diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68132ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.dll b/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb7ace..0000000
Binary files a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.xml b/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3026ddc..0000000
--- a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCL.NET.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- OpenCL.NET
- This class provides the driver interface for OpenGL interoperability
- with OpenCL standard.
- This class provides the driver interface to OpenCL functions.
- Used to represent a platform dependent sized variable.
- On 32 bit platforms it is 4 bytes wide (int, uint), on 64 bit it is
- 8 bytes wide (long, ulong).
- This class maps to the C/C++ native size_t data type.
- Creates a new instance based on the given value.
- Integer value to represent.
- Creates a new instance based on the given value.
- Integer value to represent.
- Creates a new instance based on the given value.
- Integer value to represent.
- Creates a new instance based on the given value.
- Integer value to represent.
- Converts the object to int.
- Object to convert.
- Integer value represented by the object.
- Converts the object to uint.
- Object to convert.
- Integer value represented by the object.
- Converts the object to long.
- Object to convert.
- Integer value represented by the object.
- Converts the object to ulong.
- Object to convert.
- Integer value represented by the object.
- Converts the given integer to an object.
- Integer value to convert.
- New object representing this value.
- Converts the given integer to an object.
- Integer value to convert.
- New object representing this value.
- Converts the given integer to an object.
- Integer value to convert.
- New object representing this value.
- Converts the given integer to an object.
- Integer value to convert.
- New object representing this value.
- Compares two SizeT objects.
- First value to compare.
- Second value to compare.
- true or false for the comparison result.
- Compares two SizeT objects.
- First value to compare.
- Second value to compare.
- true or false for the comparison result.
- Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
- An object to compare with this instance or null.
- true if obj is an instance of System.IntPtr and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.
- Converts the numeric value of the current object to its equivalent string representation.
- The string representation of the value of this instance.
- Returns the hash code for this instance.
- A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
diff --git a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.dll b/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e2b3d4..0000000
Binary files a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.xml b/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbd296..0000000
--- a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/OpenCLTemplate.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1417 +0,0 @@
- OpenCLTemplate
- OpenCL calculations class
- String to include to enable Double Precision calculations
- Currently used acceleration
- Initialization error
- Sets CLCalc status to NotUsingCL
- Initializes OpenCL and reads devices
- Initializes OpenCL from an existing Context and reads devices
- Existing context pointer
- Existing command queue pointer
- Tries to execute actual code in device to check its availability.
- Command queue number to check
- Releases OpenCL resources
- Last found error
- List of available platforms
- List of available devices
- Gets string to include to enable Double Precision calculations
- Gets acceleration type being used
- Gets initialization error description
- Last error. Throws exception if not set to success.
- OpenCL accelerations
- Has not tested what type of acceleration is going to be used.
- OpenCL used to accelerate calculations
- No OpenCL used/supported
- Class to hold OpenCL devices
- Device ID
- Device type string
- Device name string
- Device vendor string
- OpenCL version string
- Execution capabilities of the device
- Is device available?
- Is device compiler available?
- Maximum memory allocation size in bytes
- Memory size in bytes
- Maximum number of work-items
- that can be specified in each dimension of the work-group
- to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
- Maximum number of work-items in a
- work-group executing a kernel using the data parallel execution model.
- Constructor
- Device ID
- Class to hold OpenCL Platforms
- Platform ID
- OpenCL profile string. Profile name supported by the implementation.
- OpenCL version string.
- OpenCL name string.
- OpenCL vendor string.
- OpenCL extensions string.
- Constructor.
- Sets this platform's ID
- Program related stuff
- Local event
- OpenCL context using all devices
- Synchronous command queues that are executed in call order
- Asynchronous command queues
- Default synchronous command queue set as the first GPU, for ease of use.
- Compiled program
- Ends all commands being executed
- Compiles program contained in a single string.
- Source code to compile
- Compiles program contained in a single string. Returns build logs for each device.
- Source code to compile
- Build logs for each device
- Compiles the program.
- Source code to compile
- Compiles the program. Returns the build logs for each device.
- Source code array to compile
- Build logs for each device
- Variables class
- Data to be stored
- Original variable length
- Memory buffer
- Constructor. Creates from an existing OpenCL variable
- OpenCL variable pointer
- Original array length
- sizeOf(array datatype)
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Constructor.
- Variable whose size will be allocated in device memory.
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed writing.
- OpenCL Event associated to this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Writes variable to device
- Values to write to device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Reads variable from device.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Command queue to use
- TRUE to return only after completed reading.
- OpenCL Event associated with this operation
- OpenCL Events that need to finish before this one can start
- Reads variable from device. Does not return until data has been copied.
- Values to store data coming from device
- Sets this variable as an argument for a kernel
- Index of kernel argument
- Kernel to receive argument
- Releases variable from memory.
- Destructor
- Returns the size of the stored variable
- Kernels class
- Local kernel storage
- Number of arguments
- Creates a new Kernel
- "Remember" variables
- Sets kernel arguments
- Variables to be set as arguments
- Execute this kernel
- Command queue to use
- Arguments of the kernel function
- Array of maximum index arrays. Total work-items = product(max[i],i+0..n-1), n=max.Length
- Events to wait before executing this
- Event of this command
- Execute this kernel
- Command queue to use
- Arguments of the kernel function
- Array of maximum index arrays. Total work-items = product(max[i],i+0..n-1), n=max.Length
- Local work sizes
- Events to wait before executing this
- Event of this command
- Execute this kernel
- Array of maximum index arrays. Total work-items = product(max[i],i+0..n-1), n=max.Length
- Arguments of the kernel function
- Execute this kernel using work_dim = 1
- Global work size in one-dimension. global_work_size = new int[1] {GlobalWorkSize}
- Arguments of the kernel function
- Execute this kernel
- Array of maximum index arrays. Total work-items = product(max[i],i+0..n-1), n=max.Length
- Local work sizes
- Arguments of the kernel function
- Releases kernel from memory
- Destructor
- Gets how many arguments this kernel has
- OpenCL programs
- Basic linear algebra functions
- Float vector sum kernel
- float matrix multiplication kernel
- float Gauss Seidel method
- LU factorizaton method
- Constructor. Builds OpenCL program.
- Converts vector to matrix
- Vector
- Matrix first dimension
- Matrix second dimension
- Converts matrix to vector
- Matrix
- Matrix first dimension
- Matrix second dimension
- Returns the sum of two matrices
- Matrix 1
- Matrix 2
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix 1
- Matrix 2
- Gauss Seidel method for iterative linear system solving. Returns unknown x
- Matrix M so that Mx=b
- Initial estimate
- Known vector b
- Gauss-Seidel iterations per step
- Maximum number of times Gauss-Seidel iterations
- Desired sqrt(Sum(error[i]^2))*number of equations
- Estimated absolute error per component
- Gauss Seidel method for iterative linear system solving. Returns unknown x
- Matrix M so that Mx=b
- Initial estimate
- Known vector b
- Estimated error per equation
- Solves linear system Mx = b by LU decomposition. Returns x
- Matrix M
- Vector b
- Maximum acceptable absolute error
- Maximum iterations
- Calculates LU decomposition of M matrix
- Matrix to decompose
- Matrix dimension
- Swap index
- Gauss Seidel method. Make sure to send x = b. Replaces x.
- Matrix multiplication. Dimensions { p, r }.
- Basic linear algebra functions
- Float vector sum kernel
- double matrix multiplication kernel
- double Gauss Seidel method
- LU factorizaton method
- Constructor. Builds OpenCL program.
- Converts vector to matrix
- Vector
- Matrix first dimension
- Matrix second dimension
- Converts matrix to vector
- Matrix
- Matrix first dimension
- Matrix second dimension
- Returns the sum of two matrices
- Matrix 1
- Matrix 2
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix 1
- Matrix 2
- Gauss Seidel method for iterative linear system solving. Returns unknown x
- Matrix M so that Mx=b
- Initial estimate
- Known vector b
- Gauss-Seidel iterations per step
- Maximum number of times Gauss-Seidel iterations
- Desired sqrt(Sum(error[i]^2))*number of equations
- Estimated absolute error per component
- Gauss Seidel method for iterative linear system solving. Returns unknown x
- Matrix M so that Mx=b
- Initial estimate
- Known vector b
- Estimated error per equation
- Solves linear system Mx = b by LU decomposition. Returns x
- Matrix M
- Vector b
- Maximum acceptable absolute error
- Maximum iterations
- Calculates LU decomposition of M matrix
- Matrix to decompose
- Matrix dimension
- Swap index
- Gauss Seidel method. Make sure to send x = b. Replaces x.
- Matrix multiplication. Dimensions { p, r }.
- Float differential equation integrator
- Writes final Y values and estimated absolute errors
- Updates X to current time
- Independent variable current value in OpenCL memory
- Dynamic system current state in OpenCL memory
- Derivative calculator
- Constructor.
- Initial state of system
- Desired step per integration pass
- Initial independent variable value
- Function to calculate derivatives vector
- Integrates equation set to a final value using current stepsize. Ideally, final value
- and currentX should multiples of stepsize.
- Final value to reach.
- Sets current state
- New independent variable value
- New state values
- Takes an integration step. Saves and returns stepsize back to what it was.
- Step size to use
- Takes an integration step
- Sets step size.
- Step size to use
- Gets current values of space-state variables (from Device).
- Gets current absolute error sum
- Gets current independent variable value (from Device).
- Function to calculate derivatives vector
- IN: Scalar. Independent variable.
- IN: State-space vector.
- OUT: Derivatives
- OpenCL source
- double differential equation integrator
- Writes final Y values and estimated absolute errors
- Updates X to current time
- Independent variable current value in OpenCL memory
- Dynamic system current state in OpenCL memory
- Derivative calculator
- Constructor.
- Initial state of system
- Desired step per integration pass
- Initial independent variable value
- Function to calculate derivatives vector
- Integrates equation set to a final value using current stepsize. Ideally, final value
- and currentX should multiples of stepsize.
- Final value to reach.
- Sets current state
- New independent variable value
- New state values
- Takes an integration step. Saves and returns stepsize back to what it was.
- Step size to use
- Takes an integration step
- Sets step size.
- Step size to use
- Gets current values of space-state variables (from Device).
- Gets current absolute error sum
- Gets current independent variable value (from Device).
- Function to calculate derivatives vector
- IN: Scalar. Independent variable.
- IN: State-space vector.
- OUT: Derivatives
- OpenCL source
- Discrete element modeling. Calculates derivatives of n particle-spring model into a 6n space-state
- system (positions, velocities, x,y,z each).
- Mass values (n)
- Original positions (3n)
- Origins (L) origs[i] connects to dests[i]
- Destinations (L)
- Spring constants (L)
- Spring constants to ground (n)
- Damping (L)
- Damping to ground (n)
- Number of Connections (1)
- Initial distances (L)
- Actuating forces (3*n)
- Connection forces (L)
- Nodes connections (int, 20*n)
- Initial lengths kernel. work_dim = 1, globalsize = n
- Initial length arguments
- Reset forces kernel. work_dim = 1, globalsize = 3n
- Reset forces arguments
- Calculate forces kernel. work_dim = 1, globalsize = L
- Calculate forces arguments
- Calculate forces kernel. work_dim = 1, globalsize = n
- Calculate forces arguments
- Calculate forces kernel. work_dim = 1, globalsize = L
- Calculate forces arguments
- Calculate nodes connections. work_dim = 1, globalsize = n
- Calculate nodes connections arguments
- Constructor.
- Number of masses in the system
- Number of connections
- Mass of each vertex
- Position and velocity of vertexes
- [2*3*i] - posx, [2*(3*i+1)] - posy, [2*(3*i+2)] - posz,
- [1+2*3*i] - velx, [1+2*(3*i+1)] - vely, [1+2*(3*i+2)] - velz
- Origin vertex of connections. Spring connects Origin[i] to Dests[i]
- Destination vertex of connections. Spring connects Origin[i] to Dests[i]
- Spring constant for each connection
- Spring constant for each mass, connecting to ground (nMass)
- Structural damping (relative-speed dependant) (nConnections)
- Absolute damping proportional to speed relative to Earth (nMass)
- Calculates derivatives of deformable body space-state vector dydx[6n]. dydx[2i] - i-th position deriv,
- dydx[2i+1] - ith velocity deriv
- Reset forces. Work_dim = 1, nmax = { nMasses }
- Derivatives sketch. Work_dim = 1, nmax = { 3 * nMasses }
- Forces
- Masses
- Independent variable
- State space vector
- Derivatives
- Initial L0 calculation. work_dim = 1, global_work_size[0]=nConnections
- Forces calculation. Returns forces. Work_dim = 1, nmax = { nConnections }
- Calculates forces to ground. w_dim=1, global_work_size = nMasses
- Calculates forces to ground. w_dim=1, global_work_size = nMasses
- Floating point particle system physics
- Motion Newton-law 1D solver. Kernel: rk46
- Force applier to particles. Kernels: ResetForces, ApplyGravity, FloorCollision
- Collision applier to particles. Kernels: ResetForces, ApplyGravity, FloorCollision
- Initializes physics program. Components indexes: [i] - x, [i+1] - y, [i+2] - z
- Number of particles
- Sets particles parameters
- Positions (3*numParticles)
- Speeds (3*numParticles)
- Masses (numParticles)
- Collision sizes (numParticles)
- Gets particles positions
- Gets how many close neighbors a particle has. Use this to avoid drawing unnecessary particles
- Gets simulation time
- Stepsize
- Executes an integration step
- Motion step arguments
- Takes an integration step
- Step size
- Applies gravity
- Apply gravity arguments
- Applies gravity force.
- Gravity force. Remember to use negative for down direction.
- Clear forces
- Apply gravity arguments
- Clears forces
- Floor collision
- Apply floor collision arguments
- Applies floor collision?
- Wall collision
- Apply floor collision arguments
- Applies floor collision?
- Self collision
- Apply self collision arguments
- Applies self collision?
- Reset close neighbors
- Apply self collision arguments
- Marching cubes algorithm for isosurface reconstruction
- Compute normals of faces?
- X, y and z increments. step[0] = deltaX, step[1] = deltaY, step[2] = deltaZ
- X, y and z initial values. initVals[0] = x0, initVals[1] = y0, initVals[2] = z0
- Isolevel to look for
- Values of the function
- Length of each dimension - max[0] = maxX, max[1]=maxY, max[2]=maxZ
- Edge coordinates.
- Edge normals.
- Edge coordinates.
- Element index to build triangles
- CL variable isolevel
- OpenCL variable that stores function values. F(x,y,z) = CLFuncVals[x+maxX*y+maxX*maxY*z]
- CL Edge coordinates. Geometry data compatible with OpenGL
- CL Edge normals. Geometry data compatible with OpenGL
- CL Element index array. Geometry data compatible with OpenGL
- Auxiliary/preliminary normals
- OpenCL x, y and z step sizes
- OpenCL x, y and z initial values within grid
- Kernel to interpolate points
- Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
- if not using OpenCL/GL interop.
- Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]
- Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
- if not using OpenCL/GL interop.
- Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]
- OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge coordinates. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ
- OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge normals. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ
- OpenCL variable (int) to hold element array index. Dimension has to be 5 * 3 * (maxX - 1) * (maxY - 1) * (maxZ - 1)
- Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
- if not using OpenCL/GL interop.
- Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]
- OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge coordinates. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ
- OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge normals. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ
- OpenCL variable (int) to hold element array index. Dimension has to be 5 * 3 * (maxX - 1) * (maxY - 1) * (maxZ - 1)
- Sets function values
- Values to set
- Calculates isosurface corresponding to a given isolevel
- Retrieves edge information. Can be used to draw marching cubes geometry using OpeGL
- Edge vertexes coordinates
- Edge vertexes normal vectors
- Element index array (triangles)
- Gets or sets x, y and z increments. Increments[0] = deltaX, Increments[1] = deltaY, Increments[2] = deltaZ
- Gets or sets x, y and z intial values. InitValues[0] = x0, InitValues[1] = y0, InitValues[2] = z0
- Gets or sets current isolevel
- Displays OpenCL related information
- Required designer variable.
- Clean up any resources being used.
- true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
- Required method for Designer support - do not modify
- the contents of this method with the code editor.
- Constructor.
- An useful class to read/write/delete/count registry keys
- To read a registry key.
- input: KeyName (string)
- output: value (string)
- To write into a registry key.
- input: KeyName (string) , Value (object)
- output: true or false
- To delete a registry key.
- input: KeyName (string)
- output: true or false
- To delete a sub key and any child.
- input: void
- output: true or false
- Retrive the count of subkeys at the current key.
- input: void
- output: number of subkeys
- Retrive the count of values in the key.
- input: void
- output: number of keys
- A property to show or hide error messages
- (default = false)
- A property to set the SubKey value
- (default = "SOFTWARE\\" + Application.ProductName.ToUpper())
- A property to set the BaseRegistryKey value.
- (default = Registry.LocalMachine)
- A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
- Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
- Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
- resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
- Creates a Matrix of real numbers.
- Matrix items
- Linear Solve parameter. Maximum mean error allowable to linear solve method.
- Linear Solve parameter. Limit linear solution correction iterations.
- Linear Solve parameter. Should the solution method halt if a hard singulariry is found in matrix?
- Linear Solve parameter. Should the method ignore if the matrix has a close-to-zero determinant and keep solving?
- Constructor. Initializes a [0,0] matrix.
- Constructor. Creates matrix from existing items.
- Matrix items to create matrix from.
- Copy constructor.
- Matrix to copy from.
- Constructor. Creates empty matrix with specified dimensions.
- Number of rows in matrix.
- Number of columns in matrix.
- Sums two matrixes.
- First matrix to sum.
- Second matrix to sum.
- Subtracts two matrixes.
- Matrix to subtract from.
- Matrix to be subtracted.
- Matrix multiplication. Notice that m1 rows should be the same as m2 lines for compatibility.
- First matrix to multiply.
- Second matrix to multiply.
- Matrix scalar multiplication.
- Matrix to multiply.
- Scalar to multiply.
- Matrix scalar multiplication.
- Matrix to multiply.
- Scalar to multiply.
- Matrix post-vector multiplication. Notice that a vector is a [1,Cols] matrix which means
- vector length should be equal matrix number of columns.
- Matrix to multiply.
- vector to multiply.
- Matrix pre-vector multiplication. Notice that a vector is a [1,Cols] matrix which means
- vector length should be equal matrix number of lines.
- Matrix to multiply.
- vector to multiply.
- Matrix scalar division.
- Matrix to multiply.
- Scalar to divide each element of matrix.
- Compares matrixes and returns true if they are identical.
- Matrix to compare to.
- Returns matrix transpose.
- Element-wise product. This is not regular matrix product. It multiplies elements
- at corresponding positions.
- Matrix to multiply element-wise.
- Returns Euclidean norm of the matrix.
- Dot product of two matrixes.
- Matrix to dot product with/
- Element-wise inversion. Returns the matrix with each element (x) inverted (1/x).
- Creates internal LU factorization of this matrix.
- Returns the solution x to the linear system Ax=b, A being this matrix.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Returns the determinant of this matrix.
- Returns the inverse of this matrix.
- Returns the solution x to the linear system A'Ax=A'b, A being this matrix.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Returns the weighted solution x to the linear system A'WAx=A'Wb,
- A being this matrix. TO DO: Correct quality check
- Right-hand side known values.
- Weight matrix.
- Returns the weighted solution x to the linear system A'DAx=A'Db,
- A being this matrix. D is a diagonal weight matrix.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Main diagonal elements of diagonal weight matrix D.
- Calculates R², corrected R² and Quadratic Error for the trySolution x to the linear system A'Ax=A'b,
- A being this matrix.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Solution to use to evaluate quality indexers.
- Applies the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization method to this matrix, replacing
- it by the orthonormalized matrix.
- Applies the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization method to this matrix, replacing
- it by the orthonormalized matrix and also correcting right-hand Y values for a linear system solve.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Applies the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization method to this matrix using
- a pre-set order of normalization. Replaces current matrix
- by the orthonormalized matrix and also correcting
- right-hand Y values for a linear system solve.
- Right-hand side known values.
- Line order to apply the orthonormalization method.
- Starts orthonormalization from line lineOrder[indStart]. Assumes previous lines are already
- normalized.
- Returns a string representing this matrix.
- Accesses items in current matrix.
- Row of element to access.
- Column of element to access.
- Gets the number of rows in this matrix.
- Gets the number of columns in this matrix.
- Returns the R² index of last fit.
- Returns corrected R² index of last fit.
- Returns the sum of quadratic errors of last fit.
- Class to help editing OpenCL code
- Constructor. Takes care of a Rich Text Box KeyUp event to paint things
- RichTextBox to control
- Help indentation?
- Regular text color
- Regular text font
- Comments color
- Comments font
- List of string structures to mark
- KeyUp event handler
- Forces OpenCL RichTextBox to be updated
- Stops updating text box while coloring text
- Rich text box to lock
- Restarts updating text box
- Rich text box to unlock
- Defines a structure of strings to mark
- Description of string type
- Color to use for this string type
- Font to be used in this list of strings
- List of strings of this type
- OpenCL Helper Editor
- Required designer variable.
- Clean up any resources being used.
- true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
- Required method for Designer support - do not modify
- the contents of this method with the code editor.
- Constructor.
- Button to test code
- The main entry point for the application.
diff --git a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/WindowsFormsApplication1.exe b/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/WindowsFormsApplication1.exe
deleted file mode 100644
index af1defb..0000000
Binary files a/WindowsFormsApplication1/bin/Debug/WindowsFormsApplication1.exe and /dev/null differ