133 lines
2.9 KiB
133 lines
2.9 KiB
#region Header
* JsonMockWrapper.cs
* Mock object implementing IJsonWrapper, to facilitate actions like
* skipping data more efficiently.
* The authors disclaim copyright to this source code. For more details, see
* the COPYING file included with this distribution.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace LitJson {
public class JsonMockWrapper : IJsonWrapper {
public Boolean IsArray => false;
public Boolean IsBoolean => false;
public Boolean IsDouble => false;
public Boolean IsInt => false;
public Boolean IsLong => false;
public Boolean IsObject => false;
public Boolean IsString => false;
public Boolean GetBoolean() => false;
public Double GetDouble() => 0.0;
public Int32 GetInt() => 0;
public JsonType GetJsonType() => JsonType.None;
public Int64 GetLong() => 0L;
public String GetString() => "";
public void SetBoolean(Boolean val) { }
public void SetDouble(Double val) { }
public void SetInt(Int32 val) { }
public void SetJsonType(JsonType type) { }
public void SetLong(Int64 val) { }
public void SetString(String val) { }
public String ToJson() => "";
public void ToJson(JsonWriter writer) { }
Boolean IList.IsFixedSize => true;
Boolean IList.IsReadOnly => true;
Object IList.this[Int32 index] {
get => null;
set {
Int32 IList.Add(Object value) => 0;
void IList.Clear() { }
Boolean IList.Contains(Object value) => false;
Int32 IList.IndexOf(Object value) => -1;
void IList.Insert(Int32 i, Object v) { }
void IList.Remove(Object value) { }
void IList.RemoveAt(Int32 index) { }
Int32 ICollection.Count => 0;
Boolean ICollection.IsSynchronized => false;
Object ICollection.SyncRoot => null;
void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, Int32 index) { }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => null;
Boolean IDictionary.IsFixedSize => true;
Boolean IDictionary.IsReadOnly => true;
ICollection IDictionary.Keys => null;
ICollection IDictionary.Values => null;
Object IDictionary.this[Object key] {
get => null;
set {
void IDictionary.Add(Object k, Object v) { }
void IDictionary.Clear() { }
Boolean IDictionary.Contains(Object key) => false;
void IDictionary.Remove(Object key) { }
IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator() => null;
Object IOrderedDictionary.this[Int32 idx] {
get => null;
set {
IDictionaryEnumerator IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator() => null;
void IOrderedDictionary.Insert(Int32 i, Object k, Object v) { }
void IOrderedDictionary.RemoveAt(Int32 i) { }