The annotation base class.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the rendering layer of the annotation. The default value is .
Gets or sets the X axis key.
Gets or sets the Y axis key.
Gets or sets the internal annotation object.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
Handles changes in appearance.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Handles changes in data.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.ArrowAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the arrow direction.
Gets or sets the color.
Gets or sets the end point.
Gets or sets the length of the head (relative to the stroke thickness).
The length of the head.
Gets or sets the width of the head (relative to the stroke thickness).
The width of the head.
Gets or sets the line join.
The line join.
Gets or sets LineStyle.
Gets or sets the start point.
This property is overridden by the ArrowDirection property, if set.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the 'veeness' of the arrow head (relative to thickness).
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of .
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the size.
Gets or sets the text margin.
Gets or sets the shape.
Gets or sets the X coordinate.
Gets or sets the Y coordinate.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.EllipseAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the X.
Gets or sets the Y.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.PathAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the equation.
The equation.
Gets or sets the resolution.
The resolution.
Gets or sets Type.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.PathAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the annotation line by the X axis range.
true if clipping by the X axis is enabled; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the annotation line by the Y axis range.
true if clipping by the Y axis is enabled; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text should be clipped within the plot area.
true if text should be clipped; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets the annotation color.
The color.
Gets or sets the line join.
The line join.
Gets or sets LineStyle.
Gets or sets StrokeThickness.
Gets or sets the text margin (along the line).
The text margin.
Gets or sets the text orientation.
The text orientation.
Gets or sets the text position relative to the line.
The text position in the interval [0,1].
Positions smaller than 0.25 are left aligned at the start of the line
Positions larger than 0.75 are right aligned at the end of the line
Other positions are center aligned at the specified position
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.PolygonAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the line join.
The line join.
Gets or sets the line style.
Gets or sets the points.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.PolylineAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the points.
The points.
Gets or sets the minimum length of the segment.
Increasing this number will increase performance,
but make the curve less accurate.
The minimum length of the segment.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the polyline should be smoothed.
true if smooth; otherwise, false.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.RectangleAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the Maximum X.
Gets or sets the Maximum Y.
Gets or sets the Minimum X.
Gets or sets the Minimum Y.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
Provides an abstract base class for shape annotations.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the fill color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.TextAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the fill color of the background rectangle.
Gets or sets the position offset (screen coordinates).
Gets or sets the padding of the background rectangle.
Gets or sets the stroke color of the background rectangle.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness of the background rectangle.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.LineAnnotation
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets Intercept.
Gets or sets MaximumX.
Gets or sets MaximumY.
Gets or sets MinimumX.
Gets or sets MinimumY.
Gets or sets Slope.
Gets or sets Type.
Gets or sets X.
Gets or sets Y.
Creates the internal annotation object.
The annotation.
Synchronizes the properties.
Provides an abstract base class for annotations that contains text.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the text.
Gets or sets the color of the text.
Gets or sets the text position.
If the value is DataPoint.Undefined, the centroid of the polygon will be used.
Gets or sets the text horizontal alignment.
The text horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of text (above or below the line).
Gets or sets the rotation angle (degrees).
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.AngleAxis.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the start angle (degrees).
Gets or sets the end angle (degrees).
Synchronizes the properties.
The axis base.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the internal axis.
Gets or sets the absolute maximum. This is only used for the UI control. It will not be possible to zoom/pan beyond this limit.
Gets or sets the absolute minimum. This is only used for the UI control. It will not be possible to zoom/pan beyond this limit.
Gets or sets Angle.
Gets or sets AxisDistance.
Gets or sets AxisTickToLabelDistance.
Gets or sets AxisTitleDistance.
Gets or sets the color of the axis line.
The color of the axis line.
Gets or sets the axis line style.
The axis line style.
Gets or sets the axis line thickness.
The axis line thickness.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [clip title].
true if [clip title]; otherwise, false .
Gets or sets EndPosition.
Gets or sets ExtraGridlineColor.
Gets or sets ExtraGridlineStyle.
Gets or sets ExtraGridlineThickness.
Gets or sets ExtraGridLines.
Gets or sets the filter function.
The filter function.
Gets or sets FilterMaxValue.
Gets or sets FilterMinValue.
Gets or sets Font.
Gets or sets FontSize.
Gets or sets the font weight.
Gets or sets the interval length.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is visible.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether pan is enabled.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether zoom is enabled.
Gets or sets the axis key.
Gets or sets the label formatter.
Gets or sets the layer.
Gets or sets the color of the major gridlines.
Gets or sets the line style of the major gridlines.
Gets or sets MajorGridlineThickness.
Gets or sets MajorStep.
Gets or sets MajorTickSize.
Gets or sets Maximum.
Gets or sets MaximumPadding.
Gets or sets MaximumRange.
Gets or sets Minimum.
Gets or sets MinimumPadding.
Gets or sets MinimumRange.
Gets or sets MinorGridlineColor.
Gets or sets MinorGridlineStyle.
Gets or sets MinorGridlineThickness.
Gets or sets MinorStep.
Gets or sets MinorTickSize.
Gets or sets Position.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether PositionAtZeroCrossing.
Gets or sets the position tier which defines in which tier the axis is displayed.
The bigger the value the further afar is the axis from the graph.
Gets or sets the start position.
Gets or sets the string format.
Gets or sets the text color
Gets or sets the tick style.
Gets or sets the tick line color.
Gets or sets the title.
Gets or sets the length of the title clipping.
The length of the title clipping.
Gets or sets the color of the title.
The color of the title.
Gets or sets the title font.
The title font.
Gets or sets the size of the title font.
The size of the title font.
Gets or sets the title font weight.
The title font weight.
Gets or sets TitleFormatString.
Gets or sets TitlePosition.
Gets or sets Unit.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether UseSuperExponentialFormat.
Creates the model.
An axis object.
The visual appearance changed.
The sender.
The event args.
The data changed.
The sender.
The event args.
The on data changed handler.
The on property changed handler.
The event args.
Handles changed visuals.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.CategoryAxis.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the gap width.
The width of the gap.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsTickCentered.
Gets or sets ItemsSource.
Gets or sets LabelField.
Gets or sets Labels.
Creates the internal axis.
The internal axis.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.DateTimeAxis.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets CalendarWeekRule.
Gets or sets FirstDateTime.
Gets or sets FirstDayOfWeek.
Gets or sets IntervalType.
Gets or sets LastDateTime.
Gets or sets MinorIntervalType.
Creates the internal model.
The internal axis.
Synchronizes the properties.
Provides a WPF wrapper for the .
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the palette size.
Gets or sets the high color.
Gets or sets the low color.
Gets or sets the gradient stops.
Creates the model.
An axis object.
Synchronizes the properties.
Translates a collection of to an .
The gradient stops collection to convert.
The palette size.
The interpolated .
Validates the palette size.
The property value.
The validation result.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.MagnitudeAxis.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.TimeSpanAxis.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Creates the internal axis.
The internal axis.
The synchronize properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.LinearAxis.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether FormatAsFractions.
Gets or sets FractionUnit.
Gets or sets FractionUnitSymbol.
Creates the internal axis.
The internal axis.
Synchronizes the properties.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.LogarithmicAxis.
Identifies the dependency property.
The logarithmic base.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets Base.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ActualMaximum and ActualMinimum values should be padded to the nearest power of the Base.
Creates the internal axis.
The internal axis.
Synchronizes the properties.
Provides extension methods for exporters.
Exports the specified to a file.
The exporter.
The model to export.
The path to the file.
Provides a markup extension for s.
The point
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The x-coordinate.
The y-coordinate.
Provides the value.
The service provider.
The point.
Converts from to the maximum thicknesses.
This is used in the to convert BorderThickness properties to Path.StrokeThickness (double).
The maximum thickness value is used.
Converts a value.
The value produced by the binding source.
The type of the binding target property.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts a value.
The value that is produced by the binding target.
The type to convert to.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts between and .
Converts a value.
The value produced by the binding source.
The type of the binding target property.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts a value.
The value that is produced by the binding target.
The type to convert to.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Represents a control that displays a .
Represents a control that displays a .
Represents a control that displays a .
Represents a control that displays a .
The Grid PART constant.
The tracker definitions.
The render context
The canvas.
The current tracker.
The grid.
Invalidation flag (0: no update, 1: update visual elements).
The mouse down point.
The overlays.
The zoom control.
The is visible to user cache.
The cached parent.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disconnect the canvas while updating.
true if canvas should be disconnected while updating; otherwise, false.
Gets the actual model in the view.
The actual model.
Gets the actual model.
The actual model.
Gets the actual controller.
The actual .
Gets the actual PlotView controller.
The actual PlotView controller.
Gets the coordinates of the client area of the view.
Gets the tracker definitions.
The tracker definitions.
Hides the tracker.
Hides the zoom rectangle.
Pans all axes.
The delta.
Zooms all axes.
The zoom factor.
Resets all axes.
Invalidate the PlotView (not blocking the UI thread)
The update Data.
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass)
call . In simplest terms, this means the method is called
just before a UI element displays in an application. For more information, see Remarks.
Sets the cursor type.
The cursor type.
Shows the tracker.
The tracker data.
Shows the zoom rectangle.
The rectangle.
Stores text on the clipboard.
The text.
Provides the behavior for the Arrange pass of Silverlight layout. Classes can override this method to define their own Arrange pass behavior.
The final area within the parent that this object should use to arrange itself and its children.
The actual size that is used after the element is arranged in layout.
Updates the model.
The update Data.
Determines whether the plot is currently visible to the user.
true if the plot is currently visible to the user; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified element is currently visible to the user.
The element.
The container.
true if if the specified element is currently visible to the user; otherwise, false.
Performs the copy operation.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the control is loaded.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the layout is updated.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the size of the control is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Gets the relevant parent.
Type of the relevant parent
The object.
The relevant parent.
Updates the visuals.
Invokes the specified action on the dispatcher, if necessary.
The action.
Called before the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called before the event occurs to provide handling for the event in a derived class without attaching a delegate.
A that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseMove attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseUp routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the mouse button was released.
Invoked when an unhandled  attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled  attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Saves the PlotView as a bitmap.
Name of the file.
Saves the PlotView as a bitmap.
Name of the file.
The width.
The height.
The background.
Saves the PlotView as xaml.
Name of the file.
Renders the PlotView to xaml.
The xaml.
Renders the PlotView to a bitmap.
A bitmap.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the default tracker template.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsMouseWheelEnabled.
Gets or sets the pan cursor.
The pan cursor.
Gets or sets the horizontal zoom cursor.
The zoom horizontal cursor.
Gets or sets the rectangle zoom cursor.
The zoom rectangle cursor.
Gets or sets the zoom rectangle template.
The zoom rectangle template.
Gets or sets the vertical zoom cursor.
The zoom vertical cursor.
Provides a standard set of commands for the control.
Gets the value that represents the "Reset all axes" command.
Represents a control that displays a .
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
The model lock.
The current model (synchronized with the property, but can be accessed from all threads.
The default plot controller.
Initializes static members of the class.
Gets or sets the model.
The model.
Gets or sets the Plot controller.
The Plot controller.
Gets the actual model.
The actual model.
Gets the actual PlotView controller.
The actual PlotView controller.
Called when the visual appearance is changed.
Called when the visual appearance is changed.
The d.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the model is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the model is changed.
Represents a control that displays a .
This file contains dependency properties used for defining the Plot in XAML. These properties are only used when Model is null. In this case an internal PlotModel is created and the dependency properties are copied from the control to the internal PlotModel.
Represents a control that displays a .
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
The annotations.
The axes.
The series.
Gets the axes.
The axes.
Gets or sets Culture.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsLegendVisible.
Gets or sets LegendBackground.
Gets or sets LegendBorder.
Gets or sets LegendBorderThickness.
Gets or sets the spacing between columns of legend items (only for vertical orientation).
The spacing in device independent units.
Gets or sets LegendFont.
Gets or sets LegendFontSize.
Gets or sets LegendFontWeight.
Gets or sets LegendItemAlignment.
Gets or sets LegendItemOrder.
Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between legend items when the orientation is horizontal.
The horizontal distance between items in device independent units.
Gets or sets the vertical spacing between legend items.
The spacing in device independent units.
Gets or sets the max height of the legend.
The max width of the legends.
Gets or sets the max width of the legend.
The max width of the legends.
Gets or sets LegendMargin.
Gets or sets LegendOrientation.
Gets or sets the legend padding.
Gets or sets LegendPlacement.
Gets or sets the legend position.
The legend position.
Gets or sets LegendSymbolLength.
Gets or sets LegendSymbolMargin.
Gets or sets LegendSymbolPlacement.
Gets or sets LegendTitleFont.
Gets or sets the default font.
Gets or sets the default font size.
Gets or sets the default colors.
Gets or sets the text color of the legends.
Gets or sets the legend title.
Gets or sets color of the legend title.
Gets or sets the axis tier distance.
Gets or sets the color of selected elements.
Gets or sets a rendering decorator.
Gets or sets the font of the subtitles.
Gets or sets the color of the titles.
Gets or sets the font size of the legend titles.
Gets or sets the color of the subtitles.
Gets or sets the font weight of the legend titles.
Gets or sets the background brush of the Plot area.
The brush.
Gets or sets the color of the Plot area border.
The color of the Plot area border.
Gets or sets the thickness of the Plot area border.
The thickness of the Plot area border.
Gets or sets the Plot margins.
The Plot margins.
Gets or sets PlotType.
Gets the series.
The series.
Gets or sets the subtitle.
The subtitle.
Gets or sets the font size of the subtitle.
Gets or sets the font weight of the subtitle.
Gets or sets text color.
Gets or sets the title.
The title.
Gets or sets the title tool tip.
The title tool tip.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the title and subtitle.
The alignment.
Gets or sets font of the title.
Gets or sets font size of the title.
Gets or sets font weight of the title.
Gets or sets padding around the title.
Gets or sets the refresh flag (an integer value). When the flag is changed, the Plot will be refreshed.
The refresh value.
Invalidates the Plot control/view when the property is changed.
The internal model.
The default controller.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the annotations.
The annotations.
Gets the actual model.
The actual model.
Gets the actual Plot controller.
The actual Plot controller.
Gets an enumerator for logical child elements of this element.
Updates the model. If Model==null, an internal model will be created. The ActualModel.Update will be called (updates all series data).
if set to true , all data collections will be updated.
Called when the visual appearance is changed.
Called when the visual appearance is changed.
The d.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when annotations is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when axes is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when series is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Synchronizes the logical tree.
The instance containing the event data.
Synchronize properties in the internal Plot model
Synchronizes the annotations in the internal model.
Synchronizes the axes in the internal model.
Synchronizes the series in the internal model.
Provides an XPS report writer.
The document.
The disposed flag.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the FlowDocument.
Gets or sets the report style.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Prints the document.
Saves the document.
The filename.
The width.
The height.
Writes a drawing.
The drawing.
Writes an equation.
The equation.
Writes a header.
The header.
Writes an image.
The image.
Writes a paragraph.
The paragraph.
Writes a plot.
The plot.
Writes a report.
The report.
The style.
Writes a table.
The t.
The set style.
The run.
The s.
Adds a page body.
The source flow document paginator.
The page number.
The page canvas.
The margins.
Adds a page to the document.
The fixed document.
The page canvas.
The page size.
Builds the fixed document.
The source flow doc paginator.
The size.
The margins.
The document.
Creates the fixed document.
The size.
The document.
Creates a paragraph.
The text.
The style.
A paragraph.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.Series.LinearBarSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the bar width.
Gets or sets the fill color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the negative fill color.
Gets or sets the negative stroke color.
Creates the internal series.
The internal series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BoxPlotSeries
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the width of the boxes (specified in x-axis units).
The width of the boxes.
Gets or sets the fill color. If null, this color will be automatically set.
The fill color.
Gets or sets the line style.
The line style.
Gets or sets the size of the median point.
This property is only used when MedianStyle = Dot.
Gets or sets the median thickness, relative to the StrokeThickness.
The median thickness.
Gets or sets the diameter of the outlier circles (specified in points).
The size of the outlier.
Gets or sets the type of the outliers.
The type of the outliers.
MarkerType.Custom is currently not supported.
Gets or sets the a custom polygon outline for the outlier markers. Set to to use this property.
A polyline. The default is null.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the boxes.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the median as a dot.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
The stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
The stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the width of the whiskers (relative to the BoxWidth).
The width of the whiskers.
Creates the internal series.
The internal series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
HeatMapSeries WPF wrapper
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Identifies this dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets LowColor
Gets or sets HighColor
Gets or sets ColorAxisKey property.
Gets or sets X0.
Gets or sets X1
Gets or sets Y0
Gets or sets Y1
Gets or sets Data
The create model.
The .
The synchronize properties.
The series.
This is a wrapper of OxyPlot.PieSeries.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Creates the underlying model.
A series.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the diameter.
Gets or sets the inner diameter.
Gets or sets the start angle.
Gets or sets the angle span.
Gets or sets the angle increment.
Gets or sets the legend format.
Gets or sets the outside label format.
Gets or sets the color of the inside labels.
Gets or sets the inside label format.
Gets or sets the inside label position.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether inside labels are angled.
Gets or sets the distance from the edge of the pie slice to the tick line.
Gets or sets the length of the radial part of the tick line.
Gets or sets the length of the horizontal part of the tick.
Gets or sets the distance from the tick line to the outside label.
Gets or sets the exploded distance.
Gets or sets the name of the property containing the label.
Gets or sets the name of the property containing the value.
Gets or sets the name of the property containing the color.
Gets or sets the name of the property indicating whether the item
is exploded.
Synchronizes the properties of this object with the underlying series object.
The series.
Provides a base class for scatter series.
The type of the points.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets bin size.
Gets or sets size data field.
Gets or sets tag data field.
Gets or sets value (color) data field.
Gets or sets X data field.
Gets or sets Y data field.
Gets or sets mapping function.
Gets or sets fill color of the markers.
Gets or sets custom outline of the markers.
Gets or sets the size of the markers.
Gets or sets color of the marker strokes.
Gets or sets thickness of the marker strokes.
Gets or sets type of the markers.
Gets or sets the color axis key.
The color axis key.
Creates the internal series.
The series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.StairStepSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness of the vertical line segments.
The vertical stroke thickness.
Set the value to NaN to use the StrokeThickness property for both horizontal and vertical segments.
Using the VerticalStrokeThickness property will have a small performance hit.
Gets or sets the line style of the vertical line segments.
The vertical line style.
Creates the internal series.
The internal series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.ScatterErrorSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the data field X error.
The data field error.
Gets or sets the data field Y error.
The data field error.
Gets or sets the color of the error bar.
The color of the error bar.
Gets or sets the width of the error bar stop.
The width of the error bar stop.
Gets or sets the error bar stroke thickness.
The error bar stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the minimum size (relative to ) of the error bars to be shown.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Defines additional .
The undefined color.
The automatic color.
The OxyPlot.Wpf namespace contains WPF controls and PNG export functionality based on WPF.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BarSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets ColumnWidth.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BarSeries
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BarSeriesBase
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Gets or sets BaseValue.
Gets or sets the color field.
The color field.
Gets or sets the color of the fill color.
The color of the fill color.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series is stacked.
Gets or sets the label format string.
The label format string.
Gets or sets the label margin.
The label margin.
Gets or sets the label placement.
The label placement.
Gets or sets NegativeFillColor.
Gets or sets the stack group.
The stack group.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke thickness.
Gets or sets the value field.
Creates the model.
The series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BarSeries<T>.
The type of the items.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
The WPF wrapper for OxyPlot.ThreeColorLineSeries.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets ColorLo.
Gets or sets ColorHi.
Gets or sets LimitLo.
Gets or sets LimitHi.
Gets or sets LineStyleLo.
Gets or sets LineStyleHi.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
The WPF wrapper for OxyPlot.TwoColorAreaSeries.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the dash array for the rendered line that is below the limit (overrides ).
Gets or sets Fill below the limit line.
Gets or sets Marker Fill which is below the limit line.
Gets or sets Marker Stroke which is below the limit line.
Gets or sets the line style for the part of the line that is below the limit.
Gets or sets a baseline for the series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Provides functionality to export plots to scalable vector graphics using text measuring in WPF.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The text measurement methods.
Measurement by TextBlock.
Measurement by glyph typeface.
Provides utility methods related to the keyboard.
Gets the current modifier keys.
A value.
Provides functionality to export plots to XAML.
Export the specified plot model to an xaml string.
The model.
The width.
The height.
The background.
A xaml string.
Exports the specified plot model to a xaml file.
The model.
Name of the file.
The width.
The height.
The background.
Exports the specified plot model to a xml writer.
The model.
The xml writer.
The width.
The height.
The background.
Provides functionality to export plots to png.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the width of the output image.
Gets or sets the height of the output image.
Gets or sets the resolution of the output image.
The resolution in dots per inch (dpi).
Gets or sets the background color.
Exports the specified plot model to a file.
The model to export.
The file name.
The width of the output bitmap.
The height of the output bitmap.
The background color. The default value is null.
The resolution (resolution). The default value is 96.
Exports the specified plot model to a stream.
The model to export.
The stream.
The width of the output bitmap.
The height of the output bitmap.
The background color. The default value is null.
The resolution (resolution). The default value is 96.
Exports the specified plot model to a bitmap.
The plot model.
The width.
The height.
The background.
The resolution (dpi).
A bitmap.
Exports the specified to the specified .
The model.
The output stream.
Exports the specified plot model to a bitmap.
The model to export.
A bitmap.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.BarSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the bar width.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
The WPF wrapper for OxyPlot.TwoColorLineSeries.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets Color2.
Gets or sets Limit.
Gets or sets LineStyle2.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Abstract base class for series that use X and Y axes.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Gets or sets the x-axis key.
Gets or sets the y axis key.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Abstract base class for series that use X and Y axes.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.ScatterSeries
Abstract base class for series.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
The event listener used to subscribe to ItemSource.CollectionChanged events
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets Color.
Gets or sets the internal series.
Gets or sets Title.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series should be rendered in the legend.
Gets or sets TrackerFormatString.
Gets or sets TrackerKey.
Creates the model.
A series.
The appearance changed.
The d.
The e.
The data changed.
The d.
The e.
The on data changed.
The on items source changed.
The old value.
The new value.
The on visual changed.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
If the ItemsSource implements INotifyCollectionChanged update the visual when the collection changes.
The old ItemsSource
The new ItemsSource
Invalidate the view when the collection changes
The sender
The collection changed args
Listens to and forwards any collection changed events
The delegate to forward to
Initializes a new instance of the class
The handler
Receive a weak event
The manager type
The sender
The arguments
Whether the event was handled or not
The tracker control.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
The path part string.
The content part string.
The content container part string.
The horizontal line part string.
The vertical line part string.
The content.
The horizontal line.
The path.
The content container.
The vertical line.
Initializes static members of the class.
Gets or sets BorderEdgeMode.
Gets or sets HorizontalLineVisibility.
Gets or sets VerticalLineVisibility.
Gets or sets LineStroke.
Gets or sets LineExtents.
Gets or sets LineDashArray.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a 'pointer' on the border.
Gets or sets the corner radius (only used when ShowPoint=false).
Gets or sets the distance of the content container from the trackers Position.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker can center its content box horizontally.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker can center its content box vertically.
Gets or sets Position of the tracker.
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call .
Called when the position is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the position is changed.
The dependency property changed event args.
Update the position and border of the tracker.
Create the border geometry.
The horizontal alignment.
The vertical alignment.
The width.
The height.
The margin.
The border geometry.
Create a border geometry with a 'pointer'.
The horizontal alignment.
The vertical alignment.
The width.
The height.
The margin.
The border geometry.
Represents a tracker definition.
The tracker definitions make it possible to show different trackers for different series.
The property is matched with the
in the TrackerDefinitions collection in the control.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the tracker key.
The Plot will use this property to find the TrackerDefinition that matches the TrackerKey of the current series.
Gets or sets the tracker template.
The tracker control will be added/removed from the Tracker overlay as necessary.
The DataContext of the tracker will be set to a TrackerHitResult with the current tracker data.
Provides functionality to export plots to xps.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the width of the output document.
Gets or sets the height of the output document.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the text formatting mode.
The text formatting mode.
Exports the specified plot model to an xps file.
The model.
The file name.
The width.
The height.
The background color.
Exports the specified to the specified .
The model.
The stream.
The width.
The height.
Prints the specified plot model.
The model.
The width (using the actual media width if set to NaN).
The height (using the actual media height if set to NaN).
Exports the specified to the specified .
The model.
The stream.
Prints the specified plot model.
The model.
Write the specified to the specified .
The model.
The document writer.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.AreaSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the color of the second line.
Gets or sets ConstantY2.
Gets or sets DataFieldX2.
Gets or sets DataFieldY2.
Gets or sets Fill.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Reverse2.
Creates the internal series.
The internal series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
This is a WPF wrapper of OxyPlot.LineSeries
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the broken line color.
Gets or sets the broken line style.
Gets or sets the broken line thickness.
Gets or sets Dashes.
Gets or sets the decimator.
The decimator.
Gets or sets the label format string.
The label format string.
Gets or sets the label margin.
The label margin.
Gets or sets LineJoin.
Gets or sets LineLegendPosition.
Gets or sets LineStyle.
Gets or sets MarkerFill.
Gets or sets MarkerOutline.
Gets or sets the marker resolution.
The marker resolution.
Gets or sets the marker size.
Gets or sets MarkerStroke.
Gets or sets MarkerStrokeThickness.
Gets or sets MarkerType.
Gets or sets MinimumSegmentLength.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is smooth.
true if smooth; otherwise, false .
Gets or sets StrokeThickness.
Creates the internal series.
The internal series.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Base class for data series
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker can interpolate points.
Gets or sets DataFieldX.
Gets or sets DataFieldY.
Gets or sets the mapping.
The mapping.
Synchronizes the properties.
The series.
Extension method used to convert to/from Windows/Windows.Media classes.
Calculate the distance between two points.
The first point.
The second point.
The distance.
Converts an to a .
The color.
A .
Converts an to a .
The color.
A Color.
Converts an OxyThickness to a Thickness.
The thickness.
A instance.
Converts a ScreenVector to a Vector.
The c.
A instance.
Converts a HorizontalAlignment to a HorizontalAlignment.
The alignment.
A HorizontalAlignment.
Converts a HorizontalAlignment to a VerticalAlignment.
The alignment.
A VerticalAlignment.
Converts a Color to an OxyColor.
The color.
An OxyColor.
Converts a to an .
The brush.
An .
Converts a Thickness to an .
The thickness.
An .
Converts a to a .
The point.
A .
Converts a Point array to a ScreenPoint array.
The points.
A ScreenPoint array.
Converts the specified vector to a ScreenVector.
The vector.
A .
Converts the specified key.
The key to convert.
The converted key.
Converts the specified button.
The button to convert.
The converted mouse button.
Converts to for a mouse wheel event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse down event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse up event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch started event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch delta event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch completed event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Implements for .
The maximum number of figures per geometry.
The maximum number of polylines per line.
The minimum number of points per polyline.
The images in use
The image cache
The brush cache.
The font family cache
The canvas.
The clip rectangle.
The current tool tip
The pixel scale
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The canvas.
Gets or sets the text measurement method.
The text measurement method.
Gets or sets the text formatting mode.
The text formatting mode. The default value is .
Gets or sets the thickness limit for "balanced" line drawing.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use stream geometry for lines and polygons rendering.
true if stream geometry should be used; otherwise, false .
The XamlWriter does not serialize StreamGeometry, so set this to false if you want to export to XAML. Using stream geometry seems to be slightly faster than using path geometry.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the context renders to screen.
true if the context renders to screen; otherwise, false.
Draws an ellipse.
The rectangle.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the ellipse will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the ellipse will not be stroked.
The thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Draws a collection of ellipses, where all have the same stroke and fill.
This performs better than calling DrawEllipse multiple times.
The rectangles.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the ellipses will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the ellipses will not be stroked.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Draws a polyline.
The points.
The stroke color.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The dash array (in device independent units, 1/96 inch). Use null to get a solid line.
The line join type.
if set to true the shape will be aliased.
Draws line segments defined by points (0,1) (2,3) (4,5) etc.
This should have better performance than calling DrawLine for each segment.
The points.
The stroke color.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The dash array (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The line join type.
if set to true the shape will be aliased.
Draws a polygon.
The points.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the polygon will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the polygon will not be stroked.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The dash array (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The line join type.
If set to true the polygon will be aliased.
Draws a collection of polygons, where all polygons have the same stroke and fill.
This performs better than calling DrawPolygon multiple times.
The polygons.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the polygons will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the polygons will not be stroked.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The dash array (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The line join type.
if set to true the shape will be aliased.
Draws a rectangle.
The rectangle.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the rectangle will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the rectangle will not be stroked.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Draws a collection of rectangles, where all have the same stroke and fill.
This performs better than calling DrawRectangle multiple times.
The rectangles.
The fill color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the rectangles will not be filled.
The stroke color. If set to OxyColors.Undefined, the rectangles will not be stroked.
The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Draws text.
The position.
The text.
The text color.
The font family.
Size of the font (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The font weight.
The rotation angle.
The horizontal alignment.
The vertical alignment.
The maximum size of the text (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Measures the size of the specified text.
The text.
The font family.
Size of the font (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
The font weight.
The size of the text (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
Sets the tool tip for the following items.
The text in the tool tip.
Draws a portion of the specified .
The source.
The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image to draw.
The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the portion of the source image to draw.
Width of the portion of the source image to draw.
Height of the portion of the source image to draw.
The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of drawn image.
The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of drawn image.
The width of the drawn image.
The height of the drawn image.
The opacity.
interpolate if set to true.
Sets the clipping rectangle.
The clipping rectangle.
true if the clip rectangle was set.
Resets the clip rectangle.
Cleans up resources not in use.
This method is called at the end of each rendering.
Measures the size of the specified text by a faster method (using GlyphTypefaces).
The text.
The font family.
The font size.
The font weight.
The size of the text.
Gets the font weight.
The font weight value.
The font weight.
Fast text size calculation
The glyph typeface.
The size.
The text.
The text size.
Creates an element of the specified type and adds it to the canvas.
Type of element to create.
The clip offset executable.
The clip offset asynchronous.
The element.
Applies the current tool tip to the specified element.
The element.
Draws the line segments by stream geometry.
The points.
The stroke color.
The thickness.
The dash array. Use null to get a solid line.
The line join.
Draw aliased line if set to true .
Gets the cached brush.
The color.
The brush.
Gets the cached font family.
Name of the family.
The FontFamily.
Sets the stroke properties of the specified shape object.
The shape.
The stroke color.
The thickness.
The line join.
The dash array. Use null to get a solid line.
The dash offset.
The aliased.
Gets the bitmap source.
The image.
The bitmap source.
Draws the line using the MaxPolylinesPerLine and MinPointsPerPolyline properties.
The points.
The stroke color.
The thickness.
The dash array. Use null to get a solid line.
The line join.
Render aliased if set to true.
See discussion.
Converts a to a .
The screen point.
A .
Converts a to a pixel aligned.
The screen point.
A pixel aligned .
Converts an to a .
The rectangle.
A .
Converts an to a pixel aligned .
The rectangle.
A pixel aligned.
Converts a to a .
The screen point.
use pixel alignment conversion if set to true.
A .
Creates a point collection from the specified points.
The points to convert.
convert to pixel aligned points if set to true.
The point collection.
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.