#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Swan.Collections;
using Swan.Reflection;
namespace Swan.Formatters {
/// A very simple, light-weight JSON library written by Mario
/// to teach Geo how things are done
/// This is an useful helper for small tasks but it doesn't represent a full-featured
/// serializer such as the beloved Json.NET.
public static partial class Json {
#region Constants
internal const String AddMethodName = "Add";
private const Char OpenObjectChar = '{';
private const Char CloseObjectChar = '}';
private const Char OpenArrayChar = '[';
private const Char CloseArrayChar = ']';
private const Char FieldSeparatorChar = ',';
private const Char ValueSeparatorChar = ':';
private const Char StringEscapeChar = '\\';
private const Char StringQuotedChar = '"';
private const String EmptyObjectLiteral = "{ }";
private const String EmptyArrayLiteral = "[ ]";
private const String TrueLiteral = "true";
private const String FalseLiteral = "false";
private const String NullLiteral = "null";
private static readonly CollectionCacheRepository IgnoredPropertiesCache = new CollectionCacheRepository();
#region Public API
/// Serializes the specified object into a JSON string.
/// The object.
/// if set to true it formats and indents the output.
/// The type specifier. Leave null or empty to avoid setting.
/// if set to true non-public getters will be also read.
/// The included property names.
/// The excluded property names.
/// A that represents the current object.
/// The following example describes how to serialize a simple object.
/// using Swan.Formatters;
/// class Example
/// {
/// static void Main()
/// {
/// var obj = new { One = "One", Two = "Two" };
/// var serial = Json.Serialize(obj); // {"One": "One","Two": "Two"}
/// }
/// }
/// The following example details how to serialize an object using the .
/// using Swan.Attributes;
/// using Swan.Formatters;
/// class Example
/// {
/// class JsonPropertyExample
/// {
/// [JsonProperty("data")]
/// public string Data { get; set; }
/// [JsonProperty("ignoredData", true)]
/// public string IgnoredData { get; set; }
/// }
/// static void Main()
/// {
/// var obj = new JsonPropertyExample() { Data = "OK", IgnoredData = "OK" };
/// // {"data": "OK"}
/// var serializedObj = Json.Serialize(obj);
/// }
/// }
public static String Serialize(Object? obj, Boolean format = false, String? typeSpecifier = null, Boolean includeNonPublic = false, String[]? includedNames = null, params String[] excludedNames) => Serialize(obj, format, typeSpecifier, includeNonPublic, includedNames, excludedNames, null, JsonSerializerCase.None);
/// Serializes the specified object into a JSON string.
/// The object.
/// if set to true it formats and indents the output.
/// The type specifier. Leave null or empty to avoid setting.
/// if set to true non-public getters will be also read.
/// The included property names.
/// The excluded property names.
/// The parent references.
/// The json serializer case.
/// A that represents the current object.
public static String Serialize(Object? obj, Boolean format, String? typeSpecifier, Boolean includeNonPublic, String[]? includedNames, String[]? excludedNames, List? parentReferences, JsonSerializerCase jsonSerializerCase) {
if(obj != null && (obj is String || Definitions.AllBasicValueTypes.Contains(obj.GetType()))) {
return SerializePrimitiveValue(obj);
SerializerOptions options = new SerializerOptions(format, typeSpecifier, includedNames, GetExcludedNames(obj?.GetType(), excludedNames), includeNonPublic, parentReferences, jsonSerializerCase);
return Serialize(obj, options);
/// Serializes the specified object using the SerializerOptions provided.
/// The object.
/// The options.
/// A that represents the current object.
public static String Serialize(Object? obj, SerializerOptions options) => Serializer.Serialize(obj, 0, options);
/// Deserializes the specified json string as either a Dictionary[string, object] or as a List[object]
/// depending on the syntax of the JSON string.
/// The JSON string.
/// The json serializer case.
/// Type of the current deserializes.
/// The following code shows how to deserialize a JSON string into a Dictionary.
/// using Swan.Formatters;
/// class Example
/// {
/// static void Main()
/// {
/// // json to deserialize
/// var basicJson = "{\"One\":\"One\",\"Two\":\"Two\",\"Three\":\"Three\"}";
/// // deserializes the specified json into a Dictionary<string, object>.
/// var data = Json.Deserialize(basicJson, JsonSerializerCase.None);
/// }
/// }
public static Object? Deserialize(String? json, JsonSerializerCase jsonSerializerCase) => Converter.FromJsonResult(Deserializer.DeserializeInternal(json), jsonSerializerCase);
/// Deserializes the specified json string as either a Dictionary[string, object] or as a List[object]
/// depending on the syntax of the JSON string.
/// The JSON string.
/// Type of the current deserializes.
/// The following code shows how to deserialize a JSON string into a Dictionary.
/// using Swan.Formatters;
/// class Example
/// {
/// static void Main()
/// {
/// // json to deserialize
/// var basicJson = "{\"One\":\"One\",\"Two\":\"Two\",\"Three\":\"Three\"}";
/// // deserializes the specified json into a Dictionary<string, object>.
/// var data = Json.Deserialize(basicJson);
/// }
/// }
public static Object? Deserialize(String? json) => Deserialize(json, JsonSerializerCase.None);
#region Private API
private static String[]? GetExcludedNames(Type? type, String[]? excludedNames) {
if(type == null) {
return excludedNames;
IEnumerable excludedByAttr = IgnoredPropertiesCache.Retrieve(type, t => t.GetProperties().Where(x => AttributeCache.DefaultCache.Value.RetrieveOne(x)?.Ignored == true).Select(x => x.Name));
return excludedByAttr?.Any() != true ? excludedNames : excludedNames?.Any(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace) == true ? excludedByAttr.Intersect(excludedNames.Where(y => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y))).ToArray() : excludedByAttr.ToArray();
private static String SerializePrimitiveValue(Object obj) => obj switch
String stringValue => stringValue,
Boolean boolValue => boolValue ? TrueLiteral : FalseLiteral,
_ => obj.ToString()!