using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CoordinateSharp {
/// Geo Fence class. It helps to check if points/coordinates are inside a polygon,
/// Next to a polyline, and counting...
public class GeoFence {
#region Fields
private readonly List _points = new List();
/// Prepare GeoFence with a list of points
/// List of points
public GeoFence(List points) => this._points = points;
/// Prepare Geofence with a list of coordinates
/// List of coordinates
public GeoFence(List coordinates) {
foreach (Coordinate c in coordinates) {
this._points.Add(new Point { Latitude = c.Latitude.ToDouble(), Longitude = c.Longitude.ToDouble() });
#region Utils
private Coordinate ClosestPointOnSegment(Point a, Point b, Coordinate p) {
Point d = new Point {
Longitude = b.Longitude - a.Longitude,
Latitude = b.Latitude - a.Latitude,
Double number = (p.Longitude.ToDouble() - a.Longitude) * d.Longitude + (p.Latitude.ToDouble() - a.Latitude) * d.Latitude;
if (number <= 0.0) {
return new Coordinate(a.Latitude, a.Longitude);
Double denom = d.Longitude * d.Longitude + d.Latitude * d.Latitude;
return number >= denom ? new Coordinate(b.Latitude, b.Longitude) : new Coordinate(a.Latitude + number / denom * d.Latitude, a.Longitude + number / denom * d.Longitude);
/// The function will return true if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
/// false if it is not. If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
/// then the function may return true or false.
/// The point to test
/// bool
public Boolean IsPointInPolygon(Coordinate point) {
if (point == null) {
return false;
Double latitude = point.Latitude.ToDouble();
Double longitude = point.Longitude.ToDouble();
Int32 sides = this._points.Count;
Int32 j = sides - 1;
Boolean pointStatus = false;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
if (this._points[i].Latitude < latitude && this._points[j].Latitude >= latitude || this._points[j].Latitude < latitude && this._points[i].Latitude >= latitude) {
if (this._points[i].Longitude + (latitude - this._points[i].Latitude) / (this._points[j].Latitude - this._points[i].Latitude) * (this._points[j].Longitude - this._points[i].Longitude) < longitude) {
pointStatus = !pointStatus;
j = i;
return pointStatus;
/// The function will return true if the point x,y is next the given range of
/// the polyline, or false if it is not.
/// The point to test
/// The range in meters
/// bool
public Boolean IsPointInRangeOfLine(Coordinate point, Double range) {
if (point == null) {
return false;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < this._points.Count - 1; i++) {
Coordinate c = this.ClosestPointOnSegment(this._points[i], this._points[i + 1], point);
if (c.Get_Distance_From_Coordinate(point).Meters <= range) {
return true;
return false;
/// The function will return true if the point x,y is next the given range of
/// the polyline, or false if it is not.
/// The point to test
/// The range is a distance object
/// bool
public Boolean IsPointInRangeOfLine(Coordinate point, Distance range) => point == null || range == null ? false : this.IsPointInRangeOfLine(point, range.Meters);
/// This class is a help class to simplify GeoFence calculus
public class Point {
/// Initialize empty point
public Point() {
/// Initialize point with defined Latitude and Longitude
/// Latitude (signed)
/// Longitude (signed)
public Point(Double lat, Double lng) {
this.Latitude = lat;
this.Longitude = lng;
/// The longitude in degrees
public Double Longitude;
/// The latitude in degrees
public Double Latitude;