4098 lines
144 KiB
4098 lines
144 KiB
dfu.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .text 00001ac0 00000000 00000000 00008000 2**2
1 .data.shared 00000008 00200020 00001ac0 00010020 2**2
2 .data 00000024 00201ac0 00001ac8 00011ac0 2**2
3 .dfu.functab 00000030 00003fd0 00003fd0 00013fd0 2**2
4 .bss 00000105 00201ae4 00001aec 00011ae4 2**2
5 .ARM.attributes 0000002e 00000000 00000000 00014000 2**0
6 .comment 0000002a 00000000 00000000 0001402e 2**0
7 .debug_aranges 000000c8 00000000 00000000 00014058 2**3
8 .debug_pubnames 000002b7 00000000 00000000 00014120 2**0
9 .debug_info 000040e7 00000000 00000000 000143d7 2**0
10 .debug_abbrev 00000bb3 00000000 00000000 000184be 2**0
11 .debug_line 0000089e 00000000 00000000 00019071 2**0
12 .debug_frame 00000540 00000000 00000000 00019910 2**2
13 .debug_str 00001637 00000000 00000000 00019e50 2**0
14 .debug_loc 00001193 00000000 00000000 0001b487 2**0
15 .debug_ranges 000001d0 00000000 00000000 0001c620 2**3
16 .debug_pubtypes 00000485 00000000 00000000 0001c7f0 2**0
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <reset>:
//*- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping.
//*- If an exception occurs before remap, this would result in an infinite loop.
//*- To ensure if a exeption occurs before start application to infinite loop.
B InitReset /* 0x00 Reset handler */
0: ea000026 b a0 <InitReset>
00000004 <undefvec>:
B undefvec /* 0x04 Undefined Instruction */
4: eafffffe b 4 <undefvec>
00000008 <swivec>:
B swivec /* 0x08 Software Interrupt */
8: eafffffe b 8 <swivec>
0000000c <pabtvec>:
B pabtvec /* 0x0C Prefetch Abort */
c: eafffffe b c <pabtvec>
00000010 <dabtvec>:
b dabtvec /* 0x10 Data Abort */
10: eafffffe b 10 <dabtvec>
00000014 <rsvdvec>:
b rsvdvec /* 0x14 reserved */
14: eafffffe b 14 <rsvdvec>
00000018 <irqvec>:
b IRQ_Handler_Entry /* 0x18 IRQ */
18: ea00000b b 4c <IRQ_Handler_Entry>
0000001c <fiqvec>:
ldr pc, [pc, #-0xF20] /* 0x1c FIQ */
1c: e51fff20 ldr pc, [pc, #-3872] ; fffff104 <AT91C_BASE_AIC+0x104>
00000020 <dfu_state_dummy>:
20: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
00000024 <FIQ_Handler_Entry>:
/*- Switch in SVC/User Mode to allow User Stack access for C code */
/* because the FIQ is not yet acknowledged*/
/*- Save and r0 in FIQ_Register */
mov r9, r0
24: e1a09000 mov r9, r0
ldr r0, [r8, #AIC_FVR]
28: e5980104 ldr r0, [r8, #260] ; 0x104
2c: e321f0d3 msr CPSR_c, #211 ; 0xd3
/*- Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack */
stmfd sp!, { r1-r3, r12, lr}
30: e92d500e push {r1, r2, r3, ip, lr}
/*- Branch to the routine pointed by the AIC_FVR */
mov r14, pc
34: e1a0e00f mov lr, pc
bx r0
38: e12fff10 bx r0
/*- Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack */
ldmia sp!, { r1-r3, r12, lr}
3c: e8bd500e pop {r1, r2, r3, ip, lr}
/*- Leave Interrupts disabled and switch back in FIQ mode */
40: e321f0d1 msr CPSR_c, #209 ; 0xd1
/*- Restore the R0 ARM_MODE_SVC register */
mov r0,r9
44: e1a00009 mov r0, r9
/*- Restore the Program Counter using the LR_fiq directly in the PC */
subs pc, lr, #4
48: e25ef004 subs pc, lr, #4
0000004c <IRQ_Handler_Entry>:
/*- Manage Exception Entry */
/*- Adjust and save LR_irq in IRQ stack */
sub lr, lr, #4
4c: e24ee004 sub lr, lr, #4
stmfd sp!, {lr}
50: e52de004 push {lr} ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
/*- Save SPSR need to be saved for nested interrupt */
mrs r14, SPSR
54: e14fe000 mrs lr, SPSR
stmfd sp!, {r14}
58: e52de004 push {lr} ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
/*- Save and r0 in IRQ stack */
stmfd sp!, {r0}
5c: e52d0004 push {r0} ; (str r0, [sp, #-4]!)
/*- Write in the IVR to support Protect Mode */
/*- No effect in Normal Mode */
/*- De-assert the NIRQ and clear the source in Protect Mode */
ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
60: e59fe148 ldr lr, [pc, #328] ; 1b0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x4>
ldr r0 , [r14, #AIC_IVR]
64: e59e0100 ldr r0, [lr, #256] ; 0x100
str r14, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
68: e58ee100 str lr, [lr, #256] ; 0x100
/*- Enable Interrupt and Switch in Supervisor Mode */
6c: e321f013 msr CPSR_c, #19
/*- Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack */
stmfd sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
70: e92d500e push {r1, r2, r3, ip, lr}
/*- Branch to the routine pointed by the AIC_IVR */
mov r14, pc
74: e1a0e00f mov lr, pc
bx r0
78: e12fff10 bx r0
/*- Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack*/
ldmia sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
7c: e8bd500e pop {r1, r2, r3, ip, lr}
/*- Disable Interrupt and switch back in IRQ mode */
80: e321f092 msr CPSR_c, #146 ; 0x92
/*- Mark the End of Interrupt on the AIC */
ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
84: e59fe124 ldr lr, [pc, #292] ; 1b0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x4>
str r14, [r14, #AIC_EOICR]
88: e58ee130 str lr, [lr, #304] ; 0x130
/*- Restore SPSR_irq and r0 from IRQ stack */
ldmia sp!, {r0}
8c: e49d0004 pop {r0} ; (ldr r0, [sp], #4)
/*- Restore SPSR_irq and r0 from IRQ stack */
ldmia sp!, {r14}
90: e49de004 pop {lr} ; (ldr lr, [sp], #4)
msr SPSR_cxsf, r14
94: e16ff00e msr SPSR_fsxc, lr
/*- Restore adjusted LR_irq from IRQ stack directly in the PC */
ldmia sp!, {pc}^
98: e8fd8000 ldm sp!, {pc}^
0000009c <.RAM_TOP>:
9c: 00208000 .word 0x00208000
000000a0 <InitReset>:
.extern AT91F_LowLevelInit
/*- minumum C initialization */
/*- call AT91F_LowLevelInit( void) */
ldr r13,.RAM_TOP /* temporary stack in internal RAM */
a0: e51fd00c ldr sp, [pc, #-12] ; 9c <.RAM_TOP>
/*--Call Low level init function in ABSOLUTE through the Interworking */
ldr r0,=AT91F_LowLevelInit
a4: e59f0108 ldr r0, [pc, #264] ; 1b4 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x8>
mov lr, pc
a8: e1a0e00f mov lr, pc
bx r0
ac: e12fff10 bx r0
//*- Setup the stack for each mode
mov r0,r13
b0: e1a0000d mov r0, sp
/*- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack*/
b4: e321f0d1 msr CPSR_c, #209 ; 0xd1
mov r13, r0
b8: e1a0d000 mov sp, r0
sub r0, r0, #FIQ_Stack_Size
bc: e2400b01 sub r0, r0, #1024 ; 0x400
/*- Init the FIQ register*/
ldr r8, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
c0: e59f80e8 ldr r8, [pc, #232] ; 1b0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x4>
/*- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack*/
c4: e321f0d2 msr CPSR_c, #210 ; 0xd2
mov r13, r0 /* Init stack IRQ */
c8: e1a0d000 mov sp, r0
sub r0, r0, #IRQ_Stack_Size
cc: e2400b01 sub r0, r0, #1024 ; 0x400
/*- Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack*/
d0: e321f0d3 msr CPSR_c, #211 ; 0xd3
mov r13, r0 /* Init stack Sup */
d4: e1a0d000 mov sp, r0
/* - Enable Interrupts and FIQ */
d8: e321f013 msr CPSR_c, #19
ldr r1, =AT91C_RSTC_RSR
dc: e59f10d4 ldr r1, [pc, #212] ; 1b8 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0xc>
ldr r2, [r1]
e0: e5912000 ldr r2, [r1]
#and r2, r2, AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP
e4: e3120c03 tst r2, #768 ; 0x300
beq dfu_magic_end
e8: 0a000003 beq fc <dfu_magic_end>
ldr r1, =dfu_state
ec: e59f10c8 ldr r1, [pc, #200] ; 1bc <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x10>
ldr r2, [r1]
f0: e5912000 ldr r2, [r1]
cmp r2, #DFU_STATE_appDETACH
f4: e3520001 cmp r2, #1
beq _reloc_dfu
f8: 0a000011 beq 144 <_reloc_dfu>
000000fc <dfu_magic_end>:
# Relocate DFU .data.shared section (Copy from ROM to RAM)
LDR R1, =_etext
fc: e59f10bc ldr r1, [pc, #188] ; 1c0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x14>
LDR R2, =_data_shared
100: e59f20bc ldr r2, [pc, #188] ; 1c4 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x18>
LDR R3, =_edata_shared
104: e59f30bc ldr r3, [pc, #188] ; 1c8 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x1c>
00000108 <LoopRelDS>:
LoopRelDS: CMP R2, R3
108: e1520003 cmp r2, r3
LDRLO R0, [R1], #4
10c: 34910004 ldrcc r0, [r1], #4
STRLO R0, [R2], #4
110: 34820004 strcc r0, [r2], #4
114: 3afffffb bcc 108 <LoopRelDS>
STRLO R0, [R1], #4
/* prepare c function call to main */
mov r0, #0 /* argc = 0 */
118: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
ldr lr, =exit
11c: e59fe0a8 ldr lr, [pc, #168] ; 1cc <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x20>
ldr r10, =0x00104000
120: e3a0a941 mov sl, #1064960 ; 0x104000
/* check whether bootloader button is pressed */
ldr r1, =AT91C_PMC_PCER
124: e59f10a4 ldr r1, [pc, #164] ; 1d0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x24>
mov r2, #(1 << AT91C_ID_PIOA)
128: e3a02004 mov r2, #4
str r2, [r1]
12c: e5812000 str r2, [r1]
ldr r1, =AT91C_BASE_PIOA
130: e59f109c ldr r1, [pc, #156] ; 1d4 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x28>
ldr r2, [r1, #PIOA_PDSR]
134: e591203c ldr r2, [r1, #60] ; 0x3c
tst r2, #PIO_BOOTLDR
138: e3120302 tst r2, #134217728 ; 0x8000000
bne _reloc_dfu
13c: 1a000000 bne 144 <_reloc_dfu>
bx r10
140: e12fff1a bx sl
00000144 <_reloc_dfu>:
/* Relocate DFU .data section (Copy from ROM to RAM) */
LDR R1, =_data_flash
144: e59f108c ldr r1, [pc, #140] ; 1d8 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x2c>
LDR R2, =_data
148: e59f208c ldr r2, [pc, #140] ; 1dc <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x30>
LDR R3, =_edata
14c: e59f308c ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; 1e0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x34>
00000150 <LoopRel>:
LoopRel: CMP R2, R3
150: e1520003 cmp r2, r3
LDRLO R0, [R1], #4
154: 34910004 ldrcc r0, [r1], #4
STRLO R0, [R2], #4
158: 34820004 strcc r0, [r2], #4
BLO LoopRel
15c: 3afffffb bcc 150 <LoopRel>
/* Clear DFU .bss section (Zero init) */
MOV R0, #0
160: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
LDR R1, =__bss_start__
164: e59f1078 ldr r1, [pc, #120] ; 1e4 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x38>
LDR R2, =__bss_end__
168: e59f2078 ldr r2, [pc, #120] ; 1e8 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x3c>
0000016c <LoopZI>:
LoopZI: CMP R1, R2
16c: e1510002 cmp r1, r2
STRLO R0, [R1], #4
170: 34810004 strcc r0, [r1], #4
174: 3afffffc bcc 16c <LoopZI>
/* relocate DFU .text into RAM */
ldr r1, =0x00100000
178: e3a01601 mov r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
ldr r2, =0x00200000
17c: e3a02602 mov r2, #2097152 ; 0x200000
ldr r3, =_etext
180: e59f3038 ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; 1c0 <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x14>
add r3, r3, r2
184: e0833002 add r3, r3, r2
00000188 <loop_rel_t>:
loop_rel_t: cmp r2, r3
188: e1520003 cmp r2, r3
ldrlo r4, [r1], #4
18c: 34914004 ldrcc r4, [r1], #4
strlo r4, [r2], #4
190: 34824004 strcc r4, [r2], #4
blo loop_rel_t
194: 3afffffb bcc 188 <loop_rel_t>
ldr r4, =_remap_call_dfu
198: e59f404c ldr r4, [pc, #76] ; 1ec <AT91F_Spurious_handler+0x40>
bx r4
19c: e12fff14 bx r4
000001a0 <exit>:
/* "exit" dummy to avoid sbrk write read etc. needed by the newlib default "exit" */
.global exit
.func exit
b .
1a0: eafffffe b 1a0 <exit>
000001a4 <AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler>:
//* This module is only linked if needed for closing files.
.global AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
.func AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
b AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
1a4: eafffffe b 1a4 <AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler>
000001a8 <AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler>:
.global AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
.func AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
b AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
1a8: eafffffe b 1a8 <AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler>
000001ac <AT91F_Spurious_handler>:
.global AT91F_Spurious_handler
.func AT91F_Spurious_handler
b AT91F_Spurious_handler
1ac: eafffffe b 1ac <AT91F_Spurious_handler>
1b0: fffff000 .word 0xfffff000
1b4: 000001f0 .word 0x000001f0
1b8: fffffd04 .word 0xfffffd04
1bc: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
1c0: 00001ac0 .word 0x00001ac0
1c4: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
1c8: 00200028 .word 0x00200028
1cc: 000001a0 .word 0x000001a0
1d0: fffffc10 .word 0xfffffc10
1d4: fffff400 .word 0xfffff400
1d8: 00001ac8 .word 0x00001ac8
1dc: 00201ac0 .word 0x00201ac0
1e0: 00201ae4 .word 0x00201ae4
1e4: 00201ae4 .word 0x00201ae4
1e8: 00201bec .word 0x00201bec
1ec: 00201ac0 .word 0x00201ac0
000001f0 <AT91F_LowLevelInit>:
//* this function can be use a Stack, depending the compilation
//* optimization mode
AT91F_LowLevelInit (void)
1f0: e24dd008 sub sp, sp, #8
volatile int i;
//* Debounce power supply
1f4: e3a03000 mov r3, #0
1f8: ea000001 b 204 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x14>
1fc: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
200: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1
204: e58d3004 str r3, [sp, #4]
208: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
20c: e3530b01 cmp r3, #1024 ; 0x400
210: bafffff9 blt 1fc <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xc>
//* Set Flash Waite sate
// Single Cycle Access at Up to 30 MHz, or 40
// if MCK = 47923200 I have 50 Cycle for 1 usecond ( flied MC_FMR->FMCN
AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FMR = ((AT91C_MC_FMCN) & (48 << 16)) | AT91C_MC_FWS_1FWS;
214: e59f20c8 ldr r2, [pc, #200] ; 2e4 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xf4>
218: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
21c: e503209f str r2, [r3, #-159] ; 0xffffff61
//* Set MCK at 47 923 200
// 1 Enabling the Main Oscillator:
// SCK = 1/32768 = 30.51 uSecond
// Start up time = 8 * 6 / SCK = 56 * 30.51 = 1,46484375 ms
pPMC->PMC_MOR = ((AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT) & (0x06 << 8)) | AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN;
220: e59f20c0 ldr r2, [pc, #192] ; 2e8 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xf8>
224: e50323df str r2, [r3, #-991] ; 0xfffffc21
// Wait the startup time
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MOSCS));
228: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
22c: e5132097 ldr r2, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
230: e3120001 tst r2, #1
234: 0afffffb beq 228 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x38>
#if 0
pPMC->PMC_PLLR = ((AT91C_CKGR_DIV & 0x05) |
(AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT & (28 << 8)) |
(AT91C_CKGR_MUL & (25 << 16)));
pPMC->PMC_PLLR = ((AT91C_CKGR_DIV & 24) |
238: e59f20ac ldr r2, [pc, #172] ; 2ec <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xfc>
23c: e50320d3 str r2, [r3, #-211] ; 0xffffff2d
(AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT & (28 << 8)) |
(AT91C_CKGR_MUL & (125 << 16)));
// Wait the startup time
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_LOCK));
240: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
244: e5133097 ldr r3, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
248: e3130004 tst r3, #4
24c: 0afffffb beq 240 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x50>
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
250: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
254: e5132097 ldr r2, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
258: e3120008 tst r2, #8
25c: 0afffffb beq 250 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x60>
// 4. Selection of Master Clock and Processor Clock
// select the PLL clock divided by 2
260: e3a02004 mov r2, #4
264: e50320cf str r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
268: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
26c: e5132097 ldr r2, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
270: e3120008 tst r2, #8
274: 0afffffb beq 268 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x78>
278: e51320cf ldr r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
27c: e3822003 orr r2, r2, #3
280: e50320cf str r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
284: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
288: e5133097 ldr r3, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
28c: e3130008 tst r3, #8
290: 0afffffb beq 284 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x94>
// Set up the default interrupts handler vectors
AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SVR[0] = (int) AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler;
294: e59f2054 ldr r2, [pc, #84] ; 2f0 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x100>
298: e3e03c0f mvn r3, #3840 ; 0xf00
29c: e503207f str r2, [r3, #-127] ; 0xffffff81
for (i = 1; i < 31; i++)
2a0: e3a03001 mov r3, #1
2a4: ea000005 b 2c0 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xd0>
AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SVR[i] = (int) AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler;
2a8: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
2ac: e59f2040 ldr r2, [pc, #64] ; 2f4 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x104>
2b0: e1a03103 lsl r3, r3, #2
2b4: e5032f80 str r2, [r3, #-3968] ; 0xfffff080
while (!(pPMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY));
// Set up the default interrupts handler vectors
AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SVR[0] = (int) AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler;
for (i = 1; i < 31; i++)
2b8: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
2bc: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1
2c0: e58d3004 str r3, [sp, #4]
2c4: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
2c8: e353001e cmp r3, #30
2cc: dafffff5 ble 2a8 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0xb8>
AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SVR[i] = (int) AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler;
AT91C_BASE_AIC->AIC_SPU = (int) AT91F_Spurious_handler;
2d0: e59f2020 ldr r2, [pc, #32] ; 2f8 <AT91F_LowLevelInit+0x108>
2d4: e3e03c0f mvn r3, #3840 ; 0xf00
2d8: e5832035 str r2, [r3, #53] ; 0x35
2dc: e28dd008 add sp, sp, #8
2e0: e12fff1e bx lr
2e4: 00300100 .word 0x00300100
2e8: 00000601 .word 0x00000601
2ec: 007d1c18 .word 0x007d1c18
2f0: 000001a4 .word 0x000001a4
2f4: 000001a8 .word 0x000001a8
2f8: 000001ac .word 0x000001ac
000002fc <AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx>:
static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
unsigned char *address,// \arg address to the next bloc to be received
unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be received
pPDC->PDC_RNPR = (unsigned int) address;
2fc: e5801010 str r1, [r0, #16]
pPDC->PDC_RNCR = bytes;
300: e5802014 str r2, [r0, #20]
304: e12fff1e bx lr
00000308 <AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx>:
static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
const unsigned char *address,// \arg address to the next bloc to be transmitted
unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be transmitted
pPDC->PDC_TNPR = (unsigned int) address;
308: e5801018 str r1, [r0, #24]
pPDC->PDC_TNCR = bytes;
30c: e580201c str r2, [r0, #28]
310: e12fff1e bx lr
00000314 <AT91F_PDC_SetRx>:
static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetRx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
unsigned char *address,// \arg address to the next bloc to be received
unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be received
pPDC->PDC_RPR = (unsigned int) address;
314: e5801000 str r1, [r0]
pPDC->PDC_RCR = bytes;
318: e5802004 str r2, [r0, #4]
31c: e12fff1e bx lr
00000320 <AT91F_PDC_SetTx>:
static inline void AT91F_PDC_SetTx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC, // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
const unsigned char *address,// \arg address to the next bloc to be transmitted
unsigned int bytes) // \arg number of bytes to be transmitted
pPDC->PDC_TPR = (unsigned int) address;
320: e5801008 str r1, [r0, #8]
pPDC->PDC_TCR = bytes;
324: e580200c str r2, [r0, #12]
328: e12fff1e bx lr
0000032c <AT91F_PDC_DisableTx>:
//* \brief Disable transmit
static inline void AT91F_PDC_DisableTx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
32c: e3a03c02 mov r3, #512 ; 0x200
330: e5803020 str r3, [r0, #32]
334: e12fff1e bx lr
00000338 <AT91F_PDC_DisableRx>:
//* \brief Disable receive
static inline void AT91F_PDC_DisableRx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
338: e3a03002 mov r3, #2
33c: e5803020 str r3, [r0, #32]
340: e12fff1e bx lr
00000344 <AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock>:
static inline unsigned int AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock (
AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
return ((pCKGR->CKGR_MCFR & AT91C_CKGR_MAINF) * slowClock) >> 4;
344: e5900004 ldr r0, [r0, #4]
348: e1a00800 lsl r0, r0, #16
34c: e1a00820 lsr r0, r0, #16
350: e0000091 mul r0, r1, r0
354: e1a00220 lsr r0, r0, #4
358: e12fff1e bx lr
0000035c <AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt>:
unsigned int oldHandler;
unsigned int mask ;
oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id];
mask = 0x1 << irq_id ;
35c: e3a0c001 mov ip, #1
360: e1a0c11c lsl ip, ip, r1
AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
unsigned int irq_id, // \arg interrupt number to initialize
unsigned int priority, // \arg priority to give to the interrupt
unsigned int src_type, // \arg activation and sense of activation
void (*newHandler) () ) // \arg address of the interrupt handler
364: e92d0070 push {r4, r5, r6}
unsigned int oldHandler;
unsigned int mask ;
oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id];
368: e2814020 add r4, r1, #32
36c: e7905104 ldr r5, [r0, r4, lsl #2]
mask = 0x1 << irq_id ;
//* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask ;
//* Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority
pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id] = (unsigned int) newHandler ;
370: e59d600c ldr r6, [sp, #12]
//* Store the Source Mode Register
pAic->AIC_SMR[irq_id] = src_type | priority ;
374: e1833002 orr r3, r3, r2
oldHandler = pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id];
mask = 0x1 << irq_id ;
//* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask ;
378: e580c124 str ip, [r0, #292] ; 0x124
//* Save the interrupt handler routine pointer and the interrupt priority
pAic->AIC_SVR[irq_id] = (unsigned int) newHandler ;
37c: e7806104 str r6, [r0, r4, lsl #2]
//* Store the Source Mode Register
pAic->AIC_SMR[irq_id] = src_type | priority ;
380: e7803101 str r3, [r0, r1, lsl #2]
//* Clear the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask ;
384: e580c128 str ip, [r0, #296] ; 0x128
return oldHandler;
388: e1a00005 mov r0, r5
38c: e8bd0070 pop {r4, r5, r6}
390: e12fff1e bx lr
00000394 <AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector>:
unsigned int *pVector, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
void (*Handler) () ) // \arg Interrupt Handler
unsigned int oldVector = *pVector;
if ((unsigned int) Handler == (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE)
394: e59f2028 ldr r2, [pc, #40] ; 3c4 <AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector+0x30>
//* \brief Configure vector handler
unsigned int AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector (
unsigned int *pVector, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
void (*Handler) () ) // \arg Interrupt Handler
398: e1a03000 mov r3, r0
unsigned int oldVector = *pVector;
if ((unsigned int) Handler == (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE)
39c: e1510002 cmp r1, r2
*pVector = (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE;
*pVector = (((((unsigned int) Handler) - ((unsigned int) pVector) - 0x8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xEA000000;
3a0: 10632001 rsbne r2, r3, r1
3a4: 12422008 subne r2, r2, #8
3a8: 11a02122 lsrne r2, r2, #2
3ac: 13c224ff bicne r2, r2, #-16777216 ; 0xff000000
3b0: 138224ea orrne r2, r2, #-369098752 ; 0xea000000
unsigned int AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector (
unsigned int *pVector, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
void (*Handler) () ) // \arg Interrupt Handler
unsigned int oldVector = *pVector;
3b4: e5900000 ldr r0, [r0]
if ((unsigned int) Handler == (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE)
*pVector = (unsigned int) AT91C_AIC_BRANCH_OPCODE;
3b8: 05831000 streq r1, [r3]
*pVector = (((((unsigned int) Handler) - ((unsigned int) pVector) - 0x8) >> 2) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xEA000000;
3bc: 15832000 strne r2, [r3]
return oldVector;
3c0: e12fff1e bx lr
3c4: e51fff20 .word 0xe51fff20
000003c8 <AT91F_AIC_Open>:
void (*IrqHandler) (), // \arg Default IRQ vector exception
void (*FiqHandler) (), // \arg Default FIQ vector exception
void (*DefaultHandler) (), // \arg Default Handler set in ISR
void (*SpuriousHandler) (), // \arg Default Spurious Handler
unsigned int protectMode) // \arg Debug Control Register
3c8: e92d41f3 push {r0, r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
3cc: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
3d0: e1a06001 mov r6, r1
3d4: e1a08002 mov r8, r2
3d8: e1a07003 mov r7, r3
int i;
// Disable all interrupts and set IVR to the default handler
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
3dc: e3a05000 mov r5, #0
static inline void AT91F_AIC_DisableIt (
AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
unsigned int irq_id ) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
unsigned int mask = 0x1 << irq_id;
3e0: e3a03001 mov r3, #1
3e4: e1a03513 lsl r3, r3, r5
AT91F_AIC_DisableIt(pAic, i);
AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt(pAic, i, AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST, AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL, DefaultHandler);
3e8: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
//* Disable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_IDCR = mask ;
3ec: e5843124 str r3, [r4, #292] ; 0x124
3f0: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
//* Clear the interrupt on the Interrupt Controller ( if one is pending )
pAic->AIC_ICCR = mask ;
3f4: e5843128 str r3, [r4, #296] ; 0x128
3f8: e3a02000 mov r2, #0
3fc: e3a03040 mov r3, #64 ; 0x40
unsigned int protectMode) // \arg Debug Control Register
int i;
// Disable all interrupts and set IVR to the default handler
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
400: e2855001 add r5, r5, #1
AT91F_AIC_DisableIt(pAic, i);
AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt(pAic, i, AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST, AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL, DefaultHandler);
404: e58d7000 str r7, [sp]
408: ebffffd3 bl 35c <AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt>
unsigned int protectMode) // \arg Debug Control Register
int i;
// Disable all interrupts and set IVR to the default handler
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
40c: e3550020 cmp r5, #32
410: 1afffff2 bne 3e0 <AT91F_AIC_Open+0x18>
AT91F_AIC_DisableIt(pAic, i);
AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt(pAic, i, AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST, AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL, DefaultHandler);
// Set the IRQ exception vector
AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *) 0x18, IrqHandler);
414: e1a01006 mov r1, r6
418: e3a00018 mov r0, #24
41c: ebffffdc bl 394 <AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector>
// Set the Fast Interrupt exception vector
AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector((unsigned int *) 0x1C, FiqHandler);
420: e3a0001c mov r0, #28
424: e1a01008 mov r1, r8
428: ebffffd9 bl 394 <AT91F_AIC_SetExceptionVector>
pAic->AIC_SPU = (unsigned int) SpuriousHandler;
42c: e59d3020 ldr r3, [sp, #32]
430: e5843134 str r3, [r4, #308] ; 0x134
pAic->AIC_DCR = protectMode;
434: e59d3024 ldr r3, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
438: e5843138 str r3, [r4, #312] ; 0x138
43c: e8bd41fc pop {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
440: e12fff1e bx lr
00000444 <AT91F_PDC_Open>:
//* \fn AT91F_PDC_Open
//* \brief Open PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors, re-enable RX and TX
void AT91F_PDC_Open(AT91PS_PDC pPDC) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
444: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
448: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
//* Disable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
44c: ebffffb9 bl 338 <AT91F_PDC_DisableRx>
450: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
454: ebffffb4 bl 32c <AT91F_PDC_DisableTx>
//* Reset all Counter register Next buffer first
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
458: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
45c: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
460: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
464: ebffffa7 bl 308 <AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx>
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
468: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
46c: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
470: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
474: ebffffa0 bl 2fc <AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx>
AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
478: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
47c: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
480: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
484: ebffffa5 bl 320 <AT91F_PDC_SetTx>
AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
488: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
48c: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
490: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
494: ebffff9e bl 314 <AT91F_PDC_SetRx>
//* \brief Enable receive
static inline void AT91F_PDC_EnableRx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
498: e3a03001 mov r3, #1
49c: e5843020 str r3, [r4, #32]
//* \brief Enable transmit
static inline void AT91F_PDC_EnableTx (
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
4a0: e28330ff add r3, r3, #255 ; 0xff
4a4: e5843020 str r3, [r4, #32]
//* Enable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
4a8: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
4ac: e12fff1e bx lr
000004b0 <AT91F_PDC_Close>:
//* \fn AT91F_PDC_Close
//* \brief Close PDC: disable TX and RX reset transfer descriptors
void AT91F_PDC_Close(AT91PS_PDC pPDC) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
4b0: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
4b4: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
//* Disable the RX and TX PDC transfer requests
4b8: ebffff9e bl 338 <AT91F_PDC_DisableRx>
4bc: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
4c0: ebffff99 bl 32c <AT91F_PDC_DisableTx>
//* Reset all Counter register Next buffer first
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
4c4: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
4c8: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
4cc: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
4d0: ebffff8c bl 308 <AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx>
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
4d4: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
4d8: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
4dc: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
4e0: ebffff85 bl 2fc <AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx>
AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
4e4: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
4e8: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
4ec: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
4f0: ebffff8a bl 320 <AT91F_PDC_SetTx>
AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
4f4: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
4f8: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
4fc: e1a02001 mov r2, r1
500: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
//* Reset all Counter register Next buffer first
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, NULL, 0);
504: eaffff82 b 314 <AT91F_PDC_SetRx>
00000508 <AT91F_PDC_SendFrame>:
const unsigned char *pBuffer,
unsigned int szBuffer,
const unsigned char *pNextBuffer,
unsigned int szNextBuffer )
508: e92d4038 push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
50c: e1a05003 mov r5, r3
//* \brief Test if the current transfer descriptor has been sent
static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
return !(pPDC->PDC_TCR);
510: e590300c ldr r3, [r0, #12]
if (AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
514: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
const unsigned char *pBuffer,
unsigned int szBuffer,
const unsigned char *pNextBuffer,
unsigned int szNextBuffer )
518: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
if (AT91F_PDC_IsTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
51c: 1a000006 bne 53c <AT91F_PDC_SendFrame+0x34>
//* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
520: ebffff7e bl 320 <AT91F_PDC_SetTx>
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
524: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
528: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
52c: e59d2010 ldr r2, [sp, #16]
530: ebffff74 bl 308 <AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx>
return 2;
534: e3a00002 mov r0, #2
538: ea000005 b 554 <AT91F_PDC_SendFrame+0x4c>
//* \brief Test if the next transfer descriptor has been moved to the current td
static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
return !(pPDC->PDC_TNCR);
53c: e590301c ldr r3, [r0, #28]
else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
540: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
return 1;
else {
//* All buffer are in use...
return 0;
544: 13a00000 movne r0, #0
//* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
return 2;
else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextTxEmpty(pPDC)) {
548: 1a000001 bne 554 <AT91F_PDC_SendFrame+0x4c>
//* Only one buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
54c: ebffff6d bl 308 <AT91F_PDC_SetNextTx>
return 1;
550: e3a00001 mov r0, #1
else {
//* All buffer are in use...
return 0;
554: e8bd4038 pop {r3, r4, r5, lr}
558: e12fff1e bx lr
0000055c <AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame>:
unsigned char *pBuffer,
unsigned int szBuffer,
unsigned char *pNextBuffer,
unsigned int szNextBuffer )
55c: e92d4038 push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
560: e1a05003 mov r5, r3
//* \brief Test if the current transfer descriptor has been filled
static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
return !(pPDC->PDC_RCR);
564: e5903004 ldr r3, [r0, #4]
if (AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
568: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
unsigned char *pBuffer,
unsigned int szBuffer,
unsigned char *pNextBuffer,
unsigned int szNextBuffer )
56c: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
if (AT91F_PDC_IsRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
570: 1a000006 bne 590 <AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame+0x34>
//* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
574: ebffff66 bl 314 <AT91F_PDC_SetRx>
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
578: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
57c: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
580: e59d2010 ldr r2, [sp, #16]
584: ebffff5c bl 2fc <AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx>
return 2;
588: e3a00002 mov r0, #2
58c: ea000005 b 5a8 <AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame+0x4c>
//* \brief Test if the next transfer descriptor has been moved to the current td
static inline int AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty ( // \return return 1 if transfer is complete
AT91PS_PDC pPDC ) // \arg pointer to a PDC controller
return !(pPDC->PDC_RNCR);
590: e5903014 ldr r3, [r0, #20]
else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
594: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
return 1;
else {
//* All buffer are in use...
return 0;
598: 13a00000 movne r0, #0
//* Buffer and next buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pNextBuffer, szNextBuffer);
return 2;
else if (AT91F_PDC_IsNextRxEmpty(pPDC)) {
59c: 1a000001 bne 5a8 <AT91F_PDC_ReceiveFrame+0x4c>
//* Only one buffer can be initialized
AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx(pPDC, pBuffer, szBuffer);
5a0: ebffff55 bl 2fc <AT91F_PDC_SetNextRx>
return 1;
5a4: e3a00001 mov r0, #1
else {
//* All buffer are in use...
return 0;
5a8: e8bd4038 pop {r3, r4, r5, lr}
5ac: e12fff1e bx lr
000005b0 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock>:
unsigned int AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock (
AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
5b0: e92d4038 push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
5b4: e1a03000 mov r3, r0
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
5b8: e5933030 ldr r3, [r3, #48] ; 0x30
unsigned int AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock (
AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
5bc: e1a00001 mov r0, r1
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
5c0: e203401c and r4, r3, #28
5c4: e3a01001 mov r1, #1
unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
5c8: e2033003 and r3, r3, #3
AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
5cc: e1a04124 lsr r4, r4, #2
unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
5d0: e1530001 cmp r3, r1
AT91PS_PMC pPMC, // \arg pointer to PMC controller
AT91PS_CKGR pCKGR, // \arg pointer to CKGR controller
unsigned int slowClock) // \arg slowClock in Hz
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
5d4: e1a04411 lsl r4, r1, r4
unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
5d8: 0a000005 beq 5f4 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x44>
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK: // Slow clock selected
return slowClock / prescaler;
5dc: 31a00002 movcc r0, r2
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
5e0: 3a000010 bcc 628 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x78>
5e4: e3530003 cmp r3, #3
pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV);
pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL) >> 16) + 1;
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
return 0;
5e8: 13a00000 movne r0, #0
unsigned int reg = pPMC->PMC_MCKR;
unsigned int prescaler = (1 << ((reg & AT91C_PMC_PRES) >> 2));
unsigned int pllDivider, pllMultiplier;
switch (reg & AT91C_PMC_CSS) {
5ec: 1a00000f bne 630 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x80>
5f0: ea000002 b 600 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x50>
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK: // Slow clock selected
return slowClock / prescaler;
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK: // Main clock is selected
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / prescaler;
5f4: e1a01002 mov r1, r2
5f8: ebffff51 bl 344 <AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock>
5fc: ea000009 b 628 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x78>
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: // PLLB clock is selected
600: e590500c ldr r5, [r0, #12]
pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV);
pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL) >> 16) + 1;
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
604: e1a01002 mov r1, r2
608: ebffff4d bl 344 <AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock>
return slowClock / prescaler;
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK: // Main clock is selected
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / prescaler;
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: // PLLB clock is selected
pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV);
60c: e20510ff and r1, r5, #255 ; 0xff
pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL) >> 16) + 1;
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
610: eb0003d0 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK: // Main clock is selected
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / prescaler;
case AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK: // PLLB clock is selected
pllDivider = (reg & AT91C_CKGR_DIV);
pllMultiplier = ((reg & AT91C_CKGR_MUL) >> 16) + 1;
614: e59f301c ldr r3, [pc, #28] ; 638 <AT91F_PMC_GetMasterClock+0x88>
618: e0053003 and r3, r5, r3
61c: e1a03823 lsr r3, r3, #16
620: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1
return AT91F_CKGR_GetMainClock(pCKGR, slowClock) / pllDivider * pllMultiplier / prescaler;
624: e0000093 mul r0, r3, r0
628: e1a01004 mov r1, r4
62c: eb0003c9 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
return 0;
630: e8bd4038 pop {r3, r4, r5, lr}
634: e12fff1e bx lr
638: 07ff0000 .word 0x07ff0000
0000063c <AT91F_RTTReadValue>:
//* \fn AT91F_RTT_ReadValue()
//* \brief Read the RTT value
unsigned int AT91F_RTTReadValue(AT91PS_RTTC pRTTC)
63c: e24dd008 sub sp, sp, #8
register volatile unsigned int val1,val2;
val1 = pRTTC->RTTC_RTVR;
640: e5903008 ldr r3, [r0, #8]
644: e58d3004 str r3, [sp, #4]
val2 = pRTTC->RTTC_RTVR;
648: e5903008 ldr r3, [r0, #8]
64c: e58d3000 str r3, [sp]
while(val1 != val2);
650: e59d2004 ldr r2, [sp, #4]
654: e59d3000 ldr r3, [sp]
658: e1520003 cmp r2, r3
65c: 1afffff7 bne 640 <AT91F_RTTReadValue+0x4>
660: e59d0004 ldr r0, [sp, #4]
664: e28dd008 add sp, sp, #8
668: e12fff1e bx lr
0000066c <AT91F_SPI_Close>:
//* \brief Close SPI: disable IT disable transfert, close PDC
void AT91F_SPI_Close(AT91PS_SPI pSPI) // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
//* Reset all the Chip Select register
pSPI->SPI_CSR[0] = 0 ;
66c: e3a03000 mov r3, #0
//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Close
//* \brief Close SPI: disable IT disable transfert, close PDC
void AT91F_SPI_Close(AT91PS_SPI pSPI) // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
670: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
//* Reset all the Chip Select register
pSPI->SPI_CSR[0] = 0 ;
674: e5803030 str r3, [r0, #48] ; 0x30
pSPI->SPI_CSR[1] = 0 ;
678: e5803034 str r3, [r0, #52] ; 0x34
pSPI->SPI_CSR[2] = 0 ;
67c: e5803038 str r3, [r0, #56] ; 0x38
pSPI->SPI_CSR[3] = 0 ;
680: e580303c str r3, [r0, #60] ; 0x3c
//* Reset the SPI mode
pSPI->SPI_MR = 0 ;
684: e5803004 str r3, [r0, #4]
//* Disable all interrupts
688: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
68c: e5803018 str r3, [r0, #24]
//* \fn AT91F_SPI_Close
//* \brief Close SPI: disable IT disable transfert, close PDC
void AT91F_SPI_Close(AT91PS_SPI pSPI) // \arg pointer to a SPI controller
690: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
//* Disable all interrupts
//* Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers
AT91F_PDC_Close((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSPI->SPI_RPR));
694: e2800c01 add r0, r0, #256 ; 0x100
698: ebffff84 bl 4b0 <AT91F_PDC_Close>
//* Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately
69c: e3a03002 mov r3, #2
6a0: e5843000 str r3, [r4]
6a4: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
6a8: e12fff1e bx lr
000006ac <AT91F_ADC_CfgTimings>:
AT91PS_ADC pADC, // pointer to a ADC controller
unsigned int mck_clock, // in MHz
unsigned int adc_clock, // in MHz
unsigned int startup_time, // in us
unsigned int sample_and_hold_time) // in ns
6ac: e92d40f8 push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
6b0: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
unsigned int prescal,startup,shtim;
prescal = mck_clock/(2*adc_clock) - 1;
6b4: e1a00001 mov r0, r1
6b8: e1a01082 lsl r1, r2, #1
startup = adc_clock*startup_time/8 - 1;
6bc: e0070392 mul r7, r2, r3
AT91PS_ADC pADC, // pointer to a ADC controller
unsigned int mck_clock, // in MHz
unsigned int adc_clock, // in MHz
unsigned int startup_time, // in us
unsigned int sample_and_hold_time) // in ns
6c0: e1a05002 mov r5, r2
unsigned int prescal,startup,shtim;
prescal = mck_clock/(2*adc_clock) - 1;
6c4: eb0003a3 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
6c8: e2406001 sub r6, r0, #1
startup = adc_clock*startup_time/8 - 1;
shtim = adc_clock*sample_and_hold_time/1000 - 1;
6cc: e59d0018 ldr r0, [sp, #24]
6d0: e3a01ffa mov r1, #1000 ; 0x3e8
6d4: e0000095 mul r0, r5, r0
6d8: eb00039e bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
unsigned int sample_and_hold_time) // in ns
unsigned int prescal,startup,shtim;
prescal = mck_clock/(2*adc_clock) - 1;
startup = adc_clock*startup_time/8 - 1;
6dc: e1a071a7 lsr r7, r7, #3
6e0: e2477001 sub r7, r7, #1
shtim = adc_clock*sample_and_hold_time/1000 - 1;
//* Write to the MR register
pADC->ADC_MR = ( (prescal<<8) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL) | ( (startup<<16) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP) | ( (shtim<<24) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM);
6e4: e1a07807 lsl r7, r7, #16
6e8: e1a06406 lsl r6, r6, #8
unsigned int prescal,startup,shtim;
prescal = mck_clock/(2*adc_clock) - 1;
startup = adc_clock*startup_time/8 - 1;
shtim = adc_clock*sample_and_hold_time/1000 - 1;
6ec: e2403001 sub r3, r0, #1
//* Write to the MR register
pADC->ADC_MR = ( (prescal<<8) & AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL) | ( (startup<<16) & AT91C_ADC_STARTUP) | ( (shtim<<24) & AT91C_ADC_SHTIM);
6f0: e207781f and r7, r7, #2031616 ; 0x1f0000
6f4: e2066c3f and r6, r6, #16128 ; 0x3f00
6f8: e1a03c03 lsl r3, r3, #24
6fc: e1876006 orr r6, r7, r6
700: e203340f and r3, r3, #251658240 ; 0xf000000
704: e1866003 orr r6, r6, r3
708: e5846004 str r6, [r4, #4]
70c: e8bd40f8 pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
710: e12fff1e bx lr
00000714 <AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate>:
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int speed) // \arg SSC baudrate
unsigned int baud_value;
//* Define the baud rate divisor register
if (speed == 0)
714: e3520000 cmp r2, #0
void AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate (
AT91PS_SSC pSSC, // \arg pointer to a SSC controller
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int speed) // \arg SSC baudrate
718: e92d4070 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
71c: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
unsigned int baud_value;
//* Define the baud rate divisor register
if (speed == 0)
baud_value = 0;
720: 01a00002 moveq r0, r2
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int speed) // \arg SSC baudrate
unsigned int baud_value;
//* Define the baud rate divisor register
if (speed == 0)
724: 0a000010 beq 76c <AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate+0x58>
baud_value = 0;
baud_value = (unsigned int) (mainClock * 10)/(2*speed);
728: e3a0500a mov r5, #10
72c: e0000195 mul r0, r5, r1
730: e1a01082 lsl r1, r2, #1
734: eb000387 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
738: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
//* Define the baud rate divisor register
if (speed == 0)
baud_value = 0;
baud_value = (unsigned int) (mainClock * 10)/(2*speed);
73c: e1a06000 mov r6, r0
if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
740: eb0003c1 bl 164c <__aeabi_uidivmod>
744: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
748: 9a000004 bls 760 <AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate+0x4c>
baud_value = (baud_value / 10) + 1;
74c: e1a00006 mov r0, r6
750: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
754: eb00037f bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
758: e2800001 add r0, r0, #1
75c: ea000002 b 76c <AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate+0x58>
baud_value /= 10;
760: e1a00006 mov r0, r6
764: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
768: eb00037a bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
pSSC->SSC_CMR = baud_value;
76c: e5840004 str r0, [r4, #4]
770: e8bd4070 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr}
774: e12fff1e bx lr
00000778 <AT91F_SSC_Configure>:
unsigned int baud_rate, // \arg Expected Baud Rate Frequency
unsigned int clock_rx, // \arg Receiver Clock Parameters
unsigned int mode_rx, // \arg mode Register to be programmed
unsigned int clock_tx, // \arg Transmitter Clock Parameters
unsigned int mode_tx) // \arg mode Register to be programmed
778: e92d41f0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
77c: e1a08003 mov r8, r3
//* Disable interrupts
pSSC->SSC_IDR = (unsigned int) -1;
780: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
784: e5803048 str r3, [r0, #72] ; 0x48
//* Reset receiver and transmitter
788: e59f3030 ldr r3, [pc, #48] ; 7c0 <AT91F_SSC_Configure+0x48>
78c: e5803000 str r3, [r0]
unsigned int baud_rate, // \arg Expected Baud Rate Frequency
unsigned int clock_rx, // \arg Receiver Clock Parameters
unsigned int mode_rx, // \arg mode Register to be programmed
unsigned int clock_tx, // \arg Transmitter Clock Parameters
unsigned int mode_tx) // \arg mode Register to be programmed
790: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
794: e28d6018 add r6, sp, #24
798: e89600c0 ldm r6, {r6, r7}
79c: e59d5020 ldr r5, [sp, #32]
//* Reset receiver and transmitter
//* Define the Clock Mode Register
AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate(pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate);
7a0: ebffffdb bl 714 <AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate>
//* Write the Transmit Frame Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_TFMR = mode_tx;
//* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
AT91F_PDC_Open((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR));
7a4: e2840c01 add r0, r4, #256 ; 0x100
//* Define the Clock Mode Register
AT91F_SSC_SetBaudrate(pSSC, syst_clock, baud_rate);
//* Write the Receive Clock Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_RCMR = clock_rx;
7a8: e5848010 str r8, [r4, #16]
//* Write the Transmit Clock Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_TCMR = clock_tx;
7ac: e5847018 str r7, [r4, #24]
//* Write the Receive Frame Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_RFMR = mode_rx;
7b0: e5846014 str r6, [r4, #20]
//* Write the Transmit Frame Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_TFMR = mode_tx;
7b4: e584501c str r5, [r4, #28]
//* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
AT91F_PDC_Open((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR));
7b8: e8bd41f0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
//* Write the Transmit Frame Mode Register
pSSC->SSC_TFMR = mode_tx;
//* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
AT91F_PDC_Open((AT91PS_PDC) &(pSSC->SSC_RPR));
7bc: eaffff20 b 444 <AT91F_PDC_Open>
7c0: 00008202 .word 0x00008202
000007c4 <AT91F_US_Configure>:
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int mode , // \arg mode Register to be programmed
unsigned int baudRate , // \arg baudrate to be programmed
unsigned int timeguard ) // \arg timeguard to be programmed
7c4: e92d40f8 push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
7c8: e1a06002 mov r6, r2
//* Disable interrupts
pUSART->US_IDR = (unsigned int) -1;
7cc: e3e02000 mvn r2, #0
7d0: e580200c str r2, [r0, #12]
static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_Baudrate (
const unsigned int main_clock, // \arg peripheral clock
const unsigned int baud_rate) // \arg UART baudrate
unsigned int baud_value = ((main_clock*10)/(baud_rate * 16));
7d4: e3a0500a mov r5, #10
//* Reset receiver and transmitter
7d8: e28220ad add r2, r2, #173 ; 0xad
7dc: e5802000 str r2, [r0]
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int mode , // \arg mode Register to be programmed
unsigned int baudRate , // \arg baudrate to be programmed
unsigned int timeguard ) // \arg timeguard to be programmed
7e0: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
7e4: e0000195 mul r0, r5, r1
7e8: e1a01203 lsl r1, r3, #4
7ec: eb000359 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
7f0: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_Baudrate (
const unsigned int main_clock, // \arg peripheral clock
const unsigned int baud_rate) // \arg UART baudrate
unsigned int baud_value = ((main_clock*10)/(baud_rate * 16));
7f4: e1a07000 mov r7, r0
if ((baud_value % 10) >= 5)
7f8: eb000393 bl 164c <__aeabi_uidivmod>
7fc: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
800: 9a000004 bls 818 <AT91F_US_Configure+0x54>
baud_value = (baud_value / 10) + 1;
804: e1a00007 mov r0, r7
808: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
80c: eb000351 bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
810: e2800001 add r0, r0, #1
814: ea000002 b 824 <AT91F_US_Configure+0x60>
baud_value /= 10;
818: e1a00007 mov r0, r7
81c: e1a01005 mov r1, r5
820: eb00034c bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
static inline void AT91F_US_SetTimeguard (
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int timeguard) // \arg timeguard value
//* Write the Timeguard Register
pUSART->US_TTGR = timeguard ;
824: e59d3018 ldr r3, [sp, #24]
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int mainClock, // \arg peripheral clock
unsigned int speed) // \arg UART baudrate
//* Define the baud rate divisor register
pUSART->US_BRGR = AT91F_US_Baudrate(mainClock, speed);
828: e5840020 str r0, [r4, #32]
static inline void AT91F_US_SetTimeguard (
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int timeguard) // \arg timeguard value
//* Write the Timeguard Register
pUSART->US_TTGR = timeguard ;
82c: e5843028 str r3, [r4, #40] ; 0x28
//* Write the Timeguard Register
AT91F_US_SetTimeguard(pUSART, timeguard);
//* Clear Transmit and Receive Counters
830: e2840c01 add r0, r4, #256 ; 0x100
834: ebffff02 bl 444 <AT91F_PDC_Open>
//* Define the USART mode
pUSART->US_MR = mode ;
838: e5846004 str r6, [r4, #4]
83c: e8bd40f8 pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
840: e12fff1e bx lr
00000844 <AT91F_US_Close>:
//* \brief Close USART: disable IT disable receiver and transmitter, close PDC
void AT91F_US_Close(AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
//* Reset the baud rate divisor register
844: e3a03000 mov r3, #0
//* \fn AT91F_US_Close
//* \brief Close USART: disable IT disable receiver and transmitter, close PDC
void AT91F_US_Close(AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
848: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
//* Reset the baud rate divisor register
84c: e5803020 str r3, [r0, #32]
//* Reset the USART mode
pUSART->US_MR = 0 ;
850: e5803004 str r3, [r0, #4]
//* Reset the Timeguard Register
854: e5803028 str r3, [r0, #40] ; 0x28
//* Disable all interrupts
858: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
85c: e580300c str r3, [r0, #12]
//* \fn AT91F_US_Close
//* \brief Close USART: disable IT disable receiver and transmitter, close PDC
void AT91F_US_Close(AT91PS_USART pUSART) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
860: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
//* Disable all interrupts
//* Abort the Peripheral Data Transfers
AT91F_PDC_Close((AT91PS_PDC) &(pUSART->US_RPR));
864: e2800c01 add r0, r0, #256 ; 0x100
868: ebffff10 bl 4b0 <AT91F_PDC_Close>
//* Disable receiver and transmitter and stop any activity immediately
86c: e3a030ac mov r3, #172 ; 0xac
870: e5843000 str r3, [r4]
874: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
878: e12fff1e bx lr
0000087c <udp_ep0_send_data>:
/* Send Data through the control endpoint */
static void __dfufunc udp_ep0_send_data(const char *pData, u_int32_t length)
87c: e92d0033 push {r0, r1, r4, r5}
AT91_REG csr;
DEBUGE("send_data: %u bytes ", length);
do {
cpt = MIN(length, 8);
880: e3510008 cmp r1, #8
884: 31a02001 movcc r2, r1
888: 23a02008 movcs r2, #8
88c: e1a0c002 mov ip, r2
length -= cpt;
while (cpt--)
890: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
894: ea000001 b 8a0 <udp_ep0_send_data+0x24>
pUdp->UDP_FDR[0] = *pData++;
898: e4d45001 ldrb r5, [r4], #1
89c: e50350af str r5, [r3, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
do {
cpt = MIN(length, 8);
length -= cpt;
while (cpt--)
8a0: e24cc001 sub ip, ip, #1
8a4: e37c0001 cmn ip, #1
8a8: e59f30a4 ldr r3, [pc, #164] ; 954 <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd8>
8ac: 1afffff9 bne 898 <udp_ep0_send_data+0x1c>
pUdp->UDP_FDR[0] = *pData++;
if (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {
8b0: e513c0cf ldr ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
8b4: e31c0001 tst ip, #1
do {
cpt = MIN(length, 8);
length -= cpt;
while (cpt--)
8b8: e0800002 add r0, r0, r2
pUdp->UDP_FDR[0] = *pData++;
if (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {
8bc: 0a000006 beq 8dc <udp_ep0_send_data+0x60>
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP);
8c0: e513c0cf ldr ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
8c4: e3ccc001 bic ip, ip, #1
8c8: e503c0cf str ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) ;
8cc: e59f3080 ldr r3, [pc, #128] ; 954 <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd8>
8d0: e51330cf ldr r3, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
8d4: e3130001 tst r3, #1
8d8: 1afffffb bne 8cc <udp_ep0_send_data+0x50>
8dc: e59f3070 ldr r3, [pc, #112] ; 954 <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd8>
8e0: e513c0cf ldr ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
8e4: e38cc010 orr ip, ip, #16
8e8: e503c0cf str ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
do {
csr = pUdp->UDP_CSR[0];
8ec: e59f3060 ldr r3, [pc, #96] ; 954 <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd8>
8f0: e513c0cf ldr ip, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
8f4: e58dc004 str ip, [sp, #4]
/* Data IN stage has been stopped by a status OUT */
if (csr & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) {
8f8: e59dc004 ldr ip, [sp, #4]
8fc: e31c0002 tst ip, #2
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0);
900: 151320cf ldrne r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
904: 13c22002 bicne r2, r2, #2
908: 150320cf strne r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
DEBUGE("stopped by status out ");
90c: 1a00000e bne 94c <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd0>
} while (!(csr & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP));
910: e59dc004 ldr ip, [sp, #4]
914: e31c0001 tst ip, #1
918: 0afffff3 beq 8ec <udp_ep0_send_data+0x70>
} while (length);
91c: e0511002 subs r1, r1, r2
920: 1affffd6 bne 880 <udp_ep0_send_data+0x4>
if (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {
924: e51320cf ldr r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
928: e3120001 tst r2, #1
92c: 0a000006 beq 94c <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd0>
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP);
930: e51320cf ldr r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
934: e3c22001 bic r2, r2, #1
938: e50320cf str r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) ;
93c: e59f3010 ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; 954 <udp_ep0_send_data+0xd8>
940: e51330cf ldr r3, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
944: e3130001 tst r3, #1
948: 1afffffb bne 93c <udp_ep0_send_data+0xc0>
94c: e8bd003c pop {r2, r3, r4, r5}
950: e12fff1e bx lr
954: fffb00ff .word 0xfffb00ff
00000958 <udp_ep0_send_zlp>:
/* Send zero length packet through the control endpoint */
static void __dfufunc udp_ep0_send_zlp(void)
958: e59f3038 ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; 998 <udp_ep0_send_zlp+0x40>
95c: e51320cf ldr r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
960: e3822010 orr r2, r2, #16
964: e50320cf str r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) ;
968: e51310cf ldr r1, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
96c: e3110001 tst r1, #1
970: e59f2020 ldr r2, [pc, #32] ; 998 <udp_ep0_send_zlp+0x40>
974: 0afffffb beq 968 <udp_ep0_send_zlp+0x10>
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP);
978: e51230cf ldr r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
97c: e3c33001 bic r3, r3, #1
980: e50230cf str r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) ;
984: e59f300c ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; 998 <udp_ep0_send_zlp+0x40>
988: e51330cf ldr r3, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
98c: e3130001 tst r3, #1
990: 1afffffb bne 984 <udp_ep0_send_zlp+0x2c>
994: e12fff1e bx lr
998: fffb00ff .word 0xfffb00ff
0000099c <udp_ep0_send_stall>:
/* Stall the control endpoint */
static void __dfufunc udp_ep0_send_stall(void)
99c: e59f3038 ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; 9dc <udp_ep0_send_stall+0x40>
9a0: e51320cf ldr r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
9a4: e3822020 orr r2, r2, #32
9a8: e50320cf str r2, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR)) ;
9ac: e51310cf ldr r1, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
9b0: e3110008 tst r1, #8
9b4: e59f2020 ldr r2, [pc, #32] ; 9dc <udp_ep0_send_stall+0x40>
9b8: 0afffffb beq 9ac <udp_ep0_send_stall+0x10>
9bc: e51230cf ldr r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
9c0: e3c33028 bic r3, r3, #40 ; 0x28
9c4: e50230cf str r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
9c8: e59f300c ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; 9dc <udp_ep0_send_stall+0x40>
9cc: e51330cf ldr r3, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
9d0: e3130028 tst r3, #40 ; 0x28
9d4: 1afffffb bne 9c8 <udp_ep0_send_stall+0x2c>
9d8: e12fff1e bx lr
9dc: fffb00ff .word 0xfffb00ff
000009e0 <handle_getstate>:
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&dstat, sizeof(dstat));
static void __dfufunc handle_getstate(void)
9e0: e92d4007 push {r0, r1, r2, lr}
u_int8_t u8 = dfu_state;
9e4: e59f3018 ldr r3, [pc, #24] ; a04 <handle_getstate+0x24>
9e8: e5933000 ldr r3, [r3]
9ec: e28d0008 add r0, sp, #8
9f0: e5603001 strb r3, [r0, #-1]!
DEBUGE("getstate ");
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&u8, sizeof(u8));
9f4: e3a01001 mov r1, #1
9f8: ebffff9f bl 87c <udp_ep0_send_data>
9fc: e8bd400e pop {r1, r2, r3, lr}
a00: e12fff1e bx lr
a04: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
00000a08 <handle_upload.clone.0>:
#define AT91C_IFLASH_END ((u_int8_t *)AT91C_IFLASH + AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE)
static __dfufunc int handle_upload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
DEBUGE("upload ");
if (len > AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
a08: e3500c01 cmp r0, #256 ; 0x100
return RET_ZLP;
#define AT91C_IFLASH_END ((u_int8_t *)AT91C_IFLASH + AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE)
static __dfufunc int handle_upload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
a0c: e92d4070 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
a10: e1a04000 mov r4, r0
DEBUGE("upload ");
if (len > AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
a14: 9a000007 bls a38 <handle_upload.clone.0+0x30>
/* Too big */
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
a18: e59f3054 ldr r3, [pc, #84] ; a74 <handle_upload.clone.0+0x6c>
a1c: e3a0200a mov r2, #10
a20: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errADDRESS;
a24: e3a02008 mov r2, #8
a28: e5c32004 strb r2, [r3, #4]
a2c: ebffffda bl 99c <udp_ep0_send_stall>
return -EINVAL;
a30: e3e00015 mvn r0, #21
a34: ea00000c b a6c <handle_upload.clone.0+0x64>
if (ptr + len > AT91C_IFLASH_END)
a38: e59f6038 ldr r6, [pc, #56] ; a78 <handle_upload.clone.0+0x70>
a3c: e5965000 ldr r5, [r6]
a40: e0853000 add r3, r5, r0
a44: e3530812 cmp r3, #1179648 ; 0x120000
len = AT91C_IFLASH_END - (u_int8_t *)ptr;
a48: 82654000 rsbhi r4, r5, #0
a4c: 81a04804 lslhi r4, r4, #16
a50: 81a04824 lsrhi r4, r4, #16
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)ptr, len);
a54: e1a00005 mov r0, r5
a58: e1a01004 mov r1, r4
ptr+= len;
a5c: e0855004 add r5, r5, r4
if (ptr + len > AT91C_IFLASH_END)
len = AT91C_IFLASH_END - (u_int8_t *)ptr;
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)ptr, len);
a60: ebffff85 bl 87c <udp_ep0_send_data>
ptr+= len;
a64: e5865000 str r5, [r6]
return len;
a68: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
a6c: e8bd4070 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr}
a70: e12fff1e bx lr
a74: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
a78: 00201adc .word 0x00201adc
00000a7c <handle_dnload.clone.1>:
__dfudata u_int32_t dfu_state = DFU_STATE_appIDLE;
static u_int32_t pagebuf32[AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/4];
static int __dfufunc handle_dnload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
volatile u_int32_t *p = (volatile u_int32_t *)ptr;
a7c: e59f3134 ldr r3, [pc, #308] ; bb8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x13c>
u_int8_t *pagebuf = (u_int8_t *) pagebuf32;
int i;
DEBUGE("download ");
if (len > AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
a80: e3500c01 cmp r0, #256 ; 0x100
static u_int8_t *ptr = (u_int8_t *) AT91C_IFLASH + SAM7DFU_SIZE;
static __dfudata u_int8_t dfu_status;
__dfudata u_int32_t dfu_state = DFU_STATE_appIDLE;
static u_int32_t pagebuf32[AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/4];
static int __dfufunc handle_dnload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
a84: e92d41f3 push {r0, r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
volatile u_int32_t *p = (volatile u_int32_t *)ptr;
a88: e5934000 ldr r4, [r3]
u_int8_t *pagebuf = (u_int8_t *) pagebuf32;
int i;
DEBUGE("download ");
if (len > AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
a8c: 8a00000d bhi ac8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x4c>
DEBUGP("length exceeds flash page size ");
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errADDRESS;
return RET_STALL;
if (len & 0x3) {
a90: e2103003 ands r3, r0, #3
a94: 1a00000b bne ac8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x4c>
DEBUGP("not four-byte-aligned length ");
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errADDRESS;
return RET_STALL;
if (len == 0) {
a98: e3500000 cmp r0, #0
a9c: 1a000005 bne ab8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x3c>
DEBUGP("zero-size write -> MANIFEST_SYNC ");
aa0: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
aa4: eb00028f bl 14e8 <flash_page>
aa8: e59f310c ldr r3, [pc, #268] ; bbc <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x140>
aac: e3a02006 mov r2, #6
ab0: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
ab4: ea00003c b bac <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x130>
return RET_ZLP;
if (ptr + len >= (u_int8_t *) AT91C_IFLASH + AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE - ENVIRONMENT_SIZE ) {
ab8: e59f2100 ldr r2, [pc, #256] ; bc0 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x144>
abc: e0841000 add r1, r4, r0
ac0: e1510002 cmp r1, r2
ac4: 9a000006 bls ae4 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x68>
DEBUGP("end of write exceeds flash end ");
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
ac8: e59f30ec ldr r3, [pc, #236] ; bbc <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x140>
acc: e3a0200a mov r2, #10
ad0: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errADDRESS;
ad4: e3a02008 mov r2, #8
ad8: e5c32004 strb r2, [r3, #4]
return RET_STALL;
adc: e3a00002 mov r0, #2
ae0: ea000032 b bb0 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x134>
static u_int32_t pagebuf32[AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/4];
static int __dfufunc handle_dnload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
volatile u_int32_t *p = (volatile u_int32_t *)ptr;
u_int8_t *pagebuf = (u_int8_t *) pagebuf32;
ae4: e59f10d8 ldr r1, [pc, #216] ; bc4 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x148>
do {
/* FIXME: do we need to check whether we've been interrupted
* by a RX SETUP stage? */
do {
csr = pUdp->UDP_CSR[0];
ae8: e59f20d8 ldr r2, [pc, #216] ; bc8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x14c>
aec: e512c0cf ldr ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
af0: e58dc004 str ip, [sp, #4]
DEBUGR("CSR=%08x ", csr);
} while (!(csr & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0)) ;
af4: e59dc004 ldr ip, [sp, #4]
af8: e31c0002 tst ip, #2
afc: 0afffff9 beq ae8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x6c>
num_rcv = pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] >> 16;
b00: e51250cf ldr r5, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
b04: e1a05825 lsr r5, r5, #16
/* make sure we don't read more than requested */
if (num_rcv_total + num_rcv > len)
b08: e0832005 add r2, r3, r5
b0c: e1520000 cmp r2, r0
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
b10: 80605003 rsbhi r5, r0, r3
b14: 81a05805 lslhi r5, r5, #16
b18: 81a05825 lsrhi r5, r5, #16
static u_int32_t pagebuf32[AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/4];
static int __dfufunc handle_dnload(u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
volatile u_int32_t *p = (volatile u_int32_t *)ptr;
u_int8_t *pagebuf = (u_int8_t *) pagebuf32;
b1c: e1a06001 mov r6, r1
/* make sure we don't read more than requested */
if (num_rcv_total + num_rcv > len)
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
b20: e3a02000 mov r2, #0
b24: ea000004 b b3c <handle_dnload.clone.1+0xc0>
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
b28: e51cc0af ldr ip, [ip, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
/* make sure we don't read more than requested */
if (num_rcv_total + num_rcv > len)
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
b2c: e2822001 add r2, r2, #1
b30: e1a02802 lsl r2, r2, #16
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
b34: e4c6c001 strb ip, [r6], #1
/* make sure we don't read more than requested */
if (num_rcv_total + num_rcv > len)
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
b38: e1a02822 lsr r2, r2, #16
b3c: e1520005 cmp r2, r5
b40: e59fc080 ldr ip, [pc, #128] ; bc8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x14c>
b44: 1afffff7 bne b28 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0xac>
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0);
b48: e51c50cf ldr r5, [ip, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
num_rcv_total += num_rcv;
/* we need to continue to pull data until we either receive
* a packet < endpoint size or == 0 */
} while (num_rcv == 8 && num_rcv_total < len);
b4c: e3520008 cmp r2, #8
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0);
b50: e3c55002 bic r5, r5, #2
/* make sure we don't read more than requested */
if (num_rcv_total + num_rcv > len)
num_rcv = num_rcv_total - len;
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
b54: e0811002 add r1, r1, r2
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0);
b58: e50c50cf str r5, [ip, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
num_rcv_total += num_rcv;
/* we need to continue to pull data until we either receive
* a packet < endpoint size or == 0 */
} while (num_rcv == 8 && num_rcv_total < len);
b5c: 1a000002 bne b6c <handle_dnload.clone.1+0xf0>
DEBUGR("num_rcv = %u ", num_rcv);
for (i = 0; i < num_rcv; i++)
*data++ = pUdp->UDP_FDR[0];
pUdp->UDP_CSR[0] &= ~(AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0);
num_rcv_total += num_rcv;
b60: e2833008 add r3, r3, #8
/* we need to continue to pull data until we either receive
* a packet < endpoint size or == 0 */
} while (num_rcv == 8 && num_rcv_total < len);
b64: e1530000 cmp r3, r0
b68: 3affffde bcc ae8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x6c>
/* we can only access the write buffer with correctly aligned
* 32bit writes ! */
DEBUGP("copying ");
for (i = 0; i < len/4; i++) {
b6c: e1a07120 lsr r7, r0, #2
b70: e59f8054 ldr r8, [pc, #84] ; bcc <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x150>
b74: e1a05004 mov r5, r4
b78: e3a06000 mov r6, #0
b7c: ea000005 b b98 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x11c>
*p++ = pagebuf32[i];
b80: e5b83004 ldr r3, [r8, #4]!
b84: e4853004 str r3, [r5], #4
/* If we have filled a page buffer, flash it */
if (((unsigned long)p % AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == 0) {
b88: e31500ff tst r5, #255 ; 0xff
DEBUGP("page_full ");
b8c: 02450004 subeq r0, r5, #4
b90: 0b000254 bleq 14e8 <flash_page>
/* we can only access the write buffer with correctly aligned
* 32bit writes ! */
DEBUGP("copying ");
for (i = 0; i < len/4; i++) {
b94: e2866001 add r6, r6, #1
b98: e1560007 cmp r6, r7
b9c: bafffff7 blt b80 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x104>
if (((unsigned long)p % AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == 0) {
DEBUGP("page_full ");
ptr = (u_int8_t *) p;
ba0: e59f3010 ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; bb8 <handle_dnload.clone.1+0x13c>
ba4: e0844107 add r4, r4, r7, lsl #2
ba8: e5834000 str r4, [r3]
return RET_ZLP;
bac: e3a00001 mov r0, #1
bb0: e8bd41fc pop {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
bb4: e12fff1e bx lr
bb8: 00201adc .word 0x00201adc
bbc: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
bc0: 0011feff .word 0x0011feff
bc4: 00201ae4 .word 0x00201ae4
bc8: fffb00ff .word 0xfffb00ff
bcc: 00201ae0 .word 0x00201ae0
00000bd0 <handle_getstatus>:
//* \brief Return MC EFC Status
static inline unsigned int AT91F_MC_EFC_GetStatus(
AT91PS_MC pMC) // pointer to a MC controller
return pMC->MC_FSR;
bd0: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
return len;
static __dfufunc void handle_getstatus(void)
bd4: e92d4007 push {r0, r1, r2, lr}
bd8: e5132097 ldr r2, [r3, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
struct dfu_status dstat;
u_int32_t fsr = AT91F_MC_EFC_GetStatus(AT91C_BASE_MC);
DEBUGE("getstatus(fsr=0x%08x) ", fsr);
switch (dfu_state) {
bdc: e59f308c ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; c70 <handle_getstatus+0xa0>
be0: e5931000 ldr r1, [r3]
be4: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
be8: 3a000014 bcc c40 <handle_getstatus+0x70>
bec: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
bf0: 9a000002 bls c00 <handle_getstatus+0x30>
bf4: e3510006 cmp r1, #6
bf8: 1a000010 bne c40 <handle_getstatus+0x70>
bfc: ea00000d b c38 <handle_getstatus+0x68>
if (fsr & AT91C_MC_PROGE) {
c00: e3120008 tst r2, #8
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errPROG;
c04: 13a02006 movne r2, #6
c08: 15c32004 strbne r2, [r3, #4]
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
c0c: 12822004 addne r2, r2, #4
DEBUGE("getstatus(fsr=0x%08x) ", fsr);
switch (dfu_state) {
if (fsr & AT91C_MC_PROGE) {
c10: 1a000009 bne c3c <handle_getstatus+0x6c>
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errPROG;
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
} else if (fsr & AT91C_MC_LOCKE) {
c14: e3120004 tst r2, #4
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errWRITE;
c18: 13a02003 movne r2, #3
c1c: 15c32004 strbne r2, [r3, #4]
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
c20: 12822007 addne r2, r2, #7
if (fsr & AT91C_MC_PROGE) {
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errPROG;
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
} else if (fsr & AT91C_MC_LOCKE) {
c24: 1a000004 bne c3c <handle_getstatus+0x6c>
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_errWRITE;
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
} else if (fsr & AT91C_MC_FRDY) {
c28: e3120001 tst r2, #1
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE;
c2c: 13a02005 movne r2, #5
} else {
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuDNBUSY;
c30: 03a02004 moveq r2, #4
c34: ea000000 b c3c <handle_getstatus+0x6c>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuMANIFEST;
c38: e3a02007 mov r2, #7
c3c: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
/* send status response */
dstat.bStatus = dfu_status;
c40: e59f3028 ldr r3, [pc, #40] ; c70 <handle_getstatus+0xa0>
c44: e5d32004 ldrb r2, [r3, #4]
dstat.bState = dfu_state;
c48: e5933000 ldr r3, [r3]
dstat.iString = 0;
/* FIXME: set dstat.bwPollTimeout */
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&dstat, sizeof(dstat));
c4c: e1a0000d mov r0, sp
/* send status response */
dstat.bStatus = dfu_status;
dstat.bState = dfu_state;
c50: e5cd3004 strb r3, [sp, #4]
dstat.iString = 0;
/* FIXME: set dstat.bwPollTimeout */
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&dstat, sizeof(dstat));
c54: e3a01006 mov r1, #6
/* send status response */
dstat.bStatus = dfu_status;
dstat.bState = dfu_state;
dstat.iString = 0;
c58: e3a03000 mov r3, #0
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuMANIFEST;
/* send status response */
dstat.bStatus = dfu_status;
c5c: e5cd2000 strb r2, [sp]
dstat.bState = dfu_state;
dstat.iString = 0;
c60: e5cd3005 strb r3, [sp, #5]
/* FIXME: set dstat.bwPollTimeout */
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&dstat, sizeof(dstat));
c64: ebffff04 bl 87c <udp_ep0_send_data>
c68: e8bd400e pop {r1, r2, r3, lr}
c6c: e12fff1e bx lr
c70: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
00000c74 <dfu_ep0_handler>:
/* callback function for DFU requests */
int __dfufunc dfu_ep0_handler(u_int8_t req_type, u_int8_t req,
u_int16_t val, u_int16_t len)
c74: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
c78: e1a04003 mov r4, r3
int rc, ret = RET_NOTHING;
DEBUGE("old_state = %u ", dfu_state);
switch (dfu_state) {
c7c: e59f3204 ldr r3, [pc, #516] ; e88 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x214>
c80: e5932000 ldr r2, [r3]
c84: e352000a cmp r2, #10
c88: 979ff102 ldrls pc, [pc, r2, lsl #2]
c8c: ea00007a b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
c90: 00000cbc .word 0x00000cbc
c94: 00000cdc .word 0x00000cdc
c98: 00000cf4 .word 0x00000cf4
c9c: 00000d9c .word 0x00000d9c
ca0: 00000e2c .word 0x00000e2c
ca4: 00000d58 .word 0x00000d58
ca8: 00000d9c .word 0x00000d9c
cac: 00000da8 .word 0x00000da8
cb0: 00000e7c .word 0x00000e7c
cb4: 00000dc8 .word 0x00000dc8
cb8: 00000e1c .word 0x00000e1c
switch (req) {
cbc: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
cc0: 0a00005b beq e34 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c0>
cc4: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
cc8: 0a00005b beq e3c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c8>
ccc: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_appDETACH;
cd0: 03a02001 moveq r2, #1
DEBUGE("old_state = %u ", dfu_state);
switch (dfu_state) {
switch (req) {
cd4: 0a00004e beq e14 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1a0>
cd8: ea000066 b e78 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x204>
ret = RET_STALL;
switch (req) {
cdc: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
ce0: 0a000053 beq e34 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c0>
ce4: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_appIDLE;
ce8: 13a02000 movne r2, #0
ret = RET_STALL;
switch (req) {
cec: 1a00005a bne e5c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e8>
cf0: ea000051 b e3c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c8>
/* FIXME: implement timer to return to appIDLE */
switch (req) {
cf4: e2411001 sub r1, r1, #1
cf8: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
cfc: 979ff101 ldrls pc, [pc, r1, lsl #2]
d00: ea000054 b e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
d04: 00000d1c .word 0x00000d1c
d08: 00000d38 .word 0x00000d38
d0c: 00000e34 .word 0x00000e34
d10: 00000e58 .word 0x00000e58
d14: 00000e3c .word 0x00000e3c
d18: 00000e70 .word 0x00000e70
if (len == 0) {
d1c: e3540000 cmp r4, #0
d20: 0a00004c beq e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
ret = RET_STALL;
goto out;
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC;
d24: e3a02003 mov r2, #3
d28: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
ptr = (u_int8_t *) AT91C_IFLASH + SAM7DFU_SIZE;
d2c: e3a02941 mov r2, #1064960 ; 0x104000
d30: e59f3154 ldr r3, [pc, #340] ; e8c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x218>
d34: ea000012 b d84 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x110>
ret = handle_dnload(val, len);
ptr = (u_int8_t *) AT91C_IFLASH + SAM7DFU_SIZE;
d38: e59f214c ldr r2, [pc, #332] ; e8c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x218>
d3c: e3a01941 mov r1, #1064960 ; 0x104000
d40: e5821000 str r1, [r2]
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE;
d44: e3a02009 mov r2, #9
d48: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
handle_upload(val, len);
d4c: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
d50: ebffff2c bl a08 <handle_upload.clone.0>
d54: ea000048 b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
ret = RET_STALL;
goto out;
switch (req) {
d58: e2411001 sub r1, r1, #1
d5c: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
d60: 979ff101 ldrls pc, [pc, r1, lsl #2]
d64: ea00003b b e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
d68: 00000d80 .word 0x00000d80
d6c: 00000e58 .word 0x00000e58
d70: 00000e34 .word 0x00000e34
d74: 00000e58 .word 0x00000e58
d78: 00000e3c .word 0x00000e3c
d7c: 00000e10 .word 0x00000e10
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC;
d80: e3a02003 mov r2, #3
d84: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
ret = handle_dnload(val, len);
d88: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
d8c: ebffff3a bl a7c <handle_dnload.clone.1>
DEBUGE("new_state = %u\r\n", dfu_state);
switch (ret) {
d90: e3500001 cmp r0, #1
d94: 1a000032 bne e64 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1f0>
d98: ea000034 b e70 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1fc>
ret = RET_STALL;
switch (req) {
d9c: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
da0: 1a000002 bne db0 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x13c>
da4: ea000022 b e34 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c0>
ret = RET_STALL;
switch (req) {
da8: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
dac: 0a000002 beq dbc <dfu_ep0_handler+0x148>
db0: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
db4: 1a000027 bne e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
db8: ea00001f b e3c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c8>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
dbc: e3a02002 mov r2, #2
dc0: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
dc4: ea00001a b e34 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c0>
/* we should never go here */
switch (req) {
dc8: e2411002 sub r1, r1, #2
dcc: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
dd0: 979ff101 ldrls pc, [pc, r1, lsl #2]
dd4: ea00001f b e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
dd8: 00000dec .word 0x00000dec
ddc: 00000e34 .word 0x00000e34
de0: 00000e58 .word 0x00000e58
de4: 00000e3c .word 0x00000e3c
de8: 00000e10 .word 0x00000e10
/* state transition if less data then requested */
rc = handle_upload(val, len);
dec: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
df0: ebffff04 bl a08 <handle_upload.clone.0>
if (rc >= 0 && rc < len)
df4: e3500000 cmp r0, #0
df8: ba00001f blt e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
dfc: e1500004 cmp r0, r4
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
e00: b59f3080 ldrlt r3, [pc, #128] ; e88 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x214>
e04: b3a02002 movlt r2, #2
e08: b5832000 strlt r2, [r3]
e0c: ea00001a b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
e10: e3a02002 mov r2, #2
e14: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
/* no zlp? */
ret = RET_ZLP;
e18: ea000014 b e70 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1fc>
ret = RET_STALL;
switch (req) {
e1c: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
e20: 0a000007 beq e44 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1d0>
e24: e3510005 cmp r1, #5
e28: 0a000003 beq e3c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1c8>
e2c: e3510003 cmp r1, #3
e30: 1a000008 bne e58 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1e4>
e34: ebffff65 bl bd0 <handle_getstatus>
e38: ea00000f b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
e3c: ebfffee7 bl 9e0 <handle_getstate>
e40: ea00000d b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
e44: e3a02002 mov r2, #2
e48: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
dfu_status = DFU_STATUS_OK;
e4c: e3a02000 mov r2, #0
e50: e5c32004 strb r2, [r3, #4]
e54: ea000005 b e70 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x1fc>
/* no zlp? */
ret = RET_ZLP;
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuERROR;
e58: e3a0200a mov r2, #10
e5c: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
e60: ea000004 b e78 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x204>
DEBUGE("new_state = %u\r\n", dfu_state);
switch (ret) {
e64: e3500002 cmp r0, #2
e68: 1a000003 bne e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
e6c: ea000001 b e78 <dfu_ep0_handler+0x204>
case RET_ZLP:
e70: ebfffeb8 bl 958 <udp_ep0_send_zlp>
e74: ea000000 b e7c <dfu_ep0_handler+0x208>
e78: ebfffec7 bl 99c <udp_ep0_send_stall>
return 0;
e7c: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
e80: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
e84: e12fff1e bx lr
e88: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
e8c: 00201adc .word 0x00201adc
00000e90 <AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput.clone.5>:
static inline void AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput(
AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
unsigned int pioEnable) // \arg PIO to be enabled
pPio->PIO_PER = pioEnable; // Set in PIO mode
e90: e3e03c0b mvn r3, #2816 ; 0xb00
e94: e50300ff str r0, [r3, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
pPio->PIO_OER = pioEnable; // Configure in Output
e98: e50300ef str r0, [r3, #-239] ; 0xffffff11
e9c: e12fff1e bx lr
00000ea0 <udp_init>:
#define led2off() AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, OPENPCD_PIO_LED2)
static void __dfufunc udp_init(void)
/* Set the PLL USB Divider */
ea0: e3e03c03 mvn r3, #768 ; 0x300
ea4: e51320d3 ldr r2, [r3, #-211] ; 0xffffff2d
ea8: e3822201 orr r2, r2, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
#define led2on() AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, OPENPCD_PIO_LED2)
#define led2off() AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(AT91C_BASE_PIOA, OPENPCD_PIO_LED2)
static void __dfufunc udp_init(void)
eac: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
/* Set the PLL USB Divider */
eb0: e50320d3 str r2, [r3, #-211] ; 0xffffff2d
/* Enables the 48MHz USB clock UDPCK and System Peripheral USB Clock */
eb4: e3a02080 mov r2, #128 ; 0x80
eb8: e50320ff str r2, [r3, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
ebc: e2822d1e add r2, r2, #1920 ; 0x780
ec0: e50320ef str r2, [r3, #-239] ; 0xffffff11
/* Enable UDP PullUp (USB_DP_PUP) : enable & Clear of the
* corresponding PIO Set in PIO mode and Configure in Output */
#if defined(PCD)
ec4: e3a00501 mov r0, #4194304 ; 0x400000
ec8: ebfffff0 bl e90 <AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput.clone.5>
ecc: e3a00801 mov r0, #65536 ; 0x10000
ed0: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
/* Enable UDP PullUp (USB_DP_PUP) : enable & Clear of the
* corresponding PIO Set in PIO mode and Configure in Output */
#if defined(PCD)
ed4: eaffffed b e90 <AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput.clone.5>
00000ed8 <AT91F_PIO_SetOutput.clone.6>:
static inline void AT91F_PIO_SetOutput(
const AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
const unsigned int flag) // \arg output to be set
pPio->PIO_SODR = flag;
ed8: e3e03c0b mvn r3, #2816 ; 0xb00
edc: e50300cf str r0, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
ee0: e12fff1e bx lr
00000ee4 <AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput.clone.7>:
static inline void AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput(
AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
unsigned int flag) // \arg output to be cleared
pPio->PIO_CODR = flag;
ee4: e3e03c0b mvn r3, #2816 ; 0xb00
ee8: e50300cb str r0, [r3, #-203] ; 0xffffff35
eec: e12fff1e bx lr
00000ef0 <AT91F_RSTSoftReset.clone.8>:
static inline void AT91F_RSTSoftReset(
unsigned int reset)
pRSTC->RSTC_RCR = (0xA5000000 | reset);
ef0: e59f2008 ldr r2, [pc, #8] ; f00 <AIC_MCR_RCR>
ef4: e3e03c02 mvn r3, #512 ; 0x200
ef8: e50320ff str r2, [r3, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
efc: e12fff1e bx lr
f00: a500000d .word 0xa500000d
00000f04 <dfu_udp_irq>:
/* minimal USB IRQ handler in DFU mode */
static __dfufunc void dfu_udp_irq(void)
f04: e92d4037 push {r0, r1, r2, r4, r5, lr}
AT91_REG isr = pUDP->UDP_ISR;
f08: e59f4384 ldr r4, [pc, #900] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
f0c: e51430e3 ldr r3, [r4, #-227] ; 0xffffff1d
f10: e3a00402 mov r0, #33554432 ; 0x2000000
/* minimal USB IRQ handler in DFU mode */
static __dfufunc void dfu_udp_irq(void)
AT91_REG isr = pUDP->UDP_ISR;
f14: e58d3000 str r3, [sp]
f18: ebfffff1 bl ee4 <AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput.clone.7>
if (isr & AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES) {
f1c: e59d3000 ldr r3, [sp]
f20: e3130a01 tst r3, #4096 ; 0x1000
f24: 0a000012 beq f74 <dfu_udp_irq+0x70>
f28: e3a00301 mov r0, #67108864 ; 0x4000000
f2c: ebffffec bl ee4 <AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput.clone.7>
f30: e3a03001 mov r3, #1
f34: e50430ef str r3, [r4, #-239] ; 0xffffff11
/* reset all endpoints */
pUDP->UDP_RSTEP = (unsigned int)-1;
f38: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
f3c: e50430d7 str r3, [r4, #-215] ; 0xffffff29
/* Enable the function */
f40: e3a02c01 mov r2, #256 ; 0x100
if (isr & AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES) {
/* reset all endpoints */
pUDP->UDP_RSTEP = (unsigned int)-1;
f44: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1
f48: e50430d7 str r3, [r4, #-215] ; 0xffffff29
/* Enable the function */
f4c: e50420f7 str r2, [r4, #-247] ; 0xffffff09
/* Configure endpoint 0 */
f50: e2822c7f add r2, r2, #32512 ; 0x7f00
f54: e50420cf str r2, [r4, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
cur_config = 0;
f58: e59f2338 ldr r2, [pc, #824] ; 1298 <dfu_udp_irq+0x394>
f5c: e5c23100 strb r3, [r2, #256] ; 0x100
if (dfu_state == DFU_STATE_dfuMANIFEST_WAIT_RST ||
f60: e59f3334 ldr r3, [pc, #820] ; 129c <dfu_udp_irq+0x398>
f64: e5933000 ldr r3, [r3]
f68: e2433007 sub r3, r3, #7
f6c: e3530001 cmp r3, #1
dfu_state == DFU_STATE_dfuMANIFEST) {
f70: 9bffffde blls ef0 <AT91F_RSTSoftReset.clone.8>
if (isr & AT91C_UDP_EPINT0)
f74: e59d3000 ldr r3, [sp]
f78: e3130001 tst r3, #1
f7c: 0a0000ba beq 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
static __dfufunc void dfu_udp_ep0_handler(void)
u_int8_t bmRequestType, bRequest;
u_int16_t wValue, wIndex, wLength, wStatus;
u_int32_t csr = pUDP->UDP_CSR[0];
f80: e59f230c ldr r2, [pc, #780] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
f84: e51230cf ldr r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
DEBUGE("CSR=0x%04x ", csr);
if (csr & AT91C_UDP_STALLSENT) {
f88: e3130008 tst r3, #8
f8c: 13e01008 mvnne r1, #8
f90: 150210cf strne r1, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
if (csr & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) {
f94: e3130002 tst r3, #2
f98: 151210cf ldrne r1, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
f9c: 13c11002 bicne r1, r1, #2
fa0: 150210cf strne r1, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
if (!(csr & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP)) {
fa4: e3130004 tst r3, #4
fa8: 0a0000af beq 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
DEBUGE("no setup packet\r\n");
DEBUGE("len=%d ", csr >> 16);
if (csr >> 16 == 0) {
fac: e1b03823 lsrs r3, r3, #16
fb0: 0a0000ad beq 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
DEBUGE("empty packet\r\n");
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
fb4: e59f22d8 ldr r2, [pc, #728] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
fb8: e51200af ldr r0, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
fbc: e51210af ldr r1, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
fc0: e51240af ldr r4, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fc4: e51230af ldr r3, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
fc8: e20440ff and r4, r4, #255 ; 0xff
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
fcc: e512e0af ldr lr, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fd0: e1844403 orr r4, r4, r3, lsl #8
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wIndex |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fd4: e51230af ldr r3, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
wLength = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
fd8: e51230af ldr r3, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
wLength |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fdc: e512c0af ldr ip, [r2, #-175] ; 0xffffff51
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wIndex |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wLength = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
fe0: e20330ff and r3, r3, #255 ; 0xff
if (csr >> 16 == 0) {
DEBUGE("empty packet\r\n");
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
fe4: e20000ff and r0, r0, #255 ; 0xff
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wIndex |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wLength = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wLength |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fe8: e183340c orr r3, r3, ip, lsl #8
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
fec: e1a04804 lsl r4, r4, #16
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wIndex |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wLength = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wLength |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
ff0: e1a03803 lsl r3, r3, #16
DEBUGE("bmRequestType=0x%2x ", bmRequestType);
if (bmRequestType & 0x80) {
ff4: e3100080 tst r0, #128 ; 0x80
DEBUGE("empty packet\r\n");
bmRequestType = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
bRequest = pUDP->UDP_FDR[0];
ff8: e20110ff and r1, r1, #255 ; 0xff
wValue = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wValue |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
ffc: e1a04824 lsr r4, r4, #16
wIndex = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wIndex |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
wLength = (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] & 0xFF);
wLength |= (pUDP->UDP_FDR[0] << 8);
1000: e1a03823 lsr r3, r3, #16
DEBUGE("bmRequestType=0x%2x ", bmRequestType);
if (bmRequestType & 0x80) {
1004: 0a000005 beq 1020 <dfu_udp_irq+0x11c>
1008: e512c0cf ldr ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
100c: e38cc080 orr ip, ip, #128 ; 0x80
1010: e502c0cf str ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while (!(pUDP->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_DIR)) ;
1014: e512c0cf ldr ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
1018: e31c0080 tst ip, #128 ; 0x80
101c: 0afffffc beq 1014 <dfu_udp_irq+0x110>
1020: e59f226c ldr r2, [pc, #620] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
1024: e512c0cf ldr ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
1028: e3ccc004 bic ip, ip, #4
102c: e502c0cf str ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
while ((pUDP->UDP_CSR[0] & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP)) ;
1030: e512c0cf ldr ip, [r2, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
1034: e21cc004 ands ip, ip, #4
1038: e59f5254 ldr r5, [pc, #596] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
103c: 1afffffb bne 1030 <dfu_udp_irq+0x12c>
/* Handle supported standard device request Cf Table 9-3 in USB
* speciication Rev 1.1 */
switch ((bRequest << 8) | bmRequestType) {
1040: e1802401 orr r2, r0, r1, lsl #8
1044: e3520c03 cmp r2, #768 ; 0x300
1048: 0a000086 beq 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
104c: ca000010 bgt 1094 <dfu_udp_irq+0x190>
1050: e3520082 cmp r2, #130 ; 0x82
1054: 0a000065 beq 11f0 <dfu_udp_irq+0x2ec>
1058: ca000004 bgt 1070 <dfu_udp_irq+0x16c>
105c: e3520080 cmp r2, #128 ; 0x80
1060: 0a00005f beq 11e4 <dfu_udp_irq+0x2e0>
1064: e3520081 cmp r2, #129 ; 0x81
1068: 1a000078 bne 1250 <dfu_udp_irq+0x34c>
106c: ea00005c b 11e4 <dfu_udp_irq+0x2e0>
1070: e59fc228 ldr ip, [pc, #552] ; 12a0 <dfu_udp_irq+0x39c>
1074: e152000c cmp r2, ip
1078: 0a000072 beq 1248 <dfu_udp_irq+0x344>
107c: e28cc001 add ip, ip, #1
1080: e152000c cmp r2, ip
1084: 0a000077 beq 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
1088: e3520c01 cmp r2, #256 ; 0x100
108c: 1a00006f bne 1250 <dfu_udp_irq+0x34c>
1090: ea000074 b 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
1094: e3520d1a cmp r2, #1664 ; 0x680
1098: 0a00000f beq 10dc <dfu_udp_irq+0x1d8>
109c: ca000006 bgt 10bc <dfu_udp_irq+0x1b8>
10a0: e59fc1fc ldr ip, [pc, #508] ; 12a4 <dfu_udp_irq+0x3a0>
10a4: e152000c cmp r2, ip
10a8: 0a00006e beq 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
10ac: ba000065 blt 1248 <dfu_udp_irq+0x344>
10b0: e3520c05 cmp r2, #1280 ; 0x500
10b4: 1a000065 bne 1250 <dfu_udp_irq+0x34c>
10b8: ea00002d b 1174 <dfu_udp_irq+0x270>
10bc: e3520c09 cmp r2, #2304 ; 0x900
10c0: 0a000032 beq 1190 <dfu_udp_irq+0x28c>
10c4: e59fc1dc ldr ip, [pc, #476] ; 12a8 <dfu_udp_irq+0x3a4>
10c8: e152000c cmp r2, ip
10cc: 0a00005d beq 1248 <dfu_udp_irq+0x344>
10d0: e3520d22 cmp r2, #2176 ; 0x880
10d4: 1a00005d bne 1250 <dfu_udp_irq+0x34c>
10d8: ea00003e b 11d8 <dfu_udp_irq+0x2d4>
u_int8_t desc_type, desc_index;
desc_type = wValue >> 8;
desc_index = wValue & 0xff;
switch (desc_type) {
10dc: e1a02424 lsr r2, r4, #8
10e0: e3520002 cmp r2, #2
10e4: 0a00000d beq 1120 <dfu_udp_irq+0x21c>
10e8: 8a000002 bhi 10f8 <dfu_udp_irq+0x1f4>
10ec: e3520001 cmp r2, #1
10f0: 1a00005c bne 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
10f4: ea000004 b 110c <dfu_udp_irq+0x208>
10f8: e3520003 cmp r2, #3
10fc: 0a00000d beq 1138 <dfu_udp_irq+0x234>
1100: e3520021 cmp r2, #33 ; 0x21
1104: 1a000057 bne 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
1108: ea000014 b 1160 <dfu_udp_irq+0x25c>
/* Return Device Descriptor */
udp_ep0_send_data((const char *)
110c: e59f0198 ldr r0, [pc, #408] ; 12ac <dfu_udp_irq+0x3a8>
1110: e3530012 cmp r3, #18
1114: 31a01003 movcc r1, r3
1118: 23a01012 movcs r1, #18
111c: ea000003 b 1130 <dfu_udp_irq+0x22c>
/* Return Configuration Descriptor */
udp_ep0_send_data((const char *)
1120: e59f0188 ldr r0, [pc, #392] ; 12b0 <dfu_udp_irq+0x3ac>
1124: e3530024 cmp r3, #36 ; 0x24
1128: 31a01003 movcc r1, r3
112c: 23a01024 movcs r1, #36 ; 0x24
1130: ebfffdd1 bl 87c <udp_ep0_send_data>
1134: ea00004c b 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
switch ((bRequest << 8) | bmRequestType) {
u_int8_t desc_type, desc_index;
desc_type = wValue >> 8;
desc_index = wValue & 0xff;
1138: e20440ff and r4, r4, #255 ; 0xff
/* Return String Descriptor */
if (desc_index > ARRAY_SIZE(usb_strings)) {
113c: e3540006 cmp r4, #6
1140: 8a000048 bhi 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
DEBUGE("bLength=%u, wLength=%u ",
usb_strings[desc_index]->bLength, wLength);
udp_ep0_send_data((const char *) usb_strings[desc_index],
1144: e59f2160 ldr r2, [pc, #352] ; 12ac <dfu_udp_irq+0x3a8>
1148: e0824104 add r4, r2, r4, lsl #2
114c: e5940038 ldr r0, [r4, #56] ; 0x38
1150: e5d01000 ldrb r1, [r0]
DEBUGE("bLength=%u, wLength=%u ",
usb_strings[desc_index]->bLength, wLength);
udp_ep0_send_data((const char *) usb_strings[desc_index],
1154: e1530001 cmp r3, r1
1158: 31a01003 movcc r1, r3
115c: eafffff3 b 1130 <dfu_udp_irq+0x22c>
/* Return Function descriptor */
udp_ep0_send_data((const char *) &dfu_cfg_descriptor.func_dfu,
1160: e59f014c ldr r0, [pc, #332] ; 12b4 <dfu_udp_irq+0x3b0>
1164: e3530009 cmp r3, #9
1168: 31a01003 movcc r1, r3
116c: 23a01009 movcs r1, #9
1170: eaffffee b 1130 <dfu_udp_irq+0x22c>
1174: ebfffdf7 bl 958 <udp_ep0_send_zlp>
pUDP->UDP_FADDR = (AT91C_UDP_FEN | wValue);
1178: e3843c01 orr r3, r4, #256 ; 0x100
117c: e2544000 subs r4, r4, #0
1180: 13a04001 movne r4, #1
pUDP->UDP_FADDR = (AT91C_UDP_FEN | wValue);
1184: e50530f7 str r3, [r5, #-247] ; 0xffffff09
1188: e50540fb str r4, [r5, #-251] ; 0xffffff05
118c: ea000036 b 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
if (wValue)
cur_config = wValue;
1190: e59f3100 ldr r3, [pc, #256] ; 1298 <dfu_udp_irq+0x394>
1194: e5c34100 strb r4, [r3, #256] ; 0x100
1198: ebfffdee bl 958 <udp_ep0_send_zlp>
119c: e3540000 cmp r4, #0
11a0: 03a03001 moveq r3, #1
11a4: 13a03002 movne r3, #2
if (wValue)
cur_config = wValue;
11a8: e50530fb str r3, [r5, #-251] ; 0xffffff05
pUDP->UDP_CSR[1] =
11ac: 01a03004 moveq r3, r4
11b0: 13a03c82 movne r3, #33280 ; 0x8200
cur_config = wValue;
pUDP->UDP_CSR[1] =
11b4: e50530cb str r3, [r5, #-203] ; 0xffffff35
pUDP->UDP_CSR[2] =
(wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN) : 0;
11b8: 01a03004 moveq r3, r4
11bc: 13a03c86 movne r3, #34304 ; 0x8600
pUDP->UDP_CSR[1] =
pUDP->UDP_CSR[2] =
11c0: e50530c7 str r3, [r5, #-199] ; 0xffffff39
(wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN) : 0;
pUDP->UDP_CSR[3] =
(wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN) : 0;
11c4: 13a04c87 movne r4, #34560 ; 0x8700
11c8: e3a0300f mov r3, #15
pUDP->UDP_CSR[1] =
pUDP->UDP_CSR[2] =
(wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN) : 0;
pUDP->UDP_CSR[3] =
11cc: e50540c3 str r4, [r5, #-195] ; 0xffffff3d
(wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN) : 0;
11d0: e50530ef str r3, [r5, #-239] ; 0xffffff11
11d4: ea000024 b 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&(cur_config),
11d8: e59f00d8 ldr r0, [pc, #216] ; 12b8 <dfu_udp_irq+0x3b4>
11dc: e3a01001 mov r1, #1
11e0: eaffffd2 b 1130 <dfu_udp_irq+0x22c>
wStatus = 0;
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&wStatus, sizeof(wStatus));
wStatus = 0;
11e4: e28d0008 add r0, sp, #8
11e8: e160c0b2 strh ip, [r0, #-2]!
11ec: ea000013 b 1240 <dfu_udp_irq+0x33c>
DEBUGE("GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT(EPidx=%u) ", wIndex&0x0f);
wStatus = 0;
wIndex &= 0x0F;
if ((pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE & AT91C_UDP_CONFG) && (wIndex == 0)) {
11f0: e51530fb ldr r3, [r5, #-251] ; 0xffffff05
11f4: e3130002 tst r3, #2
wStatus = 0;
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&wStatus, sizeof(wStatus));
DEBUGE("GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT(EPidx=%u) ", wIndex&0x0f);
wStatus = 0;
11f8: e1cdc0b6 strh ip, [sp, #6]
wIndex &= 0x0F;
11fc: e20e200f and r2, lr, #15
if ((pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE & AT91C_UDP_CONFG) && (wIndex == 0)) {
1200: 0a000002 beq 1210 <dfu_udp_irq+0x30c>
1204: e3520000 cmp r2, #0
wStatus =
(pUDP->UDP_CSR[wIndex] & AT91C_UDP_EPEDS) ? 0 : 1;
1208: 051530cf ldreq r3, [r5, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
DEBUGE("GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT(EPidx=%u) ", wIndex&0x0f);
wStatus = 0;
wIndex &= 0x0F;
if ((pUDP->UDP_GLBSTATE & AT91C_UDP_CONFG) && (wIndex == 0)) {
120c: 0a000006 beq 122c <dfu_udp_irq+0x328>
wStatus =
(pUDP->UDP_CSR[wIndex] & AT91C_UDP_EPEDS) ? 0 : 1;
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&wStatus,
1210: e59f307c ldr r3, [pc, #124] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
1214: e51310fb ldr r1, [r3, #-251] ; 0xffffff05
1218: e3110001 tst r1, #1
121c: 0a000011 beq 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
&& (wIndex == 0)) {
1220: e3520000 cmp r2, #0
1224: 1a00000f bne 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
wStatus =
(pUDP->UDP_CSR[wIndex] & AT91C_UDP_EPEDS) ? 0 : 1;
1228: e51330cf ldr r3, [r3, #-207] ; 0xffffff31
122c: e3130902 tst r3, #32768 ; 0x8000
1230: 13a03000 movne r3, #0
1234: 03a03001 moveq r3, #1
1238: e28d0008 add r0, sp, #8
123c: e16030b2 strh r3, [r0, #-2]!
udp_ep0_send_data((char *)&wStatus,
1240: e3a01002 mov r1, #2
1244: eaffffb9 b 1130 <dfu_udp_irq+0x22c>
/* FIXME: store the interface number somewhere, once
* we need to support DFU flashing DFU */
1248: ebfffdc2 bl 958 <udp_ep0_send_zlp>
124c: ea000006 b 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
DEBUGE("DEFAULT(req=0x%02x, type=0x%02x) ",
bRequest, bmRequestType);
if ((bmRequestType & 0x3f) == USB_TYPE_DFU) {
1250: e200203f and r2, r0, #63 ; 0x3f
1254: e3520021 cmp r2, #33 ; 0x21
1258: 1a000002 bne 1268 <dfu_udp_irq+0x364>
dfu_ep0_handler(bmRequestType, bRequest,
125c: e1a02004 mov r2, r4
1260: ebfffe83 bl c74 <dfu_ep0_handler>
1264: ea000000 b 126c <dfu_udp_irq+0x368>
wValue, wLength);
} else
1268: ebfffdcb bl 99c <udp_ep0_send_stall>
if (isr & AT91C_UDP_EPINT0)
/* clear all interrupts */
pUDP->UDP_ICR = isr;
126c: e59d2000 ldr r2, [sp]
1270: e59f301c ldr r3, [pc, #28] ; 1294 <dfu_udp_irq+0x390>
1274: e50320df str r2, [r3, #-223] ; 0xffffff21
static inline void AT91F_AIC_ClearIt (
AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
unsigned int irq_id) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
//* Clear the interrupt on the Interrupt Controller ( if one is pending )
pAic->AIC_ICCR = (0x1 << irq_id);
1278: e3a02b02 mov r2, #2048 ; 0x800
127c: e2833a4f add r3, r3, #323584 ; 0x4f000
1280: e5832029 str r2, [r3, #41] ; 0x29
1284: e3a00402 mov r0, #33554432 ; 0x2000000
1288: ebffff12 bl ed8 <AT91F_PIO_SetOutput.clone.6>
128c: e8bd403e pop {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, lr}
1290: e12fff1e bx lr
1294: fffb00ff .word 0xfffb00ff
1298: 00201ae4 .word 0x00201ae4
129c: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
12a0: 00000101 .word 0x00000101
12a4: 00000302 .word 0x00000302
12a8: 00000b01 .word 0x00000b01
12ac: 000017b8 .word 0x000017b8
12b0: 000017ca .word 0x000017ca
12b4: 000017e5 .word 0x000017e5
12b8: 00201be4 .word 0x00201be4
000012bc <dfu_switch>:
/* this is only called once before DFU mode, no __dfufunc required */
static void dfu_switch(void)
12bc: e92d4008 push {r3, lr}
DEBUGE("\r\nsam7dfu: switching to DFU mode\r\n");
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_appDETACH;
12c0: e59f300c ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; 12d4 <dfu_switch+0x18>
12c4: e3a02001 mov r2, #1
12c8: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
12cc: ebffff07 bl ef0 <AT91F_RSTSoftReset.clone.8>
12d0: eafffffe b 12d0 <dfu_switch+0x14>
12d4: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
000012d8 <dfu_main>:
* caller since he doesn't expect us to do so */
while (1) ;
void __dfufunc dfu_main(void)
12d8: e92d4008 push {r3, lr}
12dc: e3a00402 mov r0, #33554432 ; 0x2000000
12e0: ebfffeea bl e90 <AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput.clone.5>
12e4: e3a00301 mov r0, #67108864 ; 0x4000000
12e8: ebfffee8 bl e90 <AT91F_PIO_CfgOutput.clone.5>
12ec: e3a00402 mov r0, #33554432 ; 0x2000000
12f0: ebfffef8 bl ed8 <AT91F_PIO_SetOutput.clone.6>
12f4: e3a00301 mov r0, #67108864 ; 0x4000000
12f8: ebfffef6 bl ed8 <AT91F_PIO_SetOutput.clone.6>
12fc: eb00002b bl 13b0 <AT91F_DBGU_Init>
AT91F_DBGU_Printk("\n\r\n\rsam7dfu - AT91SAM7 USB DFU bootloader\n\r"
1300: e59f0078 ldr r0, [pc, #120] ; 1380 <dfu_main+0xa8>
1304: eb00004d bl 1440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>
"(C) 2006-2008 by Harald Welte <hwelte@hmw-consulting.de>\n\r"
"This software is FREE SOFTWARE licensed under GNU GPL\n\r");
1308: e59f0074 ldr r0, [pc, #116] ; 1384 <dfu_main+0xac>
130c: eb00004b bl 1440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>
" compiled " COMPILE_DATE
" by " COMPILE_BY "\n\r\n\r");
1310: ebfffee2 bl ea0 <udp_init>
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
1314: e59f306c ldr r3, [pc, #108] ; 1388 <dfu_main+0xb0>
1318: e3a01002 mov r1, #2
pAic->AIC_IDCR = 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP;
pAic->AIC_SVR[AT91C_ID_UDP] = (unsigned int) &dfu_udp_irq;
131c: e59f0068 ldr r0, [pc, #104] ; 138c <dfu_main+0xb4>
pAic->AIC_IDCR = 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP;
1320: e3a02b02 mov r2, #2048 ; 0x800
" compiled " COMPILE_DATE
" by " COMPILE_BY "\n\r\n\r");
dfu_state = DFU_STATE_dfuIDLE;
1324: e5831000 str r1, [r3]
pAic->AIC_IDCR = 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP;
1328: e3e03c0f mvn r3, #3840 ; 0xf00
132c: e5832025 str r2, [r3, #37] ; 0x25
pAic->AIC_SVR[AT91C_ID_UDP] = (unsigned int) &dfu_udp_irq;
1330: e5030053 str r0, [r3, #-83] ; 0xffffffad
1334: e50310d3 str r1, [r3, #-211] ; 0xffffff2d
/* End-of-Bus-Reset is always enabled */
/* Clear for set the Pull up resistor */
#if defined(PCD)
1338: e3a00501 mov r0, #4194304 ; 0x400000
pAic->AIC_IDCR = 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP;
pAic->AIC_SVR[AT91C_ID_UDP] = (unsigned int) &dfu_udp_irq;
pAic->AIC_ICCR = 1 << AT91C_ID_UDP;
133c: e5832029 str r2, [r3, #41] ; 0x29
static inline void AT91F_AIC_EnableIt (
AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
unsigned int irq_id ) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
//* Enable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_IECR = 0x1 << irq_id ;
1340: e5832021 str r2, [r3, #33] ; 0x21
/* End-of-Bus-Reset is always enabled */
/* Clear for set the Pull up resistor */
#if defined(PCD)
1344: ebfffee3 bl ed8 <AT91F_PIO_SetOutput.clone.6>
1348: e3a00801 mov r0, #65536 ; 0x10000
134c: ebfffee4 bl ee4 <AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput.clone.7>
1350: eb00007b bl 1544 <flash_init>
AT91F_DBGU_Printk("You may now start the DFU up/download process\r\n");
1354: e59f0034 ldr r0, [pc, #52] ; 1390 <dfu_main+0xb8>
1358: eb000038 bl 1440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>
/* do nothing, since all of DFU is interrupt driven */
int i = 0;
135c: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
while (1) {
/* Occasionally reset watchdog */
i = (i+1) % 10000;
1360: e2810001 add r0, r1, #1
1364: e59f1028 ldr r1, [pc, #40] ; 1394 <dfu_main+0xbc>
1368: eb000109 bl 1794 <__aeabi_idivmod>
if( i== 0) {
136c: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
//* \brief Restart Watchdog
static inline void AT91F_WDTRestart(
pWDTC->WDTC_WDCR = 0xA5000001;
1370: 059f2020 ldreq r2, [pc, #32] ; 1398 <dfu_main+0xc0>
1374: 03e03c02 mvneq r3, #512 ; 0x200
1378: 050320bf streq r2, [r3, #-191] ; 0xffffff41
137c: eafffff7 b 1360 <dfu_main+0x88>
1380: 0000199c .word 0x0000199c
1384: 00001a39 .word 0x00001a39
1388: 00200020 .word 0x00200020
138c: 00000f04 .word 0x00000f04
1390: 00001a7c .word 0x00001a7c
1394: 00002710 .word 0x00002710
1398: a5000001 .word 0xa5000001
0000139c <AT91F_DBGU_Ready>:
#include <string.h>
void AT91F_DBGU_Ready(void)
139c: e3e03c0d mvn r3, #3328 ; 0xd00
13a0: e51330eb ldr r3, [r3, #-235] ; 0xffffff15
13a4: e3130c02 tst r3, #512 ; 0x200
13a8: 0afffffb beq 139c <AT91F_DBGU_Ready>
13ac: e12fff1e bx lr
000013b0 <AT91F_DBGU_Init>:
void AT91F_DBGU_Init(void)
13b0: e92d4037 push {r0, r1, r2, r4, r5, lr}
AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
unsigned int periphAEnable, // \arg PERIPH A to enable
unsigned int periphBEnable) // \arg PERIPH B to enable
pPio->PIO_ASR = periphAEnable;
13b4: e3e03c0b mvn r3, #2816 ; 0xb00
13b8: e3a02c06 mov r2, #1536 ; 0x600
pPio->PIO_BSR = periphBEnable;
13bc: e3a04000 mov r4, #0
AT91PS_PIO pPio, // \arg pointer to a PIO controller
unsigned int periphAEnable, // \arg PERIPH A to enable
unsigned int periphBEnable) // \arg PERIPH B to enable
pPio->PIO_ASR = periphAEnable;
13c0: e503208f str r2, [r3, #-143] ; 0xffffff71
/* Open PIO for DBGU */
/* Enable Transmitter & receivier */
13c4: e3e05c0d mvn r5, #3328 ; 0xd00
pPio->PIO_BSR = periphBEnable;
13c8: e503408b str r4, [r3, #-139] ; 0xffffff75
pPio->PIO_PDR = (periphAEnable | periphBEnable); // Set in Periph mode
13cc: e50320fb str r2, [r3, #-251] ; 0xffffff05
13d0: e3a0300c mov r3, #12
13d4: e50530ff str r3, [r5, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
/* Configure DBGU */
13d8: e59f004c ldr r0, [pc, #76] ; 142c <AT91F_DBGU_Init+0x7c>
13dc: e59f104c ldr r1, [pc, #76] ; 1430 <AT91F_DBGU_Init+0x80>
13e0: e2822d0b add r2, r2, #704 ; 0x2c0
13e4: e59f3048 ldr r3, [pc, #72] ; 1434 <AT91F_DBGU_Init+0x84>
13e8: e58d4000 str r4, [sp]
13ec: ebfffcf4 bl 7c4 <AT91F_US_Configure>
/* Enable Transmitter & receivier */
13f0: e3a03050 mov r3, #80 ; 0x50
13f4: e50530ff str r3, [r5, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
/* Enable USART IT error and AT91C_US_ENDRX */
/* open interrupt */
13f8: e59f3038 ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; 1438 <AT91F_DBGU_Init+0x88>
static inline void AT91F_US_EnableIt (
AT91PS_USART pUSART, // \arg pointer to a USART controller
unsigned int flag) // \arg IT to be enabled
//* Write to the IER register
pUSART->US_IER = flag;
13fc: e3a01001 mov r1, #1
1400: e50510f7 str r1, [r5, #-247] ; 0xffffff09
1404: e3a02004 mov r2, #4
1408: e58d3000 str r3, [sp]
140c: e59f0028 ldr r0, [pc, #40] ; 143c <AT91F_DBGU_Init+0x8c>
1410: e1a03004 mov r3, r4
1414: ebfffbd0 bl 35c <AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt>
static inline void AT91F_AIC_EnableIt (
AT91PS_AIC pAic, // \arg pointer to the AIC registers
unsigned int irq_id ) // \arg interrupt number to initialize
//* Enable the interrupt on the interrupt controller
pAic->AIC_IECR = 0x1 << irq_id ;
1418: e3a02002 mov r2, #2
141c: e3e03c0f mvn r3, #3840 ; 0xf00
1420: e5832021 str r2, [r3, #33] ; 0x21
1424: e8bd403e pop {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, lr}
1428: e12fff1e bx lr
142c: fffff200 .word 0xfffff200
1430: 02db4000 .word 0x02db4000
1434: 0001c200 .word 0x0001c200
1438: 00001488 .word 0x00001488
143c: fffff000 .word 0xfffff000
00001440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>:
void AT91F_DBGU_Printk(char *buffer)
while (*buffer != '\0') {
1440: ea000004 b 1458 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk+0x18>
//* \brief Return 1 if a character can be written in US_THR
static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_TxReady (
AT91PS_USART pUSART ) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
return (pUSART->US_CSR & AT91C_US_TXRDY);
1444: e3e02c0d mvn r2, #3328 ; 0xd00
1448: e51210eb ldr r1, [r2, #-235] ; 0xffffff15
while (!AT91F_US_TxReady((AT91PS_USART) AT91C_BASE_DBGU)) ;
144c: e3110002 tst r1, #2
1450: 0afffffb beq 1444 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk+0x4>
static inline void AT91F_US_PutChar (
int character )
pUSART->US_THR = (character & 0x1FF);
1454: e50230e3 str r3, [r2, #-227] ; 0xffffff1d
void AT91F_DBGU_Printk(char *buffer)
while (*buffer != '\0') {
1458: e4d03001 ldrb r3, [r0], #1
145c: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
1460: 1afffff7 bne 1444 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk+0x4>
while (!AT91F_US_TxReady((AT91PS_USART) AT91C_BASE_DBGU)) ;
AT91F_US_PutChar((AT91PS_USART) AT91C_BASE_DBGU, *buffer++);
1464: e12fff1e bx lr
00001468 <AT91F_DBGU_Get>:
//* \brief Return 1 if a character can be read in US_RHR
static inline unsigned int AT91F_US_RxReady (
AT91PS_USART pUSART ) // \arg pointer to a USART controller
return (pUSART->US_CSR & AT91C_US_RXRDY);
1468: e3e03c0d mvn r3, #3328 ; 0xd00
146c: e51320eb ldr r2, [r3, #-235] ; 0xffffff15
int AT91F_DBGU_Get(char *val)
if ((AT91F_US_RxReady((AT91PS_USART) AT91C_BASE_DBGU)) == 0)
1470: e2122001 ands r2, r2, #1
//* \brief Receive a character,does not check if a character is available
static inline int AT91F_US_GetChar (
return((pUSART->US_RHR) & 0x1FF);
1474: 151330e7 ldrne r3, [r3, #-231] ; 0xffffff19
return (0);
1478: 01a00002 moveq r0, r2
else {
*val = AT91F_US_GetChar((AT91PS_USART) AT91C_BASE_DBGU);
147c: 15c03000 strbne r3, [r0]
return (-1);
1480: 13e00000 mvnne r0, #0
1484: e12fff1e bx lr
00001488 <DBGU_irq_handler>:
static void DBGU_irq_handler(void)
1488: e92d4010 push {r4, lr}
static char value;
148c: e59f4038 ldr r4, [pc, #56] ; 14cc <DBGU_irq_handler+0x44>
1490: e1a00004 mov r0, r4
1494: ebfffff3 bl 1468 <AT91F_DBGU_Get>
switch (value) {
1498: e5d43000 ldrb r3, [r4]
149c: e3530039 cmp r3, #57 ; 0x39
14a0: 1a000006 bne 14c0 <DBGU_irq_handler+0x38>
case '9':
AT91F_DBGU_Printk("Resetting SAM7\n\r");
14a4: e59f0024 ldr r0, [pc, #36] ; 14d0 <DBGU_irq_handler+0x48>
14a8: ebffffe4 bl 1440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>
static inline void AT91F_RSTSoftReset(
unsigned int reset)
pRSTC->RSTC_RCR = (0xA5000000 | reset);
14ac: e59f2020 ldr r2, [pc, #32] ; 14d4 <DBGU_irq_handler+0x4c>
14b0: e3e03c02 mvn r3, #512 ; 0x200
14b4: e50320ff str r2, [r3, #-255] ; 0xffffff01
14b8: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
14bc: e12fff1e bx lr
AT91F_DBGU_Printk("Resetting SAM7\n\r");
14c0: e59f0010 ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; 14d8 <DBGU_irq_handler+0x50>
14c4: e8bd4010 pop {r4, lr}
AT91F_DBGU_Printk("Resetting SAM7\n\r");
14c8: eaffffdc b 1440 <AT91F_DBGU_Printk>
14cc: 00201be8 .word 0x00201be8
14d0: 00001aac .word 0x00001aac
14d4: a500000d .word 0xa500000d
14d8: 00001a79 .word 0x00001a79
000014dc <AT91F_MC_EFC_PerformCmd.clone.3>:
static inline void AT91F_MC_EFC_PerformCmd (
AT91PS_MC pMC, // pointer to a MC controller
unsigned int transfer_cmd)
pMC->MC_FCR = transfer_cmd;
14dc: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
14e0: e503009b str r0, [r3, #-155] ; 0xffffff65
14e4: e12fff1e bx lr
000014e8 <flash_page>:
static u_int16_t page_from_ramaddr(const void *addr)
u_int32_t ramaddr = (u_int32_t) addr;
ramaddr -= (u_int32_t) AT91C_IFLASH;
return ((ramaddr >> AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SHIFT));
14e8: e1a03700 lsl r3, r0, #14
//* \brief Return MC EFC Status
static inline unsigned int AT91F_MC_EFC_GetStatus(
AT91PS_MC pMC) // pointer to a MC controller
return pMC->MC_FSR;
14ec: e3e02000 mvn r2, #0
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
void flash_page(u_int8_t *addr)
u_int16_t page = page_from_ramaddr(addr) & 0x3ff;
14f0: e1a03b23 lsr r3, r3, #22
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
void flash_page(u_int8_t *addr)
14f4: e92d4070 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
u_int16_t page = page_from_ramaddr(addr) & 0x3ff;
14f8: e1a03803 lsl r3, r3, #16
14fc: e5125097 ldr r5, [r2, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
static int is_page_locked(u_int16_t page)
u_int16_t lockregion = LOCKREGION_FROM_PAGE(page);
return (AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR & (lockregion << 16));
1500: e5122097 ldr r2, [r2, #-151] ; 0xffffff69
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
void flash_page(u_int8_t *addr)
u_int16_t page = page_from_ramaddr(addr) & 0x3ff;
1504: e1a04823 lsr r4, r3, #16
static int is_page_locked(u_int16_t page)
u_int16_t lockregion = LOCKREGION_FROM_PAGE(page);
return (AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR & (lockregion << 16));
1508: e1a03a23 lsr r3, r3, #20
u_int16_t page = page_from_ramaddr(addr) & 0x3ff;
u_int32_t fsr = AT91F_MC_EFC_GetStatus(AT91C_BASE_MC);
DEBUGP("flash_page(0x%x=%u) ", addr, page);
if (is_page_locked(page)) {
150c: e0123803 ands r3, r2, r3, lsl #16
static void unlock_page(u_int16_t page)
page &= 0x3ff;
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
1510: 11a00404 lslne r0, r4, #8
static void unlock_page(u_int16_t page)
page &= 0x3ff;
1514: 1380045a orrne r0, r0, #1509949440 ; 0x5a000000
1518: 13800004 orrne r0, r0, #4
151c: 1bffffee blne 14dc <AT91F_MC_EFC_PerformCmd.clone.3>
if (is_page_locked(page)) {
DEBUGP("unlocking ");
if (!(fsr & AT91C_MC_FRDY)) {
1520: e3150001 tst r5, #1
1524: 0a000004 beq 153c <flash_page+0x54>
DEBUGP("performing start_prog ");
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
1528: e1a04404 lsl r4, r4, #8
DEBUGP("performing start_prog ");
152c: e384045a orr r0, r4, #1509949440 ; 0x5a000000
1530: e3800001 orr r0, r0, #1
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
1534: e8bd4070 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr}
DEBUGP("performing start_prog ");
1538: eaffffe7 b 14dc <AT91F_MC_EFC_PerformCmd.clone.3>
AT91C_MC_CORRECT_KEY | (page << 8));
153c: e8bd4070 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr}
1540: e12fff1e bx lr
00001544 <flash_init>:
static inline void AT91F_MC_EFC_CfgModeReg (
AT91PS_MC pMC, // pointer to a MC controller
unsigned int mode) // mode register
// Write to the FMR register
pMC->MC_FMR = mode;
1544: e59f2008 ldr r2, [pc, #8] ; 1554 <flash_init+0x10>
1548: e3e03000 mvn r3, #0
154c: e503209f str r2, [r3, #-159] ; 0xffffff61
unsigned int fmcn = AT91F_MC_EFC_ComputeFMCN(MCK);
AT91F_MC_EFC_CfgModeReg(AT91C_BASE_MC, (fmcn&0xff) << 16 |
1550: e12fff1e bx lr
1554: 00310300 .word 0x00310300
00001558 <__aeabi_uidiv>:
1558: e2512001 subs r2, r1, #1
155c: 012fff1e bxeq lr
1560: 3a000036 bcc 1640 <__aeabi_uidiv+0xe8>
1564: e1500001 cmp r0, r1
1568: 9a000022 bls 15f8 <__aeabi_uidiv+0xa0>
156c: e1110002 tst r1, r2
1570: 0a000023 beq 1604 <__aeabi_uidiv+0xac>
1574: e311020e tst r1, #-536870912 ; 0xe0000000
1578: 01a01181 lsleq r1, r1, #3
157c: 03a03008 moveq r3, #8
1580: 13a03001 movne r3, #1
1584: e3510201 cmp r1, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
1588: 31510000 cmpcc r1, r0
158c: 31a01201 lslcc r1, r1, #4
1590: 31a03203 lslcc r3, r3, #4
1594: 3afffffa bcc 1584 <__aeabi_uidiv+0x2c>
1598: e3510102 cmp r1, #-2147483648 ; 0x80000000
159c: 31510000 cmpcc r1, r0
15a0: 31a01081 lslcc r1, r1, #1
15a4: 31a03083 lslcc r3, r3, #1
15a8: 3afffffa bcc 1598 <__aeabi_uidiv+0x40>
15ac: e3a02000 mov r2, #0
15b0: e1500001 cmp r0, r1
15b4: 20400001 subcs r0, r0, r1
15b8: 21822003 orrcs r2, r2, r3
15bc: e15000a1 cmp r0, r1, lsr #1
15c0: 204000a1 subcs r0, r0, r1, lsr #1
15c4: 218220a3 orrcs r2, r2, r3, lsr #1
15c8: e1500121 cmp r0, r1, lsr #2
15cc: 20400121 subcs r0, r0, r1, lsr #2
15d0: 21822123 orrcs r2, r2, r3, lsr #2
15d4: e15001a1 cmp r0, r1, lsr #3
15d8: 204001a1 subcs r0, r0, r1, lsr #3
15dc: 218221a3 orrcs r2, r2, r3, lsr #3
15e0: e3500000 cmp r0, #0
15e4: 11b03223 lsrsne r3, r3, #4
15e8: 11a01221 lsrne r1, r1, #4
15ec: 1affffef bne 15b0 <__aeabi_uidiv+0x58>
15f0: e1a00002 mov r0, r2
15f4: e12fff1e bx lr
15f8: 03a00001 moveq r0, #1
15fc: 13a00000 movne r0, #0
1600: e12fff1e bx lr
1604: e3510801 cmp r1, #65536 ; 0x10000
1608: 21a01821 lsrcs r1, r1, #16
160c: 23a02010 movcs r2, #16
1610: 33a02000 movcc r2, #0
1614: e3510c01 cmp r1, #256 ; 0x100
1618: 21a01421 lsrcs r1, r1, #8
161c: 22822008 addcs r2, r2, #8
1620: e3510010 cmp r1, #16
1624: 21a01221 lsrcs r1, r1, #4
1628: 22822004 addcs r2, r2, #4
162c: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
1630: 82822003 addhi r2, r2, #3
1634: 908220a1 addls r2, r2, r1, lsr #1
1638: e1a00230 lsr r0, r0, r2
163c: e12fff1e bx lr
1640: e3500000 cmp r0, #0
1644: 13e00000 mvnne r0, #0
1648: ea000059 b 17b4 <__aeabi_idiv0>
0000164c <__aeabi_uidivmod>:
164c: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
1650: 0afffffa beq 1640 <__aeabi_uidiv+0xe8>
1654: e92d4003 push {r0, r1, lr}
1658: ebffffbe bl 1558 <__aeabi_uidiv>
165c: e8bd4006 pop {r1, r2, lr}
1660: e0030092 mul r3, r2, r0
1664: e0411003 sub r1, r1, r3
1668: e12fff1e bx lr
0000166c <__aeabi_idiv>:
166c: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
1670: 0a000043 beq 1784 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0x110>
00001674 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test>:
1674: e020c001 eor ip, r0, r1
1678: 42611000 rsbmi r1, r1, #0
167c: e2512001 subs r2, r1, #1
1680: 0a000027 beq 1724 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0xb0>
1684: e1b03000 movs r3, r0
1688: 42603000 rsbmi r3, r0, #0
168c: e1530001 cmp r3, r1
1690: 9a000026 bls 1730 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0xbc>
1694: e1110002 tst r1, r2
1698: 0a000028 beq 1740 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0xcc>
169c: e311020e tst r1, #-536870912 ; 0xe0000000
16a0: 01a01181 lsleq r1, r1, #3
16a4: 03a02008 moveq r2, #8
16a8: 13a02001 movne r2, #1
16ac: e3510201 cmp r1, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
16b0: 31510003 cmpcc r1, r3
16b4: 31a01201 lslcc r1, r1, #4
16b8: 31a02202 lslcc r2, r2, #4
16bc: 3afffffa bcc 16ac <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0x38>
16c0: e3510102 cmp r1, #-2147483648 ; 0x80000000
16c4: 31510003 cmpcc r1, r3
16c8: 31a01081 lslcc r1, r1, #1
16cc: 31a02082 lslcc r2, r2, #1
16d0: 3afffffa bcc 16c0 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0x4c>
16d4: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
16d8: e1530001 cmp r3, r1
16dc: 20433001 subcs r3, r3, r1
16e0: 21800002 orrcs r0, r0, r2
16e4: e15300a1 cmp r3, r1, lsr #1
16e8: 204330a1 subcs r3, r3, r1, lsr #1
16ec: 218000a2 orrcs r0, r0, r2, lsr #1
16f0: e1530121 cmp r3, r1, lsr #2
16f4: 20433121 subcs r3, r3, r1, lsr #2
16f8: 21800122 orrcs r0, r0, r2, lsr #2
16fc: e15301a1 cmp r3, r1, lsr #3
1700: 204331a1 subcs r3, r3, r1, lsr #3
1704: 218001a2 orrcs r0, r0, r2, lsr #3
1708: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
170c: 11b02222 lsrsne r2, r2, #4
1710: 11a01221 lsrne r1, r1, #4
1714: 1affffef bne 16d8 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0x64>
1718: e35c0000 cmp ip, #0
171c: 42600000 rsbmi r0, r0, #0
1720: e12fff1e bx lr
1724: e13c0000 teq ip, r0
1728: 42600000 rsbmi r0, r0, #0
172c: e12fff1e bx lr
1730: 33a00000 movcc r0, #0
1734: 01a00fcc asreq r0, ip, #31
1738: 03800001 orreq r0, r0, #1
173c: e12fff1e bx lr
1740: e3510801 cmp r1, #65536 ; 0x10000
1744: 21a01821 lsrcs r1, r1, #16
1748: 23a02010 movcs r2, #16
174c: 33a02000 movcc r2, #0
1750: e3510c01 cmp r1, #256 ; 0x100
1754: 21a01421 lsrcs r1, r1, #8
1758: 22822008 addcs r2, r2, #8
175c: e3510010 cmp r1, #16
1760: 21a01221 lsrcs r1, r1, #4
1764: 22822004 addcs r2, r2, #4
1768: e3510004 cmp r1, #4
176c: 82822003 addhi r2, r2, #3
1770: 908220a1 addls r2, r2, r1, lsr #1
1774: e35c0000 cmp ip, #0
1778: e1a00233 lsr r0, r3, r2
177c: 42600000 rsbmi r0, r0, #0
1780: e12fff1e bx lr
1784: e3500000 cmp r0, #0
1788: c3e00102 mvngt r0, #-2147483648 ; 0x80000000
178c: b3a00102 movlt r0, #-2147483648 ; 0x80000000
1790: ea000007 b 17b4 <__aeabi_idiv0>
00001794 <__aeabi_idivmod>:
1794: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
1798: 0afffff9 beq 1784 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test+0x110>
179c: e92d4003 push {r0, r1, lr}
17a0: ebffffb3 bl 1674 <.divsi3_skip_div0_test>
17a4: e8bd4006 pop {r1, r2, lr}
17a8: e0030092 mul r3, r2, r0
17ac: e0411003 sub r1, r1, r3
17b0: e12fff1e bx lr
000017b4 <__aeabi_idiv0>:
17b4: e12fff1e bx lr
000017b8 <dfu_dev_descriptor>:
17b8: 01000112 08000000 076b16c0 00000000 ..........k.....
17c8: 02090100 ..
000017ca <dfu_cfg_descriptor>:
17ca: 00240209 80000101 00040964 01fe0000 ..$.....d.......
17da: 04090002 fe000100 09000201 ff000321 ............!...
17ea: 01000100 18080000 ......
000017f0 <usb_strings>:
17f0: 00001808 0000180c 00001874 000018b2 ........t.......
1800: 000018e6 00001942 ....B...
00001808 <string0>:
1808: 04090304 ....
0000180c <string1>:
180c: 00620368 00740069 0061006d 0075006e h.b.i.t.m.a.n.u.
181c: 00610066 0074006b 00720075 0064002e f.a.k.t.u.r...d.
182c: 00200065 00540049 00530020 006c006f e. .I.T. .S.o.l.
183c: 00740075 006f0069 0073006e 00610020 u.t.i.o.n.s. .a.
184c: 0064006e 00680020 0077006d 0063002d n.d. .h.m.w.-.c.
185c: 006e006f 00750073 0074006c 006e0069 o.n.s.u.l.t.i.n.
186c: 002e0067 00650064 g...d.e.
00001874 <string2>:
1874: 004f033e 00650070 0050006e 00440043 >.O.p.e.n.P.C.D.
1884: 00520020 00490046 00200044 00650052 .R.F.I.D. .R.e.
1894: 00640061 00720065 002d0020 00440020 a.d.e.r. .-. .D.
18a4: 00550046 004d0020 0064006f 03340065 F.U. .M.o.d.e.
000018b2 <string3>:
18b2: 004f0334 00650070 0050006e 00440043 4.O.p.e.n.P.C.D.
18c2: 00440020 00550046 00430020 006e006f .D.F.U. .C.o.n.
18d2: 00690066 00750067 00610072 00690074 f.i.g.u.r.a.t.i.
18e2: 006e006f o.n.
000018e6 <string4>:
18e6: 004f035c 00650070 0050006e 00440043 \.O.p.e.n.P.C.D.
18f6: 00440020 00550046 00490020 0074006e .D.F.U. .I.n.t.
1906: 00720065 00610066 00650063 002d0020 e.r.f.a.c.e. .-.
1916: 00410020 00700070 0069006c 00610063 .A.p.p.l.i.c.a.
1926: 00690074 006e006f 00500020 00720061 t.i.o.n. .P.a.r.
1936: 00690074 00690074 006e006f t.i.t.i.o.n.
00001942 <string5>:
1942: 004f035a 00650070 0050006e 00440043 Z.O.p.e.n.P.C.D.
1952: 00440020 00550046 00490020 0074006e .D.F.U. .I.n.t.
1962: 00720065 00610066 00650063 002d0020 e.r.f.a.c.e. .-.
1972: 00420020 006f006f 006c0074 0061006f .B.o.o.t.l.o.a.
1982: 00650064 00200072 00610050 00740072 d.e.r. .P.a.r.t.
1992: 00740069 006f0069 0d0a006e 61730d0a i.t.i.o.n.....sa
19a2: 6664376d 202d2075 31395441 374d4153 m7dfu - AT91SAM7
19b2: 42535520 55464420 6f6f6220 616f6c74 USB DFU bootloa
19c2: 0a726564 2943280d 30303220 30322d36 der..(C) 2006-20
19d2: 62203830 61482079 646c6172 6c655720 08 by Harald Wel
19e2: 3c206574 6c657768 68406574 632d776d te <hwelte@hmw-c
19f2: 75736e6f 6e69746c 65642e67 540d0a3e onsulting.de>..T
1a02: 20736968 74666f73 65726177 20736920 his software is
1a12: 45455246 464f5320 52415754 696c2045 FREE SOFTWARE li
1a22: 736e6563 75206465 7265646e 554e4720 censed under GNU
1a32: 4c504720 56000d0a 69737265 34206e6f GPL...Version 4
1a42: 752d3539 656c636e 63206e61 69706d6f 95-unclean compi
1a52: 2064656c 31313032 30313530 3036312d led 20110510-160
1a62: 20373039 6e207962 407a7465 62756c42 907 by netz@Blub
1a72: 73694662 0a0d0a68 6f59000d 616d2075 bFish.....You ma
1a82: 6f6e2079 74732077 20747261 20656874 y now start the
1a92: 20554644 642f7075 6c6e776f 2064616f DFU up/download
1aa2: 636f7270 0d737365 6552000a 74746573 process...Resett
1ab2: 20676e69 374d4153 00000d0a dc130000 ing SAM7......
Disassembly of section .data:
00201ac0 <_data>:
.global _remap_call_dfu
.func _remap_call_dfu
/* Remap RAM to 0x00000000 for DFU */
ldr r1, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
201ac0: e59f100c ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; 201ad4 <_data+0x14>
mov r2, #0x01
201ac4: e3a02001 mov r2, #1
str r2, [r1, #AIC_MCR_RCR]
201ac8: e5812f00 str r2, [r1, #3840] ; 0xf00
ldr r4, =dfu_main
201acc: e59f4004 ldr r4, [pc, #4] ; 201ad8 <_data+0x18>
bx r4
201ad0: e12fff14 bx r4
201ad4: fffff000 .word 0xfffff000
201ad8: 000012d8 .word 0x000012d8
00201adc <ptr>:
201adc: 00104000 .@..
00201ae0 <foo>:
201ae0: 00003039 90..