Programm that uses the zway library and crawls zwave data from a controller.
This program is running on every hardware that supports dotnet.
<!-- A teaser figure may be added here. It is best to keep the figure small (<500KB) and in the same repo -->
## Getting Started
<!-- Instruction to make the project up and running. -->
The project documentation is available on the [Wiki](
## Usage
<!-- Deployment/Installation instructions. If this is software library, change this section to "Usage" and give usage examples -->
This software can not run itselfs, cause its a library.
## Development
<!-- Developer instructions. -->
* Versioning: Use [SemVer]( and tag the repository with full version string. E.g. `v1.0.0`
### Copyright
This library is under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
### Prerequisite
If you want to work with this programm, please checkout [zway-project]( with all submodules, to get all dependencies.