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CoordinateSharp is a simple .NET library that is designed to assist with geographic coordinate conversions, formatting and location based celestial calculations. This library has the ability to convert various lat long formats, UTM, MGRS(NATO UTM) and Cartesian (Spherical and ECEF X, Y, Z).

CAUTION: v1.1.5.1 begins the depracation of certain methods in preparation of CoordinateSharp v2.1.1.1. Many user mutable items, have also been made user immutable in v1.1.5.1. This only effects properties that do not need to be set by users (i.e. Celestial properties). You should see no negative effects from this conversion if the library has been used in accordance with the CoordinateSharp Developer Guide.

ANNOUNCEMENT: v2.1.1.1 development has begun. This version is going to focus on simplifying constructors, better management of circular references and property change notification. It is also going to focus on proper assignment of user mutable vs user immutable properties. Tests will be expanded. Lastly, code examples are going to be provided in the library documentation in order to give developers a more standard documentation experience outside of the Developer Guide. This version should give the user an even simpler experience when using CoordinateSharp.

Please review our upcoming licensing change issue.

Change notes can be viewed here

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.NET 4.0 or .NET Standard 2.0, 1.4, 1.3 compatible runtimes.


CoordinateSharp is available as a nuget package from

Alternatively, you may download the library directly on our website

Usage Example

CoordinateSharp is simple to use. In the below example we create a Coordinate using one of the methods below.

//Seattle coordinates on 5 Jun 2018 @ 10:10 AM (UTC)
//Signed-Decimal Degree    47.6062, -122.3321
//Degrees Minutes Seconds  N 47º 36' 22.32" W 122º 19' 55.56"


//Initialize with signed degree (standard method)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(47.6062, -122.3321, new DateTime(2018,6,5,10,10,0));


//Initialize with TryParse() Method
Coordinate.TryParse("N 47º 36' 22.32\" W 122º 19' 55.56\"", new DateTime(2018,6,5,10,10,0), out c);


//Initialize with Secondary Method
Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
c.Latitude = new CoordinatePart(47,36, 22.32, CoordinatePosition.N, c);
c.Longitude = new CoordinatePart(122, 19, 55.56, CoordinatePosition.W, c);
c.GeoDate = new DateTime(2018,6,5,10,10,0);

Once the Coordinate is created we have access to various formats and celestial data. Here are just a few examples.

Console.WriteLine(c);                              // N 47º 36' 22.32" W 122º 19' 55.56"
Console.WriteLine(c.Latitude.Seconds);             // 22.32
Console.WriteLine(c.UTM);                          // 10T 550200mE 5272748mN

Console.WriteLine(c.CelestialInfo.SunSet);         // 5-Jun-2018 4:02:00 AM
Console.WriteLine(c.CelestialInfo.MoonAltitude);   // 14.4169966277874


  • Lat/Long formatting: Quickly format how a coordinate is output.
  • Coordinate conversions: Convert Lat/Long to UTM, MGRS, Cartesian (Spherical and ECEF) or vice versa.
  • Coordinate parsing: Initialize a Coordinate with multiple format types using TryParse().
  • Coordinate moving/shifting: Shift coordinates using a distance and bearing, or a distance and target coordinate.
  • Location based celestial information: Quickly determine sun set, moon rise, next solar eclipse or even zodiac signs at the input location.
  • Property change notification: All properties automatically adjust as the Coordinate changes. For example, changing the GeoDate will cause all celestial times to recalculate. Adjusting a Coordinate latitudinal seconds, will retrigger all coordinate conversions and celestial data so your information is always up to date.
  • Geo-Fencing: Define a perimeter and determine if your coordinate is within or near polylines.


Check out the CoordinateSharp Developer Guide for more detailed instructions on the usage and abilities of CoordinateSharp.

You may also view the Documentation for a more in depth look at CoordinateSharp's structure.