using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Abstractions {
/// Interfaces the I2c bus on the Raspberry Pi.
public interface II2CBus {
/// Gets the registered devices as a read only collection.
ReadOnlyCollection Devices {
/// Gets the with the specified device identifier.
/// The .
/// The device identifier.
/// A reference to an I2C device.
II2CDevice this[Int32 deviceId] { get; }
/// Gets the device by identifier.
/// The device identifier.
/// The device reference.
II2CDevice GetDeviceById(Int32 deviceId);
/// Adds a device to the bus by its Id. If the device is already registered it simply returns the existing device.
/// The device identifier.
/// The device reference.
II2CDevice AddDevice(Int32 deviceId);