#/bin/bash runtime_version="3.1" echo "1. Parse latest version of dotnet-runtime-${runtime_version}." version_info=$(curl --silent "https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${runtime_version}/latest.version") download_link="https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet/Runtime/${version_info}/dotnet-runtime-${version_info}-linux-arm.tar.gz" echo "2. Create control files for deb" mkdir -p deb cd deb export NAME="dotnet-runtime-${runtime_version}" export MAINAINER=".NET Core Team " export VERSION="${version_info}" export DESCRIPTION="Microsoft .NET Core Runtime - ${version_info}" export PLATFORM=armhf curl -s https://git.blubbfish.net/vs_utils/CI-Scripts/raw/branch/master/deb/control-build.sh | bash echo "#!/bin/bash" > postinst echo "" >> postinst echo "if [ \"\$1\" = \"configure\" ]; then" >> postinst echo " chown -R root:root /usr/share/dotnet" >> postinst echo " ln -s /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet" >> postinst echo "fi" >> postinst echo "#!/bin/bash" > prerm echo "" >> prerm echo "rm /usr/bin/dotnet" >> prerm cd .. echo "3. Catch all paths together for $NAME." HOMEDIR=$HOME ROOT="$HOMEDIR/deb" EXEC="$ROOT/usr/share/dotnet" DEBIAN="$ROOT/DEBIAN" TARGETFILE="${NAME}_${VERSION}_${PLATFORM}.deb" echo "4. Create directorys." mkdir -p $EXEC mkdir -p $DEBIAN echo "5. Move deb control files." cp deb/control $DEBIAN/control cp deb/postinst $DEBIAN/postinst cp deb/prerm $DEBIAN/prerm rm deb -r echo "6. Copy programm files to $EXEC." wget -q $download_link -O dotnet.tar.gz tar -zxf dotnet.tar.gz -C $EXEC rm dotnet.tar.gz echo "7. Creating md5sum" touch $DEBIAN/md5sums pushd $ROOT >> /dev/null find . -path ./DEBIAN -prune -o -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | sed "s-./--" >> $DEBIAN/md5sums popd >> /dev/null echo "8. Setting permissions" chmod -R 755 $DEBIAN echo "9. Build deb packet." dpkg-deb --build $ROOT echo "10. Move $TARGETFILE to Builds." mv $HOMEDIR/deb.deb "$TARGETFILE" echo "::set-output name=debuilderfile::$TARGETFILE" echo "11. Cleanup $HOMEDIR/deb." rm $HOMEDIR/deb -r echo "All steps completed."