# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [1.0.0] - 2016-09-11 ### Added - Added OxyPlot.SharpDX.Wpf NuGet package - Added DirectX 9.1-10.1 feature level support for SharpDX renderer - Added SharpDX based renderer and WPF control with SharpDX render (#124) - Added MinimumMajorStep and MinimumMinorStep to Axes.Axis (#816) - Added support for vertical X axis to HeatMapSeries (#535) - Added fall-back rectangle rendering to HeatMapSeries (#801) - Added logarithmic HeatMapSeries support (#802) and example - Axis.MaximumRange to limit the zoom (#401) - Added OxyPlot.Mobile NuGet package to combine the mobile platforms into a single package (#362) - Support for XWT (#295) - TwoColorAreaSeries (#299) - Delta values in AxisChangedEventArgs (#276) - Git source server (added GitLink build step) (#267,#266) - iOS PlotView ZoomThreshold/AllowPinchPastZero for use with KeepAspectRatioWhenPinching=false (#359) - CandleStickAndVolumeSeries and VolumeSeries (#377) - Axis.DesiredSize property (#383) - WPF wrapper for BoxPlotSeries (#434) - Capability to display mean value to BoxPlotSeries (#440) - LinearBarSeries for WPF (#506) - TitleToolTip in PlotModel (#508) - TextColor property on WPF Axis (#452) - ThreeColorLineSeries (#378) - CI of the Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Forms packages (#274) - PlotModel.LegendLineSpacing (#622) - Legend rendering for LinearBarSeries (#663) - LegendMaxHeight property in PlotModel and Wpf.Plot (#668) - Support for a Xamarin Forms UWP project with sample app (#697) - ListBuilder for building lists by reflection (#705) - F# example (#699) - Support for discontinuities in AreaSeries (#215) - Support for Windows Universal 10.0 apps (#615) - Support Unicode in OxyPlot.Pdf (#789) - TouchTrackerManipulator (#787) - Extracted visible window search code from CandleStickSeries and made a generic version in XYSeries. Used it to optimize AreaSeries performance. (#834) - Optimized rendering performance of RectangleBarSeries (#834). - PdfExporter implementing IExporter (#845) - Color minor and major ticks differently (#417) - Support for PieSeries in OxyPlot.Wpf (#878) - Filter in example browser (#118) - Support for tooltips on WPF annotations - Support for tracker in OxyPlot.GtkSharp - Improve tracker style (Windows Forms) (#106) - Font rendering in OxyPlot.GtkSharp improved by using Pango (#972) - Improved LineSeries performance (#834) ### Changed - Fixed closing file stream for PdfReportWriter when PdfReportWriter is closed or disposed of. (#892) - Renamed OxyPlot.WindowsUniversal to OxyPlot.Windows (#242) - Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms to require OxyPlot.Mobile dependency instead of each separate NuGet. (#362) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinIOS to OxyPlot.MonoTouch (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms.iOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsIOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Classic (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android (#327) - Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsWinPhone to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WP8 (#327) - Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android target to Android level 10 (#223) - Separated WPF Plot and PlotView (#252, #239) - Current CandleStickSeries renamed to OldCandleStickSeries, replaced by a faster implementation (#369) - Invalidate plot when ItemsSource contents change (INotifyCollectionChanged) on WPF only (#406) - Xamarin.Forms references updated to (#293, #439) - Change OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android target to Android level 15 (#439) - Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms to portable Profile259 (#439) - PlotController should not intercept input per default (#446) - Changed DefaultTrackerFormatString for BoxPlotSeries (to include Mean) (#440) - Changed Constructor of BoxPlotItem (to include Mean) (#440) - Changed Axis, Annotation and Series Render() method (removed model parameter) - Changed PCL project to profile 259, SL5 is separate now (#115) - Extracted CreateReport() and CreateTextReport() from PlotModel (#517) - Renamed GetLastUpdateException to GetLastPlotException and added the ability to see render exceptions(#543) - Move TileMapAnnotation class to example library (#567) - Change to semantic versioning (#595) - Change GTKSharp3 project to x86 (#599) - Change OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android to API Level 15 (#614) - Add Xamarin.Forms renderer initialization to PlotViewRenderer (#632) - Marked OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.*.Forms.Init() obsolete (#632) - Throw exception if Xamarin.Forms renderer is not 'initialized' (#492) - Make numeric values of DateTimeAxis compatible with ToOADate (#660) - Make struct types immutable (#692) - Implement IEquatable for struct types (#692) - BoxPlotItem changed to reference type (#692) - Move Xamarin projects to new repository (#777) - Remove CandleStickSeries.Append (#826) - Change MinorInterval calculation, add unit test (#133) - Rewrite LogarithmicAxis tick calculation (#820) - Change Axis methods to protected virtual (#837) - Move CalculateMinorInterval and CreateTickValues to AxisUtilities (#837) - Change default number format to "g6" in Axis base class (#841) - Push packages to myget.org (#847) - Change the default format string to `null` for TimeSpanAxis and DateTimeAxis (#951) ### Removed - StyleCop tasks (#556) - OxyPlot.Metro project (superseded by OxyPlot.WindowsUniversal) (#241) - PlotModel.ToSvg method. Use the SvgExporter instead. (#347) - Constructors with parameters, use default constructors instead. (#347) - Axis.ShowMinorTicks property, use MinorTickSize = 0 instead (#347) - ManipulatorBase.GetCursorType method (#447) - Model.GetElements() method - Remove SL4 support (#115) - Remove NET35 support (#115) - PlotElement.Format method, use StringHelper.Format instead - EnumerableExtensions.Reverse removed (#677) - ListFiller (#705) ### Fixed - SharpDX control not being rendered when loaded - SharpDX out of viewport scrolling. - Multiple mouse clicks not being reported in OxyPlot.GtkSharp (#854) - StemSeries Tracking to allow tracking on tiny stems (#809) - Fixed PDFRenderContext text alignment issues for rotated text (#723) - HeatMapSeries.GetValue returns NaN instead of calculating a wrong value in proximity to NaN (#256) - Tracker position is wrong when PlotView is offset from origin (#455) - CategoryAxis should use StringFormat (#415) - Fixed the dependency of OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms NuGet (#370) - Add default ctor for Xamarin.Forms iOS renderer (#348) - Windows Phone cursor exception (#345) - Bar/ColumSeries tracker format string bug (#333) - Fix exception for default tracker format strings (#265) - Fix center-aligned legends (#79) - Fix Markdown links to tag comparison URL with footnote-style links - WPF dispatcher issue (#311, #309) - Custom colors for scatters (#307) - Rotated axis labels (#303,#301) - Floating point error on axis labels (#289, #227) - Performance of CandleStickSeries (#290) - Tracker text for StairStepSeries (#263) - XamarinForms/iOS view not updating when model is changed (#262) - Improved WPF rendering performance (#260, #259) - Null reference with MVVM binding (#255) - WPF PngExporter background (#234) - XamlExporter background (#233) - .NET 3.5 build (#229) - Support WinPhone 8.1 in core NuGet package (#161) - Draw legend line with custom pattern (#356) - iOS pan/zoom stability (#336) - Xamarin.Forms iOS PlotViewRenderer crash (#458) - Inaccurate tracker when using LogarithmicAxis (#443) - Fix reset of transforms in WinForms render context (#489) - Fix StringFormat for TimeSpanAxis not recognizing f, ff, fff, etc (#330) - Fix LineSeries SMOOTH=True will crash WinForms on right click (#499) - Fix PlotView leak on iOS (#503) - This PlotModel is already in use by some other PlotView control (#497) - LegendTextColor not synchronized between wpf.Plot and InternalModel (#548) - Legend in CandleStickSeries does not scale correctly (#554) - Fix CodeGenerator exception for types without parameterless ctor (#573) - Migrate automatic package restore (#557) - Fix rendering of rotated 'math' text (#569, #448) - WPF export demo (#568) - Fixing a double comparison issue causing infinite loop (#587) - Fix null reference exception when ActualPoints was null rendering a StairStepSeries (#582) - Background color in the Xamarin.Forms views (#546) - IsVisible change in Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS (#546) - Rendering math text with syntax error gets stuck in an endless loop (#624) - Fix issue with MinimumRange not taking Minimum and Maximum values into account (#550) - Do not set default Controller in PlotView ctor (#436) - Corrected owner type of Wpf.PathAnnotation dependency properties (#645) - Fixed partial plot rendering on Xamarin.Android (#649) - Default controller should not be shared in WPF PlotViews (#682) - PositionAtZeroCrossing adds zero crossing line at wrong position (#635) - Implement AreaSeries.ConstantY2 (#662) - Null reference exception in ScatterSeries{T} actual points (#636) - Code generation for HighLowItem (#634) - Axis.MinimumRange did not work correctly (#711) - FillColor in ErrorColumnSeries (#736) - XAxisKey and YAxisKey added to Wpf.Annotations (#743) - Fix HeatMapSeries cannot plot on Universal Windows (#745) - Set Resolution in WinForms PngExporter (#754) - Axis should never go into infinite loop (#758) - Exception in BarSeriesBase (#790) - Vertical Axes Title Font Bug (#474) - Support string[] as ItemsSource in CategoryAxis (#825) - Horizontal RangeColorAxis (#767) - LogarithmicAxis sometimes places major ticks outside of the axis range (#850) - LineSeries with smoothing raises exception (#72) - Exception when legend is outside and plot area is small (#880) - Axis alignment with MinimumRange (#794) - Fixed strange number formatting when using LogarithmicAxis with very large or very small Series (#589) - Fixed LogarithmicAxis to no longer freeze when the axis is reversed (#925) - Prevent endless loop in LogarithmicAxis (#957) - Fixed WPF series data not refreshed when not visible (included WPF LiveDemo) - Fixed bug in selection of plot to display in OxyPlot.GtkSharp ExampleBrowser (#979) - Fixed non-interpolation of HeatMapSeries in OxyPlot.GtkSharp (#980) - Fixed axis min/max calc and axis assignment for CandleStick + VolumeSeries (#389) ## [0.2014.1.546] - 2014-10-22 ### Added - Support data binding paths ("Point.X") (#210) - Support for Xamarin.Forms (#204) - Support for Windows Universal apps (#190) - Improve TrackerFormatString consistency (#214) - Support LineColor.BrokenLineColor - LabelFormatString for ScatterSeries (#12) ### Changed - Changed tracker format strings arguments (#214) - Rename OxyPenLineJoin to LineJoin - Rename LineStyle.Undefined to LineStyle.Automatic ### Fixed - Improved text rendering for Android and iOS (#209) - Custom shape outline for PointAnnotation (#174) - Synchronize Wpf.Axis.MinimumRange (#205) - TrackerHitResult bug (#198) - Position of axis when PositionAtZeroCrossing = true (#189) - Expose ScatterSeries.ActualPoints (#201) - Add overridable Axis.FormatValueOverride (#181) - PngExporter text formatting (#170) [Unreleased]: https://github.com/oxyplot/oxyplot/compare/v1.0.0...HEAD [1.0.0]: https://github.com/oxyplot/oxyplot/compare/v0.2014.1.546...v1.0.0 [0.2014.1.546]: https://github.com/oxyplot/oxyplot/compare/v0.0.1...v0.2014.1.546