using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Swan
/// Provides extension methods for and .
public static class TaskExtensions
/// Suspends execution until the specified is completed.
/// This method operates similarly to the C# operator,
/// but is meant to be called from a non- method.
/// The on which this method is called.
/// is .
public static void Await(this Task @this) => @this.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// Suspends execution until the specified is completed
/// and returns its result.
/// This method operates similarly to the C# operator,
/// but is meant to be called from a non- method.
/// The type of the task's result.
/// The on which this method is called.
/// The result of .
/// is .
public static TResult Await(this Task @this) => @this.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// Suspends execution until the specified is completed.
/// This method operates similarly to the C# operator,
/// but is meant to be called from a non- method.
/// The on which this method is called.
/// If set to ,
/// attempts to marshal the continuation back to the original context captured.
/// This parameter has the same effect as calling the
/// method.
/// is .
public static void Await(this Task @this, bool continueOnCapturedContext)
=> @this.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// Suspends execution until the specified is completed
/// and returns its result.
/// This method operates similarly to the C# operator,
/// but is meant to be called from a non- method.
/// The type of the task's result.
/// The on which this method is called.
/// If set to ,
/// attempts to marshal the continuation back to the original context captured.
/// This parameter has the same effect as calling the
/// method.
/// The result of .
/// is .
public static TResult Await(this Task @this, bool continueOnCapturedContext)
=> @this.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext).GetAwaiter().GetResult();