namespace Unosquare.Swan.Networking.Ldap
/// Ldap Modification Operators.
public enum LdapModificationOp
/// Adds the listed values to the given attribute, creating
/// the attribute if it does not already exist.
Add = 0,
/// Deletes the listed values from the given attribute,
/// removing the entire attribute (1) if no values are listed or
/// (2) if all current values of the attribute are listed for
/// deletion.
Delete = 1,
/// Replaces all existing values of the given attribute
/// with the new values listed, creating the attribute if it
/// does not already exist.
/// A replace with no value deletes the entire attribute if it
/// exists, and is ignored if the attribute does not exist.
Replace = 2,
/// LDAP valid scopes.
public enum LdapScope
/// Used with search to specify that the scope of entrys to search is to
/// search only the base object.
ScopeBase = 0,
/// Used with search to specify that the scope of entrys to search is to
/// search only the immediate subordinates of the base object.
ScopeOne = 1,
/// Used with search to specify that the scope of entrys to search is to
/// search the base object and all entries within its subtree.
ScopeSub = 2,
/// Substring Operators.
internal enum SubstringOp
/// Search Filter Identifier for an INITIAL component of a SUBSTRING.
/// Note: An initial SUBSTRING is represented as "value*".
Initial = 0,
/// Search Filter Identifier for an ANY component of a SUBSTRING.
/// Note: An ANY SUBSTRING is represented as "*value*".
Any = 1,
/// Search Filter Identifier for a FINAL component of a SUBSTRING.
/// Note: A FINAL SUBSTRING is represented as "*value".
Final = 2,
/// Filtering Operators.
internal enum FilterOp
/// Identifier for AND component.
And = 0,
/// Identifier for OR component.
Or = 1,
/// Identifier for NOT component.
Not = 2,
/// Identifier for EQUALITY_MATCH component.
EqualityMatch = 3,
/// Identifier for SUBSTRINGS component.
Substrings = 4,
/// Identifier for GREATER_OR_EQUAL component.
GreaterOrEqual = 5,
/// Identifier for LESS_OR_EQUAL component.
LessOrEqual = 6,
/// Identifier for PRESENT component.
Present = 7,
/// Identifier for APPROX_MATCH component.
ApproxMatch = 8,
/// Identifier for EXTENSIBLE_MATCH component.
ExtensibleMatch = 9,