namespace Unosquare.Swan
using System;
/// Defines a set of bitwise standard terminal writers.
public enum TerminalWriters
/// Prevents output
None = 0,
/// Writes to the Console.Out
StandardOutput = 1,
/// Writes to the Console.Error
StandardError = 2,
/// Writes to the System.Diagnostics.Debug
Diagnostics = 4,
/// Writes to all possible terminal writers
All = StandardOutput | Diagnostics | StandardError,
/// The error and debug writers
ErrorAndDebug = StandardError | Diagnostics,
/// The output and debug writers
OutputAndDebug = StandardOutput | Diagnostics,
/// Defines the bitwise flags to determine
/// which types of messages get printed on the current console.
public enum LogMessageType
/// The none message type
None = 0,
/// The information message type
Info = 1,
/// The debug message type
Debug = 2,
/// The trace message type
Trace = 4,
/// The error message type
Error = 8,
/// The warning message type
Warning = 16,
/// The fatal message type
Fatal = 32,