47fb4f8c27Zway-Bot [v1.7.2] Add Logging to some Modules, fixing a bug in overtaker (now it not removes every time all events, so only the latest event are watched) [Utils] Fixing a bug if more than one argument with params
BlubbFish2018-10-02 14:53:59 +0000
f2706b2b29Zway-Bot [v1.7.1] Tiny fix for nullpointer exceptionBlubbFish2018-09-29 18:13:17 +0000
ab40973980Zway [v1.5.0] Throw Exception if 3 times failed to connect to Raspberry server, add 3 new commandlcasses to IgnoredClasses Zway-Bot [v1.7.0] rewrite to Threaded Modules, edit service file for systemdBlubbFish2018-09-29 12:15:37 +0000
f8f28105d9Add more Logging On Module load catch Exceptions and not load the pluginBlubbFish2018-09-13 22:03:19 +0000
de32d997fb[BF] Forget to copy library partsBlubbFish2018-06-10 20:28:32 +0000
6ac8ec0cfa[NF] Refactoring Hue-Bot [NF] Now Running as ServiceBlubbFish2018-06-10 19:48:23 +0000
c215d27841[NF] Moved CronJob, Overtaker, Statuspolling to Abstract Bot-Utils [NF] Create NSI Script to produce exe [NF] Add License.txtBlubbFish2018-06-09 21:27:15 +0000
2e05bde250[NF] Add Bot-Utils and rewrite codeBlubbFish2018-06-07 20:49:54 +0000
f8cf31c941[NF] Thread that checks if a MQTT Connection exists and if not reopen it [NF] ConnectorDataMqtt now supports user and passwordBlubbFish2018-06-05 16:46:56 +0000
d5831bf292[BF] Fixing Senml [NF] Senml now has a configure option to setup the guid [NF] Zway-Bot now listen on /exit [NF] Implment searchpath for Zway-Bot (/etc/zwaybot and %appdata%/zwaybot)BlubbFish2018-05-07 16:52:24 +0000
3f1e03cd4d[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:43:50 +0000
387301626a[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:39:08 +0000
3a7cc65ba8[NF] Create Senml Messages for LinksmartBlubbFish2018-05-03 14:35:02 +0000
c75464632c[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 17:03:17 +0000
69d94cfc06[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 17:01:10 +0000
8bc6bd5824[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:55:56 +0000
1a6661326f[NF] Creating with screen SessionBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:51:07 +0000
d2e28fa5b2[NF] Utils-IoT nutzt nun die lokale json libBlubbFish2018-05-02 16:25:02 +0000
ca3d6e62ee[NF] Hue-Lib fertig [DW] Hue-Bot beginn ArbeitBlubbFish2018-05-01 21:46:56 +0000
3a8f1a58bc[NF] v1.3.6.0 Better levelcheck and Alarmsensor addedBlubbFish2018-01-01 02:09:55 +0000
d389b52d17[BF] v1.3.5.3 Change Level to numeric and create State for Bollean values, because telegraf only parse numericBlubbFish2017-12-25 18:11:01 +0000
c2e6db4f8a[[BF] v1.3.5.2 Check to avoid megapeaks in data now also for temperatureBlubbFish2017-12-24 10:43:58 +0000
436ecf01f8[BF] v1.3.5.1 Check to avoid megapeaks in DataBlubbFish2017-12-23 22:37:36 +0000
04725ea161[NF] v1.3.0.0 Adding Status Polling and Mqtt (not compelete) [NF] Able to force loading modules, so dependencys are ok [NF] Cleanup because its now easyer to implement ZwayBlubbFish2017-12-17 20:09:28 +0000
931af38cb9[BF] Catch Exception on shutdownBlubbFish2017-12-17 20:00:13 +0000
23a80e51f0[BF] v. Next try to emulate F4G EventsBlubbFish2017-12-09 12:33:15 +0000
664a5049af[NF] v1.1.2 Now complete Emulation of F4G Node [NF] Possibility to attach internal cron eventsBlubbFish2017-12-08 19:30:29 +0000