Bitmap Font Generator v1.9c by Andreas Jönsson ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program will allow you to generate bitmap fonts from TrueType and other Windows fonts. The application generates both image files and character descriptions that can be read by a game for easy rendering of fonts. Disclaimer ------------------------------ This program is provided 'as-is' and no responsibility for any type of damage taken to your system as a consequence of installing or using this program is taken by the author. Freeware ------------------------------- This program is freeware and may be used freely without charge. If you wish to distribute this program contact the author for his permission. Support -------------------------------- This program has very limited support as it is freeware, but you are welcome to send your suggestions and questions to the author. Contact -------------------------------- The program and any possible upgrades can be found at The author may also be contacted through this site. Changes ------------------------------- 1.9c - 2007/11/16 - Fixed the reversed spacing values in the font settings dialog. - The font generation can now be aborted while the characters are being added to the texture. - Greatly improved the speed of generating textures. 1.9b - 2007/10/28 - Fixed the padding. - Improved documentation. 1.9a - 2007/09/16 - Allowing unicode for all fonts, even fonts that have only one code page. - Fixed the status messages when generating fonts. 1.9 - 2007/08/19 - Added support for importing colored icons. - Supported input image formats are: bmp, tga, png, jpg, dds. - Added support for giving a black outline to characters. - Characters with outline may be encoded in 1 channel to save space. - Outline is generated with rounded corners. - Increased the binary file version because there is new information. 1.8c - 2007/01/25 - Fixed a bug where the font saver got confused with the 4 chnl packed flag set, even though saving in 8bit format. 1.8b - 2007/01/06 - Fixed kerning amount in binary file format when using super sampling. 1.8a - 2006/11/23 - Fixed alignment bug with 8bit TGA and DDS files with non-power-of-4 widths. - Fixed crash on Windows with installed Input Method Editors, e.g. Japanese and Chinese Windows. 1.8 - 2006/11/11 - Added support for binary font descriptor file. - Added support for saving PNG texture files. - The application now remembers the configuration from last execution. - Improved useability for selecting characters in unicode mode. - Added option to select all characters from a text file. - Kerning pairs with amount 0 are no longer output. - XML font descriptor file now groups the pages, chars, and kerning pairs. - The font configuration can be saved to disk, and later reloaded. - Added support for generating fonts via command line using a saved configuration. - Added support for saving DDS texture files (no compression). 1.7a - 2006/09/12 - Fixed the creation of non-unicode fonts. 1.7 - 2006/09/08 - Added the standard xml header. - Added support for unicode charsets. - Added the option to pack monochrome characters into each of the 4 channels of a 32 bit texture. - Added tag with texture file names in the font descriptor file. - The generation of textures is now done in a background thread. 1.6 - 2006/02/18 - It's now possible to choose between XML and text for the format of the font descriptor file. - Fixed kerning sizes with super-sampling. 1.5 - 2005/10/01 - Implemented stretching so that fonts can now be non-uniformly scaled (only works on Win2K or later). 1.4a - 2005/08/26 - Non-TrueType fonts, such as Script and System, are now supported as well. - Minor fix to rendering when padding is used. 1.4 - 2005/07/17 - The preview window now shows the page number in the title. - Characters without a defined glyph may now be automatically removed (only works on Win2K or later). - Kerning pairs are now saved as well. - Added support for chooseable charset, e.g. arabic and hebrew fonts. 1.3 - 2005/05/08 - Added support for italic fonts. - Application no longer crashes when visualizing with no characters selected. 1.2 - 2005/03/09 - User can now choose to generate the bitmap font with or without font smoothing. - Font smoothing is now done without ClearType, so that artifacts are no longer generated in the output texture. - Added program icon. 1.1 - 2005/03/05 - User can now choose to save in 32bit and 8bit TGAs. - The spacing between characters can now be manually set. - Fixed the bug where some fonts weren't visible in the font list. 1.0a - 2004/11/27 - Fixed a problem with values that where not adjusted to compensate for antialiasing level. 1.0 - 2004/02/14 - First public version. copyright (c) 2004-2007 Andreas Jönsson