using Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Camera;
using Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Computer;
using Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Gpio;
using Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Native;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unosquare.Swan.Components;
using System;
namespace Unosquare.RaspberryIO {
/// Our main character. Provides access to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO, system and board information and Camera
public static class Pi {
private static readonly Object SyncLock = new Object();
/// Initializes static members of the class.
static Pi() {
lock(SyncLock) {
// Extraction of embedded resources
// Instance assignments
Gpio = GpioController.Instance;
Info = SystemInfo.Instance;
Timing = Timing.Instance;
Spi = SpiBus.Instance;
I2C = I2CBus.Instance;
Camera = CameraController.Instance;
PiDisplay = DsiDisplay.Instance;
#region Components
/// Provides access to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO as a collection of GPIO Pins.
public static GpioController Gpio {
/// Provides information on this Raspberry Pi's CPU and form factor.
public static SystemInfo Info {
/// Provides access to The PI's Timing and threading API
public static Timing Timing {
/// Provides access to the 2-channel SPI bus
public static SpiBus Spi {
/// Provides access to the functionality of the i2c bus.
public static I2CBus I2C {
/// Provides access to the official Raspberry Pi Camera
public static CameraController Camera {
/// Provides access to the official Raspberry Pi 7-inch DSI Display
public static DsiDisplay PiDisplay {
/// Gets the logger source name.
internal static String LoggerSource => typeof(Pi).Namespace;
#region Methods
/// Restarts the Pi. Must be running as SU
/// The process result
public static async Task RestartAsync() => await ProcessRunner.GetProcessResultAsync("reboot", null, null);
/// Restarts the Pi. Must be running as SU
/// The process result
public static ProcessResult Restart() => RestartAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// Halts the Pi. Must be running as SU
/// The process result
public static async Task ShutdownAsync() => await ProcessRunner.GetProcessResultAsync("halt", null, null);
/// Halts the Pi. Must be running as SU
/// The process result
public static ProcessResult Shutdown() => ShutdownAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();