@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
using System ;
using System.IO ;
namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45 {
internal class CopyProcess
private Int32 CursorOrigRow ;
private Int32 CursorOrigCol ;
public Int32 [ , ] Mode { get ; }
public UInt32 Sector { get ; private set ; }
@ -14,36 +16,39 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
public Int64 End { get ; private set ; }
public FileStream [ ] InputDisks { get ; private set ; }
public FileStream OutputDisk { get ; private set ; }
public CopyProcess ( ) {
this . Mode = new Int32 [ 4 , 3 ] {
public CopyProcess ( ) = > this . Mode = new Int32 [ 4 , 3 ] {
{ 0 , 1 , 2 } ,
{ 0 , 1 , 3 } ,
{ 0 , 2 , 3 } ,
{ 1 , 2 , 3 }
} ;
internal void SetInputFiles ( String disk1 , String disk2 , String disk3 , String disk4 ) {
this . InputDisks = new FileStream [ ] {
File . OpenRead ( disk1 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk2 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk3 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk4 )
internal void SetInputFiles ( String disk1 , String disk2 , String disk3 , String disk4 ) = > this . InputDisks = new FileStream [ ] {
File . OpenRead ( disk1 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk2 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk3 ) ,
File . OpenRead ( disk4 )
/ * Libc . Open ( disk1 , Libc . OpenFlags . O_RDONLY ) ,
Libc . Open ( disk2 , Libc . OpenFlags . O_RDONLY ) ,
Libc . Open ( disk3 , Libc . OpenFlags . O_RDONLY ) ,
Libc . Open ( disk4 , Libc . OpenFlags . O_RDONLY ) , * /
} ;
internal void SetOutputFile ( String output ) {
this . OutputDisk = File . OpenWrite ( output ) ;
internal void SetOutputFile ( String output ) = > this . OutputDisk = File . OpenWrite ( output ) ;
private void Close ( ) {
this . OutputDisk . Close ( ) ;
this . InputDisks [ 0 ] . Close ( ) ;
this . InputDisks [ 1 ] . Close ( ) ;
this . InputDisks [ 2 ] . Close ( ) ;
this . InputDisks [ 3 ] . Close ( ) ;
/ * _ = Libc . Close ( this . InputDisks [ 0 ] ) ;
_ = Libc . Close ( this . InputDisks [ 1 ] ) ;
_ = Libc . Close ( this . InputDisks [ 2 ] ) ;
_ = Libc . Close ( this . InputDisks [ 3 ] ) ; * /
internal void SetParameters ( UInt32 sector , UInt32 stripe , UInt32 parity ) {
@ -58,16 +63,40 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
internal void Running ( ) {
Console . Clear ( ) ;
Int64 incount = this . Start / this . Stripe ;
Int64 outcount = 0 ;
Console . WriteLine ( "alloc buffer " + this . Sector ) ;
Span < Byte > buffer = new Span < Byte > ( new Byte [ this . Sector ] ) ;
Span < Byte > buffer = new Span < Byte > ( new Byte [ this . Stripe * this . Sector ] ) ;
//Byte[] buffer = new Byte[this.Stripe * this.Sector];
Console . Write ( "Copy Buffer Size " + this . Stripe * this . Sector + " bytes" ) ;
Console . Write ( "\t\t\tStartsector: " + this . Start + "\t\tEndsector: " + this . End ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "\nTotalsize: " + ( this . End - this . Start ) * this . Sector * 3 + " bytes" ) ;
this . CursorOrigRow = Console . CursorTop ;
this . CursorOrigCol = Console . CursorLeft ;
DateTime starttime = DateTime . Now ;
UInt32 startmode = ( UInt32 ) ( this . Start / ( this . Stripe * this . Parity ) ) % 4 ;
while ( true ) {
for ( UInt32 diskmode = startmode ; diskmode < 4 ; diskmode + + ) {
Console . WriteLine ( "Disk Mode: " + diskmode + ", [" + this . Mode [ diskmode , 0 ] + ", " + this . Mode [ diskmode , 1 ] + ", " + this . Mode [ diskmode , 2 ] + "]" ) ;
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol , this . CursorOrigRow ) ;
Console . Write ( "Diskmode " + diskmode + ":[" + this . Mode [ diskmode , 0 ] + ", " + this . Mode [ diskmode , 1 ] + ", " + this . Mode [ diskmode , 2 ] + "]" ) ;
for ( UInt32 paritys = 0 ; paritys < this . Parity ; paritys + + ) {
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol + 30 , this . CursorOrigRow ) ;
Console . Write ( "[" + incount * this . Stripe + " s, " + ( incount + 1 ) * this . Stripe + " s] -> [" + outcount * this . Stripe + " s, " + ( outcount + 3 ) * this . Stripe + " s]" ) ;
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol , this . CursorOrigRow + 1 ) ;
Console . Write ( Math . Round ( ( ( Double ) incount * this . Stripe - this . Start ) / ( this . End - this . Start ) * 100.0 , 3 ) . ToString ( "F3" ) + "% " ) ;
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol + 10 , this . CursorOrigRow + 1 ) ;
Console . Write ( ( outcount + 3 ) * this . Stripe * this . Sector + " byte" ) ;
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol + 40 , this . CursorOrigRow + 1 ) ;
Console . Write ( ( DateTime . Now - starttime ) . TotalSeconds . ToString ( "F3" ) + " sec" ) ;
Console . SetCursorPosition ( this . CursorOrigCol + 65 , this . CursorOrigRow + 1 ) ;
Console . Write ( ( ( ( Double ) outcount + 3 ) * this . Stripe * this . Sector / ( DateTime . Now - starttime ) . TotalSeconds ) . ToString ( "F0" ) + " byte/s" ) ;
try {
for ( UInt32 disk = 0 ; disk < 3 ; disk + + ) {
this . Copy ( this . Mode [ diskmode , disk ] , incount , outcount , buffer ) ;
@ -78,9 +107,12 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
this . Close ( ) ;
return ;
//Console.SetCursorPosition(this.CursorOrigCol, this.CursorOrigRow+1);
//Console.Write("(" + incount * this.Stripe * this.Sector + " b, " + (incount + 1) * this.Stripe * this.Sector + " b) -> (" + (outcount - 3) * this.Stripe * this.Sector + " b, " + outcount * this.Stripe * this.Sector + " b)");
incount + + ;
if ( incount * this . Stripe > = this . End & & this . End ! = 0 ) {
Console . WriteLine ( "done" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( " \nWe reached the end. ") ;
this . Close ( ) ;
return ;
@ -90,25 +122,30 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
private void Copy ( Int32 inputdisk , Int64 incount , Int64 outcount , Span < Byte > buffer ) {
try {
private void Copy ( Int32 inputdisk , Int64 incount , Int64 outcount , Span < Byte > /*Byte[]*/ buffer ) {
try {
if ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Length < = incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) {
throw new OverflowException ( "EOF of " + this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Name + " reached" ) ;
if ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Length < = ( incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) + this . Sector ) {
if ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Length < = incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector + this . Sector ) {
buffer . Clear ( ) ;
this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Seek ( incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Read ( buffer ) ;
_ = this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Seek ( incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
_ = this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Read ( buffer ) ;
/ * _ = Libc . Seek ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] , incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector , Libc . SeekFlag . SEEK_SET ) ;
_ = Libc . Read ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] , buffer , ( Int32 ) ( this . Stripe * this . Sector ) ) ; * /
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Console . WriteLine ( "Error while reading: " + this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Name ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Name + " Seek(" + incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector + ", Begin)" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( this . InputDisks [ inputdisk ] . Name + " Read(" + buffer . Length + ", 0, " + ( Int32 ) this . Sector + ")" ) ;
/ * Console . WriteLine ( "Error while reading: " + inputdisk ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( inputdisk + " Seek(" + incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector + ", Begin)" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( inputdisk + " Read(" + buffer . Length + ", 0, " + ( Int32 ) this . Sector + ")" ) ; * /
throw e ;
try {
this . OutputDisk . Seek ( outcount * this . Stripe * this . Sector , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
_ = this . OutputDisk . Seek ( outcount * this . Stripe * this . Sector , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
this . OutputDisk . Write ( buffer ) ;
this . OutputDisk . Flush ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
@ -119,13 +156,7 @@ namespace BlubbFish.Tools.Raid.HP.Raid45
throw e ;
Console . WriteLine ( "[" + Math . Round ( ( ( Double ) outcount / 4 ) * 100 , 3 ) + "] " +
"Copy disk" + ( inputdisk + 1 ) + " " +
"[" + ( incount * this . Stripe ) + " s, " + ( ( incount + 1 ) * this . Stripe ) + " s] " +
"(" + ( incount * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) + " b, " + ( ( incount + 1 ) * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) + " b) " +
"-> out " +
"[" + ( outcount * this . Stripe ) + " s, " + ( ( outcount + 1 ) * this . Stripe ) + " s] " +
"(" + ( outcount * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) + " b, " + ( ( outcount + 1 ) * this . Stripe * this . Sector ) + " b)" ) ;