using System;
namespace Swan
/// Event arguments representing the message that is logged
/// on to the terminal. Use the properties to forward the data to
/// your logger of choice.
public class LogMessageReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The sequence.
/// Type of the message.
/// The UTC date.
/// The source.
/// The message.
/// The extended data.
/// Name of the caller member.
/// The caller file path.
/// The caller line number.
public LogMessageReceivedEventArgs(
ulong sequence,
LogLevel messageType,
DateTime utcDate,
string source,
string message,
object? extendedData,
string callerMemberName,
string callerFilePath,
int callerLineNumber)
Sequence = sequence;
MessageType = messageType;
UtcDate = utcDate;
Source = source;
Message = message;
CallerMemberName = callerMemberName;
CallerFilePath = callerFilePath;
CallerLineNumber = callerLineNumber;
ExtendedData = extendedData;
/// Gets logging message sequence.
/// The sequence.
public ulong Sequence { get; }
/// Gets the type of the message.
/// It can be a combination as the enumeration is a set of bitwise flags.
/// The type of the message.
public LogLevel MessageType { get; }
/// Gets the UTC date at which the event at which the message was logged.
/// The UTC date.
public DateTime UtcDate { get; }
/// Gets the name of the source where the logging message
/// came from. This can come empty if the logger did not set it.
/// The source.
public string Source { get; }
/// Gets the body of the message.
/// The message.
public string Message { get; }
/// Gets the name of the caller member.
/// The name of the caller member.
public string CallerMemberName { get; }
/// Gets the caller file path.
/// The caller file path.
public string CallerFilePath { get; }
/// Gets the caller line number.
/// The caller line number.
public int CallerLineNumber { get; }
/// Gets an object representing extended data.
/// It could be an exception or anything else.
/// The extended data.
public object? ExtendedData { get; }
/// Gets the Extended Data properties cast as an Exception (if possible)
/// Otherwise, it return null.
/// The exception.
public Exception? Exception => ExtendedData as Exception;