namespace Unosquare.Swan.Networking.Ldap { /// /// Represents an Ldap Control. ///
    /// Control ::= SEQUENCE {
    /// controlType             LdapOID,
    /// criticality             BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
    /// controlValue            OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
/// internal class RfcControl : Asn1Sequence { /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// Note: criticality is only added if true, as per RFC 2251 sec 5.1 part /// (4): If a value of a type is its default value, it MUST be /// absent. /// /// Type of the control. /// The criticality. /// The control value. public RfcControl(string controlType, Asn1Boolean criticality = null, Asn1Object controlValue = null) : base(3) { Add(controlType); Add(criticality ?? new Asn1Boolean(false)); if (controlValue != null) Add(controlValue); } public RfcControl(Asn1Structured seqObj) : base(3) { for (var i = 0; i < seqObj.Size(); i++) Add(seqObj.Get(i)); } public Asn1OctetString ControlType => (Asn1OctetString)Get(0); public Asn1Boolean Criticality => Size() > 1 && Get(1) is Asn1Boolean boolean ? boolean : new Asn1Boolean(false); public Asn1OctetString ControlValue { get { if (Size() > 2) { // MUST be a control value return (Asn1OctetString)Get(2); } return Size() > 1 && Get(1) is Asn1OctetString s ? s : null; } set { if (value == null) return; if (Size() == 3) { // We already have a control value, replace it Set(2, value); return; } if (Size() == 2) { // Get the second element var obj = Get(1); // Is this a control value if (obj is Asn1OctetString) { // replace this one Set(1, value); } else { // add a new one at the end Add(value); } } } } } /// /// Represents Ldap Sasl Credentials. ///
    /// SaslCredentials ::= SEQUENCE {
    /// mechanism               LdapString,
    /// credentials             OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
/// internal class RfcSaslCredentials : Asn1Sequence { public RfcSaslCredentials(string mechanism, sbyte[] credentials = null) : base(2) { Add(mechanism); if (credentials != null) Add(new Asn1OctetString(credentials)); } } /// /// Represents an Ldap Authentication Choice. ///
    /// AuthenticationChoice ::= CHOICE {
    /// simple                  [0] OCTET STRING,
    /// -- 1 and 2 reserved
    /// sasl                    [3] SaslCredentials }
/// internal class RfcAuthenticationChoice : Asn1Choice { public RfcAuthenticationChoice(sbyte[] passwd) : base(new Asn1Tagged(new Asn1Identifier(0), new Asn1OctetString(passwd), false)) { } public RfcAuthenticationChoice(string mechanism, sbyte[] credentials) : base(new Asn1Tagged(new Asn1Identifier(3, true), new RfcSaslCredentials(mechanism, credentials), false)) { // implicit tagging } } }