diff --git a/IotThermometer/Librarys/Bme280.cs b/IotThermometer/Librarys/Bme280.cs
index 77c96c4..8eebcbe 100644
--- a/IotThermometer/Librarys/Bme280.cs
+++ b/IotThermometer/Librarys/Bme280.cs
@@ -5,232 +5,270 @@ using Unosquare.RaspberryIO.Gpio;
 namespace BlubbFish.Iot.Thermometer.Librarys {
   class Bme280 {
-    public Bme280(Int32 address) => this.w = Pi.I2C.AddDevice(address);
-    public void Begin() {
-      if(this.Read8((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_ID) != 0x60) {
-        Helper.WriteError("Fail to init Barometer\n");
-      }
-      this.ReadTrimming();
-      //Humidity oversampling 16X oversampling [2..0]
-      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CTRL_HUM, 0b00000101);
-      //Pressure oversampling 16X oversampling [7..5], Temperature oversampling 16X oversampling [4..2], Mode Normal mode [1..0]
-      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CTRL_MEAS, 0b10110111);
-      //inactive duration 250 ms [7..5], IIR filter Filter coefficient 16 [4..2], SPI Interface off [0]
-      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CONFIG, 0b01110000);
-      Console.WriteLine("Barometer ok\n");
-    }
-    public void Measure() {
-      this._adc_T = (Int32)this.Read20((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_TEMP_DATA);
-      this._adc_P = (Int32)this.Read20((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_PRESS_DATA);
-      this._adc_H = this.Read16((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_HUM_DATA);
-    }
-    public Double GetTemperature() {
-      Int32 adc_T = this._adc_T;
-      Int32 var1, var2;
-      var1 = (((adc_T >> 3) - (this._dig_T1 << 1)) * this._dig_T2) >> 11;
-      var2 = (((((adc_T >> 4) - this._dig_T1) * ((adc_T >> 4) - this._dig_T1)) >> 12) * this._dig_T3) >> 14;
-      this._t_fine = var1 + var2;
-      return ((Double)(this._t_fine * 5 + 128 >> 8)) / 100;
+    public Bme280(Int32 address) => this.w = Pi.I2C.AddDevice(address);
-      /*adc_T >>= 4;
-      var1 = (((adc_T >> 3) - ((int32_t)(this->_dig_T1 << 1))) * ((int32_t)this->_dig_T2)) >> 11;
-      var2 = (((((adc_T >> 4) - ((int32_t)this->_dig_T1)) * ((adc_T >> 4) - ((int32_t)this->_dig_T1))) >> 12) * ((int32_t)this->_dig_T3)) >> 14;
-      t_fine = var1 + var2;
-      float T = (t_fine * 5 + 128) >> 8;
-      return T/100;*/
-    }
-    public Double GetPressure() {
-      Int32 adc_P = this._adc_P;
-      Int64 var1, var2, P;
-      var1 = ((Int64)this._t_fine) - 128000;
-      var2 = var1 * var1 * this._dig_P6;
-      var2 = var2 + ((var1 * this._dig_P5) << 17);
-      var2 = var2 + (((Int64)this._dig_P4) << 35);
-      var1 = ((var1 * var1 * this._dig_P3) >> 8) + ((var1 * this._dig_P2) << 12);
-      var1 = ((((Int64)1) << 47) + var1) * this._dig_P1 >> 33;
-      if(var1 == 0) {
-        return 0.0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
-      }
-      P = 1048576 - adc_P;
-      P = (((P << 31) - var2) * 3125) / var1;
-      var1 = (this._dig_P9 * (P >> 13) * (P >> 13)) >> 25;
-      var2 = (this._dig_P8 * P) >> 19;
-      P = ((P + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (((Int64)this._dig_P7) << 4);
-      return ((Double)((UInt32)P)) / 25600;
-      /*adc_P >>= 4;
-      var1 = ((int64_t)t_fine) - 128000;
-      var2 = var1 * var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P6;
-      var2 = var2 + ((var1*(int64_t)this->_dig_P5)<<17);
-      var2 = var2 + (((int64_t)this->_dig_P4)<<35);
-      var1 = ((var1 * var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P3)>>8) + ((var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P2)<<12);
-      var1 = (((((int64_t)1)<<47)+var1))*((int64_t)this->_dig_P1)>>33;
-      if (var1 == 0) {
-        return 0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
-      }
-      p = 1048576-adc_P;
-      p = (((p<<31)-var2)*3125)/var1;
-      var1 = (((int64_t)this->_dig_P9) * (p>>13) * (p>>13)) >> 25;
-      var2 = (((int64_t)this->_dig_P8) * p) >> 19;
-      p = ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (((int64_t)this->_dig_P7)<<4);
-      return ((float)(uint32_t)p/256)/100;*/
-    }
-    public Double GetHumidity() {
-      Int32 adc_H = this._adc_H;
-      Int32 H;
-      H = this._t_fine - 76800;
-      H = ((((adc_H << 14) - (this._dig_H4 << 20) - (this._dig_H5 * H)) + 16384) >> 15) *
-        (((((((H * this._dig_H6) >> 10) * (((H * this._dig_H3) >> 11) + 32768)) >> 10) + 2097152) * this._dig_H2 + 8192) >> 14);
-      H = H - (((((H >> 15) * (H >> 15)) >> 7) * this._dig_H1) >> 4);
-      H = H < 0 ? 0 : H;
-      H = H > 419430400 ? 419430400 : H;
-      return ((Double)(H >> 12)) / 1024;
-    }
-    public void ReadTrimming() {
-      this._dig_T1 = this.Read16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB00);
-      this._dig_T2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB02);
-      this._dig_T3 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB04);
-      this._dig_P1 = this.Read16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB06);
-      this._dig_P2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB08);
-      this._dig_P3 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB10);
-      this._dig_P4 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB12);
-      this._dig_P5 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB14);
-      this._dig_P6 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB16);
-      this._dig_P7 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB18);
-      this._dig_P8 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB20);
-      this._dig_P9 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB22);
-      this._dig_H1 = this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB25);
-      this._dig_H2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB26);
-      this._dig_H3 = this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB28);
-      this._dig_H4 = (Int16)((this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB29) << 4) | (0b00001111 & this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB30)));
-      this._dig_H5 = (Int16)((this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB31) << 4) | ((0b11110000 & this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB30)) >> 4));
-      this._dig_H6 = (SByte)this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB32);
+    public void Begin() {
+      if(this.Read8((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_ID) != 0x60) {
+        Helper.WriteError("Fail to init Barometer\n");
+      }
+      this.ReadTrimming();
+      //Humidity oversampling 16X oversampling [2..0]
+      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CTRL_HUM, 0b00000101);
+      //Pressure oversampling 16X oversampling [7..5], Temperature oversampling 16X oversampling [4..2], Mode Normal mode [1..0]
+      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CTRL_MEAS, 0b10110111);
+      //inactive duration 250 ms [7..5], IIR filter Filter coefficient 16 [4..2], SPI Interface off [0]
+      this.WriteRegister((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_CONFIG, 0b01110000);
+      Console.WriteLine("Barometer ok\n");
-    private readonly I2CDevice w;
-    private Int32 _adc_T;
-    private Int32 _adc_P;
-    private Int32 _adc_H;
-    private Int32 _t_fine;
-    private UInt16 _dig_T1;
-    private Int16 _dig_T2;
-    private Int16 _dig_T3;
-    private UInt16 _dig_P1;
-    private Int16 _dig_P2;
-    private Int16 _dig_P3;
-    private Int16 _dig_P4;
-    private Int16 _dig_P5;
-    private Int16 _dig_P6;
-    private Int16 _dig_P7;
-    private Int16 _dig_P8;
-    private Int16 _dig_P9;
-    private Byte _dig_H1;
-    private Int16 _dig_H2;
-    private Byte _dig_H3;
-    private Int16 _dig_H4;
-    private Int16 _dig_H5;
-    private SByte _dig_H6;
-    //Calibration Register Adresses
-    private enum Calibration {
-      BME280_REG_CALIB00 = 0b10001000,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB02 = 0b10001010,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB04 = 0b10001100,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB06 = 0b10001110,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB08 = 0b10010000,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB10 = 0b10010010,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB12 = 0b10010100,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB14 = 0b10010110,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB16 = 0b10011000,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB18 = 0b10011010,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB20 = 0b10011100,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB22 = 0b10011110,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB25 = 0b10100001,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB26 = 0b11100001,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB28 = 0b11100011,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB29 = 0b11100100,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB30 = 0b11100101,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB31 = 0b11100110,
-      BME280_REG_CALIB32 = 0b11100111
-    };
-    //Register Adresses
-    private enum Register {
-      BME280_REG_ID = 0b11010000,
-      BME280_REG_RESET = 0b11100000,
-      BME280_REG_CTRL_HUM = 0b11110010,
-      BME280_REG_STATUS = 0b11110011,
-      BME280_REG_CTRL_MEAS = 0b11110100,
-      BME280_REG_CONFIG = 0b11110101,
-      BME280_REG_PRESS_DATA = 0b11110111,
-      BME280_REG_TEMP_DATA = 0b11111010,
-      BME280_REG_HUM_DATA = 0b11111101
+    public void Measure() {
+      this._adc_T = (Int32)this.Read20((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_TEMP_DATA);
+      this._adc_P = (Int32)this.Read20((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_PRESS_DATA);
+      //this._adc_H = this.Read16((Byte)Register.BME280_REG_HUM_DATA);
+    }
+    public Double GetTemperature() {
+      Int32 adc_T = this._adc_T;
+      //Int32 var1, var2;
+      Double var1, var2;
+      var1 = (adc_T / 16384.0 - this._dig_T1 / 1024.0) * this._dig_T2;
+      var2 = ((adc_T / 131072.0 - this._dig_T1 / 8192.0) * (adc_T / 131072.0 - this._dig_T1 / 8192.0)) * this._dig_T3;
+      this._t_fine = (Int32)(var1 + var2);
+      return (var1 + var2) / 5120.0;
+      /*var1 = (((adc_T >> 3) - (this._dig_T1 << 1)) * this._dig_T2) >> 11;
+      var2 = (((((adc_T >> 4) - this._dig_T1) * ((adc_T >> 4) - this._dig_T1)) >> 12) * this._dig_T3) >> 14;
+      this._t_fine = var1 + var2;
+      return ((Double)(this._t_fine * 5 + 128 >> 8)) / 100;*/
+      /*adc_T >>= 4;
+      var1 = (((adc_T >> 3) - ((int32_t)(this->_dig_T1 << 1))) * ((int32_t)this->_dig_T2)) >> 11;
+      var2 = (((((adc_T >> 4) - ((int32_t)this->_dig_T1)) * ((adc_T >> 4) - ((int32_t)this->_dig_T1))) >> 12) * ((int32_t)this->_dig_T3)) >> 14;
+      t_fine = var1 + var2;
+      float T = (t_fine * 5 + 128) >> 8;
+      return T/100;*/
+    }
+    public Double GetPressure() {
+      Int32 adc_P = this._adc_P;
+      Double var1, var2, p;
+      var1 = (this._t_fine / 2.0) - 64000.0;
+      var2 = var1 * var1 * this._dig_P6 / 32768.0;
+      var2 = var2 + var1 * this._dig_P5 * 2.0;
+      var2 = (var2 / 4.0) + (this._dig_P4 * 65536.0);
+      var1 = (this._dig_P3 * var1 * var1 / 524288.0 + this._dig_P2 * var1) / 524288.0;
+      var1 = (1.0 + var1 / 32768.0) * this._dig_P1;
+      if(var1 == 0.0) {
+        return 0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
+      }
+      p = 1048576.0 - adc_P;
+      p = (p - (var2 / 4096.0)) * 6250.0 / var1;
+      var1 = this._dig_P9 * p * p / 2147483648.0;
+      var2 = p * this._dig_P8 / 32768.0;
+      return (p + (var1 + var2 + this._dig_P7) / 16.0) / 100.0;
+      /*Int64 var1, var2, P;
+      var1 = ((Int64)this._t_fine) - 128000;
+      var2 = var1 * var1 * this._dig_P6;
+      var2 = var2 + ((var1 * this._dig_P5) << 17);
+      var2 = var2 + (((Int64)this._dig_P4) << 35);
+      var1 = ((var1 * var1 * this._dig_P3) >> 8) + ((var1 * this._dig_P2) << 12);
+      var1 = ((((Int64)1) << 47) + var1) * this._dig_P1 >> 33;
+      if(var1 == 0) {
+        return 0.0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
+      }
+      P = 1048576 - adc_P;
+      P = (((P << 31) - var2) * 3125) / var1;
+      var1 = (this._dig_P9 * (P >> 13) * (P >> 13)) >> 25;
+      var2 = (this._dig_P8 * P) >> 19;
+      P = ((P + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (((Int64)this._dig_P7) << 4);
+      return ((Double)((UInt32)P)) / 25600;*/
+      /*adc_P >>= 4;
+      var1 = ((int64_t)t_fine) - 128000;
+      var2 = var1 * var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P6;
+      var2 = var2 + ((var1*(int64_t)this->_dig_P5)<<17);
+      var2 = var2 + (((int64_t)this->_dig_P4)<<35);
+      var1 = ((var1 * var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P3)>>8) + ((var1 * (int64_t)this->_dig_P2)<<12);
+      var1 = (((((int64_t)1)<<47)+var1))*((int64_t)this->_dig_P1)>>33;
+      if (var1 == 0) {
+        return 0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
+      }
+      p = 1048576-adc_P;
+      p = (((p<<31)-var2)*3125)/var1;
+      var1 = (((int64_t)this->_dig_P9) * (p>>13) * (p>>13)) >> 25;
+      var2 = (((int64_t)this->_dig_P8) * p) >> 19;
+      p = ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (((int64_t)this->_dig_P7)<<4);
+      return ((float)(uint32_t)p/256)/100;*/
+    }
+    public Double GetHumidity() {
+      Int32 adc_H = this._adc_H;
+      Double var_H;
+      var_H = this._t_fine - 76800.0;
+      var_H = (adc_H - (this._dig_H4 * 64.0 + this._dig_H5 / 16384.0 * var_H)) * (this._dig_H2 / 65536.0 * (1.0 + this._dig_H6 / 67108864.0 * var_H * (1.0 + this._dig_H3 / 67108864.0 * var_H)));
+      var_H = var_H * (1.0 - this._dig_H1 * var_H / 524288.0);
+      return var_H;
+      return var_H > 100 ? 100 : var_H < 0 ? 0: var_H;
+      /*if(var_H > 100.0) {
+        var_H = 100.0;
+      } else if(var_H < 0.0) {
+        var_H = 0.0;
+      }
+      return var_H;*/
+      /*Int32 H;
+      H = this._t_fine - 76800;
+      H = ((((adc_H << 14) - (this._dig_H4 << 20) - (this._dig_H5 * H)) + 16384) >> 15) *
+        (((((((H * this._dig_H6) >> 10) * (((H * this._dig_H3) >> 11) + 32768)) >> 10) + 2097152) * this._dig_H2 + 8192) >> 14);
+      H = H - (((((H >> 15) * (H >> 15)) >> 7) * this._dig_H1) >> 4);
+      H = H < 0 ? 0 : H;
+      H = H > 419430400 ? 419430400 : H;
+      return ((Double)(H >> 12)) / 1024;*/
+    }
+    public void ReadTrimming() {
+      this._dig_T1 = this.Read16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB00);
+      this._dig_T2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB02);
+      this._dig_T3 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB04);
+      this._dig_P1 = this.Read16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB06);
+      this._dig_P2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB08);
+      this._dig_P3 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB10);
+      this._dig_P4 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB12);
+      this._dig_P5 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB14);
+      this._dig_P6 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB16);
+      this._dig_P7 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB18);
+      this._dig_P8 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB20);
+      this._dig_P9 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB22);
+      this._dig_H1 = this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB25);
+      this._dig_H2 = this.ReadS16LE((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB26);
+      this._dig_H3 = this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB28);
+      this._dig_H4 = (Int16)((this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB29) << 4) | (0b00001111 & this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB30)));
+      this._dig_H5 = (Int16)((this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB31) << 4) | ((0b11110000 & this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB30)) >> 4));
+      this._dig_H6 = (SByte)this.Read8((Byte)Calibration.BME280_REG_CALIB32);
+    }
+    private readonly I2CDevice w;
+    private Int32 _adc_T;
+    private Int32 _adc_P;
+    private Int32 _adc_H;
+    private Int32 _t_fine;
+    private UInt16 _dig_T1;
+    private Int16 _dig_T2;
+    private Int16 _dig_T3;
+    private UInt16 _dig_P1;
+    private Int16 _dig_P2;
+    private Int16 _dig_P3;
+    private Int16 _dig_P4;
+    private Int16 _dig_P5;
+    private Int16 _dig_P6;
+    private Int16 _dig_P7;
+    private Int16 _dig_P8;
+    private Int16 _dig_P9;
+    private Byte _dig_H1;
+    private Int16 _dig_H2;
+    private Byte _dig_H3;
+    private Int16 _dig_H4;
+    private Int16 _dig_H5;
+    private SByte _dig_H6;
+    //Calibration Register Adresses
+    private enum Calibration {
+      BME280_REG_CALIB00 = 0b10001000,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB02 = 0b10001010,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB04 = 0b10001100,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB06 = 0b10001110,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB08 = 0b10010000,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB10 = 0b10010010,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB12 = 0b10010100,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB14 = 0b10010110,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB16 = 0b10011000,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB18 = 0b10011010,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB20 = 0b10011100,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB22 = 0b10011110,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB25 = 0b10100001,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB26 = 0b11100001,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB28 = 0b11100011,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB29 = 0b11100100,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB30 = 0b11100101,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB31 = 0b11100110,
+      BME280_REG_CALIB32 = 0b11100111
+    };
+    //Register Adresses
+    private enum Register {
+      BME280_REG_ID = 0b11010000,
+      BME280_REG_RESET = 0b11100000,
+      BME280_REG_CTRL_HUM = 0b11110010,
+      BME280_REG_STATUS = 0b11110011,
+      BME280_REG_CTRL_MEAS = 0b11110100,
+      BME280_REG_CONFIG = 0b11110101,
+      BME280_REG_PRESS_DATA = 0b11110111,
+      BME280_REG_TEMP_DATA = 0b11111010,
+      BME280_REG_HUM_DATA = 0b11111101
     //TWI Writes
-    private Byte Read8(Byte reg) => this.w.ReadAddressByte(reg);
-    /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
-      this->w->write(reg);
-      this->w->endTransmission();
-      this->w->requestFrom(address, 1);
+    private Byte Read8(Byte reg) => this.w.ReadAddressByte(reg);
+    /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
+      this->w->write(reg);
+      this->w->endTransmission();
+      this->w->requestFrom(address, 1);
-        ;
-      return this->w->read();*/
-    private UInt16 Read16(Byte reg) => this.w.ReadAddressWord(reg);
-    /*uint8_t msb, lsb;
-      this->w->beginTransmission(address);
-      this->w->write(reg);
-      this->w->endTransmission();
-      this->w->requestFrom(address, 2);
+        ;
+      return this->w->read();*/
+    private UInt16 Read16LE(Byte reg) => this.w.ReadAddressWord(reg);
+    /*uint8_t msb, lsb;
+      this->w->beginTransmission(address);
+      this->w->write(reg);
+      this->w->endTransmission();
+      this->w->requestFrom(address, 2);
       while(this->w->available() < 2)
-        ;
-      msb = this->w->read();
-      lsb = this->w->read();
+        ;
+      msb = this->w->read();
+      lsb = this->w->read();
       return (uint16_t)msb << 8 | lsb;*/
-    private UInt16 Read16LE(Byte reg) {
-      UInt16 data = this.Read16(reg);
-      return (UInt16)((data >> 8) | (data << 8));
-    }
-    private Int16 ReadS16LE(Byte reg) => (Int16)this.Read16LE(reg);
-    private UInt32 Read20(Byte reg) {
-      UInt32 data;
-      this.w.Write(reg);
-      Byte[] dr = this.w.Read(3);
-      /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
-      this->w->write(reg);
-      this->w->endTransmission();
-      this->w->requestFrom(address, 3);
+    private UInt16 Read16(Byte reg) {
+      UInt16 data = this.Read16LE(reg);
+      return (UInt16)((data >> 8) | (data << 8));
+    }
+    private Int16 ReadS16LE(Byte reg) => (Int16)this.Read16LE(reg);
+    private UInt32 Read20(Byte reg) {
+      UInt32 data;
+      this.w.Write(reg);
+      Byte[] dr = this.w.Read(3);
+      /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
+      this->w->write(reg);
+      this->w->endTransmission();
+      this->w->requestFrom(address, 3);
       while(this->w->available() < 3)
-        ;*/
-      data = dr[0];
-      data <<= 8;
-      data |= dr[1];
-      data <<= 8;
-      data |= dr[2];
-      data >>= 4;
-      return data;
-    }
-    private void WriteRegister(Byte reg, Byte val) => this.w.WriteAddressByte(reg, val);
-    /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
-      this->w->write(reg);
-      this->w->write(val);
+        ;*/
+      data = dr[0];
+      data <<= 8;
+      data |= dr[1];
+      data <<= 8;
+      data |= dr[2];
+      data >>= 4;
+      return data;
+    }
+    private void WriteRegister(Byte reg, Byte val) => this.w.WriteAddressByte(reg, val);
+    /*this->w->beginTransmission(address);
+      this->w->write(reg);
+      this->w->write(val);
diff --git a/IotThermometer/Program.cs b/IotThermometer/Program.cs
index 451ded0..927f731 100644
--- a/IotThermometer/Program.cs
+++ b/IotThermometer/Program.cs
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Iot.Thermometer {
       while(true) {
-        this.tls.Measure();
+        //this.tls.Measure();
-        Console.WriteLine(this.tls.GetLux()+" lux");
-        Console.WriteLine(this.bme.GetHumidity() + " Hm%");
-        Console.WriteLine(this.bme.GetPressure() + " mbHp");
+        //Console.WriteLine(this.tls.GetLux()+" lux");
         Console.WriteLine(this.bme.GetTemperature() + " °C");
+        Console.WriteLine(this.bme.GetPressure() + " mbHp");
+        Console.WriteLine(this.bme.GetHumidity() + " Hm%");