[NF] Erste Funktionierende Version

This commit is contained in:
BlubbFish 2017-11-20 19:24:15 +00:00
parent dea926e3d4
commit 88fa19a604
22 changed files with 1382 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices {
public abstract class CommandClass {
protected HttpConnection http;
private enum Ignored {
Basic = 32,
Configuration = 112,
ManufacturerSpecific = 114,
PowerLevel = 115,
Protection = 117,
NodeNaming = 119,
FirmwareUpdate = 122,
Association = 133,
Version = 134,
MultiChannelAssociation = 142,
MultiCmd = 143
public Int32 DeviceId { get; }
public Int32 Instance { get; }
public Int32 Commandclass { get; }
public String Name { get; }
public DateTime LastUpdate { get; private set; }
protected CommandClass(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) {
this.DeviceId = id.Item1;
this.Instance = id.Item2;
this.Commandclass = id.Item3;
this.Name = this.DeviceId + "-" + this.Instance + "-" + this.Commandclass;
this.http = http;
this.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
protected Boolean CheckSetUpdateTime(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("updateTime") && (json["updateTime"].IsInt || json["updateTime"].IsLong)) {
DateTime newdate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["updateTime"].ToString())).ToLocalTime().DateTime;
if(newdate > this.LastUpdate) {
this.LastUpdate = newdate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
internal static CommandClass CreateInstance(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("name") &&
json.Keys.Contains("data") &&
json["data"].Keys.Contains("supported") &&
json["data"]["supported"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
Boolean.Parse(json["data"]["supported"]["value"].ToString()) &&
!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Ignored), id.Item3)) {
String name = json["name"].ToString();
String objectName = "BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses." + name[0].ToString().ToUpper() + name.Substring(1).ToLower();
return GetInstanceConcrete(objectName, json, http, id);
return null;
private static CommandClass GetInstanceConcrete(String objectName, JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) {
Type t = null;
try {
t = Type.GetType(objectName, true);
} catch (TypeLoadException) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Konnte Type " + objectName + " nicht laden!");
return null;
return (CommandClass)t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(JsonData), typeof(HttpConnection), typeof(Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32>) }).Invoke(new Object[] { json, http, id });
protected abstract void InitComplex(JsonData json);
internal abstract void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match);
public delegate void UpdatedValue(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e);
public abstract event UpdatedValue Update;
internal virtual void Poll() {
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Get()");
protected void SetInt(Int32 value) {
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Set("+value+")");
protected void SetIntTuple(Int32 value1, Int32 value2) {
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Set(" + value1 + "," + value2 + ")");

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices {
public abstract class CommandClassSub {
protected HttpConnection http;
public Int32 DeviceId { get; }
public Int32 Instance { get; }
public Int32 Commandclass { get; }
public Int32 SensorId { get; }
public String Name { get; }
public DateTime LastUpdate { get; private set; }
protected CommandClassSub(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
this.DeviceId = id.Item1;
this.Instance = id.Item2;
this.Commandclass = id.Item3;
this.SensorId = id.Item4;
this.http = http;
this.Name = this.DeviceId + "-" + this.Instance + "-" + this.Commandclass + "-" + this.SensorId;
protected Boolean CheckSetUpdateTime(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("updateTime") && (json["updateTime"].IsInt || json["updateTime"].IsLong)) {
DateTime newdate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["updateTime"].ToString())).ToLocalTime().DateTime;
if (newdate > this.LastUpdate) {
this.LastUpdate = newdate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
protected abstract void InitComplex(JsonData json);
internal abstract void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match);
public delegate void UpdatedValue(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e);
public abstract event UpdatedValue Update;

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Battery : CommandClass {
public Single Level { get; private set; }
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Battery(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
Boolean success = false;
if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("last") && json["last"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["last"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.last") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["value"].ToString());
success = true;
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value.StartsWith(".data.history.")) {
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.lastChange") {
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (success && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.Level, this.LastUpdate));
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("data") && json["data"].Keys.Contains("last") && json["data"]["last"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["data"]["last"]["value"].ToString());
public override String ToString() {
return "Battery " + this.Name + ": " + this.Level;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Centralscene : CommandClass {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>> ValidScenesModes { get; private set; }
public Int32 Scene { get; private set; }
public Int32 Key { get; private set; }
public Centralscene(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
this.ValidScenesModes = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>>(new Dictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>>());
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.currentScene") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Scene = Int32.Parse(json["value"].ToString());
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.keyAttribute") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value") && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Key = Int32.Parse(json["value"].ToString());
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(new Tuple<Int32, Int32>(this.Scene, this.Key), this.LastUpdate));
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
if(data.Keys.Contains("sceneSupportedKeyAttributesMask")) {
Dictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>> scenes = new Dictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>>();
foreach (String item in data["sceneSupportedKeyAttributesMask"].Keys) {
if (Int32.TryParse(item, out Int32 mode) &&
data["sceneSupportedKeyAttributesMask"][item].Keys.Contains("value") &&
data["sceneSupportedKeyAttributesMask"][item]["value"].IsArray) {
JsonData values = data["sceneSupportedKeyAttributesMask"][item]["value"];
List<Int32> modes = new List<Int32>();
foreach (JsonData value in values) {
scenes.Add(mode, new ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>(modes));
this.ValidScenesModes = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, ReadOnlyCollection<Int32>>(scenes);
if (data.Keys.Contains("currentScene") &&
data["currentScene"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
data["currentScene"]["value"] != null) {
this.Scene = Int32.Parse(data["currentScene"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("keyAttribute") &&
data["keyAttribute"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
data["keyAttribute"]["value"] != null) {
this.Key = Int32.Parse(data["keyAttribute"]["value"].ToString());
public override String ToString() {
return "CentralScene " + this.Name + ": "+this.Scene+"-"+this.Key;
internal override void Poll() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs {
class Metersub : CommandClassSub {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public String Type { get; private set; }
public Single Level { get; private set; }
public String Scale { get; private set; }
public Metersub(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) : base(json, id, http) {
public void Reset() {
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Reset()");
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") &&
json["sensorTypeString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("val") &&
json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("scaleString") &&
json["scaleString"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Type = json["sensorTypeString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Scale = json["scaleString"]["value"].ToString();
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("val") && json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") && json["sensorTypeString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("scaleString") && json["scaleString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Type = json["sensorTypeString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Scale = json["scaleString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(new Tuple<String, String, Single>(this.Type, this.Scale, this.Level), this.LastUpdate));
public override String ToString() {
return "Meter " + this.Name + ": " + this.Type + " " + this.Level + "" + this.Scale;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs {
public class Sensormultilevelsub : CommandClassSub {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public String Type { get; private set; }
public Single Level { get; private set; }
public String Scale { get; private set; }
public Sensormultilevelsub(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) : base(json, id, http) {
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") &&
json["sensorTypeString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("val") &&
json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("scaleString") &&
json["scaleString"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Type = json["sensorTypeString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Scale = json["scaleString"]["value"].ToString();
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("val") && json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") && json["sensorTypeString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("scaleString") && json["scaleString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Type = json["sensorTypeString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Scale = json["scaleString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(new Tuple<String, String, Single>(this.Type, this.Scale, this.Level), this.LastUpdate));
public override String ToString() {
return "SensorMultilevel " + this.Name + ": " + this.Type + " " + this.Level + "" + this.Scale;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs {
class Thermostatsetpointsub : CommandClassSub {
private Single _level;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Single Level {
get {
return this._level;
set {
if (!this.HasMinMax || (this.HasMinMax && value >= this.TempMin && value <= this.TempMax)) {
Single t = (Single)Math.Round(value * 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2;
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Set(" + this.SensorId + "," + t + ")");
public String Scale { get; private set; }
public Single TempMax { get; private set; }
public Single TempMin { get; private set; }
public Boolean HasMinMax { get; private set; }
public String Type { get; private set; }
public Thermostatsetpointsub(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) : base(json, id, http) {
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("modeName") && json["modeName"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("val") && json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("deviceScaleString") && json["deviceScaleString"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Type = json["modeName"]["value"].ToString();
this._level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Scale = json["deviceScaleString"]["value"].ToString();
if(json.Keys.Contains("min") && json["min"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("max") && json["max"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.TempMin = Single.Parse(json["min"]["value"].ToString());
this.TempMax = Single.Parse(json["max"]["value"].ToString());
this.HasMinMax = true;
} else {
this.HasMinMax = false;
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
Boolean ret = false;
if (json.Keys.Contains("val") && json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("deviceScaleString") && json["deviceScaleString"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("modeName") && json["modeName"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._level = Single.Parse(json["val"]["value"].ToString());
this.Scale = json["deviceScaleString"]["value"].ToString();
this.Type = json["modeName"]["value"].ToString();
ret = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("min") && json["val"].Keys.Contains("value") &&
json.Keys.Contains("max") && json["max"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.TempMin = Single.Parse(json["min"]["value"].ToString());
this.TempMax = Single.Parse(json["max"]["value"].ToString());
this.HasMinMax = true;
ret = true;
} else {
this.HasMinMax = false;
if (ret && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(new Tuple<String, String, Single, Single, Single, Boolean>(this.Type, this.Scale, this.Level, this.TempMin, this.TempMax, this.HasMinMax), this.LastUpdate));
public override String ToString() {
return "ThermostatSetPoint " + this.Name + ": " + this.Type + " " + this.Level + "" + this.Scale + " [" + this.TempMin + "," + this.TempMax + "," + this.HasMinMax + "]";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
class Indicator : CommandClass {
private Boolean _level;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Boolean Level {
get {
return this._level;
set {
this.SetInt(value ? 255 : 0);
public Indicator(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("data") && json["data"].Keys.Contains("stat") && json["data"]["stat"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(json["data"]["stat"]["value"].ToString()) == 255;
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if(match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.stat") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value") && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(json["value"].ToString()) == 255;
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.Level, this.LastUpdate));
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override String ToString() {
return "Indicator " + this.Name + ": " + this.Level;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Meter : CommandClass {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> Sub { get; private set; }
public Meter(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClassSub> item in this.Sub) {
item.Value.Update += this.DeviceUpdate;
private void DeviceUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (match.Groups[4].Value.StartsWith(".data.")) {
Int32 subid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[5].Value);
if (this.Sub.ContainsKey(subid)) {
this.Sub[subid].SetUpdate(json, match);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> subs = new Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>();
foreach (String item in data.Keys) {
if (Int32.TryParse(item, out Int32 subid) &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("val") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("scaleString")) {
subs.Add(subid, new Metersub(data[item], new Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32>(this.DeviceId, this.Instance, this.Commandclass, subid), this.http));
this.Sub = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>(subs);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Sensormultilevel : CommandClass {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> Sub { get; private set; }
public Sensormultilevel(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClassSub> item in this.Sub) {
item.Value.Update += this.DeviceUpdate;
private void DeviceUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (match.Groups[4].Value.StartsWith(".data.")) {
Int32 subid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[5].Value);
if (this.Sub.ContainsKey(subid)) {
this.Sub[subid].SetUpdate(json, match);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> subs = new Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>();
foreach (String item in data.Keys) {
if (Int32.TryParse(item, out Int32 subid) &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("sensorTypeString") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("val") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("scaleString")) {
subs.Add(subid, new Sensormultilevelsub(data[item], new Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32>(this.DeviceId, this.Instance, this.Commandclass, subid), this.http));
this.Sub = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>(subs);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Switchbinary : CommandClass {
private Boolean _level;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Boolean Level {
get {
return this._level;
set {
this.SetInt(value ? 255 : 0);
public Switchbinary(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if(match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.level") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value") && json["value"].IsBoolean && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this._level = (Boolean)json["value"];
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.Level, this.LastUpdate));
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data") && json["data"].Keys.Contains("level") && json["data"]["level"].Keys.Contains("value") && json["data"]["level"]["value"].IsBoolean) {
this._level = (Boolean)json["data"]["level"]["value"];
public override String ToString() {
return "SwitchBinary " + this.Name + ": " + this.Level;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Switchmultilevel : CommandClass {
private Int32 _level;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Int32 Level {
get {
return this._level;
set {
if(value == 0 || (value > 0 && value <= 99) || value == 255) {
this.SetIntTuple(value, 0);
public Switchmultilevel(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if(match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.level") {
if(json.Keys.Contains("value") && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(json["value"].ToString());
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.Level, this.LastUpdate));
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.prevLevel") {
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("data") && json["data"].Keys.Contains("level") && json["data"]["level"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(json["data"]["level"]["value"].ToString());
public override String ToString() {
return "SwitchMultilevel " + this.Name + ": " + this.Level;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Thermostatmode : CommandClass {
private Int32 _level;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, String> ValidModes { get; private set; }
public Int32 Level {
get { return this._level; }
set {
if (this.ValidModes.ContainsKey(value)) {
public Thermostatmode(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
this.ValidModes = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, String>(new Dictionary<Int32, String>());
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if(match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.mode") {
if(json.Keys.Contains("value") && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(json["value"].ToString());
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.Level, this.LastUpdate));
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
Dictionary<Int32, String> modes = new Dictionary<Int32, String>();
foreach (String item in data.Keys) {
if (Int32.TryParse(item, out Int32 mode) &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("modeName") &&
data[item]["modeName"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
modes.Add(mode, data[item]["modeName"]["value"].ToString());
this.ValidModes = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, String>(modes);
if (data.Keys.Contains("mode") &&
data["mode"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._level = Int32.Parse(data["mode"]["value"].ToString());
public override String ToString() {
return "ThermostatMode " + this.Name + ": " + this.ValidModes[this.Level];

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses.CommandClassSubs;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
public class Thermostatsetpoint : CommandClass {
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> Sub { get; private set; }
public Thermostatsetpoint(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClassSub> item in this.Sub) {
item.Value.Update += this.DeviceUpdate;
private void DeviceUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (match.Groups[4].Value.StartsWith(".data.")) {
Int32 subid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[5].Value);
if (this.Sub.ContainsKey(subid)) {
this.Sub[subid].SetUpdate(json, match);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub> subs = new Dictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>();
foreach (String item in data.Keys) {
if (Int32.TryParse(item, out Int32 subid) &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("modeName") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("val") &&
data[item].Keys.Contains("deviceScaleString")) {
subs.Add(subid, new Thermostatsetpointsub(data[item], new Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32>(this.DeviceId, this.Instance, this.Commandclass, subid), this.http));
this.Sub = new ReadOnlyDictionary<Int32, CommandClassSub>(subs);
internal override void Poll() {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClassSub> item in this.Sub) {
this.http.GetVoid("ZWave.zway/Run/devices[" + this.DeviceId + "].instances[" + this.Instance + "].commandClasses[" + this.Commandclass + "].Get(" + item.Key + ")");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses {
class Wakeup : CommandClass {
private Int32 _interval;
private Int32 _againstNode;
public override event UpdatedValue Update;
public Int32 Interval {
get {
return this._interval;
set {
if(value >= this.WakeupMin && value <= this.WakeupMax) {
this.SetIntTuple(value, this.AgainstNode);
public Int32 AgainstNode { get {
return this._againstNode;
set {
this.SetIntTuple(this.Interval, value);
public Int32 WakeupMin { get; private set; }
public Int32 WakeupMax { get; private set; }
public Int32 WakeupDefault { get; private set; }
public DateTime LastWakeup { get; private set; }
public DateTime LastSleep { get; private set; }
public Wakeup(JsonData json, HttpConnection http, Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32> id) : base(json, http, id) {
protected override void InitComplex(JsonData json) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
JsonData data = json["data"];
if(data.Keys.Contains("interval") && data["interval"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._interval = Int32.Parse(data["interval"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("nodeId") && data["nodeId"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._againstNode = Int32.Parse(data["nodeId"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("min") && data["min"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupMin = Int32.Parse(data["min"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("max") && data["max"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupMax = Int32.Parse(data["max"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("default") && data["default"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupDefault = Int32.Parse(data["default"]["value"].ToString());
if (data.Keys.Contains("lastWakeup") && data["lastWakeup"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.LastWakeup = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(data["lastWakeup"]["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
if (data.Keys.Contains("lastSleep") && data["lastSleep"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.LastSleep = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(data["lastSleep"]["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
internal override void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
Boolean success = false;
if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.lastWakeup") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value") && (json["value"].IsInt || json["value"].IsLong)) {
this.LastWakeup = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
success = true;
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data.lastSleep") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("value") && (json["value"].IsInt || json["value"].IsLong)) {
this.LastSleep = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
success = true;
} else if (match.Groups[4].Value == ".data") {
if (json.Keys.Contains("interval") && json["interval"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._interval = Int32.Parse(json["interval"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("nodeId") && json["nodeId"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this._againstNode = Int32.Parse(json["nodeId"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("min") && json["min"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupMin = Int32.Parse(json["min"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("max") && json["max"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupMax = Int32.Parse(json["max"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("default") && json["default"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.WakeupDefault = Int32.Parse(json["default"]["value"].ToString());
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("lastWakeup") && json["lastWakeup"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.LastWakeup = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["lastWakeup"]["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
success = true;
if (json.Keys.Contains("lastSleep") && json["lastSleep"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.LastSleep = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["lastSleep"]["value"].ToString())).DateTime.ToLocalTime();
success = true;
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (success && this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(0, this.LastUpdate));
public override String ToString() {
return "Wakeup " + this.Name + ": " + this.LastWakeup + "-" + this.LastSleep + " " + this.Interval + " [" + this.WakeupMin + "," + this.WakeupMax + "," + this.WakeupDefault + "," + this.AgainstNode + "]";

Zway/Devices/Device.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices {
class Device {
private Dictionary<Int32, Instance> _instances = new Dictionary<Int32, Instance>();
public delegate void UpdatedDevice(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e);
public event UpdatedDevice Update;
public String Name { get; }
public Int32 Id { get; }
public Dictionary<Int32, Instance> Instances { get { return this._instances; } }
public DateTime LastUpdate { get; private set; }
private Device(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
this.Id = id.Item1;
foreach (String instanceid in json["instances"].Keys) {
this.CreateInstances(Int32.Parse(instanceid), json["instances"][instanceid], http);
if (json["data"].Keys.Contains("givenName") && json["data"]["givenName"].Keys.Contains("value")) {
this.Name = json["data"]["givenName"]["value"].ToString();
} else {
this.Name = "Unknown";
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Instance> item in this.Instances) {
item.Value.Update += this.InstanceUpdate;
protected Boolean CheckSetUpdateTime(JsonData json) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("updateTime") && (json["updateTime"].IsInt || json["updateTime"].IsLong)) {
DateTime newdate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64.Parse(json["updateTime"].ToString())).ToLocalTime().DateTime;
if (newdate > this.LastUpdate) {
this.LastUpdate = newdate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
private void InstanceUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
private void CreateInstances(Int32 instanceid, JsonData json, HttpConnection http) {
Instance i = Instance.CreateInstance(json, new Tuple<Int32, Int32>(this.Id, instanceid), http);
if (i != null) {
this._instances.Add(instanceid, i);
internal static Device CreateDevice(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
if(json.Keys.Contains("instances") &&
json["instances"].Count > 0 &&
json.Keys.Contains("data") && id.Item1 != 1) {
return new Device(json, id, http);
return null;
public override String ToString() {
return this.Name+"_"+this.Id+" ["+this._instances.Count+"]";
internal void SetUpdate(JsonData json, Match match) {
if (match.Groups[2].Value == "data.lastReceived") {
if (this.CheckSetUpdateTime(json)) {
this.Update?.Invoke(this, new DeviceUpdateEvent(this.LastUpdate, this.LastUpdate));
internal void Poll() {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Instance> item in this.Instances) {

Zway/Devices/Instance.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices.CommandClasses;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices {
class Instance {
private Dictionary<Int32, CommandClass> _commands = new Dictionary<Int32, CommandClass>();
private DateTime nextwakeup;
public delegate void UpdatedInstance(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e);
public event UpdatedInstance Update;
public Dictionary<Int32, CommandClass> CommandClasses { get { return this._commands; } }
private Instance(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
this.Id = id.Item1;
this.Instanceid = id.Item2;
foreach (String commandid in json["commandClasses"].Keys) {
this.CreateInstances(Int32.Parse(commandid), json["commandClasses"][commandid], http);
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClass> item in this.CommandClasses) {
item.Value.Update += this.ClassUpdate;
private void MakePolltimer() {
if(this.CommandClasses.ContainsKey(132)) {
this.nextwakeup = ((Wakeup)this.CommandClasses[132]).LastWakeup.AddSeconds(((Wakeup)this.CommandClasses[132]).Interval).AddSeconds(-20);
} else {
this.nextwakeup = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60);
private void ClassUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
private void CreateInstances(Int32 commandid, JsonData json, HttpConnection http) {
CommandClass c = CommandClass.CreateInstance(json, new Tuple<Int32, Int32, Int32>(this.Id, this.Instanceid, commandid), http);
if (c != null) {
this._commands.Add(commandid, c);
public Int32 Id { get; }
public Int32 Instanceid { get; }
internal static Instance CreateInstance(JsonData json, Tuple<Int32, Int32> id, HttpConnection http) {
if (json.Keys.Contains("commandClasses") &&
json["commandClasses"].Count > 0 &&
json.Keys.Contains("data")) {
return new Instance(json, id, http);
return null;
public override String ToString() {
return "Instance: " + this.Id + "-" + this.Instanceid + " [" + this._commands.Count + "]";
internal void Poll() {
if(DateTime.Now > this.nextwakeup) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClass> item in this.CommandClasses) {

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events {
public class DeviceUpdateEvent : EventArgs {
public DeviceUpdateEvent() {
public DeviceUpdateEvent(Single value, DateTime time) {
this.GetSingle = value;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public DeviceUpdateEvent(Boolean level, DateTime time) {
this.GetBoolean = level;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public DeviceUpdateEvent(DateTime value, DateTime time) {
this.GetDate = value;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public DeviceUpdateEvent(Tuple<String, String, Single> value, DateTime time) {
this.GetStringStringSingleTuple = value;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public DeviceUpdateEvent(Tuple<String, String, Single, Single, Single, Boolean> value, DateTime time) {
this.GetStringStringSingleSingleSingleSingleBooleanTuple = value;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public DeviceUpdateEvent(Tuple<Int32, Int32> value, DateTime time) {
this.GetIntegerTuple = value;
this.UpdateTime = time;
public Single GetSingle { get; }
public DateTime GetDate { get; }
public Tuple<String, String, Single> GetStringStringSingleTuple { get; }
public Tuple<String, String, Single, Single, Single, Boolean> GetStringStringSingleSingleSingleSingleBooleanTuple { get; }
public DateTime UpdateTime { get; }
public Boolean GetBoolean { get; }
public Tuple<Int32,Int32> GetIntegerTuple { get; }

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@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
<WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel> <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
</PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup>
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<Reference Include="LitJson, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="System" /> <Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" /> <Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" /> <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
@ -40,11 +43,32 @@
<Reference Include="System.Xml" /> <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
</ItemGroup> </ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\Battery.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClass.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\CommandClassSubs\ThermostatSetPointSub.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\Indicator.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\Meter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\CommandClassSubs\MeterSub.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\CommandClassSubs\SensorMultilevelSub.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\Wakeup.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClassSub.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\Device.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\Instance.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\CentralScene.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\SensorMultilevel.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\SwitchBinary.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\ThermostatMode.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\SwitchMultilevel.cs" />
<Compile Include="Devices\CommandClasses\ThermostatSetPoint.cs" />
<Compile Include="Events\DeviceUpdateEvent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Exceptions\ZwayExceptions.cs" /> <Compile Include="Exceptions\ZwayExceptions.cs" />
<Compile Include="lib\HttpClient.cs" /> <Compile Include="lib\HttpClient.cs" />
<Compile Include="ZwayController.cs" /> <Compile Include="ZwayController.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" /> <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
</ItemGroup> </ItemGroup>
<None Include="packages.config" />
<ItemGroup /> <ItemGroup />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
</Project> </Project>

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@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; using System.Globalization;
using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Devices;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.Events;
using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib; using BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway { namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway {
public class ZwayController { public class ZwayController : IDisposable {
private HttpConnection http; private HttpConnection http;
private Dictionary<Int32, Device> devices = new Dictionary<Int32, Device>();
private Thread updatethread;
private Thread pollthread;
public delegate void DataUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e);
public event DataUpdate Update;
public ZwayController(String server, String user, String pass) { public ZwayController(String server, String user, String pass) {
this.Connect(server, user, pass); this.Connect(server, user, pass);
@ -19,6 +28,133 @@ namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway {
private void Connect(String server, String user, String pass) { private void Connect(String server, String user, String pass) {
this.http = new HttpConnection(server, user, pass); this.http = new HttpConnection(server, user, pass);
CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
info.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = info;
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info;
this.updatethread = new Thread(this.Updater);
this.pollthread = new Thread(this.Poll);
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Device> item in this.devices) {
item.Value.Update += this.DeviceUpdate;
} }
private void DeviceUpdate(Object sender, DeviceUpdateEvent e) {
this.Update?.Invoke(sender, e);
private void Poll() {
CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
info.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = info;
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info;
while(true) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Device> item in this.devices) {
private void Updater() {
CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
info.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = info;
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info;
while (true) {
Int64 date = ((DateTimeOffset)DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-2)).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
JsonData notifications = this.http.GetJson("ZWave.zway/Data/"+date);
foreach (String item in notifications.Keys) {
Match match = new Regex("^devices\\.([0-9]+)\\.instances\\.([0-9]+)\\.commandClasses\\.([0-9]+)(\\.data\\.([0-9]+)|\\.data\\.[a-z].*|\\.data)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(item);
if(match.Success) {
Int32 deviceid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
Int32 instanceid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
Int32 commandid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value);
if (this.devices.ContainsKey(deviceid) && this.devices[deviceid].Instances.ContainsKey(instanceid) && this.devices[deviceid].Instances[instanceid].CommandClasses.ContainsKey(commandid)) {
this.devices[deviceid].Instances[instanceid].CommandClasses[commandid].SetUpdate(notifications[item], match);
} /*else {
if(item.StartsWith("controller.")) { }
else if(item == "updateTime") { }
else {
match = new Regex("^devices\\.([0-9]+)\\.(data.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(item);
if(!match.Success) {
match = new Regex("^devices\\.([0-9]+)\\.(data.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(item);
if(match.Success) {
Int32 deviceid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
if (this.devices.ContainsKey(deviceid)) {
this.devices[deviceid].SetUpdate(notifications[item], match);
private void ParseNamespace(JsonData json) {
foreach (String deviceid in json.Keys) {
this.CreateDevices(Int32.Parse(deviceid), json[deviceid]);
private void CreateDevices(Int32 deviceid, JsonData json) {
Device d = Device.CreateDevice(json, new Tuple<Int32>(deviceid), this.http);
if(d != null) {
this.devices.Add(deviceid, d);
public List<T> GetCommandClasses<T>() {
List<T> ret = new List<T>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Device> device in this.devices) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Instance> instance in device.Value.Instances) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, CommandClass> commandclass in instance.Value.CommandClasses) {
if (commandclass.Value is T) {
ret.Add((T)Convert.ChangeType(commandclass.Value, typeof(T)));
return ret;
#region IDisposable Support
private Boolean disposedValue = false;
protected virtual void Dispose(Boolean disposing) {
if (!this.disposedValue) {
if (disposing) {
this.updatethread = null;
this.pollthread = null;
this.disposedValue = true;
~ZwayController() {
void IDisposable.Dispose() {
} }
} }

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@ -1,40 +1,65 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http; using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text; using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using LitJson;
namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib { namespace BlubbFish.IoT.Zway.lib {
internal class HttpConnection { public class HttpConnection {
private HttpClient http; private String auth;
private String server; private String server;
private Object getLock = new Object();
internal HttpConnection(String server, String user, String pass) { internal HttpConnection(String server, String user, String pass) {
this.http = new HttpClient(); this.auth = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(user + ":" + pass));
//this.http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(user + ":" + pass))); this.server = "http://" + server + ":8083/";
this.server = "http://" + server + ":8083";
this.Init(); this.Init();
} }
private async void Init() { private void Init() {
await this.GetString("/ZAutomation/api/v1/status"); this.GetString("ZAutomation/api/v1/status");
} }
private async Task<String> GetString(String v) { internal JsonData GetJson(String v) {
String text = this.GetString(v);
try { try {
HttpResponseMessage response = await this.http.GetAsync(this.server + v); return JsonMapper.ToObject(text);
if(response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { } catch(Exception) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Benutzer oder Passwort falsch!"); return new JsonData();
throw new Exceptions.ConnectionException("Benutzer oder Passwort falsch!");
HttpContent content = response.Content;
return await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
} catch(HttpRequestException e) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Konnte keine Verbindung zum Razzbery Server herstellen: " + e.Message);
throw new Exceptions.ConnectionException("Konnte keine Verbindung zum Razzbery Server herstellen: " + e.Message);
} }
} }
internal void GetVoid(String v) {
this.GetString(v, false);
private String GetString(String v, Boolean withoutput = true) {
String ret = null;
lock (this.getLock) {
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(this.server + v);
request.Timeout = 5000;
request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, this.auth);
try {
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) {
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Benutzer oder Passwort falsch!");
throw new Exceptions.ConnectionException("Benutzer oder Passwort falsch!");
if (withoutput) {
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
ret = reader.ReadToEnd();
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Konnte keine Verbindung zum Razzbery Server herstellen: " + e.Message);
throw new Exceptions.ConnectionException("Konnte keine Verbindung zum Razzbery Server herstellen: " + e.Message);
return ret;
} }
} }

Zway/packages.config Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="LitJson" version="0.9.0" targetFramework="net461" />