e68d5f1e28Zway-Bot [v1.7.2] Add Logging to some Modules, fixing a bug in overtaker (now it not removes every time all events, so only the latest event are watched) [Utils] Fixing a bug if more than one argument with paramsBlubbFish2018-10-02 14:53:59 +0000
4ca7468970Zway-Bot [v1.7.1] Tiny fix for nullpointer exceptionBlubbFish2018-09-29 18:13:17 +0000
f61bce5a16Zway [v1.5.0] Throw Exception if 3 times failed to connect to Raspberry server, add 3 new commandlcasses to IgnoredClasses Zway-Bot [v1.7.0] rewrite to Threaded Modules, edit service file for systemdBlubbFish2018-09-29 12:15:37 +0000
aeab37557cLora-Bot 1.3.0 Scral now get its config from configfile, make the GW more stable Lora 1.1.0 Now awaiing Battery as Double and fix the sending twise issueBlubbFish2018-09-13 22:02:07 +0000
05da479bb6[BF] Forget to copy library partsBlubbFish2018-06-10 20:28:32 +0000
ecdeaf77f2[NF] Refactoring Hue-Bot [NF] Now Running as ServiceBlubbFish2018-06-10 19:48:23 +0000
fb2c85747d[NF] Moved CronJob, Overtaker, Statuspolling to Abstract Bot-Utils [NF] Create NSI Script to produce exe [NF] Add License.txtBlubbFish2018-06-09 21:27:15 +0000
65cf26a01b[NF] Add Bot-Utils and rewrite codeBlubbFish2018-06-07 20:49:54 +0000
91683ee77b[NF] Thread that checks if a MQTT Connection exists and if not reopen it [NF] ConnectorDataMqtt now supports user and passwordBlubbFish2018-06-05 16:46:56 +0000
46562eea63[NF] First usable Version (Trigger)BlubbFish2018-05-08 18:07:48 +0000
24709e4be9[NF] Cleaning up [NF] Create Debian PackageBlubbFish2018-05-08 17:25:39 +0000
a2ec43ed33[BF] Fixing Senml [NF] Senml now has a configure option to setup the guid [NF] Zway-Bot now listen on /exit [NF] Implment searchpath for Zway-Bot (/etc/zwaybot and %appdata%/zwaybot)BlubbFish2018-05-07 16:52:24 +0000
6f29227da3[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:43:50 +0000
cce7420ddb[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:39:08 +0000
2669f9e055[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:35:02 +0000
d280a568c1[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 17:03:17 +0000
a12d9f67b4[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 17:01:10 +0000
d29cf4617c[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:55:56 +0000
2a83c150ab[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:51:07 +0000
96b2b5316e[NF] Build für 4.7.1 hinzugefügtBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:23:47 +0000
45a2d3b56a[NF] Hue-Lib fertig [DW] Hue-Bot beginn ArbeitBlubbFish2018-05-01 21:46:56 +0000