using Unosquare.Swan.Reflection;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
namespace Unosquare.Swan {
/// Contains useful constants and definitions.
public static partial class Definitions {
#region Main Dictionary Definition
/// The basic types information.
public static readonly Dictionary BasicTypesInfo =
new Dictionary
// Non-Nullables
{typeof(DateTime), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Byte), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(SByte), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int32), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt32), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int16), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt16), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int64), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt64), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Single), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Double), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Char), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Boolean), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Decimal), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Guid), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
// Strings is also considered a basic type (it's the only basic reference type)
{typeof(String), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
// Nullables
{typeof(DateTime?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Byte?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(SByte?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int32?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt32?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int16?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt16?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Int64?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(UInt64?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Single?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Double?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Char?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Boolean?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Decimal?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(Guid?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
// Additional Types
{typeof(TimeSpan), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(TimeSpan?), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
{typeof(IPAddress), new ExtendedTypeInfo()},
/// Contains all basic types, including string, date time, and all of their nullable counterparts.
/// All basic types.
public static List AllBasicTypes { get; } = new List(BasicTypesInfo.Keys.ToArray());
/// Gets all numeric types including their nullable counterparts.
/// Note that Booleans and Guids are not considered numeric types.
/// All numeric types.
public static List AllNumericTypes {
} = new List(
.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsNumeric)
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray());
/// Gets all numeric types without their nullable counterparts.
/// Note that Booleans and Guids are not considered numeric types.
/// All numeric value types.
public static List AllNumericValueTypes {
} = new List(
.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsNumeric && kvp.Value.IsNullableValueType == false)
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray());
/// Contains all basic value types. i.e. excludes string and nullables.
/// All basic value types.
public static List AllBasicValueTypes {
} = new List(
.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsValueType)
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray());
/// Contains all basic value types including the string type. i.e. excludes nullables.
/// All basic value and string types.
public static List AllBasicValueAndStringTypes {
} = new List(
.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsValueType || kvp.Key == typeof(String))
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray());
/// Gets all nullable value types. i.e. excludes string and all basic value types.
/// All basic nullable value types.
public static List AllBasicNullableValueTypes {
} = new List(
.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsNullableValueType)
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray());