namespace Unosquare.Swan
using System;
/// A console terminal helper to create nicer output and receive input from the user
/// This class is thread-safe :).
public static partial class Terminal
/// Represents a Table to print in console.
private static class Table
/// Gets or sets the color of the border.
/// The color of the border.
private static ConsoleColor BorderColor { get; } = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
public static void Vertical() => ((byte)179).Write(BorderColor);
public static void RightTee() => ((byte)180).Write(BorderColor);
public static void TopRight() => ((byte)191).Write(BorderColor);
public static void BottomLeft() => ((byte)192).Write(BorderColor);
public static void BottomTee() => ((byte)193).Write(BorderColor);
public static void TopTee() => ((byte)194).Write(BorderColor);
public static void LeftTee() => ((byte)195).Write(BorderColor);
public static void Horizontal(int length) => ((byte)196).Write(BorderColor, length);
public static void Tee() => ((byte)197).Write(BorderColor);
public static void BottomRight() => ((byte)217).Write(BorderColor);
public static void TopLeft() => ((byte)218).Write(BorderColor);