using System;
namespace Unosquare.Swan.Networking.Ldap {
/// The base class for Ldap request and response messages.
/// Subclassed by response messages used in asynchronous operations.
public class LdapMessage {
internal RfcLdapMessage Message;
private Int32 _imsgNum = -1; // This instance LdapMessage number
private LdapOperation _messageType = LdapOperation.Unknown;
private String _stringTag;
internal LdapMessage() {
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Creates an LdapMessage when sending a protocol operation and sends
/// some optional controls with the message.
/// The type.
/// The operation type of message.
/// The controls to use with the operation.
internal LdapMessage(LdapOperation type, IRfcRequest op, LdapControl[] controls = null) {
// Get a unique number for this request message
this._messageType = type;
RfcControls asn1Ctrls = null;
if(controls != null) {
// Move LdapControls into an RFC 2251 Controls object.
asn1Ctrls = new RfcControls();
foreach(LdapControl t in controls) {
// create RFC 2251 LdapMessage
this.Message = new RfcLdapMessage(op, asn1Ctrls);
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Creates an Rfc 2251 LdapMessage when the libraries receive a response
/// from a command.
/// A response message.
internal LdapMessage(RfcLdapMessage message) => this.Message = message;
/// Returns the message ID. The message ID is an integer value
/// identifying the Ldap request and its response.
/// The message identifier.
public virtual Int32 MessageId {
get {
if(this._imsgNum == -1) {
this._imsgNum = this.Message.MessageId;
return this._imsgNum;
/// Indicates whether the message is a request or a response.
/// true if request; otherwise, false.
public virtual Boolean Request => this.Message.IsRequest();
internal LdapOperation Type {
get {
if(this._messageType == LdapOperation.Unknown) {
this._messageType = this.Message.Type;
return this._messageType;
internal virtual RfcLdapMessage Asn1Object => this.Message;
internal virtual LdapMessage RequestingMessage => this.Message.RequestingMessage;
/// Retrieves the identifier tag for this message.
/// An identifier can be associated with a message with the
/// setTag method.
/// Tags are set by the application and not by the API or the server.
/// If a server response isRequest() == false has no tag,
/// the tag associated with the corresponding server request is used.
/// The tag.
public virtual String Tag {
get => this._stringTag ?? (this.Request ? null : this.RequestingMessage?._stringTag);
set => this._stringTag = value;
private String Name => this.Type.ToString();
/// Returns a that represents this instance.
/// A that represents this instance.
public override String ToString() => $"{this.Name}({this.MessageId}): {this.Message}";