using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Swan.Threading {
/// Defines a standard API to control background application workers.
public interface IWorker {
/// Gets the current state of the worker.
WorkerState WorkerState {
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
/// true if this instance is disposed; otherwise, false.
Boolean IsDisposed {
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is currently being disposed.
/// true if this instance is disposing; otherwise, false.
Boolean IsDisposing {
/// Gets or sets the time interval used to execute cycles.
TimeSpan Period {
get; set;
/// Gets the name identifier of this worker.
String Name {
/// Starts execution of worker cycles.
/// The awaitable task.
Task StartAsync();
/// Pauses execution of worker cycles.
/// The awaitable task.
Task PauseAsync();
/// Resumes execution of worker cycles.
/// The awaitable task.
Task ResumeAsync();
/// Permanently stops execution of worker cycles.
/// An interrupt is always sent to the worker. If you wish to stop
/// the worker without interrupting then call the
/// method, await it, and finally call the method.
/// The awaitable task.
Task StopAsync();