# This is the official list of people who have contributed # to the OxyPlot repository. # The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file # lists people. # People submitting code should be listed in this file (by email address). # Names should be added to this file like so: # Name # Please keep the list sorted. Auriou Bartłomiej Szypelow benjaminrupp Benoit Blanchon <> br brantheman Brannon King Brian Lim Caleb Clarke Carlos Anderson Carlos Teixeira Choden Konigsmark classicboss302 csabar Cyril Martin darrelbrown David Laundav David Wong DJDAS DNV GL AS Don Syme efontana2 elliatab episage eric Federico Coppola Francois Botha Garrett Geert van Horrik Gimly Iain Nicol Ilja Nosik Ilya Skriblovsky Iurii Gazin jaykul jezza323 Johan Johan20D Jonathan Arweck Jonathan Shore julien.bataille Just Slon Kaplas80 kc1212 kenny_evoleap Kenny Nygaard Kevin Crowell Kyle Pulvermacher LECO® Corporation Levi Botelho Linquize lsowen Luka B Matt Williams Matthew Leibowitz Memphisch Mendel Monteiro-Beckerman methdotnet mirolev Mitch-Connor moes_leco moljac mroth mrtncls Oleg Tarasov Oystein Bjorke Patrice Marin Philippe AURIOU Piotr Warzocha Rik Borger ryang Senen Fernandez Shun-ichi Goto Soarc Stefan Rado stefan-schweiger Steve Hoelzer Sven Dummis Taldoras Thorsten Claff thepretender tephyrnex Thomas Ibel Tomasz Cielecki ToplandJ Udo Liess VisualMelon vhoehn Vsevolod Kukol Xavier zur003