2015-11-15 18:18:42 +00:00

95 lines
4.0 KiB

1 .cpu arm7tdmi
2 .fpu softvfp
3 .eabi_attribute 20, 1
4 .eabi_attribute 21, 1
5 .eabi_attribute 23, 3
6 .eabi_attribute 24, 1
7 .eabi_attribute 25, 1
8 .eabi_attribute 26, 1
9 .eabi_attribute 30, 4
10 .eabi_attribute 18, 4
11 .file "string.c"
19 .Ltext0:
20 .cfi_sections .debug_frame
21 .align 2
22 .global strnlen
24 strnlen:
25 .LFB2:
26 .file 1 "lib/string.c"
1:lib/string.c **** /*
2:lib/string.c **** * linux/lib/string.c
3:lib/string.c **** *
4:lib/string.c **** * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
5:lib/string.c **** */
6:lib/string.c ****
7:lib/string.c **** /*
8:lib/string.c **** * stupid library routines.. The optimized versions should generally be found
9:lib/string.c **** * as inline code in <asm-xx/string.h>
10:lib/string.c **** *
11:lib/string.c **** * These are buggy as well..
12:lib/string.c **** *
13:lib/string.c **** * * Fri Jun 25 1999, Ingo Oeser <>
14:lib/string.c **** * - Added strsep() which will replace strtok() soon (because strsep() is
15:lib/string.c **** * reentrant and should be faster). Use only strsep() in new code, please.
16:lib/string.c **** *
17:lib/string.c **** * * Sat Feb 09 2002, Jason Thomas <>,
18:lib/string.c **** * Matthew Hawkins <>
19:lib/string.c **** * - Kissed strtok() goodbye
20:lib/string.c **** */
21:lib/string.c ****
22:lib/string.c **** #include <sys/types.h>
23:lib/string.c **** #include <string.h>
24:lib/string.c **** #include <asm/ctype.h>
25:lib/string.c ****
26:lib/string.c ****
27:lib/string.c **** #ifndef __HAVE_ARCH_STRNLEN
28:lib/string.c **** /**
29:lib/string.c **** * strnlen - Find the length of a length-limited string
30:lib/string.c **** * @s: The string to be sized
31:lib/string.c **** * @count: The maximum number of bytes to search
32:lib/string.c **** */
33:lib/string.c **** size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t count)
34:lib/string.c **** {
27 .loc 1 34 0
28 .cfi_startproc
29 @ Function supports interworking.
30 @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
31 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
32 @ link register save eliminated.
33 .LVL0:
34 .loc 1 34 0
35 0000 0030A0E1 mov r3, r0
36 .LVL1:
37 .L3:
35:lib/string.c **** const char *sc;
36:lib/string.c ****
37:lib/string.c **** for (sc = s; count-- && *sc != '\0'; ++sc)
38 .loc 1 37 0 discriminator 1
39 0004 011051E2 subs r1, r1, #1
40 0008 0320A0E1 mov r2, r3
41 .LVL2:
42 000c 0200003A bcc .L2
43 .loc 1 37 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 2
44 0010 01C0D3E4 ldrb ip, [r3], #1 @ zero_extendqisi2
45 .LVL3:
46 0014 00005CE3 cmp ip, #0
47 0018 F9FFFF1A bne .L3
48 .L2:
38:lib/string.c **** /* nothing */;
39:lib/string.c **** return sc - s;
40:lib/string.c **** }
49 .loc 1 40 0 is_stmt 1
50 001c 020060E0 rsb r0, r0, r2
51 .LVL4:
52 0020 1EFF2FE1 bx lr
53 .cfi_endproc
54 .LFE2:
56 .Letext0:
*ABS*:00000000 string.c
C:\Users\netz\AppData\Local\Temp\cc4Ne3c1.s:21 .text:00000000 $a
C:\Users\netz\AppData\Local\Temp\cc4Ne3c1.s:24 .text:00000000 strnlen
.debug_frame:00000010 $d