intended to ease geographic coordinate
format conversions and location based celestial calculations .
https : //github.com/Tronald/CoordinateSharp
Many celestial formulas in this library are based on Jean Meeus ' s
Astronomical Algorithms ( 2 nd Edition ) . Comments that reference only a chapter
are refering to this work .
MIT License
( c ) 2017 , Justin Gielski
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* /
using System ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
namespace CoordinateSharp {
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/// <summary>
/// Observable class for handling all location based information.
/// This is the main class for CoordinateSharp.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// All information should be pulled from this class to include celestial information
/// </remarks>
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public class Coordinate : INotifyPropertyChanged {
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/// <summary>
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/// Creates an empty Coordinate.
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/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
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/// Values will need to be provided to latitude/longitude CoordinateParts manually
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/// </remarks>
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public Coordinate ( ) {
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this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . geoDate = new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( ) ;
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = new EagerLoad ( ) ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an empty Coordinate with custom datum.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Values will need to be provided to latitude/longitude CoordinateParts manually
/// </remarks>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
internal Coordinate ( Double equatorialRadius , Double inverseFlattening , Boolean _ ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . geoDate = new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( ) ;
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this , equatorialRadius , inverseFlattening ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = new EagerLoad ( ) ;
this . Set_Datum ( equatorialRadius , inverseFlattening ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated Coordinate based on decimal (signed degrees) formated latitude and longitude.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lat">latitude</param>
/// <param name="longi">longitude</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Geodate will default to 1/1/1900 GMT until provided
/// </remarks>
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public Coordinate ( Double lat , Double longi ) {
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this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . geoDate = new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( lat , CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( longi , CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( lat , longi , this . geoDate ) ;
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( lat , longi , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = new EagerLoad ( ) ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated Coordinate object with an assigned GeoDate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lat">latitude</param>
/// <param name="longi">longitude</param>
/// <param name="date">DateTime (UTC)</param>
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public Coordinate ( Double lat , Double longi , DateTime date ) {
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this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( lat , CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( longi , CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( lat , longi , date ) ;
this . geoDate = date ;
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( lat , longi , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = new EagerLoad ( ) ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
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/// <summary>
/// Creates an empty Coordinates object with specificied eager loading options.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Values will need to be provided to latitude/longitude manually
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="eagerLoad">Eager loading options</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Coordinate ( EagerLoad eagerLoad ) {
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this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . geoDate = new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
if ( eagerLoad . Cartesian ) {
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . UTM_MGRS ) {
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . ECEF ) {
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = eagerLoad ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated Coordinate object with specified eager loading options.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Geodate will default to 1/1/1900 GMT until provided
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="lat">latitude</param>
/// <param name="longi">longitude</param>
/// <param name="eagerLoad">Eager loading options</param>
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public Coordinate ( Double lat , Double longi , EagerLoad eagerLoad ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . geoDate = new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( lat , CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( longi , CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
if ( eagerLoad . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( lat , longi , this . geoDate ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . UTM_MGRS ) {
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( lat , longi , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . Cartesian ) {
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . ECEF ) {
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = eagerLoad ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated Coordinate object with specified eager load options and an assigned GeoDate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lat">Decimal format latitude</param>
/// <param name="longi">Decimal format longitude</param>
/// <param name="date">DateTime you wish to use for celestial calculation</param>
/// <param name="eagerLoad">Eager loading options</param>
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public Coordinate ( Double lat , Double longi , DateTime date , EagerLoad eagerLoad ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ;
this . latitude = new CoordinatePart ( lat , CoordinateType . Lat ) ;
this . longitude = new CoordinatePart ( longi , CoordinateType . Long ) ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
this . geoDate = date ;
if ( eagerLoad . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo = new Celestial ( lat , longi , date ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . UTM_MGRS ) {
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( lat , longi , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . Cartesian ) {
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
if ( eagerLoad . ECEF ) {
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
this . EagerLoadSettings = eagerLoad ;
this . equatorial_radius = 6378137.0 ;
this . inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
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private CoordinatePart latitude ;
private CoordinatePart longitude ;
private ECEF ecef ;
private DateTime geoDate ;
internal Double equatorial_radius ;
internal Double inverse_flattening ;
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/// <summary>
/// Latitudinal Coordinate Part
/// </summary>
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public CoordinatePart Latitude {
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get = > this . latitude ;
set {
if ( this . latitude ! = value ) {
if ( value . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . E | | value . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) { throw new ArgumentException ( "Invalid Position" , "Latitudinal positions cannot be set to East or West." ) ; }
this . latitude = value ;
this . latitude . parent = this ;
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo . CalculateCelestialTime ( this . Latitude . DecimalDegree , this . Longitude . DecimalDegree , this . geoDate ) ;
if ( this . longitude ! = null ) {
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if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . UTM_MGRS ) {
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this , this . UTM . equatorial_radius , this . UTM . inverse_flattening ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
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if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . Cartesian ) {
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
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if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . ECEF ) {
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
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/// <summary>
/// Longitudinal Coordinate Part
/// </summary>
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public CoordinatePart Longitude {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . longitude ;
set {
if ( this . longitude ! = value ) {
if ( value . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | value . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . S ) { throw new ArgumentException ( "Invalid Position" , "Longitudinal positions cannot be set to North or South." ) ; }
this . longitude = value ;
this . longitude . parent = this ;
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo . CalculateCelestialTime ( this . Latitude . DecimalDegree , this . Longitude . DecimalDegree , this . geoDate ) ;
if ( this . latitude ! = null ) {
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . UTM_MGRS ) {
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this , this . UTM . equatorial_radius , this . UTM . inverse_flattening ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . Cartesian ) {
this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . ECEF ) {
this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Date used to calculate celestial information
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Assumes all times are in UTC
/// </remarks>
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public DateTime GeoDate {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . geoDate ;
set {
if ( this . geoDate ! = value ) {
this . geoDate = value ;
if ( this . EagerLoadSettings . Celestial ) {
this . CelestialInfo . CalculateCelestialTime ( this . Latitude . DecimalDegree , this . Longitude . DecimalDegree , this . geoDate ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "CelestialInfo" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "GeoDate" ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Universal Transverse Mercator Values
/// </summary>
public UniversalTransverseMercator UTM { get ; private set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Military Grid Reference System (NATO UTM)
/// </summary>
public MilitaryGridReferenceSystem MGRS { get ; private set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Cartesian (Based on Spherical Earth)
/// </summary>
public Cartesian Cartesian { get ; private set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Earth Centered Earth Fixed Coordinate.
/// Uses Ellipsoidal height with no geoid model included.
/// 0 = Mean Sea Level based on the provided Datum.
/// </summary>
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public ECEF ECEF {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . ecef ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Required due to GeoDetic Height
internal set {
if ( this . ecef ! = value ) {
this . ecef = value ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "ECEF" ) ;
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private Parse_Format_Type parse_Format = Parse_Format_Type . None ;
/// <summary>
/// Used to determine what format the coordinate was parsed from.
/// Will equal "None" if Coordinate was not initialzed via a TryParse() method.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Parse_Format_Type Parse_Format {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . parse_Format ;
internal set {
if ( this . parse_Format ! = value ) {
this . parse_Format = value ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Parse_Format" ) ;
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2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Celestial information based on the objects location and geographic UTC date.
/// </summary>
public Celestial CelestialInfo { get ; private set ; }
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/// <summary>
/// Initialize celestial information (required if eager loading is turned off).
/// </summary>
public void LoadCelestialInfo ( ) = > this . CelestialInfo = Celestial . LoadCelestial ( this ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize UTM and MGRS information (required if eager loading is turned off).
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public void LoadUTM_MGRS_Info ( ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . UTM = new UniversalTransverseMercator ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize cartesian information (required if eager loading is turned off).
/// </summary>
public void LoadCartesianInfo ( ) = > this . Cartesian = new Cartesian ( this ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize ECEF information (required if eager loading is turned off).
/// </summary>
public void LoadECEFInfo ( ) = > this . ecef = new ECEF ( this ) ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Coordinate string formatting options.
/// </summary>
public CoordinateFormatOptions FormatOptions { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Eager loading settings.
/// </summary>
public EagerLoad EagerLoadSettings { get ; set ; }
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/// <summary>
/// Bindable formatted coordinate string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Bind to this property when MVVM patterns used</remarks>
public String Display = > this . Latitude . Display + " " + this . Longitude . Display ;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden Coordinate ToString() method.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>string (formatted).</returns>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public override String ToString ( ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String latString = this . latitude . ToString ( ) ;
String longSting = this . longitude . ToString ( ) ;
return latString + " " + longSting ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Overridden Coordinate ToString() method that accepts formatting.
/// Refer to documentation for coordinate format options.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">CoordinateFormatOptions</param>
/// <returns>Custom formatted coordinate</returns>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public String ToString ( CoordinateFormatOptions options ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String latString = this . latitude . ToString ( options ) ;
String longSting = this . longitude . ToString ( options ) ;
return latString + " " + longSting ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation.
/// Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off or else the items Datum won't be set.
/// Use overload if EagerLoading options are used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radius">Equatorial Radius</param>
/// <param name="flat">Inverse Flattening</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public void Set_Datum ( Double radius , Double flat ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//RADIUS 6378137.0;
//FLATTENING 298.257223563;
if ( this . UTM ! = null ) {
this . UTM . inverse_flattening = flat ;
this . UTM . ToUTM ( this . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . UTM ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "UTM" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "MGRS" ) ;
if ( this . ecef ! = null ) {
this . ecef . equatorial_radius = radius ;
this . ecef . inverse_flattening = flat ;
this . ecef . ToECEF ( this ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "ECEF" ) ;
this . equatorial_radius = radius ;
this . inverse_flattening = flat ;
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/// <summary>
/// Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation for specified coordinate formats only.
/// Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radius">Equatorial Radius</param>
/// <param name="flat">Inverse Flattening</param>
/// <param name="cd">Coordinate_Datum</param>
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public void Set_Datum ( Double radius , Double flat , Coordinate_Datum cd ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//RADIUS 6378137.0;
//FLATTENING 298.257223563;
if ( cd . HasFlag ( Coordinate_Datum . UTM_MGRS ) ) {
if ( this . UTM = = null | | this . MGRS = = null ) { throw new NullReferenceException ( "UTM/MGRS objects must be loaded prior to changing the datum." ) ; }
this . UTM . inverse_flattening = flat ;
this . UTM . ToUTM ( this . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . UTM ) ;
this . MGRS = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem ( this . UTM ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "UTM" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "MGRS" ) ;
if ( cd . HasFlag ( Coordinate_Datum . ECEF ) ) {
if ( this . ECEF = = null ) { throw new NullReferenceException ( "ECEF objects must be loaded prior to changing the datum." ) ; }
this . ecef . equatorial_radius = radius ;
this . ecef . inverse_flattening = flat ;
this . ecef . ToECEF ( this ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "ECEF" ) ;
if ( cd . HasFlag ( Coordinate_Datum . LAT_LONG ) ) {
this . equatorial_radius = radius ;
this . inverse_flattening = flat ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Returns a Distance object based on the current and specified coordinate (Haversine / Spherical Earth).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="c2">Coordinate</param>
/// <returns>Distance</returns>
public Distance Get_Distance_From_Coordinate ( Coordinate c2 ) = > new Distance ( this , c2 ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a Distance object based on the current and specified coordinate and specified earth shape.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="c2">Coordinate</param>
/// <param name="shape">Earth shape</param>
/// <returns>Distance</returns>
public Distance Get_Distance_From_Coordinate ( Coordinate c2 , Shape shape ) = > new Distance ( this , c2 , shape ) ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Move coordinate based on provided bearing and distance (in meters).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance in meters</param>
/// <param name="bearing">Bearing</param>
/// <param name="shape">Shape of earth</param>
/// <example>
/// The following example moves a coordinate 10km in the direction of
/// the specified bearing using ellipsoidal earth calculations.
/// <code>
/// //N 25º 0' 0" E 25º 0' 0"
/// Coordinate c = Coordinate(25,25);
/// double meters = 10000;
/// double bearing = 25;
/// //Move coordinate the specified meters
/// //and direction using ellipsoidal calculations
/// c.Move(meters, bearing, Shape.Ellipsoid);
/// //New Coordinate - N 25º 4' 54.517" E 24º 57' 29.189"
/// </code>
/// </example>
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public void Move ( Double distance , Double bearing , Shape shape ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Convert to Radians for formula
Double lat1 = this . latitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double lon1 = this . longitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double crs12 = bearing * Math . PI / 180 ; //Convert bearing to radians
Double [ ] ellipse = new Double [ ] { this . equatorial_radius , this . inverse_flattening } ;
if ( shape = = Shape . Sphere ) {
Double [ ] cd = Distance_Assistant . Direct ( lat1 , lon1 , crs12 , distance ) ;
Double lat2 = cd [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cd [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = - lon2 ; //v2.1.1.1
} else {
Double [ ] cde = Distance_Assistant . Direct_Ell ( lat1 , - lon1 , crs12 , distance , ellipse ) ; // ellipse uses East negative
//Convert back from radians
Double lat2 = cde [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cde [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ; //v2.1.1.1
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = lon2 ;
/// <summary>
/// Move a coordinate a specified distance (in meters) towards a target coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">Target coordinate</param>
/// <param name="distance">Distance toward target in meters</param>
/// <param name="shape">Shape of earth</param>
/// <example>
/// The following example moves a coordinate 10km towards a target coordinate using
/// ellipsoidal earth calculations.
/// <code>
/// //N 25º 0' 0" E 25º 0' 0"
/// Coordinate coord = Coordinate(25,25);
/// //Target Coordinate
/// Coordinate target = new Coordinate(26.5, 23.2);
/// double meters = 10000;
/// //Move coordinate the specified meters
/// //towards target using ellipsoidal calculations
/// coord.Move(target, meters, Shape.Ellipsoid);
/// //New Coordinate - N 24º 56' 21.526" E 25º 4' 23.944"
/// </code>
/// </example>
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public void Move ( Coordinate target , Double distance , Shape shape ) {
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Distance d = new Distance ( this , target , shape ) ;
//Convert to Radians for formula
Double lat1 = this . latitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double lon1 = this . longitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double crs12 = d . Bearing * Math . PI / 180 ; //Convert bearing to radians
Double [ ] ellipse = new Double [ ] { this . equatorial_radius , this . inverse_flattening } ;
if ( shape = = Shape . Sphere ) {
Double [ ] cd = Distance_Assistant . Direct ( lat1 , lon1 , crs12 , distance ) ;
Double lat2 = cd [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cd [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = - lon2 ; //v2.1.1.1 update
} else {
Double [ ] cde = Distance_Assistant . Direct_Ell ( lat1 , - lon1 , crs12 , distance , ellipse ) ; // ellipse uses East negative
//Convert back from radians
Double lat2 = cde [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cde [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ; // v2.1.1.1
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = lon2 ;
/// <summary>
/// Move coordinate based on provided bearing and distance (in meters).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance">Distance</param>
/// <param name="bearing">Bearing</param>
/// <param name="shape">Shape of earth</param>
/// <example>
/// The following example moves a coordinate 10km in the direction of
/// the specified bearing using ellipsoidal earth calculations.
/// <code>
/// //N 25º 0' 0" E 25º 0' 0"
/// Coordinate c = Coordinate(25,25);
/// Distance distance = new Distance(10, DistanceType.Kilometers);
/// double bearing = 25;
/// //Move coordinate the specified distance
/// //and direction using ellipsoidal calculations
/// c.Move(distance, bearing, Shape.Ellipsoid);
/// //New Coordinate - N 25º 4' 54.517" E 24º 57' 29.189"
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public void Move ( Distance distance , Double bearing , Shape shape ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Convert to Radians for formula
Double lat1 = this . latitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double lon1 = this . longitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double crs12 = bearing * Math . PI / 180 ; //Convert bearing to radians
Double [ ] ellipse = new Double [ ] { this . equatorial_radius , this . inverse_flattening } ;
if ( shape = = Shape . Sphere ) {
Double [ ] cd = Distance_Assistant . Direct ( lat1 , lon1 , crs12 , distance . Meters ) ;
Double lat2 = cd [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cd [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = - lon2 ; //v2.1.1.1
} else {
Double [ ] cde = Distance_Assistant . Direct_Ell ( lat1 , - lon1 , crs12 , distance . Meters , ellipse ) ; // ellipse uses East negative
//Convert back from radians
Double lat2 = cde [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cde [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ; //v2.1.1.1
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = lon2 ;
/// <summary>
/// Move a coordinate a specified distance towards a target coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">Target coordinate</param>
/// <param name="distance">Distance toward target</param>
/// <param name="shape">Shape of earth</param>
/// <example>
/// The following example moves a coordinate 10km towards a target coordinate using
/// ellipsoidal earth calculations.
/// <code>
/// //N 25º 0' 0" E 25º 0' 0"
/// Coordinate coord = Coordinate(25,25);
/// //Target Coordinate
/// Coordinate target = new Coordinate(26.5, 23.2);
/// Distance distance = new Distance(10, DistanceType.Kilometers);
/// //Move coordinate the specified distance
/// //towards target using ellipsoidal calculations
/// coord.Move(target, distance, Shape.Ellipsoid);
/// //New Coordinate - N 24º 56' 21.526" E 25º 4' 23.944"
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public void Move ( Coordinate target , Distance distance , Shape shape ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Distance d = new Distance ( this , target , shape ) ;
//Convert to Radians for formula
Double lat1 = this . latitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double lon1 = this . longitude . ToRadians ( ) ;
Double crs12 = d . Bearing * Math . PI / 180 ; //Convert bearing to radians
Double [ ] ellipse = new Double [ ] { this . equatorial_radius , this . inverse_flattening } ;
if ( shape = = Shape . Sphere ) {
Double [ ] cd = Distance_Assistant . Direct ( lat1 , lon1 , crs12 , distance . Meters ) ;
Double lat2 = cd [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cd [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = - lon2 ; //v2.1.1.1 update
} else {
Double [ ] cde = Distance_Assistant . Direct_Ell ( lat1 , - lon1 , crs12 , distance . Meters , ellipse ) ;
//Convert back from radians
Double lat2 = cde [ 0 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ;
Double lon2 = cde [ 1 ] * ( 180 / Math . PI ) ; //v2.1.1.1
this . Latitude . DecimalDegree = lat2 ;
this . Longitude . DecimalDegree = lon2 ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">Coordinate string</param>
/// <param name="c">Coordinate</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// Coordinate c;
/// if(Coordinate.TryParse("N 32.891º W 64.872º",out c))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 32º 53' 28.212" W 64º 52' 20.914"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , out Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( FormatFinder . TryParse ( s , CartesianType . Cartesian , out c ) ) {
Parse_Format_Type pft = c . Parse_Format ;
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) ) {
parse_Format = pft
} ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
return true ;
return false ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
/// <summary>
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
/// </summary>
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <param name="s">Coordinate string</param>
/// <param name="geoDate">GeoDate</param>
/// <param name="c">Coordinate</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// Coordinate c;
/// if(Coordinate.TryParse("N 32.891º W 64.872º", new DateTime(2018,7,7), out c))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 32º 53' 28.212" W 64º 52' 20.914"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , DateTime geoDate , out Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( FormatFinder . TryParse ( s , CartesianType . Cartesian , out c ) ) {
Parse_Format_Type pft = c . Parse_Format ;
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) , geoDate ) {
parse_Format = pft
} ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">Coordinate string</param>
/// <param name="c">Coordinate</param>
/// <param name="ct">Cartesian Type</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// Coordinate c;
/// if(Coordinate.TryParse("N 32.891º W 64.872º", CartesianType.Cartesian, out c))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 32º 53' 28.212" W 64º 52' 20.914"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , CartesianType ct , out Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( FormatFinder . TryParse ( s , ct , out c ) ) {
Parse_Format_Type pft = c . Parse_Format ;
if ( ct = = CartesianType . ECEF ) {
Distance h = c . ecef . GeoDetic_Height ;
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) ) ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
c . ecef . Set_GeoDetic_Height ( c , h ) ;
} else {
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) ) ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
c . parse_Format = pft ;
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">Coordinate string</param>
/// <param name="geoDate">GeoDate</param>
/// <param name="c">Coordinate</param>
/// <param name="ct">Cartesian Type</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// Coordinate c;
/// if(Coordinate.TryParse("N 32.891º W 64.872º", new DateTime(2018,7,7), CartesianType.Cartesian, out c))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 32º 53' 28.212" W 64º 52' 20.914"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , DateTime geoDate , CartesianType ct , out Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( FormatFinder . TryParse ( s , ct , out c ) ) {
Parse_Format_Type pft = c . Parse_Format ;
if ( ct = = CartesianType . ECEF ) {
Distance h = c . ecef . GeoDetic_Height ;
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) , geoDate ) ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
c . ecef . Set_GeoDetic_Height ( c , h ) ;
} else {
c = new Coordinate ( c . Latitude . ToDouble ( ) , c . Longitude . ToDouble ( ) , geoDate ) ; //Reset with EagerLoad back on.
c . parse_Format = pft ;
return true ;
return false ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Property changed event
/// </summary>
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged ;
/// <summary>
/// Notify property changed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propName">Property name</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public void NotifyPropertyChanged ( String propName ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
switch ( propName ) {
case "CelestialInfo" :
if ( ! this . EagerLoadSettings . Celestial | | this . CelestialInfo = = null ) { return ; } //Prevent Null Exceptions and calls while eagerloading is off
this . CelestialInfo . CalculateCelestialTime ( this . latitude . DecimalDegree , this . longitude . DecimalDegree , this . geoDate ) ;
break ;
case "UTM" :
if ( ! this . EagerLoadSettings . UTM_MGRS | | this . UTM = = null ) { return ; }
this . UTM . ToUTM ( this . latitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . longitude . ToDouble ( ) , this . UTM ) ;
break ;
case "utm" :
//Adjust case and notify of change.
//Use to notify without calling ToUTM()
propName = "UTM" ;
break ;
case "MGRS" :
if ( ! this . EagerLoadSettings . UTM_MGRS | | this . MGRS = = null ) { return ; }
this . MGRS . ToMGRS ( this . UTM ) ;
break ;
case "Cartesian" :
if ( ! this . EagerLoadSettings . Cartesian | | this . Cartesian = = null ) { return ; }
this . Cartesian . ToCartesian ( this ) ;
break ;
case "ECEF" :
if ( ! this . EagerLoadSettings . ECEF ) { return ; }
this . ECEF . ToECEF ( this ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
PropertyChanged ? . Invoke ( this , new PropertyChangedEventArgs ( propName ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Observable class for handling latitudinal and longitudinal coordinate parts.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Objects can be passed to Coordinate object Latitude and Longitude properties.
/// </remarks>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public class CoordinatePart : INotifyPropertyChanged {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds
//Rounding: Dependent upon selected format
//Leading Zeros: False
//Trailing Zeros: False
//Display Symbols: True (All Symbols display)
//Display Hyphens: False
//Position Display: First
private Double decimalDegree ;
private Double decimalMinute ;
private Int32 degrees ;
private Int32 minutes ;
private Double seconds ;
private CoordinatesPosition position ;
private readonly CoordinateType type ;
internal Coordinate parent ;
/// <summary>
/// Used to determine and notify the CoordinatePart parent Coordinate object.
/// </summary>
public Coordinate Parent = > this . parent ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Observable decimal format coordinate.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Double DecimalDegree {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . decimalDegree ;
set {
//If changing, notify the needed property changes
if ( this . decimalDegree ! = value ) {
//Validate the value
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
if ( value > 90 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitude degrees cannot be greater than 90" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( value < - 90 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitude degrees cannot be less than -90" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
if ( value > 180 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitude degrees cannot be greater than 180" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( value < - 180 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitude degrees cannot be less than -180" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalDegree = value ;
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Update Position
if ( ( this . position = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | this . position = = CoordinatesPosition . E ) & & this . decimalDegree < 0 ) {
this . position = this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ? CoordinatesPosition . S : CoordinatesPosition . W ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( ( this . position = = CoordinatesPosition . W | | this . position = = CoordinatesPosition . S ) & & this . decimalDegree > = 0 ) {
this . position = this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ? CoordinatesPosition . N : CoordinatesPosition . E ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Update the Degree & Decimal Minute
Double degABS = Math . Abs ( this . decimalDegree ) ; //Make decimalDegree positive for calculations
Double degFloor = Math . Truncate ( degABS ) ; //Truncate the number leftto extract the degree
Decimal f = Convert . ToDecimal ( degFloor ) ; //Convert to degree to decimal to keep precision during calculations
Decimal ddm = Convert . ToDecimal ( degABS ) - f ; //Extract decimalMinute value from decimalDegree
ddm * = 60 ; //Multiply by 60 to get readable decimalMinute
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Double dm = Convert . ToDouble ( ddm ) ; //Convert decimalMinutes back to double for storage
Int32 df = Convert . ToInt32 ( degFloor ) ; //Convert degrees to int for storage
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . degrees ! = df ) {
this . degrees = df ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . decimalMinute ! = dm ) {
this . decimalMinute = dm ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Update Minutes Seconds
Double dmFloor = Math . Floor ( dm ) ; //Get number left of decimal to grab minute value
Int32 mF = Convert . ToInt32 ( dmFloor ) ; //Convert minute to int for storage
f = Convert . ToDecimal ( dmFloor ) ; //Create a second minute value and store as decimal for precise calculation
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Decimal s = ddm - f ; //Get seconds from minutes
s * = 60 ; //Multiply by 60 to get readable seconds
Double secs = Convert . ToDouble ( s ) ; //Convert back to double for storage
if ( this . minutes ! = mF ) {
this . minutes = mF ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . seconds ! = secs ) {
this . seconds = secs ;
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . DecimalDegree ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Observable decimal format minute.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Double DecimalMinute {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . decimalMinute ;
set {
if ( this . decimalMinute ! = value ) {
if ( value < 0 ) { value * = - 1 ; } //Adjust accidental negative input
//Validate values
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Decimal dm = Math . Abs ( Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ) / 60 ;
Double decMin = Convert . ToDouble ( dm ) ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . degrees + decMin > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 90" ) ; }
} else {
if ( this . degrees + decMin > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 180" ) ; }
if ( value > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Coordinate Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60" ) ; }
if ( value < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Coordinate Minutes cannot be less than 0" ) ; }
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalMinute = value ;
Decimal decValue = Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ; //Convert value to decimal for precision during calculation
Decimal dmFloor = Math . Floor ( decValue ) ; //Extract minutes
Decimal secs = decValue - dmFloor ; //Extract seconds
secs * = 60 ; //Convert seconds to human readable format
Decimal newDM = decValue / 60 ; //divide decimalMinute by 60 to get storage value
Decimal newDD = this . degrees + newDM ; //Add new decimal value to the floor degree value to get new decimalDegree;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( this . decimalDegree < 0 ) { newDD * = - 1 ; } //Restore negative if needed
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( newDD ) ; //Convert back to double for storage
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . minutes = Convert . ToInt32 ( dmFloor ) ; //Convert minutes to int for storage
this . seconds = Convert . ToDouble ( secs ) ; //Convert seconds to double for storage
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . DecimalMinute ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Observable coordinate degree.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Int32 Degrees {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . degrees ;
set {
//Validate Value
if ( this . degrees ! = value ) {
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( value < 0 ) { value * = - 1 ; } //Adjust accidental negative input
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
if ( value + this . decimalMinute / 100.0 > 90 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees" , "Latitude degrees cannot be greater than 90" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
if ( value + this . decimalMinute / 100.0 > 180 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees" , "Longitude degrees cannot be greater than 180" ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Decimal f = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . degrees ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . degrees = value ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Double degABS = Math . Abs ( this . decimalDegree ) ; //Make decimalDegree positive for calculations
Decimal dDec = Convert . ToDecimal ( degABS ) ; //Convert to Decimal for precision during calculations
//Convert degrees to decimal to keep precision
Decimal dm = dDec - f ; //Extract minutes
Decimal newDD = this . degrees + dm ; //Add minutes to new degree for decimalDegree
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( this . decimalDegree < 0 ) { newDD * = - 1 ; } //Set negative as required
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2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( newDD ) ; // Convert decimalDegree to double for storage
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . Degree ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Observable coordinate minute.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Int32 Minutes {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . minutes ;
set {
if ( this . minutes ! = value ) {
if ( value < 0 ) { value * = - 1 ; } //Adjust accidental negative input
//Validate the minutes
Decimal vMin = Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( this . degrees + vMin / 60 > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 90" ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( this . degrees + vMin / 60 > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 180" ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( value > = 60 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60" ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be less than 0" ) ;
Decimal minFloor = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . minutes ) ; //Convert decimal to minutes for calculation
Decimal f = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . degrees ) ; //Convert to degree to keep precision during calculation
this . minutes = value ;
Double degABS = Math . Abs ( this . decimalDegree ) ; //Make decimalDegree positive
Decimal dDec = Convert . ToDecimal ( degABS ) ; //Convert to decimalDegree for precision during calucation
Decimal dm = dDec - f ; //Extract minutes
dm * = 60 ; //Make minutes human readable
Decimal secs = dm - minFloor ; //Extract Seconds
Decimal newDM = this . minutes + secs ; //Add seconds to minutes for decimalMinute
Double decMin = Convert . ToDouble ( newDM ) ; //Convert decimalMinute to double for storage
this . decimalMinute = decMin ; //Round to correct precision
newDM / = 60 ; //Convert decimalMinute to storage format
Decimal newDeg = f + newDM ; //Add value to degree for decimalDegree
if ( this . decimalDegree < 0 ) { newDeg * = - 1 ; } // Set to negative as required.
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( newDeg ) ; //Convert to double and roun to correct precision for storage
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . Minute ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Observable coordinate second.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public Double Seconds {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . seconds ;
set {
if ( value < 0 ) { value * = - 1 ; } //Adjust accidental negative input
if ( this . seconds ! = value ) {
//Validate Seconds
Decimal vSec = Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ;
vSec / = 60 ;
Decimal vMin = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . minutes ) ;
vMin + = vSec ;
vMin / = 60 ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
if ( this . degrees + vMin > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 90" ) ; }
} else {
if ( this . degrees + vMin > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 180" ) ; }
if ( value > = 60 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be greater than or equal to 60" ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be less than 0" ) ;
this . seconds = value ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
//Double degABS = Math.Abs(this.decimalDegree); //Make decimalDegree positive
//Double degFloor = Math.Truncate(degABS); //Truncate the number left of the decimal
//Decimal f = Convert.ToDecimal(degFloor); //Convert to decimal to keep precision
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Decimal secs = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . seconds ) ; //Convert seconds to decimal for calculations
secs / = 60 ; //Convert to storage format
Decimal dm = this . minutes + secs ; //Add seconds to minutes for decimalMinute
Double minFD = Convert . ToDouble ( dm ) ; //Convert decimalMinute for storage
this . decimalMinute = minFD ; //Round to proper precision
Decimal nm = Convert . ToDecimal ( this . decimalMinute ) / 60 ; //Convert decimalMinute to decimal and divide by 60 to get storage format decimalMinute
Double newDeg = this . degrees + Convert . ToDouble ( nm ) ; //Convert to double and add to degree for storage decimalDegree
if ( this . decimalDegree < 0 ) { newDeg * = - 1 ; } //Make negative as needed
this . decimalDegree = newDeg ; //Update decimalDegree and round to proper precision
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . Second ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Formate coordinate part string.
/// </summary>
public String Display = > this . parent ! = null ? this . ToString ( this . parent . FormatOptions ) : this . ToString ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Observable coordinate position.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatesPosition Position {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
get = > this . position ;
set {
if ( this . position ! = value ) {
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long & & ( value = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | value = = CoordinatesPosition . S ) ) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "You cannot change a Longitudinal type coordinate into a Latitudinal" ) ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat & & ( value = = CoordinatesPosition . E | | value = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) ) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "You cannot change a Latitudinal type coordinate into a Longitudinal" ) ;
this . decimalDegree * = - 1 ; // Change the position
this . position = value ;
this . NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes . Position ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Creates an empty CoordinatePart.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">CoordinateType</param>
/// <param name="c">Parent Coordinate object</param>
[Obsolete("Method is deprecated. You no longer need to pass a Coordinate object through the constructor.")]
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType t , Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . parent = c ;
this . type = t ;
this . decimalDegree = 0 ;
this . degrees = 0 ;
this . minutes = 0 ;
this . seconds = 0 ;
this . position = this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ? CoordinatesPosition . N : CoordinatesPosition . E ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart from a decimal format part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Coordinate decimal value</param>
/// <param name="t">Coordinate type</param>
/// <param name="c">Parent Coordinate object</param>
[Obsolete("Method is deprecated. You no longer need to pass a Coordinate object through the constructor.")]
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Double value , CoordinateType t , Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . parent = c ;
this . type = t ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
if ( value > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
if ( value < - 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be less than 180." ) ; }
this . position = value < 0 ? CoordinatesPosition . W : CoordinatesPosition . E ;
} else {
if ( value > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
if ( value < - 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be less than 90." ) ; }
this . position = value < 0 ? CoordinatesPosition . S : CoordinatesPosition . N ;
Decimal dd = Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ;
dd = Math . Abs ( dd ) ;
Decimal ddFloor = Math . Floor ( dd ) ; //DEGREE
Decimal dm = dd - ddFloor ;
dm * = 60 ; //DECIMAL MINUTE
Decimal dmFloor = Math . Floor ( dm ) ; //MINUTES
Decimal sec = dm - dmFloor ;
sec * = 60 ; //SECONDS
this . decimalDegree = value ;
this . degrees = Convert . ToInt32 ( ddFloor ) ;
this . minutes = Convert . ToInt32 ( dmFloor ) ;
this . decimalMinute = Convert . ToDouble ( dm ) ;
this . seconds = Convert . ToDouble ( sec ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart object from a Degrees Minutes Seconds part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deg">Degrees</param>
/// <param name="min">Minutes</param>
/// <param name="sec">Seconds</param>
/// <param name="pos">Coordinate Part Position</param>
/// <param name="c">Parent Coordinate</param>
[Obsolete("Method is deprecated. You no longer need to pass a Coordinate object through the constructor.")]
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Int32 deg , Int32 min , Double sec , CoordinatesPosition pos , Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . parent = c ;
this . type = pos = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S ? CoordinateType . Lat : CoordinateType . Long ;
if ( deg < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Degrees cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( min < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( sec < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( min > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
if ( sec > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
this . degrees = deg ;
this . minutes = min ;
this . seconds = sec ;
this . position = pos ;
Decimal secD = Convert . ToDecimal ( sec ) ;
secD / = 60 ; //Decimal Seconds
Decimal minD = Convert . ToDecimal ( min ) ;
minD + = secD ; //Decimal Minutes
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minD / 60 > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal Degrees cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minD / 60 > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal Degrees cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalMinute = Convert . ToDouble ( minD ) ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
Decimal dd = Convert . ToDecimal ( deg ) + minD / 60 ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
dd * = - 1 ;
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( dd ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart from a Degrees Minutes Seconds part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deg">Degrees</param>
/// <param name="minSec">Decimal Minutes</param>
/// <param name="pos">Coordinate Part Position</param>
/// <param name="c">Parent Coordinate object</param>
[Obsolete("Method is deprecated. You no longer need to pass a Coordinate object through the constructor.")]
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Int32 deg , Double minSec , CoordinatesPosition pos , Coordinate c ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . parent = c ;
this . type = pos = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S ? CoordinateType . Lat : CoordinateType . Long ;
if ( deg < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Degree cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( minSec < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( minSec > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minSec / 60 > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Latitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minSec / 60 > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Longitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . degrees = deg ;
this . decimalMinute = minSec ;
this . position = pos ;
Decimal minD = Convert . ToDecimal ( minSec ) ;
Decimal minFloor = Math . Floor ( minD ) ;
this . minutes = Convert . ToInt32 ( minFloor ) ;
Decimal sec = minD - minFloor ;
sec * = 60 ;
Decimal secD = Convert . ToDecimal ( sec ) ;
this . seconds = Convert . ToDouble ( secD ) ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
Decimal dd = deg + minD / 60 ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
dd * = - 1 ;
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( dd ) ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Creates an empty CoordinatePart.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">CoordinateType</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( CoordinateType t ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . type = t ;
this . decimalDegree = 0 ;
this . degrees = 0 ;
this . minutes = 0 ;
this . seconds = 0 ;
this . position = this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ? CoordinatesPosition . N : CoordinatesPosition . E ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart from a decimal format part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Coordinate decimal value</param>
/// <param name="t">Coordinate type</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Double value , CoordinateType t ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . type = t ;
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
if ( value > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
if ( value < - 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be less than 180." ) ; }
this . position = value < 0 ? CoordinatesPosition . W : CoordinatesPosition . E ;
} else {
if ( value > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
if ( value < - 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal coordinate decimal cannot be less than 90." ) ; }
this . position = value < 0 ? CoordinatesPosition . S : CoordinatesPosition . N ;
Decimal dd = Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ;
dd = Math . Abs ( dd ) ;
Decimal ddFloor = Math . Floor ( dd ) ; //DEGREE
Decimal dm = dd - ddFloor ;
dm * = 60 ; //DECIMAL MINUTE
Decimal dmFloor = Math . Floor ( dm ) ; //MINUTES
Decimal sec = dm - dmFloor ;
sec * = 60 ; //SECONDS
this . decimalDegree = value ;
this . degrees = Convert . ToInt32 ( ddFloor ) ;
this . minutes = Convert . ToInt32 ( dmFloor ) ;
this . decimalMinute = Convert . ToDouble ( dm ) ;
this . seconds = Convert . ToDouble ( sec ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart object from a Degrees Minutes Seconds part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deg">Degrees</param>
/// <param name="min">Minutes</param>
/// <param name="sec">Seconds</param>
/// <param name="pos">Coordinate Part Position</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Int32 deg , Int32 min , Double sec , CoordinatesPosition pos ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . type = pos = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S ? CoordinateType . Lat : CoordinateType . Long ;
if ( deg < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Degrees cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( min < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( sec < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( min > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
if ( sec > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Seconds out of range" , "Seconds cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
this . degrees = deg ;
this . minutes = min ;
this . seconds = sec ;
this . position = pos ;
Decimal secD = Convert . ToDecimal ( sec ) ;
secD / = 60 ; //Decimal Seconds
Decimal minD = Convert . ToDecimal ( min ) ;
minD + = secD ; //Decimal Minutes
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Long ) {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minD / 60 > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Longitudinal Degrees cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minD / 60 > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degrees out of range" , "Latitudinal Degrees cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . decimalMinute = Convert . ToDouble ( minD ) ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
Decimal dd = Convert . ToDecimal ( deg ) + minD / 60 ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
dd * = - 1 ;
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( dd ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a populated CoordinatePart from a Degrees Minutes Seconds part.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deg">Degrees</param>
/// <param name="minSec">Decimal Minutes</param>
/// <param name="pos">Coordinate Part Position</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public CoordinatePart ( Int32 deg , Double minSec , CoordinatesPosition pos ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . type = pos = = CoordinatesPosition . N | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S ? CoordinateType . Lat : CoordinateType . Long ;
if ( deg < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Degree cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( minSec < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be less than 0." ) ; }
if ( minSec > = 60 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Minutes out of range" , "Minutes cannot be greater than or equal to 60." ) ; }
if ( this . type = = CoordinateType . Lat ) {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minSec / 60 > 90 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Latitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 90." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
if ( deg + minSec / 60 > 180 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Degree out of range" , "Longitudinal degrees cannot be greater than 180." ) ; }
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
this . degrees = deg ;
this . decimalMinute = minSec ;
this . position = pos ;
Decimal minD = Convert . ToDecimal ( minSec ) ;
Decimal minFloor = Math . Floor ( minD ) ;
this . minutes = Convert . ToInt32 ( minFloor ) ;
Decimal sec = minD - minFloor ;
sec * = 60 ;
Decimal secD = Convert . ToDecimal ( sec ) ;
this . seconds = Convert . ToDouble ( secD ) ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
Decimal dd = deg + minD / 60 ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
if ( pos = = CoordinatesPosition . S | | pos = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
dd * = - 1 ;
this . decimalDegree = Convert . ToDouble ( dd ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Signed degrees (decimal) format coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>double</returns>
public Double ToDouble ( ) = > this . decimalDegree ;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden Coordinate ToString() method
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Dstring</returns>
public override String ToString ( ) = > this . parent = = null ? this . FormatString ( new CoordinateFormatOptions ( ) ) : this . FormatString ( this . Parent . FormatOptions ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Formatted CoordinatePart string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">CoordinateFormatOptions</param>
/// <returns>string (formatted)</returns>
public String ToString ( CoordinateFormatOptions options ) = > this . FormatString ( options ) ;
/// <summary>
/// String formatting logic
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">CoordinateFormatOptions</param>
/// <returns>Formatted coordinate part string</returns>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private String FormatString ( CoordinateFormatOptions options ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
#region Assign Formatting Rules
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
ToStringType type = options . Format switch
CoordinateFormatType . Degree_Minutes_Seconds = > ToStringType . Degree_Minute_Second ,
CoordinateFormatType . Degree_Decimal_Minutes = > ToStringType . Degree_Decimal_Minute ,
CoordinateFormatType . Decimal_Degree = > ToStringType . Decimal_Degree ,
CoordinateFormatType . Decimal = > ToStringType . Decimal ,
_ = > ToStringType . Degree_Minute_Second ,
} ;
Int32 ? rounding = options . Round ;
Boolean lead = options . Display_Leading_Zeros ;
Boolean trail = options . Display_Trailing_Zeros ;
Boolean symbols = options . Display_Symbols ;
Boolean degreeSymbol = options . Display_Degree_Symbol ;
Boolean minuteSymbol = options . Display_Minute_Symbol ;
Boolean secondsSymbol = options . Display_Seconds_Symbol ;
Boolean hyphen = options . Display_Hyphens ;
Boolean positionFirst = options . Position_First ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
switch ( type ) {
case ToStringType . Decimal_Degree :
if ( rounding = = null ) { rounding = 6 ; }
return this . ToDecimalDegreeString ( rounding . Value , lead , trail , symbols , degreeSymbol , positionFirst , hyphen ) ;
case ToStringType . Degree_Decimal_Minute :
if ( rounding = = null ) { rounding = 3 ; }
return this . ToDegreeDecimalMinuteString ( rounding . Value , lead , trail , symbols , degreeSymbol , minuteSymbol , hyphen , positionFirst ) ;
case ToStringType . Degree_Minute_Second :
if ( rounding = = null ) { rounding = 3 ; }
return this . ToDegreeMinuteSecondString ( rounding . Value , lead , trail , symbols , degreeSymbol , minuteSymbol , secondsSymbol , hyphen , positionFirst ) ;
case ToStringType . Decimal :
if ( rounding = = null ) { rounding = 9 ; }
Double dub = this . ToDouble ( ) ;
dub = Math . Round ( dub , rounding . Value ) ;
String lt = this . Leading_Trailing_Format ( lead , trail , rounding . Value , this . Position ) ;
return String . Format ( lt , dub ) ;
return String . Empty ;
//DMS Coordinate Format
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private String ToDegreeMinuteSecondString ( Int32 rounding , Boolean lead , Boolean trail , Boolean symbols , Boolean degreeSymbol , Boolean minuteSymbol , Boolean secondSymbol , Boolean hyphen , Boolean positionFirst ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String leadString = this . Leading_Trailing_Format ( lead , false , rounding , this . Position ) ;
String d = String . Format ( leadString , this . Degrees ) ; // Degree String
String minute = lead ? String . Format ( "{0:00}" , this . Minutes ) : this . Minutes . ToString ( ) ;
String leadTrail = this . Leading_Trailing_Format ( lead , trail , rounding ) ;
Double sc = Math . Round ( this . Seconds , rounding ) ;
String second = String . Format ( leadTrail , sc ) ;
String hs = " " ;
String ds = "" ;
String ms = "" ;
String ss = "" ;
if ( symbols ) {
if ( degreeSymbol ) { ds = "º" ; }
if ( minuteSymbol ) { ms = "'" ; }
if ( secondSymbol ) { ss = "\"" ; }
if ( hyphen ) { hs = "-" ; }
return positionFirst
? this . Position . ToString ( ) + hs + d + ds + hs + minute + ms + hs + second + ss
: d + ds + hs + minute + ms + hs + second + ss + hs + this . Position . ToString ( ) ;
//DDM Coordinate Format
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private String ToDegreeDecimalMinuteString ( Int32 rounding , Boolean lead , Boolean trail , Boolean symbols , Boolean degreeSymbol , Boolean minuteSymbol , Boolean hyphen , Boolean positionFirst ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String leadString = "{0:0" ;
if ( lead ) {
if ( this . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . E | | this . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
leadString + = "00" ;
} else {
leadString + = "0" ;
leadString + = "}" ;
String d = String . Format ( leadString , this . Degrees ) ; // Degree String
String leadTrail = "{0:0" ;
if ( lead ) {
leadTrail + = "0" ;
leadTrail + = "." ;
if ( trail ) {
for ( Int32 i = 0 ; i < rounding ; i + + ) {
leadTrail + = "0" ;
} else {
leadTrail + = "#########" ;
leadTrail + = "}" ;
Double ns = this . Seconds / 60 ;
Double c = Math . Round ( this . Minutes + ns , rounding ) ;
if ( c = = 60 & & this . Degrees + 1 < 91 ) { c = 0 ; d = String . Format ( leadString , this . Degrees + 1 ) ; } //Adjust for rounded maxed out Seconds. will Convert 42 60.0 to 43
String ms = String . Format ( leadTrail , c ) ;
String hs = " " ;
String ds = "" ;
String ss = "" ;
if ( symbols ) {
if ( degreeSymbol ) { ds = "º" ; }
if ( minuteSymbol ) { ss = "'" ; }
if ( hyphen ) { hs = "-" ; }
return positionFirst ? this . Position . ToString ( ) + hs + d + ds + hs + ms + ss : d + ds + hs + ms + ss + hs + this . Position . ToString ( ) ;
////DD Coordinate Format
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private String ToDecimalDegreeString ( Int32 rounding , Boolean lead , Boolean trail , Boolean symbols , Boolean degreeSymbol , Boolean positionFirst , Boolean hyphen ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String degreeS = "" ;
String hyph = " " ;
if ( degreeSymbol ) { degreeS = "º" ; }
if ( ! symbols ) { degreeS = "" ; }
if ( hyphen ) { hyph = "-" ; }
String leadTrail = "{0:0" ;
if ( lead ) {
if ( this . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . E | | this . Position = = CoordinatesPosition . W ) {
leadTrail + = "00" ;
} else {
leadTrail + = "0" ;
leadTrail + = "." ;
if ( trail ) {
for ( Int32 i = 0 ; i < rounding ; i + + ) {
leadTrail + = "0" ;
} else {
leadTrail + = "#########" ;
leadTrail + = "}" ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
Double result = this . Degrees + Convert . ToDouble ( this . Minutes ) / 60 + Convert . ToDouble ( this . Seconds ) / 3600 ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
result = Math . Round ( result , rounding ) ;
String d = String . Format ( leadTrail , Math . Abs ( result ) ) ;
return positionFirst ? this . Position . ToString ( ) + hyph + d + degreeS : d + degreeS + hyph + this . Position . ToString ( ) ;
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private String Leading_Trailing_Format ( Boolean isLead , Boolean isTrail , Int32 rounding , CoordinatesPosition ? p = null ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
String leadString = "{0:0" ;
if ( isLead ) {
if ( p ! = null ) {
if ( p . Value = = CoordinatesPosition . W | | p . Value = = CoordinatesPosition . E ) {
leadString + = "00" ;
} else {
leadString + = "0" ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
leadString + = "." ;
if ( isTrail ) {
for ( Int32 i = 0 ; i < rounding ; i + + ) {
leadString + = "0" ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
} else {
leadString + = "#########" ;
leadString + = "}" ;
return leadString ;
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
//private String FormatError(String argument, String rule) => "'" + argument + "' is not a valid argument for string format rule: " + rule + ".";
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private enum ToStringType {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
Decimal_Degree , Degree_Decimal_Minute , Degree_Minute_Second , Decimal
2019-06-28 11:14:53 +02:00
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Notify the correct properties and parent properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">Property Type</param>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private void NotifyProperties ( PropertyTypes p ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
switch ( p ) {
case PropertyTypes . DecimalDegree :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalMinute" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Degrees" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Minutes" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Seconds" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Position" ) ;
break ;
case PropertyTypes . DecimalMinute :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalMinute" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Minutes" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Seconds" ) ;
break ;
case PropertyTypes . Degree :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Degree" ) ;
break ;
case PropertyTypes . Minute :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalMinute" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Minutes" ) ;
break ;
case PropertyTypes . Position :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Position" ) ;
break ;
case PropertyTypes . Second :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalMinute" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Seconds" ) ;
break ;
default :
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalDegree" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "DecimalMinute" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Degrees" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Minutes" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Seconds" ) ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Position" ) ;
break ;
this . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Display" ) ;
if ( this . Parent ! = null ) {
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Display" ) ;
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "CelestialInfo" ) ;
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "UTM" ) ;
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "MGRS" ) ;
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "Cartesian" ) ;
this . Parent . NotifyPropertyChanged ( "ECEF" ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Property changed event.
/// </summary>
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged ;
/// <summary>
/// Notify property changed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="propName">Property name</param>
public void NotifyPropertyChanged ( String propName ) = > PropertyChanged ? . Invoke ( this , new PropertyChangedEventArgs ( propName ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Used for notifying the correct properties.
/// </summary>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
private enum PropertyTypes {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
DecimalDegree , DecimalMinute , Position , Degree , Minute , Second , FormatChange
/// <summary>
/// Returns CoordinatePart in radians
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Double ToRadians ( ) = > this . decimalDegree * Math . PI / 180 ;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to parse a string into a CoordinatePart.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">CoordinatePart string</param>
/// <param name="cp">CoordinatePart</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// CoordinatePart cp;
/// if(CoordinatePart.TryParse("N 32.891º", out cp))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(cp); //N 32º 53' 28.212"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , out CoordinatePart cp ) = > FormatFinder_CoordPart . TryParse ( s , out cp ) ? true : false ;
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to parse a string into a CoordinatePart.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">CoordinatePart string</param>
/// <param name="t">CoordinateType</param>
/// <param name="cp">CoordinatePart</param>
/// <returns>boolean</returns>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// CoordinatePart cp;
/// if(CoordinatePart.TryParse("-32.891º", CoordinateType.Long, out cp))
/// {
/// Console.WriteLine(cp); //W 32º 53' 27.6"
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
2019-12-09 14:46:34 +01:00
public static Boolean TryParse ( String s , CoordinateType t , out CoordinatePart cp ) {
2019-06-28 14:08:05 +02:00
//Comma at beginning parses to long
//Asterik forces lat
s = t = = CoordinateType . Long ? "," + s : "*" + s ;
return FormatFinder_CoordPart . TryParse ( s , out cp ) ? true : false ;