write method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of write method was the following: HRESULT write (SAFEARRAY() psarray);
writeln method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of writeln method was the following: HRESULT writeln (SAFEARRAY() psarray);
open method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of open method was the following: HRESULT open ([optional, defaultvalue("text/html")] BSTR url, [optional] VARIANT name, [optional] VARIANT features, [optional] VARIANT replace, [out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
close method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of close method was the following: HRESULT close (void);
clear method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of clear method was the following: HRESULT clear (void);
queryCommandSupported method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandSupported method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandSupported (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
queryCommandEnabled method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandEnabled method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandEnabled (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
queryCommandState method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandState method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandState (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
queryCommandIndeterm method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandIndeterm method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandIndeterm (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
queryCommandText method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandText method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandText (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
queryCommandValue method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of queryCommandValue method was the following: HRESULT queryCommandValue (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT* ReturnValue);
execCommand method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of execCommand method was the following: HRESULT execCommand (BSTR cmdID, [optional, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL showUI, [optional] VARIANT value, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
execCommandShowHelp method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of execCommandShowHelp method was the following: HRESULT execCommandShowHelp (BSTR cmdID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
createElement method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of createElement method was the following: HRESULT createElement (BSTR eTag, [out, retval] IHTMLElement** ReturnValue);
elementFromPoint method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of elementFromPoint method was the following: HRESULT elementFromPoint (long x, long y, [out, retval] IHTMLElement** ReturnValue);
toString method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of toString method was the following: HRESULT toString ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
createStyleSheet method of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of createStyleSheet method was the following: HRESULT createStyleSheet ([optional, defaultvalue("")] BSTR bstrHref, [optional, defaultvalue(-1)] long lIndex, [out, retval] IHTMLStyleSheet** ReturnValue);
activeElement property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of activeElement property was the following: IHTMLElement* activeElement;
alinkColor property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of alinkColor property was the following: VARIANT alinkColor;
all property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of all property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* all;
anchors property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of anchors property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* anchors;
applets property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of applets property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* applets;
bgColor property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of bgColor property was the following: VARIANT bgColor;
body property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of body property was the following: IHTMLElement* body;
charset property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of charset property was the following: BSTR charset;
cookie property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of cookie property was the following: BSTR cookie;
defaultCharset property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of defaultCharset property was the following: BSTR defaultCharset;
designMode property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of designMode property was the following: BSTR designMode;
domain property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of domain property was the following: BSTR domain;
embeds property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of embeds property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* embeds;
expando property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of expando property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL expando;
fgColor property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of fgColor property was the following: VARIANT fgColor;
fileCreatedDate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of fileCreatedDate property was the following: BSTR fileCreatedDate;
fileModifiedDate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of fileModifiedDate property was the following: BSTR fileModifiedDate;
fileSize property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of fileSize property was the following: BSTR fileSize;
fileUpdatedDate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of fileUpdatedDate property was the following: BSTR fileUpdatedDate;
forms property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of forms property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* forms;
frames property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of frames property was the following: IHTMLFramesCollection2* frames;
images property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of images property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* images;
lastModified property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of lastModified property was the following: BSTR lastModified;
linkColor property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of linkColor property was the following: VARIANT linkColor;
links property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of links property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* links;
location property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of location property was the following: IHTMLLocation* location;
mimeType property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of mimeType property was the following: BSTR mimeType;
nameProp property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of nameProp property was the following: BSTR nameProp;
onafterupdate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onafterupdate property was the following: VARIANT onafterupdate;
onbeforeupdate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onbeforeupdate property was the following: VARIANT onbeforeupdate;
onclick property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onclick property was the following: VARIANT onclick;
ondblclick property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of ondblclick property was the following: VARIANT ondblclick;
ondragstart property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of ondragstart property was the following: VARIANT ondragstart;
onerrorupdate property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onerrorupdate property was the following: VARIANT onerrorupdate;
onhelp property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onhelp property was the following: VARIANT onhelp;
onkeydown property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeydown property was the following: VARIANT onkeydown;
onkeypress property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeypress property was the following: VARIANT onkeypress;
onkeyup property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeyup property was the following: VARIANT onkeyup;
onmousedown property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onmousedown property was the following: VARIANT onmousedown;
onmousemove property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onmousemove property was the following: VARIANT onmousemove;
onmouseout property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseout property was the following: VARIANT onmouseout;
onmouseover property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseover property was the following: VARIANT onmouseover;
onmouseup property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseup property was the following: VARIANT onmouseup;
onreadystatechange property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onreadystatechange property was the following: VARIANT onreadystatechange;
onrowenter property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onrowenter property was the following: VARIANT onrowenter;
onrowexit property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onrowexit property was the following: VARIANT onrowexit;
onselectstart property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of onselectstart property was the following: VARIANT onselectstart;
parentWindow property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of parentWindow property was the following: IHTMLWindow2* parentWindow;
plugins property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of plugins property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* plugins;
protocol property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of protocol property was the following: BSTR protocol;
readyState property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of readyState property was the following: BSTR readyState;
referrer property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of referrer property was the following: BSTR referrer;
Script property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of Script property was the following: IDispatch* Script;
scripts property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of scripts property was the following: IHTMLElementCollection* scripts;
security property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of security property was the following: BSTR security;
selection property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of selection property was the following: IHTMLSelectionObject* selection;
styleSheets property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of styleSheets property was the following: IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection* styleSheets;
title property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of title property was the following: BSTR title;
url property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of url property was the following: BSTR url;
vlinkColor property of IHTMLDocument2 interface.
An original IDL definition of vlinkColor property was the following: VARIANT vlinkColor;
setAttribute method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of setAttribute method was the following: HRESULT setAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, VARIANT AttributeValue, [optional, defaultvalue(1)] long lFlags);
getAttribute method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of getAttribute method was the following: HRESULT getAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, [optional, defaultvalue(0)] long lFlags, [out, retval] VARIANT* ReturnValue);
removeAttribute method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of removeAttribute method was the following: HRESULT removeAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, [optional, defaultvalue(1)] long lFlags, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
scrollIntoView method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of scrollIntoView method was the following: HRESULT scrollIntoView ([optional] VARIANT varargStart);
contains method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of contains method was the following: HRESULT contains (IHTMLElement* pChild, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
insertAdjacentHTML method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of insertAdjacentHTML method was the following: HRESULT insertAdjacentHTML (BSTR where, BSTR html);
insertAdjacentText method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of insertAdjacentText method was the following: HRESULT insertAdjacentText (BSTR where, BSTR text);
click method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of click method was the following: HRESULT click (void);
toString method of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of toString method was the following: HRESULT toString ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
all property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of all property was the following: IDispatch* all;
children property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of children property was the following: IDispatch* children;
className property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of className property was the following: BSTR className;
document property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of document property was the following: IDispatch* document;
filters property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of filters property was the following: IHTMLFiltersCollection* filters;
id property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of id property was the following: BSTR id;
innerHTML property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of innerHTML property was the following: BSTR innerHTML;
innerText property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of innerText property was the following: BSTR innerText;
isTextEdit property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of isTextEdit property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL isTextEdit;
lang property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of lang property was the following: BSTR lang;
language property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of language property was the following: BSTR language;
offsetHeight property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of offsetHeight property was the following: long offsetHeight;
offsetLeft property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of offsetLeft property was the following: long offsetLeft;
offsetParent property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of offsetParent property was the following: IHTMLElement* offsetParent;
offsetTop property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of offsetTop property was the following: long offsetTop;
offsetWidth property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of offsetWidth property was the following: long offsetWidth;
onafterupdate property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onafterupdate property was the following: VARIANT onafterupdate;
onbeforeupdate property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onbeforeupdate property was the following: VARIANT onbeforeupdate;
onclick property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onclick property was the following: VARIANT onclick;
ondataavailable property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of ondataavailable property was the following: VARIANT ondataavailable;
ondatasetchanged property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of ondatasetchanged property was the following: VARIANT ondatasetchanged;
ondatasetcomplete property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of ondatasetcomplete property was the following: VARIANT ondatasetcomplete;
ondblclick property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of ondblclick property was the following: VARIANT ondblclick;
ondragstart property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of ondragstart property was the following: VARIANT ondragstart;
onerrorupdate property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onerrorupdate property was the following: VARIANT onerrorupdate;
onfilterchange property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onfilterchange property was the following: VARIANT onfilterchange;
onhelp property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onhelp property was the following: VARIANT onhelp;
onkeydown property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeydown property was the following: VARIANT onkeydown;
onkeypress property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeypress property was the following: VARIANT onkeypress;
onkeyup property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onkeyup property was the following: VARIANT onkeyup;
onmousedown property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onmousedown property was the following: VARIANT onmousedown;
onmousemove property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onmousemove property was the following: VARIANT onmousemove;
onmouseout property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseout property was the following: VARIANT onmouseout;
onmouseover property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseover property was the following: VARIANT onmouseover;
onmouseup property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onmouseup property was the following: VARIANT onmouseup;
onrowenter property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onrowenter property was the following: VARIANT onrowenter;
onrowexit property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onrowexit property was the following: VARIANT onrowexit;
onselectstart property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of onselectstart property was the following: VARIANT onselectstart;
outerHTML property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of outerHTML property was the following: BSTR outerHTML;
outerText property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of outerText property was the following: BSTR outerText;
parentElement property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of parentElement property was the following: IHTMLElement* parentElement;
parentTextEdit property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of parentTextEdit property was the following: IHTMLElement* parentTextEdit;
recordNumber property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of recordNumber property was the following: VARIANT recordNumber;
sourceIndex property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of sourceIndex property was the following: long sourceIndex;
style property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of style property was the following: IHTMLStyle* style;
tagName property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of tagName property was the following: BSTR tagName;
title property of IHTMLElement interface.
An original IDL definition of title property was the following: BSTR title;
setAttribute method of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of setAttribute method was the following: HRESULT setAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, VARIANT AttributeValue, [optional, defaultvalue(1)] long lFlags);
getAttribute method of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of getAttribute method was the following: HRESULT getAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, [optional, defaultvalue(0)] long lFlags, [out, retval] VARIANT* ReturnValue);
removeAttribute method of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of removeAttribute method was the following: HRESULT removeAttribute (BSTR strAttributeName, [optional, defaultvalue(1)] long lFlags, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
toString method of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of toString method was the following: HRESULT toString ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
background property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of background property was the following: BSTR background;
backgroundAttachment property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundAttachment property was the following: BSTR backgroundAttachment;
backgroundColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundColor property was the following: VARIANT backgroundColor;
backgroundImage property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundImage property was the following: BSTR backgroundImage;
backgroundPosition property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundPosition property was the following: BSTR backgroundPosition;
backgroundPositionX property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundPositionX property was the following: VARIANT backgroundPositionX;
backgroundPositionY property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundPositionY property was the following: VARIANT backgroundPositionY;
backgroundRepeat property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of backgroundRepeat property was the following: BSTR backgroundRepeat;
border property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of border property was the following: BSTR border;
borderBottom property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderBottom property was the following: BSTR borderBottom;
borderBottomColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderBottomColor property was the following: VARIANT borderBottomColor;
borderBottomStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderBottomStyle property was the following: BSTR borderBottomStyle;
borderBottomWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderBottomWidth property was the following: VARIANT borderBottomWidth;
borderColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderColor property was the following: BSTR borderColor;
borderLeft property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderLeft property was the following: BSTR borderLeft;
borderLeftColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderLeftColor property was the following: VARIANT borderLeftColor;
borderLeftStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderLeftStyle property was the following: BSTR borderLeftStyle;
borderLeftWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderLeftWidth property was the following: VARIANT borderLeftWidth;
borderRight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderRight property was the following: BSTR borderRight;
borderRightColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderRightColor property was the following: VARIANT borderRightColor;
borderRightStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderRightStyle property was the following: BSTR borderRightStyle;
borderRightWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderRightWidth property was the following: VARIANT borderRightWidth;
borderStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderStyle property was the following: BSTR borderStyle;
borderTop property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderTop property was the following: BSTR borderTop;
borderTopColor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderTopColor property was the following: VARIANT borderTopColor;
borderTopStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderTopStyle property was the following: BSTR borderTopStyle;
borderTopWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderTopWidth property was the following: VARIANT borderTopWidth;
borderWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of borderWidth property was the following: BSTR borderWidth;
clear property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of clear property was the following: BSTR clear;
clip property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of clip property was the following: BSTR clip;
color property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of color property was the following: VARIANT color;
cssText property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of cssText property was the following: BSTR cssText;
cursor property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of cursor property was the following: BSTR cursor;
display property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of display property was the following: BSTR display;
filter property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of filter property was the following: BSTR filter;
font property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of font property was the following: BSTR font;
fontFamily property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of fontFamily property was the following: BSTR fontFamily;
fontSize property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of fontSize property was the following: VARIANT fontSize;
fontStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of fontStyle property was the following: BSTR fontStyle;
fontVariant property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of fontVariant property was the following: BSTR fontVariant;
fontWeight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of fontWeight property was the following: BSTR fontWeight;
height property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of height property was the following: VARIANT height;
left property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of left property was the following: VARIANT left;
letterSpacing property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of letterSpacing property was the following: VARIANT letterSpacing;
lineHeight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of lineHeight property was the following: VARIANT lineHeight;
listStyle property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of listStyle property was the following: BSTR listStyle;
listStyleImage property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of listStyleImage property was the following: BSTR listStyleImage;
listStylePosition property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of listStylePosition property was the following: BSTR listStylePosition;
listStyleType property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of listStyleType property was the following: BSTR listStyleType;
margin property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of margin property was the following: BSTR margin;
marginBottom property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of marginBottom property was the following: VARIANT marginBottom;
marginLeft property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of marginLeft property was the following: VARIANT marginLeft;
marginRight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of marginRight property was the following: VARIANT marginRight;
marginTop property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of marginTop property was the following: VARIANT marginTop;
overflow property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of overflow property was the following: BSTR overflow;
padding property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of padding property was the following: BSTR padding;
paddingBottom property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of paddingBottom property was the following: VARIANT paddingBottom;
paddingLeft property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of paddingLeft property was the following: VARIANT paddingLeft;
paddingRight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of paddingRight property was the following: VARIANT paddingRight;
paddingTop property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of paddingTop property was the following: VARIANT paddingTop;
pageBreakAfter property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pageBreakAfter property was the following: BSTR pageBreakAfter;
pageBreakBefore property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pageBreakBefore property was the following: BSTR pageBreakBefore;
pixelHeight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pixelHeight property was the following: long pixelHeight;
pixelLeft property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pixelLeft property was the following: long pixelLeft;
pixelTop property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pixelTop property was the following: long pixelTop;
pixelWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of pixelWidth property was the following: long pixelWidth;
posHeight property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of posHeight property was the following: float posHeight;
position property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of position property was the following: BSTR position;
posLeft property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of posLeft property was the following: float posLeft;
posTop property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of posTop property was the following: float posTop;
posWidth property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of posWidth property was the following: float posWidth;
styleFloat property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of styleFloat property was the following: BSTR styleFloat;
textAlign property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textAlign property was the following: BSTR textAlign;
textDecoration property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecoration property was the following: BSTR textDecoration;
textDecorationBlink property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecorationBlink property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL textDecorationBlink;
textDecorationLineThrough property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecorationLineThrough property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL textDecorationLineThrough;
textDecorationNone property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecorationNone property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL textDecorationNone;
textDecorationOverline property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecorationOverline property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL textDecorationOverline;
textDecorationUnderline property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textDecorationUnderline property was the following: VARIANT_BOOL textDecorationUnderline;
textIndent property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textIndent property was the following: VARIANT textIndent;
textTransform property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of textTransform property was the following: BSTR textTransform;
top property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of top property was the following: VARIANT top;
verticalAlign property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of verticalAlign property was the following: VARIANT verticalAlign;
visibility property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of visibility property was the following: BSTR visibility;
whiteSpace property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of whiteSpace property was the following: BSTR whiteSpace;
width property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of width property was the following: VARIANT width;
wordSpacing property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of wordSpacing property was the following: VARIANT wordSpacing;
zIndex property of IHTMLStyle interface.
An original IDL definition of zIndex property was the following: VARIANT zIndex;
Hides the window and activates another window.
Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and
position. An application should specify this flag when displaying
the window for the first time.
Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
Maximizes the specified window.
Displays a window in its most recent size and position.
This value is similar to "ShowNormal", except the window is not
Activates the window and displays it in its current size
and position.
Minimizes the specified window and activates the next
top-level window in the Z order.
Displays the window as a minimized window. This value is
similar to "ShowMinimized", except the window is not activated.
Displays the window in its current size and position. This
value is similar to "Show", except the window is not activated.
Activates and displays the window. If the window is
minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size
and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring
a minimized window.
Sets the show state based on the SW_ value specified in the
STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the
program that started the application.
Windows 2000/XP: Minimizes a window, even if the thread
that owns the window is hung. This flag should only be used when
minimizing windows from a different thread.
MainClass of Speak
Run after the Plugin Initialisation
Get Version
Get Author
Get Description
Get HasOptions
Get Hompage
Get Name
Get Version
Get AutorEmail
Get Copyright String
Get GUID PrluginInterfaces
Get ReplaceDefaultModule
Internal Raising for Event
The Option Class that Handles the Optionsdialog
Here you Can Connect your Options
Miranda Handle
Read a boolean value from Miranda Databse
Read a boolean value from Mirana Database and if it not Present use standart
Default Value
Read a value from Miranda Databse from specefic user and use a default value if not present
Default value
Read a value from Miranda Database
Return 0 if not present
Read a value from Miranda Databse
Returns an empty String if not presend
Write a boolean value into Miranda Databse
Write a boolean value into Miranda Database for specific user
User handle
Write a long value into Miranda Databse
long value
Write a string value into Miranda Databse
string value
Raises When Settings was Changed
Enum of the Events
When A Usercontact has Changed
When the Global Settings Changed
When the Engine Settings Changed
No Events has Raised
Delegate an Event of Changed
Eine stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse zum Suchen von lokalisierten Zeichenfolgen usw.
Gibt die zwischengespeicherte ResourceManager-Instanz zurück, die von dieser Klasse verwendet wird.
Überschreibt die CurrentUICulture-Eigenschaft des aktuellen Threads für alle
Ressourcenzuordnungen, die diese stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse verwenden.
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Icon ähnlich wie (Symbol).
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Icon ähnlich wie (Symbol).
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Icon ähnlich wie (Symbol).
Definition for interface IPersist.
Definition for interface IPersistStream.
Get a Setting Class
Settings Object
Speak Text
Returns the Instance of TextToSpeak Class
Adds a Text to the to Speak Quene
Text that will be spoken
Signature of Message, to catch to offten spoken text
Returns a list of Installed Voices
Sets a voice to the current Speak Engine
Name of the Voice
Set a new Volume to the Current Speak Engine
from 0 to 100
Set a new Rate to the Current Speak engine
from 0 to 100
Setting a new Pitch to the current Speak Engine
Required designer variable.
Clean up any resources being used.
true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
Required method for Designer support - do not modify
the contents of this method with the code editor.