using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Swan.Validators {
/// Defines a validation result containing all validation errors and their properties.
public class ObjectValidationResult {
private readonly List _errors = new List();
/// A list of errors.
public IReadOnlyList Errors => this._errors;
/// true if there are no errors; otherwise, false.
public Boolean IsValid => !this.Errors.Any();
/// Adds an error with a specified property name.
/// The property name.
/// The error message.
public void Add(String propertyName, String errorMessage) => this._errors.Add(new ValidationError { ErrorMessage = errorMessage, PropertyName = propertyName });
/// Defines a validation error.
public class ValidationError {
/// The property name.
public String PropertyName {
get; internal set;
/// The message error.
public String ErrorMessage {
get; internal set;