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# Changelog
## 1.6.1 - 2022-01-20 - Dispose bug in netcore
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Remove Thread.Abort, cause it's not support in netcore
### Changes
## 1.6.0 - 2022-01-15 - Refactoring is the key
### New Features
* Using C# 9 Language features now
* Add Readme, Contribute and Changelog
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Modify the HttpClient lib, as it now using the Utility one
* Split the ZwayController and move parts to the zway Subclass
* Rewrite the names.ini so that only the commandclass is used for names
* Codingstyle
* Remove Binarys from code
* Move project to netcore
* Remove the HelperClass and use the one from Utils
## 1.5.1 - 2018-10-29 - Tiny fix for nullpointer exception
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Avoid nullpointerexception
### Changes
## 1.5.0 - 2018-09-29 - Throw Exception if 3 times failed to connect to Raspberry server, add 3 new commandlcasses to IgnoredClasses
### New Features
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
* If a request failed, try again 3 times and then throw the exception to the next level
* Catch all data from the time of the last request and calculate backwards.
### Bugfixes
* Try to fix connectionlost with HttpConnection Class
### Changes
* Codingstyle
## 1.4.4 - 2018-06-02 - Ignore Inclusioncontroller
### New Features
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## 1.4.3 - 2018-05-12 - Fixing Issue with Math.Abs(l)
### New Features
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
### Bugfixes
* Using Math.Abs correctly
### Changes
## - 2018-05-10 - Some sensors make wrong measurements near 0 not exactly 0, so ABS(value) >= 0.1 is alse false
### New Features
* SensorMultilevelSub now can return Lux in Senml
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
### Bugfixes
* Fixing Senml topic
* fixing filter so its not exactly needs 0 for temperatur
### Changes
## - 2018-05-07 - fixing Senml topics and data
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Fixing Senml topic
### Changes
## - 2018-05-03 - Create Senml Messages for Linksmart
### New Features
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
* Add Senml output
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Refactoring
## - 2018-01-01 - Better levelcheck and Alarmsensor added
### New Features
* Add CommandClasses AlarmSensor
* Remove classes from IgnoreClasses
* Add a filter if temperature is near zero and drops rapetly to exact 0
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## - 2017-12-25 - Change Level to numeric and create State for Bollean values, because telegraf only parse numeric
### New Features
* Boolean levels also returned as Int in Json
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## - 2017-12-24 - Check to avoid megapeaks in data now also for temperature
### New Features
* Add a filter for temperature also (if > 50 or < -20 its ignored)
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## - 2017-12-23 - Check to avoid megapeaks in Data
### New Features
* Add a filter for to high values (if W < 3660 its ignored)
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## - 2017-12-22 - Add Alarm and SceneControllerConf
### New Features
* Add CommandClasses Alarm, SceneControllerConf
* Add classes to IgnoreClasses
### Bugfixes
* Avoid nullpointer Exception
### Changes
## - 2017-12-21 - SensorBinary and Fixing
### New Features
* Add CommandClasses SensorBinary
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Json Names are now with a Capital letter
## - 2017-12-19 - Fixing Json Names
### New Features
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Json Names are now with a Capital letter
## - 2017-12-19 - fixing polling once bug
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Poll Once was not used
### Changes
## - 2017-12-18 - Forgot some settings, now configuration setting also works again
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Using Abstract Methods not the Api directly
### Changes
* Using Int -> Double Cast
## - 2017-12-17 - Tiny fix for mqtt
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Using Double instead of Single
### Changes
## - 2017-12-17 - Simpler CommandClass
### New Features
* Using ACommandClass
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Refactoring CommandClass, Merge CommandClass and CommandClassSub and Put parts to abstract ACommandClass.
* Delete ICommandClass
# - 2017-12-06 - F4G Faker
### New Features
* When trigger the update event, pass the class itself also
### Bugfixes
### Changes
# - 2017-12-03 - Tiny Fix
### New Features
### Bugfixes
* Meter Class public, so it cann be accessed
### Changes
# - 2017-11-25 - Massive improvement
### New Features
* Create Interface CommandClass
* Add CommandClasses Configuration
### Bugfixes
### Changes
* Refactoring the complete code
# - 2017-11-20 - First working Version
### New Features
* Create structure for returned data from api (Devices/Instances/CommandClasses)
* Create Pollingthreads
* Improve HttpClient
* Add CommandClasses Battery, CentralScene, Meter, SensorMultilevel, ThermostatSetPoint, Indicator, SwitchBinary, SwitchMultilevel, ThermostatMode, Wakeup
### Bugfixes
### Changes
## - 2017-10-29 - Init
### New Features
* First release
### Bugfixes
### Changes